组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 文学 > 寓言童话
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:168 题号:10785957

An old woman walked into a clothes shop between a cinema and a bank. She asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at the new dress. However, the girl didn’t say a word. She just stood there. The old woman asked the girl to show her the new dress again. But she said nothing. The old woman smiled. She looked at the girl and said to herself, “I am too old to see well. I don’t know who is a model girl and who is a real girl.” When the salesgirl heard that, she shouted at the old woman, “What? Did you call me a model girl?” The old woman was very surprised. She said “Oh, dear. What a surprise! The model can speak.”

1. One day, the old woman go to________ .
A.a bankB.a hospitalC.a bus stationD.a clothes shop
2. The old woman wanted to buy________ .
A.a new hatB.a new sweaterC.a new dressD.a new model
3. From the passage, the girl could be________ .
A.a salesgirlB.a doctorC.a teacherD.a driver


阅读理解-六选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

At the bottom of the sea, there lived a beautiful mermaid princess (人鱼公主). She was good at singing.    1    But she was not allowed until she turned fifteen.

Finally, it was her 15th birthday. The little mermaid rose up to the surface of the sea. There was a large ship on the sea. And she saw a handsome prince standing on it.    2    

However, a sudden storm turned over the ship. Many people fell into the sea, including the prince. The princess saved the prince and brought him to the shore (岸). The princess took care of him all night. When the prince came to life, the little mermaid hid behind a nearby rock.    3     Just then, a young girl came by. Thinking the girl had saved his life, the prince thanked her.

The little mermaid watched the prince leave. She wanted to tell the prince the truth, but she couldn’t. From then on, the little mermaid always swam near the palace at night to see the prince.

    4     So she asked the sea witch (女巫) for help. The witch agreed to turn her into a human, but she had to give up her beautiful voice.    5     And if the prince married someone else, she would become foam (泡沫). The little mermaid took the medicine and swam to the prince’s palace...

What would happen? Read the story The Little Mermaid to find it out. Choose five sentences out of the six in the box to complete the passage. Each choice should be used only once.

A.She thought he might get scared by her tail.
B.The princess fell in love with him at first sight.
C.What’s more, she could never return to the sea.
D.The little mermaid wanted to go and see the world.
E.The princess and the prince lived happily from then on.
F.She wanted to become a human so that she could stay with the prince.
2020-06-28更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-判断(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】第一节       阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的写(A),不符合的写(B)。
Subject: UFO                                          From: Ted
Dear Jack,

I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten o’clock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see where it was going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir (纪念品) shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and then visited the museum of the flight. While the alien was in the museum. I called the TV station. Isn’t that amazing!


1. Ted was walking down the street at about 10:00 on the morning of Sunday.
2. Ted felt strange when a UFO landed in front of him.
3. Ted found an alien go into the UFO.
4. The shop assistant called the police to catch the alien.
5. Ted followed the alien to go into the TV station.
2019-04-11更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约650词) | 适中 (0.65)

"Well, I'll eat the cake," Alice said. "If I get taller, I can reach the key on the table. And if get smaller, I can go under the door into the garden. "Then she finished the cake very soon.

"I shall be as tall as a house in a minute," she said. She tried to look down at her feet, and could only just see them.

Just then her head hit the ceiling (天花板) of the room. She was now about three meters tall quickly, she took the key from the table and hurried to the garden door. But she was too tall to go through the door. She began to cry. The tears (泪水) ran down her face, and soon there was   large pool of salt water all around her on the floor. Suddenly she heard a voice, and she stopped crying to listen.

"Oh, the Duchess (公爵夫人), the Duchess! She'll be very angry! I'm late, and she's waiting for me. Oh dear, oh dear!"

It was the White Rabbit again. He was hurrying down the long room, with a pair of white gloves in one hand and a fan in the other hand.

Alice was afraid, but she needed help. So she said in a low voice, "Oh, please, sir."

Her voice frightened (使惊恐) the Rabbit. He dropped the gloves and the fan, and ran away quickly.

Alice picked up the gloves and the fan. The room was very hot, so she cooled down with the fan. She said, "Oh dear! How strange everything is today! Shall I get smaller during the night?"

She began to feel very unhappy again, but then she looked down at her hand. She was wearing one of the Rabbit's white gloves. "How did I get it on my hand?" she thought." Oh, I'm getting smaller again! I'm already less than a meter tall and getting smaller every second! How can I stop it?" She saw the fan in her other hand. "It must be the fan!" she thought, and quickly she dropped it.

She was now very, very small, and the key was still lying on the table.

"Things are worse than ever," thought poor Alice. She turned away from the door, and fell into salt water, right up to her neck. At first, she thought it was the sea, but then she saw it was the pool of her own tears.

"Oh, why did I cry so much?" said Alice. She swam around and looked for a way out, but the pool was very big. Just then she saw an animal in the water near her. It looked like a large animal to Alice, but it was only a mouse.

"Shall I speak to it?" thought Alice. "Everything is very strange here, so perhaps a mouse can speak."

Then she began, "Oh, mouse, do you know the way out of this pool? I am very tired of swimming."

But the mouse looked at her with its little eyes and said nothing.

"Perhaps it doesn't understand English," thought Alice. "Perhaps it's a French mouse." So she began again, and said in French, "Where is my cat?" (This was first sentence in her French book.)

The mouse jumped half out of the water and looked at her angrily.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" cried Alice quickly. "Of course, you don't like cats, do you?"

"No. I don't like cats," the mouse replied.

(Adapted from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

1. What did the White Rabbit drop when he heard Alice's voice?
A.The cake and the fan.
B.The cake and the key.
C.The gloves and the fan.
D.The gloves and the key.
2. How did Alice feel after the White Rabbit ran away?
3. What is the correct order of what happened to Alice in the story?
a. Alice fell into the salt water.
b. Alice ate up the whole cake.
c. Alice met a mouse and spoke to it.
d. Alice took the key and hurried to the door.
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.The key was taken away by a French cat.
B.The fan made Alice get smaller and smaller.
C.The mouse couldn't speak French or English.
D.The White Rabbit was waiting for the Duchess.
5. Which of the following is the best title for the story?
A.The White Rabbit's house
B.The ceiling of the room
C.A cute mouse and a lazy cat
D.Alice's strange experience
2020-08-30更新 | 506次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般