组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 宇宙 > 天体与宇宙
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:52 题号:21579605

Thousands of miles from the Earth, in outer space, is a small planet, far from the Sun, behind a much bigger planet. Little green aliens live there. They use torches to see.

One day, a young alien, Neila, put the wrong batteries in her torch.

Suddenly, there was bright light. It went up into the sky, around the Sun and reached the Earth.

The light hit a boy called Billy and his dog. Neila quickly turned the torch off, but the pair were caught by the light. They flew through space and landed near Neila.

“ Hello,” said Billy. Neila smiled.

“ Wow!” said Billy, “Everything’s made of ice cream!”

“The ice cream never melts (融化), and nobody eats it. It’s too cold here,” said Neila.

Neila looked sad. “Can you help us?” she said, “We need sunshine to make things grow.”

“No problem,” said Billy, “Can you get us home? I have an idea.”

“Wait there!” said Neila.

She got her torch, put the wrong batteries in again—ZOOM! Billy and his dog flew back to the Earth.

Billy pointed his bedroom mirror between the Sun and Fliptune. The sunlight bounced off the mirror and up onto Neila’s planet.

Thanks to Billy, Fliptune is not cold any more. Billy moves the mirror every day to keep the sun shining there. Now Neila and her friends sit in the sun and enjoy all the free ice cream.

1. What does the underlined phrase “the pair”   refer to in paragraph 4?
A.The batteries.B.Billy and his dog.C.Billy and Neila.D.The torch and the batteries.
2. How did Neila help Billy and his dog go back to the Earth?
A.By moving the mirror.B.By turning off the torch.
C.By pointing the bedroom mirror.D.By putting the wrong batteries in the torch.
3. In what order did the following happen in this passage?
a. Neila asked Billy for help.
b. Billy and his dog flew to Fliptune.
c. Neila helped Billy and his dog back to the Earth.
d. Billy moved the mirror every day to warm Fliptune.
4. Which picture best shows the underlined sentence in paragraph 12?
5. Which of the following best describes Billy?
A.Clever and kind.B.Brave but forgetful.C.Kind and strong.D.Clever but careless.


阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There are many stories and poems about the Moon in Chinese history. And now scientists send spaceships to the Moon. Why? Because people are always interested in the Moon and want to know more about it. Here is some information(信息) about it. Let’s see it together.

The Moon looks beautiful and bright at night. It is far away from the Earth and if you want to get to the Moon, it will take you about 6 months to get there by car at 95 km per hour.

There is no gravity on the Moon, so people can enjoy floating there. If you weigh 68 kg on Earth, you will weigh only 11 kg on the Moon.

There are many interesting places such as craters(陨石坑), mountains and lava plains(熔岩平原) on the Moon. There is no air on the Moon, so people can’t breathe on it.

On Earth, the day is usually warm and the night is cool. And there are four different seasons in a year. But on the Moon, the temperature is very high during the day and very low at night. And a full day on the Moon, from the sunrise to the next, lasts about 29.5 Earth days on average(平均).

The Moon doesn’t have its own light. It looks bright because it can reflect(反射) light from the Sun. When the Moon moves around the Earth, it gets different light from the Sun. So we find its size often changes.

1. Why are there many stories and poems about the Moon according to the text?
A.Because people in the past wanted to live on it.
B.Because people like it and want to know about it.
C.Because people in the past couldn’t understand it.
D.Because it is a symbol(象征) of beauty and love.
2. If you are 45 kg on Earth, how heavy will you be on the Moon?
A.Less than 5 kg.
B.More than 10 kg.
C.Only 7 kg.
D.About 9 kg.
3. What can we know about the Moon from the text?
A.People can lose weight on the Moon and breathe in fresh air there.
B.People can float to the Moon now and enjoy themselves over there.
C.Two days on the Moon equal(等于) about fifty-nine days on Earth.
D.The day is very hot and the night is cool in the summer of the Moon.
4. Why does the author write the text?
A.To tell us some ways of travelling to the Moon.
B.To tell us some important facts about the Moon.
C.To tell us some interesting stories about the Moon.
D.To tell us the differences between the Earth and the Moon.
2023-06-07更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

What do black holes look like? We finally got the answer: they look like dark circles with a bright ring around the outside. Scientists took the world’s first photo of a black hole. The black hole is very far from Earth—about 55 million light years away. This is not the only black hole in the universe.

Black holes are mysterious in the universe. A photo can help us learn more about them. How much do you know about black holes? Try to answer the following questions.

Q: What is a black hole?

A: A black hole comes from a dying star. The star turns in to a small point. The point has much mass and strong gravity (引力) . The strong gravity of a black hole pulls things. The black hole “eats” these things. Black holes can even “eat” light. That’s why a black hole looks “black”.

Q: If black holes are “black”, how do scientists know they are there?

A: We cannot see black holes. But we can see how their strong gravity works on the things around them. A black hole’s gravity pulls dust and gas into it. And if a star is orbiting (绕轨道运行) a point in space, scientists can study the star’s orbit. They can tell if the star is orbiting a black hole.

Q: How did scientists take the picture of the black hole?

A: Scientists didn’t use a camera to take the picture. They used eight radio telescopes in different places across the world. The telescopes got information from the black hole. Scientists used computers to deal with the information. It took them two years to get the final picture.

Q: Will the sun turn into a black hole? And if it does, will it “eat” Earth?

A: The sun won’t become a black hole. According to NASA, it does not have enough mass to turn into one. When the sun dies, it will become a smaller and cooler star. Even if the sun becomes a black hole, Earth would still be safe.

1. Which of the following is NOT true about black holes?
A.They are about 55 million light years away from Earth.
B.Black holes look “black” because they pull light and “eat” it.
C.There is more than one black hole in space.
2. The underlined word “pulls” in the first answer most probably means ________.
3. Scientists know black holes are there by ________.
A.using cameras to take pictures
B.using radio telescopes around the world
C.watching the stars carefully in the sky
4. What will happen if the sun becomes a black hole?
A.Earth will die at once.B.Earth will become black.C.Earth will still be safe.
5. The best title for the passage may be “________”.
A.Learning about black holesB.Earth and the black holesC.Something about the universe
2023-12-06更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Mission to Mars

On July 4, 1997, space exploration took a huge step. On that day, a spacecraft called Pathfinder landed on Mars. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sent Pathfinder to discover new information about the Red Planet.

The mission was a complete success. After landing, Pathfinder sent a small rover (漫游机器人), Sojourner, onto the planet's surface. Sojourner explored more than 250 square meters of Mars. Together, designed Sojourner to last for only seven days, but little vehicle ran twelve times longer! Pathfinder surprised scientists, too. It sent back information for almost three months. That was three times longer than it was built to last.

Because Pathfinder and Sojourner ran for so long, scientists got more information than they ever dreamed of getting. For one thing, they discovered that Mars is very sandy. Pictures of sand dunes around the land site hint that Mars once had water. Scientists know that water means life. Was there ever life on Mars? We don't know yet. In addition, the Pathfinder mission told scientists that Mars is dusty. Huge "dust devils" on Mars spit enormous amounts of dust into the Martian air. Pathfinder also discovered frosty Martian temperatures at 200 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. At that temperature, a glass of water would freeze solid in just a few seconds.

In October, scientists lost Pathfinder's signal because the spacecraft's battery had run down. They tried to revive the signal but had no luck. The mission officially ended on November 4.

Scientists hope to use the knowledge from these missions to better understand how life on earth began. They will also use it to plan future Mars missions.

1. What did NASA do to get information about Mars?
A.NASA sent the spacecraft Sojourner to Mars.
B.NASA sent engineers on a three-month space mission.
C.NASA sent the spacecraft Pathfinder to Mars.
D.NASA sent astronauts to run tests for seven days.
2. What was the main reason NASA considered the Pathfinder mission a success?
A.Scientists found out that Mars is very cold and dusty.
B.Scientists got more information than they ever dreamed of getting.
C.Scientists learned that Mars definitely had water at one time.
D.Scientists found out that there was once life on Mars.
3. You can learn from this passage that ________
A.dust devils on Mars made the photographs hard to see.
B.Martian temperatures caused Pathfinder's battery to fail.
C.scientists suspect that life on Earth began on Mars.
D.scientists will look for signs that life existed on Mars.
2020-07-14更新 | 208次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般