组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会 > 青少年问题
题型:读写综合 难度:0.4 引用次数:20 题号:22123582

“I wish I had straight hair.” “I’d like to be taller.” Sometimes, we may want to look a bit more like someone else. However, the pictures we see on TV and social media can give us improper ideas about how our bodies “should” look. The truth is that everybody is different—and that’s a good thing. Accepting and feeling good about our bodies is really important for our self-confidence (自信).

If you feel positively (积极地) about your body, you are more likely to take care of it well. Research has even shown that you are more likely to take part in activities and perform well in school. However, feeling worried about your body could make you step back, do less well at school and even feel down. The cost of trying to achieve the “perfect” look is high. If you are spending a lot of time on it, you will have less time to spend with friends and to make important memories.

It’s important to remember that everybody is different. To develop a positive body image (形象), you should try to talk positively about your own body and other people’s bodies. Try not to pay too much attention to your look. Instead, think about what your body does for you. And you also should treat your body well by eating different kinds of food, doing sports and getting plenty of sleep. Remember that you are more than how you look.

1. Which one shows one’s confidence, “I like my curly hair” or “I’d like to be thinner”?
2. What is accepting and feeling good about our bodies really important for?
3. What will happen if we are spending a lot of time trying to achieve the “perfect” look?
4. What’s important to remember?
5. How many ways of treating our bodies well are mentioned?
6. b.书面表达

每个人都是独一无二的,都会发出自身特有的光芒。请你根据以下思维导图内容提示,以“What I Like About Myself”为题,用英语写一篇短文。


Everyone is special, and so am I. What I like about myself is



读写综合(约300词) | 较难 (0.4)

According to a notice by the Chinese Ministry of Education, no mobile phones are allowed in classrooms for the students in primary and middle schools in order to protect students eyesight, and to make sure they focus on(专注于)their studies and stop them from becoming addicted to(沉迷于) the Internet and online games. Teachers are asked not to use mobile phones to give students homework as well.

This decision has been widely supported by many people in China. In fact, many other countries have already taken action to control mobile phone usage among students.

In the United States, most schools allow students to have mobile phones. But they're usually not allowed to use phones during class, except(除了)when there is a sudden serious and dangerous situation.

Many UK schools also ban(禁止) children from using phones in classes, but they allow them during breaks. Eton College, a boarding school, has even banned its students from using electronic devices like smart phones, laptops and tablets in their rooms after bedtime to encourage better sleep.

In South Korea, schools have been allowed to set their own rules to control mobile phone use since 2018.The measure that most schools take is to confiscate(没收) the phones in the morning and return them afterschool.

In France, cellphones have been banned since September 2018. Students cannot use them during the whole school day, including breaks, lunchtimes and between lessons.

1. Who is not allowed to use mobile phones in classrooms in China?
2. When can students in most American schools use phones during class?
3. Why has Eton College banned its students from using electronic devices after bedtime?
4. What do most schools in South Korea do to control mobile phone use?
5. How many countries have controlled mobile phone use among students before China?
6. 2021年年初教育部办公厅印发了《关于加强中小学生手机管理工作的通知》,该通知要求中小学生原则上不得将个人手机带入校园。请你就这个问题写一篇题为“Should Students Be Allowed to Bring Mobile Phones to School?”的英语短文。

Should Students Be Allowed to Bring Mobile Phones to School?

2023-06-14更新 | 25次组卷
读写综合(约250词) | 较难 (0.4)
Dear Lin Tao,

It’s a long time since I wrote to you last time. How is everything going with you?

To tell you the _______(事实;真相), I’m having a hard time with my parents these days. I didn’t do a good job at my schoolwork and _______(未能及格)some of the exams last term. So they want _______(控制;操纵)every part of my life. They think that as a _______(第九)grader, I should spend all my time studying. What’s your advice?

For the coming winter vacation, I made a _______(决定)to travel around and I couldn’t wait to enjoy the beautiful wonders. But it will _______(替换;取代)by staying at home because of the serious situation of COVID-19 in my country. How boring it will be if I am _______ (不能做某事的)to play outside and stay at home all day long, although I can do something at home on my own too! What do you think of being home alone? What do you always do at home alone?

Recently I’ve bought a drone made in China and made some _______(视频)with it. High technologies in China have developed rapidly these years. And I’m also interested in some other great Chinese inventions, _______(包括)WeChat, Alipay, shopping online, shared bikes, health code and so on. Among all of them, which do you think is __________(有影响力的)?

Hopefully, you can give me some advice and tell me what you think.

Looking forward to your reply!



1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
9. ________
10. ________
11. 写作
假设你是Lin Tao,请根据上面词汇运用B部分,针对David提出的三方面问题(黑体加粗)回复邮件,给他一些建议,或谈谈你的想法。
1 回复他邮件中所有困惑或疑问,给出你简洁的建议及想法;
2 词数110词左右,开头结尾已经给出,不计入总字数;
3 不得出现真实的校名、人名等信息。
Dear David,

I am glad to receive your email. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes!


Lin Tao

2021-09-08更新 | 35次组卷
读写综合(约270词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐3】A. 回答问题

Do you understand your parents? It is difficult for many teenagers to understand them and deal with the relationships with their parents. Here are good ways to improve your relationship with your parents, maybe they can help you.

The first is respect (尊重). It is important to show respect to your parents. You haven’t experienced your parents’ lives, so you don’t know that they are under great stress (压力) in their work.

Second, it is trust. You should trust your parents as they trust you. If you learn how to trust, your life will be much easier.

Third, it is communication. When you have disagreement with your parents, you should communicate with them. By doing this, you can show them that you have the right to decide what to do.

Finally, it is company (陪伴). Just as kids need their parents’ company, parents also need company. Do you try to comfort (安慰) your parents when they feel down? Company is a good way to drive away the black clouds hanging over your family.

Your parents give all their love to you. Why not try your best to care about each other in the right way?

1. What is the first way to improve the relationship with parents?
2. Why don’t we know that our parents are under great stress in their work?
3. When we have disagreement with our parents, what should we do?
4. Who needs company according to the passage?
5. How many good ways are mentioned in the passage?
B. 书面表达
6. 《中国诗词大会》主持人董卿对第三季总决赛中冠军得主雷海为的评论:“你在读书上花的任何时间,都会在某一个时刻给你回报。”学习是一个厚积薄发的过程,充分利用课外空闲时间阅读是知识积累一种重要手段。








Harry Potter

Nature Encyclopedia
reference book 参考书

A brief history of China
history book








Hello, my fellows. We had a sharing on “We love reading” during our School Reading Month. Here is what we shared in our group.

2023-07-06更新 | 40次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般