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题型:任务型阅读-阅读填表 难度:0.65 引用次数:50 题号:19738120

Cooking should be considered as art just like any other activity which requires skills and knowledge. It is often said that students are supposed to learn scientific facts as well as how to prepare meals. The following will explain why cooking should be taught in schools.

Cooking is an important skill in life.

Schools are supposed to teach knowledge to the students so that they can lead successful independent lives when they are out of school. Also, they can step into the world knowing how to make a living.

Cooking helps discover future career.

When schools offer cooking lessons, students will show an interest in it and might take cooking as a career. This will give them the chance to perfect their basic skills and be creative in the kitchen.

Cooking avoids wasting money.

One of the main reasons why cooking should be taught in schools is that the students always use a lot of money to buy ready-made food, while in the real sense they could prepare a nice meal with less cost by buying the required ingredients.

Cooking betters math learning.

Schools do not just teach how to prepare delicious meals. Students are also taught to follow the instructions in a standard when mixing ingredients. If it is “add 1/4 spoon of salt”, students should only add that amount. So there is no more or less.

Cooking Should Be Taught in Schools.

OpinionStudents should learn scientific     1     and cooking skills.

An important

skill in life

●Students can lead independent lives successfully when at home     3    .
●Students can depend on themselves for basic living after graduation.


future career

●Students might take cooking as a career.
●Students can     4     their basic skills and be creative in the kitchen.

Avoiding waste money

Students can prepare nice dishes with less money to buy the required ingredients.


math learning

Students are taught to follow the instructions in a     5    .
【知识点】 教育 说明文 劳动实践


任务型阅读-阅读填表(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

Healthy, rested and phoneless

In 2021, China took a series (系列) of actions to improve the quality of education. Let’s check out how this has changed the lives of students.

●More sleep

Almost 80 percent of primary and middle school students are able to get more sleep at night. This came after the Ministry of Education (MOE教育部) advised that middle and high school students should go to bed before 11 p. m.

●Less phone use:

As the ministry reported, 99. 8 percent of primary and middle schools have issued (发布) rules preventing students from bringing smartphones (智能手机) to class. Almost all schools no longer assign (布置) homework through smartphones.

●More physical exercise

Students enjoy better health as efforts have been made to ensure (确保) enough time for physical activities, said the MOE. For example, all middle school students were encouraged to have one physical education course every school day and two hours of exercise daily.

Improve the quality of education

Go to bed before     1     p. m.Nearly 80 percent of students can get     2     at night.
No homework     3     smartphones.Almost all the schools stop the students     4     to class.
Every school day and two hours of exercise daily for PE. course.Ensure enough time for     5    .
2022-08-09更新 | 20次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

It’s a warm afternoon in a village in India (印度). When a school bus stops, lots of children are running to the bus. They’re very happy to study on the bus.

The school bus is the only hope for a lot of children in the village. They have to work to make money for family and don’t have schools to go to. This bus brings school to them.

On the bus, there are pencils, pens, pictures, books and a TV. There is a teacher, too. The children study with the help of the teacher. A doctor sometimes comes with the bus to check (检查) the children’s health.

Right now, about 40 children are sitting on the bus. They are listening to the teacher and writing in their notebooks. These are their regular teaching (常规教学). Ten-year-old Devi is learning on the bus today. After she finishes working with her father, she comes to the bus to study. Devi wants to be a teacher one day.

The school on a bus is the opinion (想法) of a man called T. L. Reddy. He wants the children to like going to school. “School is fun. It is for every child,” he says.

1. When the school bus stops, the children run to the bus to ________. (不超过5个词)
2. Who helps the children to study? (不超过10个词)
3. What does the doctor do on the bus? (不超过10个词)
4. What do the children usually do on the school bus? (不超过10个词)
5. What do you think of this school bus? (不超过15个词)
2024-05-23更新 | 42次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

Zengzi, also called Zeng Shen, became a good student of Confucius when he was 16.

Early one morning, Zengzi’s wife left for the market. Her little son wanted to go with her. But he was too young and the market was too far.

Then she cheated (欺骗) her son and said, “I will soon be back. You stay at home and wait for me. If you do as I say, I will kill a pig and make a nice dish for you.” The child went back to the house happily.

When Zengzi’s wife got back from the market, she showed no sign of killing a pig. So Zengzi himself prepared to do that, but his wife rushed to stop him and said, “Don’t do that. I just cheated the child.”

“Honesty (诚实) is the most important thing,” Zengzi said. “Children are like blank (空白的) pieces of paper. They understand nothing but they can learn from their parents’ actions. Because you have cheated your son, he won’t trust you anymore. In the future he will cheat others.”

Hearing her husband’s words, Zengzi’s wife regretted cheating the child. So she wanted to keep her words. She joined Zengzi in killing the pig and cooked nice dishes for the child. While eating, the boy was happy and thankful to his parents.

One evening, when the child went to bed, he suddenly got up and ran outside. Zengzi asked him where he was going. The boy replied, “I promised I was going to return a toy to a friend today. But I forgot, so I am going to return it now.” The couple exchanged satisfied smiles, and waited until the boy came back.

1. When did Zengzi become a student of Confucius? (no more than 4 words)
2. How did Zengzi’s wife let her son stay at home? (no more than 17 words).
3. Why did Zengzi’s wife kill the pig and cook dishes at last? (no more than 7 words)
4. 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。
5. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。
2024-05-23更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般