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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:46 题号:22149177

①Japanese-style gardens first got attention in the US in 1893. About 120 years later, they started to be a great part of American garden design. Today, there are over 200 Japanese-style public gardens in North America.

②Japanese-style gardens are different in many ways. First, they bring together indoor and outdoor spaces. The house-garden relationship is set up to be connected. Gardens are around the house, so it’s as if the living space reaches out much further. Wherever a person looks out from their home, a garden should look almost like a painting. In fact, the idea of bringing the beauty of nature into daily lives is the most important idea in Japan so gardeners in Japan pay special attention to the beauty of rocks and stones.

③What’s more, Japanese-style gardens look as if they do not require much work. However, garden designers who are experts in this kind of garden say that Japanese gardens sometimes need even more work than other kinds of gardens.

④In these years, there have been some changes in Japanese-style gardens in the US. “When Japanese-style gardens were first introduced to the US, people paid little attention to whether outdoor scenery was connected to indoor spaces.” said John, who received training in Japan in 2000. But today, more Americans prefer the idea of “connecting the indoors to the outdoors.”

⑤Another change is that in the past, the trees chosen were often native to Japan. But today, the purpose is to use some trees that grow well in local environments. So now it’s very possible to create a wonderful Japanese garden using all native trees.

1. Japanese-style gardens became a great part of American garden design in about ______.
2. What’s the most important idea about Japanese-style gardens?
A.Plant the gardens with local trees.B.Connect natural beauty to everyday lives.
C.Find as many rocks and stones as possible.D.Make the gardens as beautiful as paintings.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Japanese-style gardens are attractive but require less hard work.
B.Nowadays more local trees are chosen for the gardens in the US.
C.The US has connected the indoors to outdoors since ancient times.
D.Americans think Japanese-style gardens are better for local environments.
4. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?


阅读理解-单选(约450词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】       Although public health service pointed out many problems about soft drinks like coca-cola, we still drink them too much. Actually, soft drink consumption (消费) increased from 43.1 kilos per person in 2000 to 70.6 kilos in 2022.
       However, not everyone drinks them. Two new studies show the fact that some of us will buy and drink more soft drinks than others.
       The first study, by researchers at Flanders University, tried to understand why. It found that some people know it’s unhealthy to buy soft drinks, but they just ignore (忽略) the unhealthy fact. After all, sugar makes them happy!
       It also found that the soft drink companies put interesting ads on TV programs to draw people’s attention. Colorful pictures and cool drinks make it hard for people to fight against the thought of buying a bottle of cola. Some smarter soft drink companies even put the words like “fun, happiness and friendship for young people” or “___▲___” into their ads. These active and meaningful words give some people good excuses to buy soft drinks.
       The second study provides information about who is the target population (目标人群). They found that soft drink companies, like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, spend billions of dollars on such target population as children, teenagers and young adults. Soft drinks, even “zero-sugar” ones, are high in calories (热量). With more and more consumption of soft drinks, these young people “buy” increased body weight and increased risk of health problems.
       Joshua McGreen, the lead researcher, suggested we should stop some soft drink ads for sports, “It’s especially important for sports stars to stop making ads on TV programs for soft drinks.” And he is now studying a new mobile app which can help people to keep themselves from soft drinks.
       Another researcher Rosemary Stanton said we should start by training the taste buds (味蕾) of young children to milk and water only, “By giving them sweet drinks at an early age, we give their taste buds the expectation that thirst will only be satisfied by something sweet, which may be juice or soft drinks.” She added, “To avoid the bad habit, let’s get back to the world with only water and milk.”
1. Some people still buy soft drinks because ______ makes them happy.
2. Which of the following sentences can be put in the ___▲___?
A.come and buy our soft drinksB.soft drinks with sports talents
C.more soft drinks, more pressureD.soft drinks are unhealthy for body
3. According to the researchers, we should _______.
A.produce more “zero-sugar” soft drinks
B.stop children from watching ads on TV programs
C.allow children to have sweet drinks at a proper time
D.train children at an early age to drink milk and water only
4. The following is a mind map of the passage. To fill in the blanks, which choice may be the best?
2023-02-23更新 | 166次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约420词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Psychologists tell us that there are four basic stages that human beings pass through when they enter and live in a new culture. This process, which helps us to deal with culture shock, is the way our brain and our personality react to the strange new things when we move from one culture to another.

Culture begins with the” honeymoon stage. ”This is the period of time when we first arrive in which everything about the new culture is strange and exciting. We may be suffering from”jet lag(时差)”but are thrilled to be in the new environment, seeing new sights, hearing new sounds and language, eating new kings of food. This stage can last for quite a long time because we feel we are involved in some kind of great adventure.

Unfortunately, the second stage can be more difficult. After we have settled down into our new life, we can become very tired and begin to miss our homeland and our family, friends, pets. All the little problems in life seem to be much bigger and more disturbing when your face them in a foreign culture. This period of cultural adjustment(调整) can be very difficult and lead to the new arrival rejecting or pulling away from the new culture.

The third stage is called the “adjustment stage”. This is when you begin to realize that things are not so bad in the host culture. Your sense of humor usually becomes stronger and you realize that you are becoming stronger by learning to take care of yourself in the new place .Things are still difficult ,but are now a survivor.

The fourth stage can be called ”at ease at last”. Now you feel quite comfortable in your new surroundings. You can cope with most problems that occur .You may still have problems with the language, but you know you are strong enough to deal with them.

There is a fifth stage of culture shock which many people don’t know about. This is called ”reverse(反转)” culture shock. Surprisingly, this occurs when you go back to your native culture and find that you have changed and that things have changed while you have been away. Now you feel a little uncomfortable back home. Life is a struggle.

1. When does culture shock happen?
A.when you reach your teens, culture shock happens.
B.When you move to a big city, culture shock happens.
C.When you meet foreign people for the first time, culture shock happens.
D.When you go to live in a foreign culture, culture shock happens.
2. How do you feel during the first stage of culture shock?
3. How could the third stage be described?
4. What may still be a problem during the fourth stage?
5. Which stage are you in when life is still tough but you are positive to live?
A.The first stage.B.The second stage
C.The third stage.D.The fourth stage.
6. Why might reverse culture shock be a problem?
A.It hardly ever happens.B.It is extremely stressful.
C.Most people do not expect it.D.It only happens to young people.
2019-09-26更新 | 138次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约200词) | 较难 (0.4)

Are you nervous about a big test at school or your performance at work?

Just take a walk, no longer than ten minutes. Not only will it clear your mind but it may also improve your brain’s ability to store and recall memories. That is what researchers at the University of California and the University of Tsukuba in Japan found in their latest study.

The experiment involved (涉及) 36 participants (参与者) who were in their early 20s.     1    

After this, they had a memory test where they were shown pictures of objects like some fruits and vegetables and asked to recall them later.     2     After that they got the results.

It was found that people were better at distinguishing (区分) the pictures after 10 minutes of exercise. To take a closer look at what was happening, researchers did brains scans (扫描) on some of the participants to see their brain activity during the experiment. It found that the more a person’s performance improved,     3     The short-term exercise seemed to increase connectivity in the brain area.

This showed that an increase in memory power may be possible to achieve.     4     But there were still some problems.     5     The researchers said that this kind of experiment should be used on older adults in future research.

A.Then the researchers later repeated the test with the same participants without exercise.
B.First, they were instructed to perform an easy form of exercise for 10 minutes.
C.It can be achieved with just 10 minutes of easy activity like walking or yoga.
D.Since all the participants were relatively young, the results might be different for other age groups.
E.the more of these physical changes took place in their brains.
2022-05-09更新 | 67次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般