组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 宇宙 > 天体与宇宙
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:15 题号:19968583

It’s 2050. The Earth is dying, and moving to Mars seems to be the only way out for humans. A team of American astronauts begin to search on Mars. This is what the movie Red Planet begins with. Known as the Red Planet, Mars is the favorite of writers and filmmakers. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the next planet beyond the Earth. Mars is the only planet whose surface can be seen from the Earth. It is about half size of our planet.

The surface of Mars is more like the Earth than any other planet. But it is further from the Sun than the Earth, so temperatures on Mars are much lower. Plants and animals can not live now on Mars. But many scientists still believe that life may have been on Mars long ago. On 6th August,1996, scientists discovered a piece of rock from Mars, which fell to the Earth 13,000 years ago. Ten years later, some scientists still didn’t accept that there was life on Mars. People may not be sure about life on Mars until a sample(样本) of life is brought back. Some further researches are being done in many countries.

1. Why is the movie Red Planer mentioned?
A.To introduce the topic.B.To advise readers to go to Mars.
C.To compare Mars with the Earth.D.To tell stories about American astronauts.
2. What do we know about Mars?
A.Mars is as big as the Earth in size.
B.Mars is the fourth planet from the Earth.
C.The surface of Mars is similar to that of the Earth.
D.Mars is one of the planets whose surfaces can be seen from the Earth.
3. No life exists on Mars because ________.
A.it is too softB.it is too farC.it is too small.D.it is too cold
4. What did scientists find from Mars in 1996?
A.Some plants.B.Some animals.C.A piece of rock.D.Some water.
5. People won’t believe there is life on Mars until ________.
A.a sample of life is brought backB.a film on Mars is made
C.astronauts land on MarsD.scientists move to Mars


阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In many science fiction (科幻) movies, men travel to faraway stars and even fight with aliens. But are there real aliens in the universe (宇宙)? The answer of some scientists is yes. So they have been searching for aliens in outer space for many years. They hope io find life signs of aliens.

Some scientists are used to using radio telescopes (望远镜) to search for aliens in space. In order to find aliens, they have worked hard for over half a century, but so far they have found nothing. Then some scientists guessed aliens might not want to connect us, but aliens could answer our messages. So some scientists sent radio signals into the universe. They hope one day they would be picked up by alien technology. These scientists want to prove (证明) that we are not alone in the universe.

But what should we do if the “alien phone” rings one day? Should we answer it? Stephen Hawking, the famous physicist, thought it could be dangerous to connect aliens. He said that the main purpose of aliens’ visiting to our solar system could be searching for our resources (资源). But other scientists think we have no need to worry. David Morrison. a NASA scientist, said, “If an alien radio signal reaches the earth from a planet thousands of light-years away, then they almost surely have solved all the problems we still have including the short of resources. Maybe they are much smarter than us, but why don’t they hurt us? I think we can try to connect them.”

1. ______ scientists believe there are aliens.
2. Scientists have worked hard to find aliens for ______.
A.more than 50 yearsB.50 yearsC.40 yearsD.30 years
3. What is Stephen Hawking’s opinion?
A.Aliens are dangerous.B.Aliens are friendly.
C.Aliens can’t be found.D.Aliens have been on the earth.
4. Why does David Morrison think we want to connect aliens?
A.Because we want to find aliens.B.Because aliens are much smarter than us.
C.Because we want to help aliens.D.Because aliens have many skills.
5. What the best title for passage?
A.How to Use Radio Telescope.B.Stephen Hawking’s Idea.
C.Protect Our Earth.D.Are We Alone?
2023-10-13更新 | 42次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When we talk about the universe, we mean not only the earth, the sun and the moon, but also the stars and space between them. There are millions of stars in our sky. The sun is one of them. Around it there are eight big planets moving, including the earth. The moon is our nearest neighbour in space. If you look at the sky on a clear night, it is possible to see about 3,000 stars. They look small, but they are really very big hot balls of burning(燃烧着的) gas. Some of them are huge, but others are much smaller like our planet Earth. The biggest stars are very bright, but they can only live for a short time. Every day new stars are born and old stars die.

All the stars are very far away. The light from the nearest star (except the sun) takes more than four years to reach the earth.

Hundreds of years ago, people used stars, like the North Star, to know which direction(方向) to travel in. Today you can still see that star.

1. The universe means ________.
A.the earthB.the sun, the moon and the stars
C.space between the starsD.All of the above.
2. The light from the nearest star (except the sun) takes more than ________ to get to the earth.
A.four yearsB.1,000 daysC.100 yearsD.four light years
3. People used to look at the North Star ________.
A.when they were workingB.to tell them when to do farm work
C.while they were travellingD.just for fun
2023-02-16更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The world got a glimpse(一瞥)of one of the greatest mysteries of our universe(宇宙)on April 10. That's when the first image of a black hole was shown to the public. The picture was created by a network of eight radio telescopes(射电望远镜).

We have seen what we thought was unseeable ,"says Shep Doeleman. He led the effort to create the image.

The black hole is at the center of galaxy(星系)named Messier 87,some 55 million light-years from the earth,and is 6.5 billion times the mass of the sun.

The image shows the gas,dust,and stars that move around the black hole before disappearing into it. It does not truly show the black hole,because not even light can escape its gravity. Black holes, like vacuums, suck(吸)in everything that gets too close.

1. In paragraph 1,the underlined word “image" probably means___________.
2. In paragraph 2,the underlined sentence means seeing the black hole___________.
A.was expected beforeB.was unexpected before
C.is commonD.is impossible
3. The black hole lies___________ the Messier 87 galaxy.
A.in the middle ofB.in the front of
C.at the back ofD.on the top of
4. What will probably happen if a spaceship gets close to the black hole?
A.It will fly around it.
B.It will be covered by the dust.
C.It will be sucked in.
D.It will be discovered.
5. What's the best title(标题)for this passage?
A.The Black Hole and its GravityB.First Look at the Black Hole
C.The Mystery of the UniverseD.Faraway Galaxy
2019-07-18更新 | 315次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般