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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:25 题号:12764631

Peter Tabichi is 37 years old. He is from Kenya, Africa. He is a math and science teacher. His school is in a poor area. It’s small, but the classes are very big-there are about 58 students for every teacher. The school has only one computer. But Mr. Tabichi always makes his classes interesting and helps his students study well. He is kind and friendly to his students. His students say he is like a father to them.

Mr. Tabichi comes from a family of teachers. He doesn’t just work on school days. He also works after school and on weekends to give students extra(额外的)help. He goes to the students’ homes and gives them more help. He really likes his job.

In 2019, Mr. Tabichi got the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher(瓦尔基基金会全球教师奖). He gives lots of his money to help his students and other people.

1. Peter teaches ________.
A.math and historyB.English and science
C.math and scienceD.science and history
2. Peter’s school has only one ______.
3. What does Peter’s parents do?
4. What does Peter do on the weekend?
A.He works at home.B.He plays computer games.
C.He watches TV at home.D.He goes to his students’ homes.
5. The second paragraph mainly tells us _________.
A.Peter’s parents are both teachersB.Peter’s students like him very much
C.Peter likes being a teacherD.Peter’s students are very poor


阅读理解-单选(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

Hi, my name is Wu Gang. I’m 12. I’m in Class 1, Grade 7. I’m from Wuhan. It’s a big city in China. I like playing football(踢足球).

Look at my new photo! In the photo, you can see some football players(运动员). Can you find me? I’m in a blue and white T-shirt and blue shorts(短裤). My number is 6. Jimmy is my friend and he is in the photo too. He is also in a blue and white T-shirt and blue shorts, but his number is 17.

Jimmy is 13. Green is his family name. Jimmy is from New York, America. His dad is American, but his mom is Chinese. So Jimmy can speak Chinese very well. Jimmy is a very kind boy and he often helps me with football. Is my photo nice? Do you like it?

1. What does Wu Gang like doing?
2. In the picture, ________ is Wu Gang.
A.Boy AB.Boy BC.Boy CD.Boy D
3. Jimmy is ________.
A.a basketball playerB.Wu Gang’s friendC.from WuhanD.12 years old
4. 划线单词kind的中文意思是 ________。
5. What can we know from the passage?
A.Jimmy’s family name is White.B.Jimmy’s mom is from China.
C.Wu Gang is in Class 2, Grade 7.D.Wu Gang is in blue and white shorts.
2022-10-31更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Rick Hoyt was born in 1962 to Dick and Judy Hoyt. He is in a wheelchair because he’s got cerebral palsy (小儿麻瘦症). As a result, Rick couldn’t walk or speak. There was no chance of Rick recovering, and little hope for Rick to live a “normal” life.

However, with great effort, Rick learned to write his thoughts using a special computer. When Rick was 15, he communicated to his dad that he wanted to take part in a five-mile running race for charity. Dick was not a runner but agreed to push Rick in his wheelchair. That night, Rick told his father, “Dad, when I’m running, it feels like I’m not handicapped.”

After high school, Rick went to Boston University, and he graduated with a degree in Special Education in 1993. Rick is a happy and successful man; he has a job at the University of Boston, and he works in computer studies. Rick loves sports too, and he takes part in marathons and triathlons (铁人三项运动).

Triathlons? In the triathlon, people swim 4 kilometers, cycle 180 kilometers and then run a 42- kilometer marathon. Rick can^ run, cycle or swim because he’s in a wheelchair. So how can he take part in a triathlon?

Rick can take part because he does it with his father, Dick Hoyt. In the running, his father pushes him in his wheelchair. In the swimming, Rick lies in a small boat and Dick swims and pulls him. And in the cycling, Rick sits in a special seat on the front of Dick’s bike. Together, they are “Team Hoyt”.

Of course, Team Hoyt never wins the race. The winner of a triathlon usually finishes in about nine hours. The Hoyts usually take about 14 or 15 hours. “That’s right.” says Dick. “Rick and I never win. But we think that we always win.”

Dick Hoyt, who became a familiar sight pushing his son Rick in a wheelchair at road races around the country, especially the Boston Marathon, died on Wednesday at his home in Holland, Mass. He was 80.

Rick was once asked, if he could give his father one thing, what would it be? Rick responded, “The thing I’d most like doing for my dad is that ____________.”

1. The underlined word “handicapped” in paragraph 2 probably means ________.
2. Which is the right order of the following events?
①Dick Hoyt pushed Rick Hoyt in a five-mile running race for charity.
②Team Hoyt took part in marathons and triathlons.
③ Dick Hoyt died at his home in Holland, Mass.
④Rick graduated with a degree in Special Education in Boston University.
3. Which of the following can be best put in ________at the end of the passage?
A.I would watch him win the triathlons for once.
B.I would run, swim, cycle on my own for once.
C.I would win the triathlons for him for once.
D.I would push him sitting in a wheelchair for once.
4. What does the writer want to tell us from the story of Team Hoyt?
A.It was impossible for Team Hoyt to win a triathlon.
B.Team Hoyt would win a triathlon if they tried harder.
C.It was unfair that Team Hoyt never win a triathlon.
D.Team Hoyt never won a triathlon but always won.
2021-05-27更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)


Dear Aunt,

I have arrived at last! It was so difficult a journey, but now I’m here, ready to start my new life. I’m staying in a hostel (青年招待所) and I’m sharing a room with ten other men. This afternoon I’m going to meet a friend from our town, and he’s going to help me to find a job.



Dear Aunt,

It’s terribly cold here. Tonight it’s going to snow. That will be a new experience for me, but I don’t think I’ll enjoy it because I’ll work outside in the cold. I’ve found work in a big supermarket and I need to carry boxes during the night. It’s tiring, so I hope to find something better soon.



Dear Aunt,

Thank you for your letter. I’m glad that my cousin is doing well at school.

Things are getting better here. I’ve found an apartment and I’m moving in tomorrow with two friends. It’s very small but it’s much better than the hostel. And I won’t have to work in the supermarket any more, because I’m going to work at the restaurant I told you about in my last letter. From now on, I’ll have a warm place to work in, and I’ll get free meals, too.



1. There were _________ people in Jack’s room in the hostel.
2. _________ will help Jack find a job.
A.A friend from his townB.A relative from another country
C.A relative from his townD.A friend from another country
3. Jack once carried boxes _________ at night.
A.in a hostelB.in a supermarketC.in a marketD.in a restaurant
4. Jack won’t enjoy the snow because _________.
A.he didn’t like snowy daysB.he can’t go out on snowy days
C.snow was nothing new to himD.he’ll work outside in the cold
5. What can we know from the last letter?
A.Jack will continue to work in the cold place.
B.Jack will live in a small apartment alone.
C.Jack’s aunt will feel relaxed after reading the last letter.
D.Jack’s aunt will pay some money for Jack’s three meals.
2021-05-14更新 | 70次组卷
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