组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:36 题号:22203604

Once upon a time, there was a beaver (海狸) named Furry living in the forest. He had lots of friends and liked to play outside. One day, a big wolf came and started saying, “This is my forest and I am bigger and stronger than you. So you will have to move out of the forest by tomorrow or I will destroy (摧毁) your house.”

Later that night Furry and his friends were thinking what to do. Furry suggested that they should build a trap (陷阱) to catch the wolf and teach him a lesson that there was somebody stronger than him. The beavers decided it would be a deep hole covered with sticks (树枝) on it.

One of the beavers asked, “How are we going to do that?” Furry suggested that they could ask the rabbits for help to build the trap. About one hour later the beavers went to the rabbits’ house and explained (解释) what was going to happen tomorrow morning.

The rabbits agreed to help. It took them the whole night but they finished it by the morning. In the morning they all hid up in the trees. The wolf came and barked at them to pack their bags and leave the forest as soon as possible. Since the wolf wasn’t looking where he was going, he fell into the trap.

All the animals came and saw that the wolf was trapped in the hole. The wolf kept asking whether they could let him out of the hole, but Furry said, “We would but since you have been so unkind to us we will not let you out of the hole.” Then the wolf promised that he would never tell them to move out of the forest and would be friendly to them.

Furry and his friends forgave (原谅) the wolf and they got a big stick and dropped it down the hole so that the wolf could climb out.

1. The wolf wanted to capture (占领) the forest because ________.
A.he wanted to play with the other animals outside
B.he was afraid that there wasn’t enough food in the forest
C.he thought the beaver was smaller and weaker than him
D.he thought he was bigger and stronger than other animals, the forest was his own.
2. Who did Furry ask for help to build the trap?
A.Other beavers.
B.The wolf.
C.The rabbits.
D.All the animals.
3. From the passage, we know that ________.
A.the wolf knew there was somebody stronger than him at last
B.Furry made a deep hole covered with sticks on it by himself
C.Furry and his friends destroyed the wolf’s house
D.it took Furry and his friends the whole day to build the trap
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Trust yourself and you will make a good choice.
B.Don’t be unkind to others or you’ll get it back.
C.Where there is a will, there is a way.
D.Always learn to see things in a good way.


阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When I was a teenager, I did a six-week summer learning program at a college. It helped kids get a taste of what the college is like. We had classes in the mornings and the evenings were filled with fun activities. We did have a break in the afternoons, however. One afternoon, my friend Claude and I found an old basketball. We went to an outdoor basketball court(球场) for a one-on-one game.

At that time, Claude was taller than me. He was also better at basketball. I fell behind him fast. I was not willing to lose. So I drove the ball hard to the basket, but missed it! The ball bounced off the rim(被篮筐弹开) and I jumped up to catch it. Just as I was about to catch it, I saw an elbow(胳膊时) above my face. As Claude caught the ball, his elbow came down hard, right into my eye. I saw stars everywhere. The pain was terrible. Claude kept saying “sorry” over and over. ________________

I spent the next few days walking around with a black eye, but it was worth it. Several years later, I got a laugh whenever I told the story and joked about Claude’s elbow of death.

In the life, we all get an elbow to the eye sometimes. Our plans fail. Things work against us. Our ups become downs. When this happens, it’s best to face it with laughter and forgiveness(原谅). In this way, you can tun your pain into joy and you can learn and grow.

1. Which is TRUE about the program’s timetable?
A.There was no break in the afternoons.
B.There were no classes in the mornings.
C.There was a basketball class every afternoon
D.There were many fun activities in the evenings.
2. What happened to the writer while he was playing basketball?
A.He couldn’t run as fast as Claude.
B.He was hit hard by Claude’s elbow.
C.He couldn’t touch the rim of the basket.
D.He hit Claude’s elbow as hard as he could.
3. Which of the following words can best describe the writer?
A.Competitive and careless.B.Forgiving and cheerful.
C.Strong and Brave.D.Proud and strong-willed.
4. Which of the following sentences can be put in “________”?
A.It hurt so much that I cried.B.Claude quickly came to help me.
C.I laughed through the pain.D.I was so angry with him.
5. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Life is always full of ups and downs.
B.Stay away from dangerous activities.
C.Remember your pain and grow with it.
D.Face life with laughter and forgiveness.
2022-05-29更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)


Jack and Mia had worked on a song for Saturday’s band competition. Jack finally thought of an ending and couldn’t wait to play it for her.

“Hey buddy!” his friend Liam came when the bell rang.

“Ready for basketball after school?” Uh-oh, Jack has forgotten all about basketball. He didn’t want to refuse Liam, but he really wanted to try out the new ending with Mia immediately. Maybe if he could find an excuse.

“Hey, Liam,” Jack said, “I don’t feel well today. A-h-em!” He gave a small cough. “Another time?” His heart was beating fast.

“Sure, no problem. Feel better soon.” Liam replied and walked away.

“Lying was easier than I imagined,” Jack breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he could finish the song without hurting Liam’s feelings.

Back at Jack’s home, the ending turned out to be perfect when Jack and Mia tried it out.

“That sounded great, guys.” Liam stood on Jack’s basement (地库) steps, looking at Jack surprisingly.

“Oh, no.” Jack said to himself, trying to think quickly. “It was strange. I suddenly felt fine as soon as I came back home.” His heartbeat is racing and palms (手掌) were sweating. He hoped his mind could be fast enough to keep up with his new lie. “I would have met you at the playground, but it was too late. And then Mia stopped by, and...”

“But Jack, I didn’t stop by. You called me,” Mia said, shaking her head.

Liam managed a smile. There was no doubt that he was unhappy. He left a small case and said, “I’ve brought you a movie since you were not feeling well.” Before Jack could think of something to say, Liam left and so did Mia. Jack felt quite awful—he was worried that he might lose them because of his lies. Jack decided to stop lies from destroying their friendship.

The next morning, Jack apologized (道歉) to Liam for lying to him.

“You could have just told me. I know that competition is important to you,” Liam said.

“I guess the truth would have been easier, huh?” Jack said.

Liam nodded and smiled.

1. Why did Jack make a small cough?
A.He wanted to make Liam leave.B.He tried to catch Liam’s attention.
C.He wanted to play a trick on Liam.D.He tried to make Liam believe him.
2. Which is the right order of the story?
a. Jack said sorry to Liam.
b. Liam and Mia left Jack’s home.
c. Jack thought of an ending of a song.
d. Liam saw Jack and Mia play the song.
e. Jack planned to play basketball with Liam.
3. What can we know from the text?
A.Jack lost two good friends because of lying.
B.Jack and Mia would win the competition.
C.Jack had a terrible cough when Liam came.
D.Liam and Mia left Jack’s home for the same reason.
4. What does the text tell us?
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.It is never too old to learn.
C.Honesty is the wisest strategy.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
2024-05-27更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I heard the sound of the boat workers telling people to hurry up and get on board. As always, I was running late and I wasn’t sure if I would get on the boat on time. Luckily, I was able to catch the boat and start my trip. I was going to work on a small island. It was just one of those days when things were not going right for me. I sat in a corner of the boat with my backpack next to me. I wanted to be alone and I didn’t want anyone to talk to me.

Thinking quietly to myself, I looked up at the sky. I saw some clouds that looked like they were giving me a “thumb (大拇指) up”. It looked so perfect that I couldn’t help smiling. Seeing the shape of the clouds made me feel relaxed and calm. It seemed to tell me that everything was going to be all right.

Life is not always perfect. We might be surprised by the bad things that happen to us. Sometimes, things feel messy (混乱的), while at other times, it feels like you have it all. We should learn to take it all in, stop for a while and appreciate what we have, whether it’s something big or something small.

Remember to smile and look up at the sky. You never know when you might see something that brightens (照亮) your day.

1. What can we know about the writer from Paragraph 1?
A.He/She didn’t get on the boat.
B.He/She was always late for work.
C.He/She wasn’t happy that day.
D.He/She went to the island for vacation.
2. How did the writer feel after seeing the clouds?
A.He/She couldn’t laugh.B.He/She felt better.
C.He/She felt less calm.D.He/She felt hopeless.
3. Which of the following best explains the underlined word “appreciate”?
A.Give up.B.Take a closer look.
C.Value and love.D.Take care of.
4. Which statement is true according to the story?
A.The writer wanted to talk to someone because he/she felt upset.
B.The shape of the clouds looked so perfect that the writer couldn’t help smiling.
C.The writer thought that life was always perfect.
D.You never know when you might see something that makes you angry.
5. What does the writer teach us through the story?
A.We can live a perfect life.
B.Life is full of surprises.
C.We should enjoy being alone.
D.Small things can brighten our day.
2024-03-13更新 | 25次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般