组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会服务 > 志愿服务
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:178 题号:12468244

At least 109,265 square kilometers of land burned in Australia from September 2019 to March 2020. Around 1,250,000,000 animals died in the fires.

Like millions of others around the world, 18-year-old Rachel Ratelle from the US saw news of the fires. She felt sad as she watched a badly hurt Koala trying to climb a tree to safety.

But unlike many people, she decided to do something about it. She called wildlife rescue organizations(救援组织) in Australia to find out what they needed most. Many groups were asking for hand-sewn (手工缝制的) pouches (育儿袋) for animals like koalas and kangaroos that lost their homes and parents in the fires.

Ratelle wanted to provide these things, but there was just one problem. " I've never sewn in my life, " Ratelle said. "Giving money seemed like something too simple(简单) . I just wanted to help these animals by doing something myself, so I decided to learn how to sew. "

Over the next month, RaLelle bought her own sewing machine and taught herself how to sew by watching online videos. She sewed 25 pouches of different sizes and sent them to wildlife rescue organizations in Australia.

A week later, she received a photo from an organization with a baby kangaroo in one of her pouches. She said it was a great feeling. "It made me feel like I contributed (作出贡献) to the world, and it showed how a simple act of kindness can go a long way, " Ratelle said. "I plan to use my new sewing skills to help animals and people who have suffered from natural disasters. "

1. Ratelle chose to sew pouches for animals because ________.
A.she liked koalas bestB.she didn't have enough money
C.she wanted to offer helpD.she decided to learn how to sew
2. From the story, we know that Ratelle ________.
A.will keep sewing to help othersB.gave money to help the animals
C.wants more people to learn how to sewD.was sad that she couldn't help animals
3. The underlined word "suffered" in the last paragraph means ________.
4. The best title (标题) of the article could be "________".
A.Practice makes perfect.B.A small act makes a big difference.
C.Many hands make light work.D.There is no smoke without fire.


阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐1】Dear Jane,

How time flies! The new term is coming. I had a wonderful summer vacation. Let me tell you something about it.

At the beginning of July, I joined the Blue Sky Volunteer Group. With the help of the group, I arrived at a small village in Chao zhou, Guangdong Province. There are less than 50 people in the village, and most of them are sick and old. I worked with 12 other volunteers for two weeks there. We got up early every morning and cleaned the floor for the old people. Sometimes we took them to walk outside. We cooked lunch for them and cleaned the tables after lunch. Seeing the looks of joy on their faces, we were very happy.

Then we took a bus to a small town to help lots of poor children with their lessons. They had no big classrooms or books. I taught them English and music. At first, I found it difficult to stay there. But a few days later, I got used to the life there. I often played games with the children in my free time. After one week, I had to leave the town for a small city.

1. The writer had a ________ summer vacation.
2. How many students joined the Blue Sky Volunteer Group?
3. What did they do at a small village in Chao zhou, Guangdong Province ?
A.We cleaned the floor for the old people.B.Sometimes we took them to walk outside.
C.We cooked lunch for them and cleaned the tables after lunchD.Above all.
4. What does the underlined word “got used to” mean in Chinese?
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A wonderful tripB.A wonderful movie
C.A wonderful summer vacationD.A wonderful new term
2023-07-02更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】There is a small park near Reem’s home. She likes to go there with her mom. She also likes to play in the park with her friends. Today when Reem goes to the park, she looks around and becomes very sad.

“What is wrong, Reem?” Mom asks.

“There is so much trash (垃圾) on the ground,” Reem says.

Reem and her mom look around. There are old boxes on the ground. There are popped (爆裂的) balloons on the ground. There are some bottles, too.

“You are right,” Mom says. “The park is very dirty.”

“What can we do?” Reem asks.

“I am sure you will think of something,” Mom says.

Reem and her mom go home. Reem paints a picture of a park. She uses blue, green, brown, and yellow paint. PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN, she writes in big letters on top of her picture.

Then Reem and her mom go back to the park. Reem takes some trash bags with her. She also brings along some tape. When Reem gets to the park, she tapes her picture on a big trash can. Then she hands her mom a bag. “Will you help me pick up the trash?”

“I sure will,” Mom says.

The children in the park run over to see what is going on. Reem hands them bags. “Let’s clean this place up,” she says. The children pick up lots of trash. They talk and laugh as they work. Soon all the bags are full.

“The park looks much better,” Reem says with a smile.

“It does,” Mom says. “I knew you would think of some way to help.”

1. Reem feels sad because the park is ________.
2. What does Reem do when she gets home?
A.She paints a picture.B.She plays with her friends.
C.She cleans her room.D.She writes a letter to her mom.
3. There is a smile on Reem’s face at last because ________.
A.she goes back to play in the parkB.she can make the children laugh
C.she thinks of some way to helpD.she makes some new friends
2024-01-18更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】What kind of people can be called heroes? Sometimes if you are brave enough and always think about how to help others, you can become a hero.

After seeing the name “Li Xiaoxia” written on the back of a volunteers protective clothing, many people in Shenyang who were waiting for nucleic acid tests (核酸检测) wanted to know if the volunteer was China’s Olympic table tennis champion — Li Xiaoxia. In fact, it really was her!

Li saw medical workers and volunteers working hard when she took nucleic acid tests in the past. She decided to do something for the city’s pandemic (疫情) prevention (预防) and control.

Li told other volunteers as she left the testing place “Please protect yourselves while working. As long as I have time, I’ll fight against it together with you.”

“I’m doing my own part in the fight against it. Let’s overcome difficulties together. I just did small things. I hope the pandemic will be over soon,” Li wrote on the Internet.

Many people praised Li’s actions. They showed their opinions on the Internet. “You are so good. Please keep yourself safe as well,” one person said.

She is really great. When the country needed her, she tried her best to win the medals. When the society needed her, she became a hero in fighting against the virus.

1. What did Li do in the past according to the passage?
A.A teacher.B.A doctor.C.A player.D.A manager.
2. Why does the writer think Li is a hero according to the passage?
A.Because she gave a lot of money and food to Shenyang.
B.Because she had much medical knowledge to help others.
C.Because she is brave enough and always thinks about how to help others.
D.Because she won many medals in the football games in the past.
3. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.A medical worker in special times.B.A hero during the fight against COVID-19.
C.A hero in the eyes of volunteers.D.A great woman player in China.
2023-07-11更新 | 22次组卷
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