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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:20 题号:15465896

More kids in the United States are learning about computers today. They’re learning the language that makes computers work. The language is called code.

People in business want more young people to learn about computers. Other groups do, too. They’re helping some schools to start computer classes. Students in the classes learn how computers work.

One of the groups that help kids to learn computer science is Code.org. The group wants more students to try computer science. The group holds an event called “Hour of Code”. The event lasts an hour every time. The idea is to teach students to learn code.

Some experts say computer science teaches kids to think clearly. It also helps them be more creative. Computers will be an important part of the students’ lives in the future, so the classes should teach them computer science when they are young.

Not everybody agrees to teach young people computer science. “Kids don’t need to learn about computers so soon,” someone said. Most high schools in the US do not have computer science. Only 1/4 do. It’s really hard to find computer teachers.

1. What do students in computer classes learn according to the second paragraph?
A.How to play computer games.B.How to use computers.
C.How computers work.D.How to mend computers.
2. The Code.org helps students by ________.
A.giving them computers for freeB.helping schools to start computer classes
C.teaching them to learn codeD.teaching them how to play computer games
3. Which is NOT the reason why kids should learn computer science?
A.It is easy for kids to learn.B.It teaches kids to think clearly.
C.It helps kids to be more creative.D.It helps kids get ready for the future.
4. ________ of the high schools in the US do NOT have computer science.
5. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Kids can use the computer language to talk with computers.
B.Only people in business want kids to learn about computers.
C.Most people do not agree to teach young people computers.
D.There are not enough computer teachers in the US schools.
【知识点】 信息技术 教育 说明文


阅读理解-五选五(约130词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Do you know these fun facts? More than 3 billion people use the Internet;more than 200 billion emails are sent every day; the first computer mouse was made of wood...

    1     What do you know about the history of computers?

    2     Early computers could also do simple math like a calculator. In the 1930s, Alan Turing had the idea for a computer you could program to do different things.

    3     In the 1970s, computers were smaller and cheaper so people started to use them at home. In the 1980s, computer games were very popular. Lots of people bought computers just to play games. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, which is a way to organize information on the Internet.     4    

Today people can use smartphones to play games, send emails and go on the Internet.     5    

A.Computers can do lots of jobs. They can do math, store information, or play music. You can use a computer to write or to play games.
B.In 1958, Jack Kilby invented the microchip. Microchips are tiny but can store lots of information.They helped make computers smaller.
C.Now people all over the world can look for and share information on websites.
D.The first computers were very big. They were the size of a room! They were so big that people didn’t have them at home.
E.In the past a simple computer was the size of a room. Now it can go in your pocket!
2022-03-29更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-六选五(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文为说明文,介绍了一个清洁机器人——Beach Bot,它可以帮助清理海滩上的烟蒂。

We often see cigarette butts (烟头) on the beach. They can kill fish, and other animals.     1     But people don’t see them because they’re so small.

Now, people want to work out the problem with BB (Beach Bot).     2    

The robot is 80 cm tall, and it has two cameras (摄像机) and two hands to pick up cigarette butts.     3    When it sees cigarette butts, BB just puts them into its box. After it finishes cleaning, people take away the box.

However, BB can’t tell the difference between cigarette butts and some small things. To do this, people uses an app. Using this, people can give photos of cigarette butts to BB with smartphone, then the robot can learn to know the cigarette butts.     4    

    5     It works well with a little time. People want to keep beach clean.   If we stop leaving the cigarette butts on the beach, robots like BB will have a good rest.

A.It can see cigarette butts easily and picks them up.
B.Now, BB can pick up 20 cigarette butts in 30 minutes.
C.How does this robot work?
D.It is a cleaning robot that uses AI to find cigarette butts.
E.They’re here and there.
F.They like picking small things.
2023-07-21更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-匹配(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)
1. What do you think the life on the earth will be like in 100 years?
Many scientists say that by the year 2100 the earth will become a worse place for us to live on.
2. Water is around us .All the creatures must have water to live. The plants must have it. The animals must have it .We must have it, too. We can’t live without drinking.
3. In some places of America, lots of people found some unidentified flying objects. They have different shapes. Some look like round plates, some look like   bright planes and so on.
4. When you are learning English, listening, speaking and writing are important , but reading can also be very helpful. When you read, you can’t only learn some new words, but also you can learn how to use these English words.
5. The internet is a net-work . It uses the telephone to join millions of computers together around the world .
A. The importance of learning English.
B. A good way to learn English
C. What is the Internet.
D. Talking about UFOs
E. The earth in the future.
F. Water is important to creatures.
2016-11-26更新 | 326次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般