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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:660 题号:11343114

Good advice can help people make better decisions(决定). When someone asks you for advice, you should take it seriously and try your best to give good advice. Sometimes you should remember what your mother taught you: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, because bad advice may have terrible results. There are some ways for you to give advice.

☆Listen to the person asking you for advice. Every situation(情况) is special, so never think you know all about a problem. Listen to the person who wants advice, and learn as much as possible about the situation.

Put yourself in others' shoes. Think about what you will do if you are in the same situation. Don't just depend on(依赖) your experiences to give advice.

☆Think about the results of taking and not taking your advice. When possible, think twice about all the possible results. This is more important for really difficult problems.

☆Understand that the person may not take your advice. Someone asks for your advice, but he or she may not take it. When you give advice, the idea is to give someone the tools( 方法) to make their own decision, not make the decision for them. The person knows more about the situation than you do, so your advice may not be the best. Don't be surprised when a person doesn't take your advice. Live with it, and let the person live with his or her decision.

☆Don't be afraid to let the person know that you don't have anything to say if you are not able to give any advice. Take some time to think about it. You may share your thoughts later.

1. When a person asks you for advice, you should ________.
A.try to give good adviceB.say nothing at all
C.ask your mom for adviceD.tell the bad results
2. Why should we listen to the person asking for advice?
A.Because we should learn from other people.
B.Because the person has something nice to tell us.
C.Because we need to know about the special situation.
D.Because the person will feel much more comfortable.
3. What does “put yourself in others' shoes” most probably mean in Chinese?
4. When the person doesn't take your advice, ________.
A.you will have to try harderB.you shouldn't be surprised
C.you can make better decisionsD.you can shout at them angrily
5. What is this passage mainly about?
A.How to give advice.B.How to take others’ advice.
C.How to ask for advice.D.How to solve difficult problems.


阅读理解-五选五(约170词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】It is easier to have a good talk with our friends or loved one. While starting a talk with someone we don’t know can make most of us feel nervous.     1    

Prepare before the talk. Think about some common topics (话题) before the talk, such as your interesting experiences, TV shows and website news.     2     These questions may include asking others about their job, classes, interests and hobbies.

Introduce yourself. It doesn’t need to be clever when you introduce yourself.     3     Give the other person a warm smile and clearly say your name. Explain why you want to have the talk.

Start the talk.     4     Don’t talk about uncomfortable topics like personal questions. Then give the person enough time to reply and listen carefully when he speaks.

    5     When you run out of things to say or need to do something else, prepare to end the talk. You may say that you need to use the bathroom or go for a friend. Let the other person know you enjoy talking with him and hope to talk with him again.

短文还原 根据短文内容,将下面的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项只能用一次。

A.Bring up a common topic to start the talk.
B.And prepare a list of questions you could ask.
C.End the talk.
D.Simply be honest and friendly.
E.But the ability to talk with people you don’t know can be developed with practice.
2021-05-07更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】What exactly is persuasion? Persuasion is a process that enables you to change others' attitudes, opinions, or behaviors. When you are watching TV, there are so many advertisements to persuade you to buy their products. When your naughty son does not like to write his homework, you will punish him, which is also a persuasion.

Persuasion is a very important skill nowadays. It is fulfilling everywhere, every time. In many ways, persuasion combines art and science. It's an art in that it requires the ability to establish trust and strong communication skills. It's a science in that it centers on the disciplined collection and analysis of information and solidly researched principles (原则) of human behavior. Persuasion is everywhere, but the effect is very different.

When we persuade, first we should be believable. If someone is an expert in a certain field, his or her speech will be convincing when he or she expresses opinions about this field. It is interesting that if someone's aim is not to affect your opinions, and he or she has no benefit from your decision, this person seems to be more trustful. What's more, we need to be attractive. If we like someone, we will be affected by him or her on some unimportant topics. Even if this person tells us he or she wants to affect, maybe we will also be affected.

The methods of persuasion are necessary too. First you should think wise for choosing your topic. A good topic is a big impact to catch your audience. Then when you have done selecting topics, now it's time to brainstorm how you will have a deep conversation with your audience to give them more ideas about your topics. And think about who your listener is and what they want to know. How will you catch their attention to become more interested in your subject? Next, understanding your audience can help you deliver the right information that is valuable to them. To get your audience, try to add some personal experience in your topics. The way you talk to them expresses your feelings and knowledge, and it really works.

Everyone is trying to persuade someone and being persuaded. So next time you listen to a speech, watch an advertisement, think of persuasion.

1. In Paragraph 2, the writer thinks persuasion is an art because ________.
A.they both need skills to achieveB.they both have the same topic
C.they both make the audience laughD.they both deliver the right information
2. Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.
A.the meaning of persuasionB.the characteristics of persuaders
C.the importance of persuasionD.the methods of persuaders
3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Are Advertisements Worth Trusting?B.Persuasion -The Effects are Different
C.Are Good Topics Important for Persuasion?D.Persuasion -An Important Social Skill
2020-06-19更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】“It’s good to talk,” some people say. I take a bus in London, there are certainly plenty of people talking on their mobile phones, sometimes too loudly, discussing and sharing personal information with a friend.   

Many of us meet strangers every day no matter where we are. Some scientists studied this silent relationship and wondered if staying alone is a more positive(积极的)experience than communicating with strangers. They found that many people felt uncomfortable and ashamed talking to others and they said that many people just couldn’t understand how much a new person liked them when they started a conversation.

Their research showed that people who actually tried to talk to a stranger found the people sitting next to them was happy to chat with them. From this, this conclusion(结论)is that connecting with strangers is surprisingly pleasant and it has a good influence on our health. People are in a better mood after they have a conversation. It’s true that talking can make us feel happier and happiness can lead to                                 better mental health.

However, if we’re shy, the thought of speaking to strangers might make us anxious. But an American research found that all people were happier when they were asked to behave in a brave manner. So maybe, if we’re alone, it’s time to go out of our house and make some small talks with a stranger — it could be the beginning of a new friendship.

1. What does the underlined word “ashamed” in Paragraph 2 probably mean in Chinese?
2. Which paragraph shows the problems of starting a conversation with a stranger?
A.Paragraph 1B.Paragraph 2C.Paragraph 3D.Paragraph 4
3. How can talking to a stranger be good for our health?
A.By helping us away from others.
B.by winning a new friendship.
C.By putting us in a good mood.
D.By helping us talking loudly in public.
4. According to the American research, speaking to strangers bravely will make us ________.
5. What can help start a new friendship?
A.Going out and making a small talk with a stranger.
B.Sitting next to a stranger and influencing him pleasantly.
C.Being brave enough to talk too much with a stranger.
D.Discussing personal information with a stranger freely.
2020-08-21更新 | 351次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般