组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:109 题号:15255446

For the past 50 years, spanking has been used to punish children less and less. But what about yelling (喊叫)? Almost everyone still yells at children from time to time, even those parents who know it’s useless. Shouting is probably the most unwise behavior of parenting today.

In people who often yell, their children often feel stressed. A published in the Journal of Child Development showed that yelling at children has results similar to body punishment. Yelling will only make your child feel that you are out of control. It makes you look weak.

But most parents, myself included, find it really hard to spend the day without yelling. The latest research on shouting asks parents two questions: What should I do? How can I give up this habit?

Don’t yell at him every night just because the child throws his shoes around, but ask him in the morning if he can leave the shoes in place when he goes home. Make sure you go home and put your shoes away. If your child puts his shoes in place, even if they can put them near where they should be put, tell him that this is good, then hug him.

ABC Praise is a very effective way. You must be happy, so you must put a silly smile on your face and even raise your hand to wave. Next you have to say what you praise with a very happy and pleasant voice. The third step is to touch the child and give him some words of praise. It makes children notice the praise that comes with correct behavior. That’s the point.

If children behave better, then we won’t yell. If we don’t yell, children will behave better. Let your child do what you want and don’t do what you don’t want through the day. Praise is effective. And punishment is not.

1. What may happen if parents often shout at their children?
A.They will be more stressed.B.They will be better at study.
C.They will behave better.D.They will get more praise.
2. Which of the following is a suitable way to correct children’s behavior?
A.Forbid children having dinner when they come home with a B on the paper.
B.Tell children to turn off the light while leaving a room in a gentle voice.
C.Punish children seriously only once if they forget to tidy up their toys.
D.Always shout at children when they don’t clean the mud from shoes.
3. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Yelling Lead to Higher Depression.
B.Stop Yelling and Try ABC Praise more.
C.Good Behavior Comes with praise.
D.The More Yelling, the more Progress.


阅读理解-单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Tom and Frank are brothers. “I always can’t find time to learn English,” Tom says to Frank.

“You can use fragments(碎片) of time. We have 10 minutes before breakfast. Why not now?” Frank says.

“10 minutes? I must take my dog for a walk 10 minutes before breakfast,” Tom says and takes his dog outside.

After breakfast, the two boys go to school. It takes them 20 minutes to get there. On the way to school, Frank recites(背诵) some English words. But Tom talks with his friends all the way.

“Let’s play basketball,” some friends say to Tom and Frank after school. Then Tom plays basketball with those boys. But Frank learns English for 30 minutes in the classroom. And then he goes to play basketball with Tom and the boys.

The next day, Frank can answer the teacher’s questions in the English class. But Tom can’t. He asks Frank, “

Frank says,“Use fragments of time. ”

1. Tom’s first excuse(借口) for not learning English is ________.
A.it’s time to have breakfast
B.he must take his dog for a walk
C.he needs to go for a walk in the morning
D.it’s time to play basketball with his friends
2. Which of the following can be put in “” in the last paragraph (段)?
A.Why do you like English?B.How do you find time to learn English?
C.Can you help me with my English?D.Is it easy for you to learn English?
3. What can we know from the passage?
A.Frank is not a good brother.
B.Tom will learn English with Frank from now on.
C.Frank only does well in English.
D.Frank is good at using fragments of time to learn English.
2022-07-20更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-单选 | 适中 (0.65)

Do you think you have a good memory (记忆)? It is difficult to say exactly what memory is. Even scientists who have been studying memory for many years say that they are still trying to find out what it is. We do know that a specific memory is not just one thing stored (存储) somewhere in the brain (大脑). A memory is made up of small pieces of information stored all over the brain.

The human brain is very small and light (only 2% of total body weight). But it needs about 20% of the oxygen (氧气) that our body takes in. We can't think well if our brain isn't getting enough oxygen, so always make sure there is enough oxygen in the air when you need to learn or remember something!

Why do you forget things sometimes? The main reason for forgetting something is that you did not learn it well enough in the beginning. For example, if you meet some new people and right away forget their names, it is because you didn't record (记录) the names when you heard them.

No one can remember everything, but everyone can learn how to improve their memory. Here are some ways:

●When you want to remember something, tell a friend about it. This way the new information becomes more memorable. Later on, think about the conversation with your friend. It will help you remember the information.

●Don't over-train your brain. When you've remembered a list of new vocabulary, stop studying. It's better to study a lot of material (材料) for a short time than a small part of material for a lot of time! But remember: you do have to practise your new vocabulary as soon as possible!

●If you have to remember something big, break it down into smaller parts. It's easier to remember 198756430387 if you break it into four smaller bits: 198-756-430-387.

●If you want to remember a piece of information, and you can't. Don't get angry. Relax when you study! Try to enjoy yourself. You are learning new things every minute. You will remember better if you are happy and relaxed.

In short, none of (没有一个) the ways can make your memory 100% perfect, but all of them are helpful.

1. Where is a memory stored in your brain?
A.In the left brain.B.Some parts of the brain.C.In the right brain.D.All over the brain.
2. Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage?
A.We can make our memory 100% perfect.
B.We can break the big information into big parts.
C.We'll forget things if we don't learn them well in the beginning.
D.We should spend a lot of time studying a small part of material.
3. According to the passage, the writer probably agrees with ________.
A.sharing new information with friends
B.remembering long numbers by wring
C.learning at least 100 new words at a time
D.getting angry when can't remember some information
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.What the human brain is.B.Why we forget something.
C.How we improve our memory.D.Where memories are stored in the brain.
2020-07-13更新 | 246次组卷
阅读理解-单选 | 适中 (0.64)
【推荐3】阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题, 并将最佳答案填入下列方框内。
direct /dI'rekt/ adj.,v.
▪ adj. with nothing or nobody in between;
▪ v. to tell or show sb how to get somewhere.
Can you direct me to the bus station?
direction /dI'rekʃn/ n.
way that a person moves or faces.
striker /straIk/ n., v.
▪ n. stopping of work by workers because
of a disagreement.
▪ v. (pt, pp: struck /strʌk/)
hit (sb/sth)
The stone struck me on the head.
sudden /'sʌdn/ adj.
happening, coming or done quickly.
◇ The driver made a sudden turn in the road.
suddenly/'sʌdənli/ adv.
◇ He went to America suddenly.
valuable /'væljuəbl/ adj.
very useful or important.
Don’t waste any valuable time.
value/' vælju:/ n., v.

1. Which of the following words is the first in alphabetical(字母的) order in a dictionary?
2. The pronunciation of the word “sudden” is        .
C./'sʌdn/D./ 'væljuəbl/
3. What’s the past form of the word “strike”?
4. Which sentence is wrong after learning these words in the dictionary?
A.The ball struck me on the nose.
B.We direct the old man to the park.
C.The car stopped suddenly.
D.The time is value.
5. What are the Chinese meanings of the words “strike”, “direct”, “sudden”, and “valuable”?
2016-11-26更新 | 91次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般