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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:327 题号:11866992

My name is Sam. I joined a club called “passing help” last month. Now let me tell you why I joined it.

One evening this May, on my way home my old car was broken. It was 25 miles from my home. I wanted to get a ride, but there was no car. It was also hard to take a taxi. I decided to take a bus home. I went to a bus stop nearby.

After a while, a bus came, but it did not go to my town. The bus driver was a young woman. She was kind and she told me which bus I should take. I waited there for about thirty minutes, but no bus came. At last a car came to me and a woman came out of the car. She was just the bus driver.

“When I reached the bus station, I got to know that the bus to your town couldn't come, so I returned here. I just can't leave you here,” she said, “Get in my car and I will take you back to your home.”

“It is a long way.” I said.

“Come on, sir,” she said, “Let’s go.”

On the way she told me a story. A few days ago, there wasn't gas (汽油) in her car. An old man drove her up to a gas station and then back to her car. When we got to my home, I wanted to give her some money to thank her, but she didn't accept it.

“I only want to help others and do something nice for somebody. Pass it along.” She said.

1. What happened to Sam one evening this May?
A.He lost his way.B.His car broken down.
C.He was hurt in an accident.D.He couldn't reach the gas station.
2. Sam didn’t think of going home__________ that evening.
A.by trainB.by busC.by carD.by taxi
3. From the passage, we know that the young woman was _________.
A.a club bossB.a taxi driverC.a bus driverD.a gas station worker.
4. The young woman wanted Sam to _________.
A.give her some moneyB.get on her bus
C.take her to her houseD.help others just as she did
5. The best title (题目)of the passage is ________ .
A.A kind old manB.Getting a rideC.Passing helpD.A broken car
14-15九年级上·山东·期中 查看更多[31]


阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Franz Peter Schubert was a great musician. He had many famous musical works.

Schubert was born into a musical family in Vienna on January 31,1797. His father was a music teacher, and he taught young Schubert to play the violin. One of Schubert's brothers also gave him piano lessons.

Schubert had a gift for singing, too. That got him into a good school and a place in its boys' choir (合唱团). He learned a lot about music there, and he got really good at writing all kinds of music. However, Schubert's voice changed when he turned 15, so he had to leave the school at the end of 1813.

Back at home, Schubert started working at his father's school. He didn't like teaching, though. And he spent free time writing music. During this time, he wrote his first full symphony and opera (交响曲和歌剧). He also wrote many of his famous songs.

In 1818, Schubert gave up teaching to make music full-time. It was a good change. People liked his music, and they even paid him to write music for them. Schubert finally made money from his musical works, but they didn't make him rich.

Even so, Schubert worked really long and hard. However, his health got worse, and he died on November 19, 1828. However, Schubert and his music touched many people during his time. His works still touch people today.

1. What does the underlined word “gift”mean in English?
2. What was Schubert best at according to the passage?
A.Teaching.B.Singing.C.Writing music.D.Working in a choir.
3. From the passage, we CANNOT infer that             .
A.Schubert's family played an important role in his music life
B.Schubert stopped being in the boys' choir because he didn't like it
C.Schubert ever made a living by writing music for some people
D.Franz Peter Schubert died at the age of 31
4. Who will be interested in this passage?
A.Jack —he likes playing with kids and wants to be a teacher.
B.Emma —she is very smart and good at writing beautiful stories.
C.Linda—she enjoys music and wants to find an example.
D.Peter—he is interested in some great ways to become successful.
2021-03-10更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. They smile and they kiss. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word “mouth”. But some of them are not so nice.
For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest and say “Do not badmouth me.”
Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person’s feelings. Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell.The speaker might say: “I really put my foot in my mouth this time.” If this should happen, the speaker might feel “down in the mouth.” In other words, he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.
Another situation(情况)is when someone falsely claims (宣布)another person said something. The other person might protest: “I did not say that. Do not put words in my mouth.”
Information is often spread through “word of mouth.” This is general communication between people, like friends talking to each other. “How did you hear about that new movie?” someone might ask. “Oh, by word of mouth.” A more official way of getting information is through a company or government mouthpiece(发言人). This is an official spokesperson. Government-run media could also be called a mouthpiece.
1. In the English language, there are many __________using the word “mouth”.
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word “protest” in Chinese?
3. If someone tells the person something that he/she was not supposed to tell, the speaker might say:
A.Do not bad mouth me.
B.I did not say that.
C.I really put my foot in my mouth this time.
D.Oh, by word of mouth.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.All expressions using the word mouth are nice.
B.People don’t use mouth to smile.
C.People might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.
D.Getting information through a company mouthpiece is not an official way.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The use of mouth.
B.Some expressions about mouth.
C.The word “mouth”.
D.All expressions about mouth.
2016-04-20更新 | 99次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】“The Spring Festival is only two weeks away,” Mr Chen, 82, says with a smile. “I’m looking forward to taking photos with my family members. We’ve been doing this for over thirty years.”

Mr Chen was a policeman. When he was young, he liked taking photos. With his camera, he recorded (记录) the great changes of his hometown Xuzhou over time. Then in 1992, he got the idea of recording the growth of his own family. Taking family photos becomes a tradition (传统) for his family. Now some of his grandchildren are working and living in other cities, but they try their best to return home during the Spring Festival. They get ready for the special moment. On the early morning of the second day of the Spring Festival, when the whole family gets together again, Mr Chen will dress up and wait for the photos to be taken.

“I enjoy sitting by the window and looking through old photos,” Mr Chen tells his children. “These photos bring me joy and happiness once more.”

1. The underlined part “doing this” in Paragraph 1 means ________.
A.wearing new clothesB.taking family photos
C.having a big dinnerD.giving red packets
2. The 2023 Chinese New Year falls on January 22. On which day do Mr Chen’s family take a family photo of 2023?
A.On January 21.B.On January 22.
C.On January 23.D.On January 24.
3. From the passage we know that ________.
A.Mr Chen liked dressing up when he was young.
B.Mr Chen’s family members all live in Xuzhou.
C.Mr Chen began taking photos in 1992.
D.Mr Chen’s family is full of love.
2023-08-23更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般