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People from different countries greet each other differently. Read this article to learn more about the greeting customs in different cultures, and make sure you greet people in the right way next time.


French people greet each other with a handshake, but close friends kiss each other on both cheeks(脸颊) when they meet. They do this when they first meet and before they leave each other.

South Korea

In South Korea, it is a sign of respect for people to bow when greeting each other. A bow is followed by a handshake. In shaking someone’s hand, it is polite to support the right forearm(前臂) with the left hand. However, South Korean women do not shake hands with western men; instead, they bow slightly(轻微地).


Kissing on the cheek is a common way of greeting in Brazil. But in a formal situation, a handshake is often done to show respect. Men should shake hands before and after meeting, and once they have known each other well, a light hug is often given.


In a social situation, it’s polite to greet everyone in the room in Ghana. A handshake is used in greeting, and the palm(手掌) must directly touch the palm of the other. It’s considered impolite to touch the back of the hand.

Greeting customs in different cultures


People greet each other with a handshake or by kissing each other on     2     cheeks if they are close friends.

South Korea

To show respect, Koreans greet people by     3     to each other first and then shaking hands. South Korean women do not shake hands with western men; instead, they bow slightly.


The common way of greeting in Brazil is kissing on the cheek.
In a formal situation, a handshake is often done to show     4    .
Alight hug is often given once men have known each other well.


A handshake is used in greeting in Ghana, but do remember not to touch the back of the     5    .
2022·内蒙古兴安盟·一模 查看更多[2]


任务型阅读-阅读填表(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

At night, you fall asleep while listening to beautiful music. In the morning, you are woken up by the singing of birds outside. You can enjoy all of these things because of one important organ(器官)—the ears.

You may wonder: how do the ears work? The ear has three different parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part you can see. It collects sound around you. The sound then travels down to the middle ear, the inner ear and then to your brain.

Your ears never stop working, even when you are asleep! Your ears continue hearing sounds, but your brain just ignores(忽略)them. That’s why you might sometimes wake up suddenly in the middle of the night —your brain heard something but you don’t know what it was since you were asleep.

But ears do more than hear. They help you keep your balance, too. In the inner ear, there are organs with liquid(液体)and small hairs. When you move your head, the liquid and hairs move, too. They send messages to your brain about the position of your head.

More surprisingly, ears even help with tasting food. Of course, you don’t actually taste food with your ears. But there are nerves(神经)running through the middle ear that connect the tongue to the brain. If something wrong happens to your ears, you might have a hard time telling different flavors(味道)apart according to People’s Daily.

The ears are truly important organs with many functions. Everyone should make sure to protect their ears as well as they can.

How do our ears work?
Parts of the earsThe outer ear: It     1     around you.
The middle ear: Sound travels through it.
The inner ear: Sound travels down it and then to your brain.
HearingYou hear with your ears.
Your ears work while you are sleeping, but your brain doesn’t     2     the sounds it hears.
    3    There are organs with liquid and small hairs.
They tell your brain the position of your head.
Tasting foodThere are nerves running through the middle ear that     4     the tongue to the brain.
If your ears don’t work well, you might not be able to tell different flavors apart.
The ears are     5     that everyone should make sure to protect them as well as possible.
2022-08-20更新 | 53次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

On a very hot day, it is hard to know what to do to feel good. If you run around, you may feel sick in your stomach. However, if you just sit quietly and do nothing, you may feel bored. What can you do to feel good and have fun when you’re hot?

Playing in water is a good idea to make you cool down. Taking a cool shower or just washing toys in cool water can make you feel good on a hot day. Besides, you can read stories or paint in front of a fan. You don’t need to move your body very much. These are some of the cool things to do on a hot day.

It’s important for you to drink water, too. On hot days, you can lose about 16 glasses of water in one day. If you feel thirsty, you are already short of water. So don’t wait for thirst before you start to drink. You should drink as much water as you lose every day.

The food you eat also makes a difference in how you feel in the heat. Cold foods such as ice cream and drinks with some ice can cool down your body. Fruits and vegetables are also helpful to stay cool in hot weather. So plan a healthy menu for a hot day—one that doesn’t need any cooking.

1. Is it hard to know what to do to feel good on a hot day?
2. What is a good idea to make you cool down on a hot day?
3. How much water do we lose in one day on hot days?
4. What is the passage mainly about?
2023-10-13更新 | 27次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

The Arctic is home to over 21,000 kinds of animals and plants. Two thirds of it is the Arctic Ocean. In winter, it is completely covered with sea ice. In summer; nearly 50 percent of the sea is ice.

goggles                 igloo                           reindeer

It’s also home to about 4 million people, a group of whom are Inuit. Jim is an Inuit boy. At 6:30 am, he wakes up and gets ready to go to school in his fur (毛皮)coat. It keeps him warm in the freezing weather. Half an hour later, he gets to school on a ski or snowmobile. Some of his friends go by car instead. At 11:30 am, it’s time for lunch. There’s fish and other meat in his lunchbox. He sometimes eats them uncooked. These foods give him enough energy. Besides local food, some people eat Western food. At 5:00 pm, the snow outside makes everything bright, so he wears snow goggles on his way back home, or his eyes may be hurt badly by the strong light. From December to March, the sun never rises. However, it always shines in the sky during the summer. At 10:00 pm, he goes to bed. Sometimes he stays in an ice house called igloo. It looks cold but it’s warm inside. Many local people live in houses made of wood.

The Inuit mainly make a living by hunting and fishing. Now, their life is greatly influenced by climate (气候) change. For example, many animals they hunt for food are disappearing. There is less food for the reindeer they keep, too. They face more terrible weather, such as snowstorms. Hunting becomes more dangerous. Hunters may accidentally fall into water if the ice becomes too thin. Actually, the temperature in the Arctic is 18℃ higher than it was 125 years ago. All Arctic ice may disappear during the summer in less than 100 years.

The Arctic

The facts of the area    1    :
*50% of the Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.
*The sun always shines.
In winter:   
*100% of the Arctic Ocean is covered with ice.
*The Arctic is     2     all the time from December to March.
The daily life of a young InuitClothing:   
*a fur coat to keep warm
*snow goggles to     3     the eyes
*a snowmobile
*a ski
    4    : fish and some other meat (sometimes without being cooked)
* a wooden house
* sometimes an ice house
The problems that the Inuit faceSome wild animals are disappearing.
Animals, food is running out.
The weather is more terrible.
The hunters aren’t sure about their own safely because of     5    .
2022-09-01更新 | 71次组卷
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