组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:34 题号:22066281

Recently, there were two pieces of sad news. An old gorilla (大猩猩) called Sentai was seriously ill because some visitors fed them food. Another poor animal, a deer, died with 3.5 kilograms of plastic bags in her stomach. The two poor animals remind people of the most basic zoo rule again: do not feed animals.

Visitors often throw foods like peanuts and bread to animals. They think it’s kind for them to feed the animals. However, the foods are not good for the animals and may cause them to become sick.

“Imagine if someone often gives your children snacks and sweets. Would your children have healthy food as usual? This behavior can lead children to ignore (忽视) the healthy food. This is the same to animals,” Zhang, an animal expert in Beijing, told the Global Times.

Poor Sentai’s condition makes many people feel angry, and some people advise zoos to do more than just stop visitors when they feed animals. Some even advise the zoos to make a “blacklist” to keep those visitors out. However, it is very difficult for zoos to do this job. A worker in Shanghai zoo says that workers in the zoo will correct people’s mistakes and try to improve public awareness (意识) to stop this behavior.

Some people say that after hearing the news, they felt sorry for feeding animals at the zoo. Others say they are surprised to find that their “kind behaviors” could actually harm the animals.

We human beings can express our feelings when we feel ill or uncomfortable, but this is impossible for animals. So it’s important for visitors to protect the animals-by not feeding them.

1. How did the writer explain that feeding animals is bad for them?
A.By asking some questionsB.by showing a study about it
C.by showing an expert’s opinionD.by giving an example about it
2. What will workers in Shanghai zoo not do?
A.correct people’s mistakesB.improve people’s public awareness
C.Stop people when they feed animalsD.make a “blacklist” to keep some people out
3. what does the underlined word “this” refer to?
A.feeding animalsB.feeling uncomfortable
C.expressing their feelingsD.showing their kind behaviors
4. what’s the best title for the passage?
A.volunteer in zoosB.stop feeding animals
C.keep animals in zoosD.raise money for animals


阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Welcome to Burton Safari Park. Burton is one of Europe's oldest wildlife parks. Here you can see wild animals from all over the world - and they're not in cages. Before we start, we have some information for the animal's safety and for your own. First, please stay in your car at all times. If there is an emergency (紧急情况)or your car breaks down, please use your horn (喇叭) and lights and a person will come and help you. If you would like to stop, please do so on the left side of the road, so the traffic will pass on the right. Please don't feed the animals. Our animals are fed on special diets and your food could make them ill or even kill them.

We're starting our tour with some of Burton's most interesting animals, our four white rhinos (犀牛)from South Africa. The white rhino doesn't get its name from its colour; the African word white means wild. The white rhino has a wide mouth and it helps the animal to eat grass. Sadly, there are very few white rhinos left because humans hunt them for their valuable horns (角). They can be made into things like handles(柄,把手)for knives.

1. Who is the speaker?
A.A chairperson.B.A tourist.C.A climber.D.A guide.
2. If you are in trouble, you can ______________.
A.use your hornB.pass on the right.C.feed the animalsD.kill the animals
3. Which sentence is TRUE about Burton?
A.Ifs a new wildlife park.B.Animals in Burton are kept in cages.
C.Traffic there keeps to the left.D.Visitors can feed the animals there.
4. What do we know about the white rhino?
A.It gets its name from its colour.B.It is a rare animal.
C.People hunt it for its fur.D.It has a wide nose.
2020-03-22更新 | 84次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Canada geese(鹅) are large, blue and white birds. When autumn comes, they fly to the south where the weather is warmer. Winter in Canada is very cold. The birds will die if they stay there.

Last spring, Bill found sixteen young Canada geese on his farm. They couldn’t find their parents. Bill had a small plane and he decided to teach the birds how to fly. All through the summer, Bill went on short trips in his plane and the young geese flew after him.

When the cold weather came, Bill flew to Virginia in the United States. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the geese in Virginia and returned home.

This spring Bill waited for the birds to come back. But they didn’t. Bill flew to Virginia to get them back. He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn’t find them. But when he arrived home, he found the geese were waiting for him. They could find their way home by themselves!

1. The Canada geese fly to the south every autumn because ________.
A.the weather is warmer thereB.their parents ask them to do so
C.they can find food easily thereD.people there are friendly to them
2. Bill found ________ young Canada geese on his farm last spring.
3. Bill went on short trips in his plane to ________.
A.enjoy the beautiful sceneryB.practice driving a plane
C.teach the geese how to flyD.take the geese to have a good trip
4. Bill spent ________ looking for the geese in Virginia this spring.
A.two monthsB.one monthC.three monthsD.two weeks
5. Why couldn’t Bill find the geese in Virginia this spring?
A.Because the geese lost their way.B.Because the geese returned to Bill’s home by themselves.
C.Because the geese went to another place.D.Because the geese died.
2023-06-10更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Mrs Brown lives in a small town in Australia. There is a big farm near the town.

On Saturday morning, she goes to her small shop. She opens the window of the shop and looks at the farm. It’s very beautiful. There are many cows, horses and other small animals on the farm. Suddenly she sees a kangaroo with her baby. It’s interesting to see them! The mother kangaroo is wearing an old jacket. They stand there and look hungry. Mrs Brown gives some bread to them. The kangaroos get it. Then they become happy and jump away. Suddenly a wallet drops onto the ground from the jacket pocket. She picks it up and finds $300 and a photo in it. That is a man’s photo with his name “John” on it. “John? I have a brother. His name is also John,” Mrs Brown says to herself. “Is this man my lost brother?” She thinks.

She takes the wallet with her and begins to look for the man. She asks many people in town, and then she comes to the farm and asks the farmer. Hey! It is John, her lost brother. They are very happy to see each other.

1. What animal could Mrs Brown see on the farm that morning?
A.Cows, horses and other big animals.
B.Cows, horses, other small animals and a kangaroo with a baby.
C.Cows, horses and kangaroos with their babies.
D.Cows, horses, other big animals and a kangaroo.
2. Why does Mrs Brown give some bread to the kangaroos?
A.Because she likes kangaroos very much.B.Because the mother kangaroo is wearing an old jacket.
C.Because the mother kangaroo and her baby look hungry.D.Because she wants to find John.
3. What does Mrs Brown find after the kangaroos jump away?
A.A wallet.B.Two photos.C.$400.D.A jacket.
4. How does Mrs Brown find her lost brother, John?
A.By the wallet.B.By the kangaroo.C.By the jacket.D.By the photo with his name.
5. Where does Mrs Brown find her lost brother?
A.In a shop.B.On a farm.C.On a hill.D.In the USA.
2023-01-29更新 | 98次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般