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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.15 引用次数:229 题号:18946003

Walk or drive to work? Which way is lower in carbon (碳)? To be friendly to the environment, you may choose to walk. Have you ever tried to live a low-carbon life through your diet (日常饮食)?

A new study from the University of Oxford has looked into the health and environmental influences of 15 foods common in western diets. Among these, plant based (基于植物的) foods included fruits, vegetables, nuts and potatoes. It also studied animal-based foods, including red meat, chicken, milk products, eggs and fish.

According to the study’s lead researcher, Michael Clark, “Choosing better and greener diets is one of the main ways people can improve their health and protect the environment.” That is to say, plant-based diets are much healthier for us and kinder to the environment.

To get this result, researchers compared the influence of eating another portion (一份) of each food with the increased risk of a few illnesses. They also found out the environmental harm for each animal-based food and each plant-based food.

By using this method, the study found that red meats were the most unfriendly foods to the environment. Keeping farm animals produces a large number of methane (甲烷) that keeps 30 times more heat than CO2. As well as making the earth warmer, eating too much red meat is known to increase the risk of a few illnesses, such as heart trouble.

Plant-based diets can give us the same health benefits in a much greener way. According to the study, without eating or using meat and milk products, global farmland use could be cut down by more than 75% and still feed the world.

Speaking to the Guardian (英国卫报), Tim Benton of Chatham House (英国皇家国际事务研究所) said, “If we can give people reasonable official (官方的) advice of what a healthy and green diet is, the world and its people would be in a much better place.”

1. Which one is animal-based food?
A.Milk products.B.Fruits.C.Potatoes.D.Vegetables.
2. What’s the result of this study?
A.Many people choose to walk to work.
B.Plant-based diets are healthier and greener.
C.The more we eat, the better the environment is.
D.15 foods common in western diets are not healthy.
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A.The harm of CO2.B.The risk of heart trouble.
C.A reason for keeping animals.D.Two disadvantages of red meats.
4. What does the underlined word “benefits” in paragraph 6 mean in Chinese?
5. What will this study probably be used for?
A.Teaching farmers to plant vegetables correctly.
B.Offering doctors new methods to treat patients.
C.Guiding people to lose weight by doing exercise.
D.Giving official advice on health and environment.


阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 困难 (0.15)


According to a new report, Americans drink more soda (苏打) than ever before. Do your parents ever try to limit how much soda you drink? Do they say drinking too much isn’t good for you?

Right now, in New York, Mayor (市长) Michael Bloomberg also limits how much soda you can have — and it is not only for you but also for adults! Starting in March, 2013, places like movie theaters, restaurants and sports centers, can’t sell sodas larger than 473 ml. Sellers who break the ban (禁令) will face a $200 fine. But you can still get whatever size you want at supermarkets.

Why is drinking too much soda unhealthy for you? A study shows that for every soda a child drinks every day, their obesity (肥胖) risk appears to jump 60%. In New York, more than half of adults and nearly 40% of children are overweight. Obesity kills thousands of New Yorkers every year and the city spends as much as $4 billion a year on medical care for overweight and obese people.

New York has a population of about 8 million. Of course, it’s impossible for all New Yorkers to agree on the ban. There are different opinions. Keith Aiken believes the ban can help fight teen’s obesity. “Clearly, soda causes teens obesity. We have to do something.” he says. Chuck Kallenbach doesn’t think the ban can work. He says, “I can’t buy a large cup of soda, but I can buy two small cups.” Michael Tansini says, “Whatever size cup I want is my own business. No one should limit it!”

1. This passage is mainly written for ________.
2. Where can one get sodas larger than 473 ml in New York after March, 2013?
A.At movie theaters.B.At restaurants.
C.At sports centers.D.At supermarkets.
3. Who are against the ban?
A.Chuck Kallenbach and Michael Tansini.
B.Michael Bloomberg and Keith Aiken.
C.Michael Bloomberg and Chuck Kallenbach.
D.Keith Aiken and Michael Tansini.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.New York is a city with abut 80, 000, 000 people.
B.Over half of children are overweight or obese in New York.
C.Nearly 40% of New Yorkers are against the large-size soda ban.
D.Thousands of New Yorkers lost their lives every year because of obesity.
5. The underlined word “fine” means _________ in Chinese.
2017-05-31更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 困难 (0.15)

【推荐2】It’s hard to turn down junk food. However, eating too much is bad for your body, especially if you’re between the ages of 10 and 19. “Junk food shapes teenage brains in ways that make their ability to think, learn and remember weaker. It can also make it harder to control bad behaviors. It may even up a teen’s risk of mental (精神上的) problems,” said Amy Reichelt, a scientist at Western University, Canada.

Reichelt and two other researchers reviewed more than 100 studies about how poor food choices can make a big difference to teenage brains. They found teenagers are more sensitive (敏感的) than any other age group to foods with a lot of fat and sugar, as their brains are not yet fully formed.

Teenage brains are still developing the ability to notice risks and control actions. The prefrontal cortex (前额皮质) is the part of the brain tells us we shouldn’t eat chips all the time and helps us control ourselves. However, this part doesn’t fully develop until we are in our early 20s. At the same time, teen brains get more excited from prizes. The parts of the brain that make us feel good when we do something happy—like eating tasty foods—are fully developed by the teen years.

As a result, the teen brain has two hits against it when it comes to refusing junk food. Reichelt and her team did an experiment using mice, whose brains develop much like our own. They discovered that “teenage” mice that had high-fat foods performed worse on memory tests than those eating normal foods.

So, what’s the best way to say no to junk food? The answer is exercise. When we exercise, the brain becomes less sensitive to food, besides this, it also helps our brains grow and become better able to make wise decisions.

1. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A.What junk food is.B.Why teenagers like junk food.
C.How junk food harms teen brains.D.How food helps human brains develop.
2. Why is it hard for young people to turn down junk food according to the study?
A.Because their brains are fully developed.
B.Because they need energy for their development.
C.Because they have a low level of excitement in their brains.
D.Because they are more sensitive to the joy that junk food offers.
3. What might the study on mice show?
A.We get more excited while eating junk food.
B.High-fat foods could harm our ability to deal with information.
C.Human brains develop at a slower speed than the brains of mice.
D.High-fat foods could make mice behave better at performing arts.
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the text? (P=Paragraph)
5. What’s the text?
A.An instruction.B.An interview.C.A poem.D.A story.
2023-04-16更新 | 376次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 困难 (0.15)

【推荐3】As people all over the world struggled with higher levels of stress, depression and anxiety this past year, many turned to their favorite comfort foods: ice cream, pizza, hamburgers. But studies in recent years suggest that the high-sugar and high-fat foods when we are stressed or depressed, as comforting as they may seem, are the least likely to be good for our mental (精神上的) health. Instead, whole foods such as vegetables, fruit, fish, eggs, nuts may be a better bet.

Historically, nutrition research has paid much attention to how the foods we eat influence our physical (身体上的) health, rather than our mental health, though. Over the years, large population studies have found that people who are asked to follow a Mediterranean diet for three months had greater reductions in symptoms of depression after three months compared to a control group. Public health professors around the world have started encouraging people to take and use lifestyle behaviors like exercise, sound sleep, a heart-healthy diet and avoiding smoking that may reduce inflammation (发炎) and have advantages for the brain. Individual clinicians (临床医师) are already including nutrition into their work with patients. Dr. Drew Ramsey, a clinical professor at the Columbia University, begins his meetings with new patients by exploring their diet. He asks what they eat, learns their favorite foods, and finds out if foods that he considers important for the connection are missing from their diets, such as plants, seafood.

Dr. Ramsey said he didn’t want people to think that the only factor involved in brain health is food. “Lots of people get their food exactly right, live very active lives, and still have many troubles with their mental health,” he said. But he also teaches people that food can be empowering. “We can’t control our genes,” he said. “But we can control how we eat, and that gives people actionable things that they can do to take care of their brain health on a daily basis.”

1. What do previous (以前的) nutrition studies mainly pay attention to?
A.How our diets influence our mental health.B.How our diets influence our physical health.
C.How our mental health influences our diets.D.How our physical health influences our diets.
2. Why are individual clinicians including nutrition into their work with patients?
A.They try to satisfy their patients’ needs.
B.They are questioning public health professors.
C.They want to prove the value of healthy diets.
D.They have accepted the findings of large population studies.
3. Which of the following might Dr. Ramsey agree with?
A.Some connection lives between our diets and mental health.
B.People can control their genes as well as how they eat.
C.People living active lives will not have mental problems.
D.Eating a healthy diet is going to cure depression.
2023-03-21更新 | 640次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般