组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:283 题号:11341673

Many animals migrate—they move over long distances, often at the same time and to the same place each year. They move to places where conditions are better—where the weather is warmer, where there is more food and water, or where their young will be safer. Here are three amazing examples of migration:

One of the largest animal migrations happens on the Serengeti plains in Africa. More than one million wildebeest(牛羚)migrate in a big group. As the seasons change they follow the rain, looking for better grass to eat and water to drink. They stay in one place while the grass and water are good, and then they move on. They return to the same places each year. Thousands of zebras and other animals travel with the wildebeest.

Out of all migrating animals, Arctic terns(北极燕鸥)travel the longest distance. These seabirds lay their eggs and raise their chicks in summer in the north of Europe, Asia and North America. Each year around August, they fly south over the oceans. They spend about five months near Antarctica, while it is warmer there. Then after the southern summer ends, they fly north again. Arctic terns travel more than 70, 000 kilometers in a year!

Salmon(鲑鱼)live most of their lives in the ocean. But when it is time for them to lay their eggs, they return to the rivers where they were born. They move up rivers and streams to find the right place. Scientists think that the fish remember the unique smell of their river, and this is how they find their way. Salmon can swim strongly up hills, and will jump high to get over waterfalls.

1. From Paragraph 1, one of the reasons why animals migrate is that ________.
A.they like living in the same place each yearB.they really need much colder weather
C.they need good places to raise their youngD.they don’t need food and water anymore
2. What does the underlined word “migrate” most probably mean in Chinese?
3. According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE about animal migration?
A.Wildebeest migrate in a small group with the changeable seasons.
B.Thousands of zebras and other animals travel with Arctic terns.
C.Arctic terns are able to travel over 60,000 kilometers each year.
D.Salmon will go back to the rivers from the ocean to lay their eggs.
4. What does scientists think helps salmon find their way as they migrate?
A.The unique smell of the river.B.The sound of the river.
C.The temperature of the river.D.The color of the river.
5. In which part of a magazine would you most probably read the text?


阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 较易 (0.85)
Come and enjoy an underwater world at City Aquarium (水族馆)!There are hundreds of wonderful sea animals for you to see!

Sharks appeared on our earth many years ago. In most people’s eyes, they are dangerous. Some of them are big, and some are small. Don’t miss the shark feeding in our aquarium every day at 3 p.m.

Most penguins come from the Southern Hemisphere (南半球), and some of them live in one of the coldest places on the earth: Antarctica (南极洲). See them playing and swimming in the icy waters!

Turtles showed on the earth about 200 million years ago. But today, some kinds of sea turtles are in great danger because of hunters or plastic (猎人或塑料) in the sea. Come and see these beautiful sea animals.

Coral is not a plant or a rock — they’re animals! Coral help from (形成) coral reefs. They can live for hundreds of years and are home to many kinds of fish. Turtles also live there. Come and enjoy this colorful and exciting world!
Opening hours
We’re open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends.
Adults (成人): $10
Children: $5

1. Which kind of sea animals can help provide the house for animals to live in?
A.Sharks.B.Coral reefs.C.Penguins.D.Turtles.
2. How much are Mr. and Mrs. Black going to pay if they go to the City Aquarium with their two children?
A.Fifteen dollars.B.Twenty dollars.C.Thirty dollars.D.Thirty-five dollars.
3. What can we know from the material?
A.All sharks are large.
B.Penguins usually live with other animals.
C.Coral reefs can only live on the earth for ten years.
D.There are fewer turtles now.
2024-04-24更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

①Dragons exist in both the Eastern and Western world. Some people say that there used to be real dragons, but most agree that they were imaginary creatures*.

②Chinese dragons, which appeared eight thousand years ago, are usually considered to be kind. People say that they bring strength, peace, good luck, and health. In ancient China, the dragon was a symbol of the Chinese emperors. Some Chinese people believe that dragons live under water most of the time. Unlike European dragons, they do not have wings and fly using magic. The Chinese dragon, sometimes called the Eastern dragon, looks like a long snake with four claws. Its appearance has kept changing with time and it’s hard to find a creature in real life that looks exactly the same as the dragon. In the Chinese zodiac, people born in the “Year of the Dragon” are said to be lucky, brave, healthy, energetic and excitable. The Dragon person can make great achievements in life if he or she knows how to make the best use of his or her huge energy, intelligence and talent.

③In Europe, dragons are usually seen as terrible and unkind winged creatures which are different from those in China. Western dragons tend to have many heads, fire-breathing, and are known to eat humans. Many European stories have brave knights*fighting terrible dragons. Some European dragons are also described as strong and smart creatures. Any knight who killed a dragon was able to get not only its treasure but also its wisdom.

④Although there are differences between Chinese dragons and Western ones, the dragon is undoubtedly a beloved existence in many tales across the world.

1. The Chinese dragon is a kind of creature that ________ according to the passage.
A.has many headsB.lives above waterC.has no wingsD.flies without magic
2. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.most Europeans are afraid of the terrible dragons
B.European knights can easily kill dragons for wealth
C.People born in the Dragon Year must be successful
D.Chinese ancient emperors are real dragons without magic
3. Which of the following is the correct structure of the passage?
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.The History of DragonsB.The Culture of Dragons
C.The Symbols of DragonsD.The Changes of Dragons
2022-04-10更新 | 123次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约130词) | 较易 (0.85)

Lots of animals sleep for a very long time in winter—like frogs, bears, bees, ants and snakes!

In the fall, the bear eats lots of fruits and fish to last a long time. It makes a bed of leaves and twigs(树枝), then curls up in a ball and falls asleep. Its breathing(呼吸)becomes slow, and its heart beats a lot slower, too!

It won’t eat, drink water, or go to the bathroom until spring. When it wakes up after winter sleep, it will be hungry. So it eats almost anything, like meat, wild berries, grass and fish.

1. What animals don’t sleep for a very long time in winter?
2. How does a bear make a bed?
A.By using grass and mud.B.By using grass and stones.
C.By using roots and leaves. D.By using leaves and twigs.
3. Bears don’t _________ during winter sleep.
A.curl upB.fall sleepC.eat a lotD.breathe slowly
4. The underlined word “it” refers to __________.
A.the frogB.the bearC.the antD.the bee
5. From the passage, we know _________.
A.all animals sleep for a very long time in winter
B.the bear won’t be hungry after sleeping for a long time
C.the bear won’t eat or drink until summer
D.the bear eats almost anything after waking up
2022-11-08更新 | 156次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般