组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境保护
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:119 题号:12200717

April 22 is Earth Day. Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth!

The earth has warmed by about 1℉(华氏度)over the past 100 years, but why and how? Well, scientists are not quite sure. Maybe the earth gets warmer and warmer on its own. But many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer.

First, greenhouse effect(温室效应)is a very important reason for the change of the earth. People give out too much energy into the air every year. It makes the earth warmer. Climate(气候)change is another important reason. Sometimes it becomes too hot and sometimes too cold. Sometimes there is too much rain and sometimes too little. The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. In turn, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too.

When the earth becomes warmer, there may be more rain and a rise in sea level. It will affect the growth of plants, animals and people. On a Pacific island,100 people have to move to higher ground because the sea is rising. These people can no longer live on the coast. Before that, two islands without people went underwater in 1999. Scientists say that the seas can rise by nearly one meter by 2100.

People can affect the earth’s air, land and water. As for us, we can do many things to protect the earth. For example, we can use fridges less. We can tell more people about protecting the earth.

1. Earth Day is probably set for people to __________.
A.learn more about the earthB.make full use of the earth
C.care about and protect the earthD.study the warmth of the earth
2. We can infer(推断)from the passage that the reasons for the warmer earth are __________ now.
A.not very clearB.completely secret
C.well knownD.not given yet
3. Greenhouse effect comes from ___________.
A.sea risingB.climate change
C.nature’s unbalanceD.people’s activity
4. According to the passage, ____________ may affect each other.
A.animals and islandsB.climate and the warmth of the earth
C.fridges and animalsD.sea level and the growth of plants
5. The passage mainly tells us that ___________.
A.there is more rain nowB.we should protect the earth
C.April 22 is Earth DayD.sea level is getting higher


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】Fashion isn’t very environmentally-friendly because it makes people buy things they don’t need, just because they’re new. We want to take care of the environment, we don’t want to pol­lute the air and we don’t want to waste energy and resources. But we also want to be fashiona­ble. How can we buy fashionable clothes and protect the environment?
Old styles are fashionable again, so one way is to buy second-hand clothes — recycled clothes. Another way is to buy’ fair trade clothes. These clothes are either recycled or made in a ’ way that protects the environment. They also protect the people who make the clothes.
Surprisingly, white cotton is one of the least environmentally-friendly crops of all. To pro­tect the cotton, the growers use chemicals that pollute water, make farm workers ill and kill wildlife. New materials, such as hemp and bamboo, grow quickly and are more environmental­ly-friendly. These materials are very soft, and look fantastic. The best materials are coloured using natural dyes, made from plants.
Environmentally-friendly clothes are practical but until now they were often dull. Now fashion-designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well. So now we can buy fashionable clothes that are also environmentally-friendly.
1. Why do people often buy things they don’t need? Because_.
A.new things can be more comfortable
B.everyone wants to be fashionable
C.people are richer than before now
D.people care about the environment
2. What’s the topic for paragraph 2?
A.Recycled fashion.B.The problem with fashion.
C.Fashion doesn’t have to pollute.D.New materials.
3. Which of the following is more environmentally-friendly?
A.Materials soft and looking fantastic.
B.Any materials coloured using natural dyes.
C.Hemp and bamboo.
D.White cotton.
4. Why are environmentally -friendly clothes more fashionable now? Because______.
A.people pay more attention to our environment
B.environmentally-friendly clothes are practical
C.all old styles become fashionable again
D.fashion-designers are working to make them beautiful
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Cotton or Hemp and Bamboo?
B.Environmentally-friendly Clothes
C.Old Style, New Fashion Again
D.Fashion and the Environment
2011-10-20更新 | 475次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐2】This is a story from a meeting held by some people and two things in nature. We call it the Four-sided Talk(四方会谈). Let’s “listen to” everyone carefully and find out what they think.
An old tree: I am thousands of years old, but I have fewer and fewer friends. I’m afraid I will be cut someday, People cut down many trees to make paper and chopsticks. Soon there will be no trees to make air clean and to protect people from floods. Mother Nature is making many disasters to teach people a lesson.
The river: What the old tree said is right. I not only make the earth more beautiful, but provide the clean water for people and animals. Now I’m sad because people put waste into me, which kills many animals and plants that drink my water. Some people drink his kind of water and get sick, too.
People: We have lived on the earth since ancient times. The earth is our home. We have done some harm(危害)to our home! From now on, we should make full use of the resources(资源)on the earth and protect the earth. Let’s try our best!
The United Nations: We know a little about the environmental(环境的)problem. Hearing what all of you said, we’ve decided(决定)to protect the earth and love the earth. We’ve also made the June 5th World Environment Day.
1. What doesn’t the old tree tell us?
A.He’s afraid to be cut down some day.B.He has fewer and fewer friends.
C.The trees have the longest lives in the world.D.He has lived for thousands of years.
2. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “disasters”?
3. Why do some people get sick after drinking the water from the river?
A.Because the river is polluted.
B.Because the river makes the earth more beautiful.
C.Because the river can only offer water to animals
D.Because there are too many animals and plants in the river.
4. What have the United Nations decided to do from the passage?
A.Set an Earth Protecting Day.B.Protect and love the earth.
C.Hold an international meeting.D.Find out what the environmental problem is.
5. What will people do according to(根据)the article?
Over-use the resources.     Make good use of the resources.
Start a global(全球的)group.   Protect the earth.
2019-02-14更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约420词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】When thinking of the Arctic(北冰洋), some people may imagine an icy land of white snow. And other people may imagine it as the last really clean place left on Earth. In fact, we have polluted the deepest oceans with plastic rubbish, and now, CNN says, “It’s the Arctic’s turn.”

German scientists have recently found microplastics in Arctic snow. Microplastics are pieces of plastic smaller than 5 millimeters. Sadly, the scientists found 1,800 pieces of microplastics per liter(升)of snow. That may cause terrible air pollution.

How is plastic pollution reaching the Arctic? According to scientists, “It’s clear that most of the microplastics in the snow come from the air. They fall off plastic objects and are moved by the wind. They mix with ice in the air and fall to the ground as snow.”

Are they bad for us? We do know that our bodies cannot take in “large” pieces of microplastics. However, if the plastics are small enough, they can find ways into our bodies and stay there for a long time, which can be bad for our health. What’s more, earlier studies have shown that microplastics may contribute to lung cancer risk.

Microplastics have also been found in rivers and oceans around the world. Research has found that they flow over long distances and into our oceans, damaging ecosystems along the way. When we wash clothes with plastic fibers, they start in our wastewater. The wastewater then flows into rivers and out to sea. They are eaten by sea animals there. If people then eat these animals, it means that we’re eating the plastic as well.

1. What can we learn from what CNN says in paragraph 1?
A.Arctic is still a beautiful icy land with clean air.
B.Arctic is the last clean place left to the earth.
C.Arctic has already been polluted by plastic.
D.Arctic is always a pure land with white snow.
2. Which picture shows the right way of the travel of microplastics?
①microplastics               ②snow             ③human body               ④air
⑤sea animals                    ⑥seas               ⑦wastewater                  ⑧Arctic
3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word contribute?
4. Why do the author write this passage?
A.To tell readers not to eat sea animals.
B.To tell readers not to travel to Arctic.
C.To tell readers to use less plastic products.
D.To tell readers to wear masks when it snows.
5. Which is the best title for this article?
A.Microplastics in Arctic
B.Microplastics Are Hurting Ecosystems
C.Microplastics And Lung Cancer
D.Microplastics Fall with Snow
2023-04-19更新 | 210次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般