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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.15 引用次数:129 题号:22667810

Open an app, place your order, and wait for your food to be delivered. This is how many young people eat in China these days. According to the latest data (数据), about 421 million Chinese people use online food delivery services. That’s just half of the total number of Internet users in China.

Which group of people is ordering food online the most? It’s mainly young people. A recent report by Meituan showed that 86.3% of the service’s users are between 20 and 34 years old. They are the main force driving the development of the food delivery industry.

Small families depend largely on food delivery services, Chinese families have changed in size over the past ten years. In 2002, only 7.7% of families have only one person. But this number increased to 15.6% in 2017. Two-person families rose from 18.4% in 2002 to 27.2% in 2017. For small families, cooking always takes lots of time and energy, so ordering food online has become more popular.

The improvement of China’s food delivery services has made more customers interested. According to Meituan’s report, the average (平均) time it takes to make a food delivery dropped from 38 minutes in 2016 to 29 minutes in 2020. Many delivery apps are offering more services, delivering products such as fruit, vegetables, medicine and even flowers. As their services continue to improve, the food delivery industry will keep growing in the future.

1. How many internet users are there in China?
A.842 million.B.631.5 million.C.421 million.D.210.5 million.
2. Why has ordering food online become more popular?
A.People are lazier than before.B.Families are becoming smaller.
C.Families prefer different food.D.People aren’t good at cooking.
3. What does the writer think of the food delivery industry?
A.It will be growing well.B.Its service badly needs improving.
C.It shouldn’t offer other services.D.Its development will slow down.
4. The writer introduces the topic by _________.
A.telling a storyB.answering a question
C.making a comparisonD.giving an example
【知识点】 说明文 外卖/订餐


阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 困难 (0.15)

【推荐1】When you’re not at home, many worries may start to fill your mind. Did I turn off TV? Did I close the door? With a smart(智能的)home, you can keep all of these worries off.

A smart home is a home with a network(网络). This network connects many things in our houses, such as our lights and TV sets, and allows you to control everything in your home from far away through your mobile phone over the Internet.

More and more people may start to get a smart home, because it makes life much easier. It can help keep your room at a certain temperature. It can help you know what happens inside the home and send the video to your phone. When you are on holiday abroad, you can use a smart home controller(控制器)to turn on or off the lights, the fridge and so on. Some smart homes can receive a visitor, allowing him to come in and offering him a drink. They can even feed the cat and water the plants.

Besides, smart homes are easy to fix and people can set up the smart homes by using only the guiding information. When something wrong appears, you can only use the guiding information to deal with it yourself without paying anybody.

But for home-users, the smart home is far from perfect. It can be quite expensive to get. Also, because the smart home system(系统)allow its owner to get home information from anywhere, it is easy for bad people to secretly use or change the information in the system.

Now, many scientists are excited at the future of smart home. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure—the smart home will change the way we live and work.

1. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.The problem you meetB.The money you pay
C.The smart home you haveD.The guiding information
2. Which of the following is probably the writer’s opinion(观点), NOT fact?
A.A smart home is easy to fix.
B.A smart home can receive a visitor.
C.A smart home costs a lot of money now.
D.A smart home will change the way we live and work.
3. Which of the following is the best structure(结构)of the whole passage?
4. The passage is probably from the part of __________ in a magazine.
2021-02-10更新 | 177次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 困难 (0.15)

【推荐2】You're chatting with friends on the phone, but you can't help looking through shopping websites in the meantime. You're having lunch alone in the dining hall, but it only feels right when you start playing a show on your phone- as if it's a necessary“ side dish”.

We're now living in a world that is filled with information. It seems unnatural to do only one thing at a time. It's as if we're all suffering from a recent article called“ multitasking OCD”(多任务强迫症)With news reduced to 140 characters and communication increasingly by emojis (表情符号), we have developed the ability to focus our attention on several activities and devices (电子设备) at once" Sabry Omani, founder of Pulpix website, once wrote.“ We need something exciting to keep us interested and to fight off boredom.”

But perhaps "fighting off boredom" is not the only reason. My own obsession with multitasking mainly comes from the fact that everyone around me seems to study all the time. Each minute I'm not taking in something new feels like a waste of time. So I always have my headphones on, whether I'm commuting, exercising or walking in the park. I'm forever listening to something—a course on classical music, or on new media management, and heaven knows what else—just so I can keep up with the world. People who can't stay away from social media are known by "FOMO"'(fear of missing out): They have to be updated about what their friends are doing and saying. But I'd guess that “FOFO” better describes me—“fear of falling out".

No matter what reason you're doing it for. “multitasking” is already a part of the modern lifestyle. Just make sure you make the most out of it.

1. The writer mentions "side dish" in Paragraph 1 to            .
A.show why people live a busy lifeB.show that people today often feel lost
C.describe what "multitasking OCD" is likeD.say people like to compare with each other
2. According to Sabry Otmani, people today like multitasking because           .
A.it can help them to communicate betterB.it can help them out of being bored
C.they hope to finish more things at a timeD.they are excited about multitasking
3. The underlined word“ obsession” may mean “       ”.
4. It can be learned from the passage that the writer         .
A.wants to stay ahead of her friendsB.thinks it is boring to do one thing at a time
C.doesn't want to get left behind by othersD.wants to have something to be different from others
2019-10-27更新 | 288次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 困难 (0.15)

【推荐3】Can you remember a time when you woke up from a dream? Maybe you were afraid and turned on the light or the dream was so good that you wanted to sleep longer. But do you think your dreams are telling you something?

Can you see the future in dreams?

Today, too many people can remember a time when they saw a place or person in their dream and then, later, the dream happened in real life. Maybe that's not surprising because we dream a lot but we probably only remember the times when something happens in a dream and then happens for real.

Are dream messages from our brains?

Maybe dreams are made from the thoughts we have during the day, but we see them as symbols. For example, a dream of flying might be a symbol for an exciting new job. When were awake, we think in words most of the time. But when were sleeping, the part of our brain that helps us with language sleeps, and the part that makes us happy or sad or angry awake and busy. So, maybe our thoughts come to us in dreams as feelings and symbols instead of words.

How can you understand the messages?

One way to help you do this is to keep a dream diary. "As soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember about your dreams. Use a pen and paper, not your phone or computer because the light might wake you up and you'll forget faster."

Now you can match your dreams to your daily life. Think about the people and place where the drearn happened, as they might mean something about your life, too. Also, how you were feeling in the dream is important. If you were afraid instead of happy in the flying dream, maybe it means you are worried about the new job.

1. According to the passage, why can you see the future in dreams?
A.Because we probably only remember the times when something happens in a dream and then happens for real.
B.Because when were sleeping, the part of our brain that helps us with language sleeps, and the part that makes us happy or sad or angry awake and busy.
C.Because every detail of a dream might explain something about how you're feeling about your life.
D.Because when you wake up, your thoughts come to you in dreams as feelings and symbols instead of words.
2. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.We forget more dreams than we remember.
B.Dreams speak to us in words and pictures.
C.You can't learn much from dreams because the things they show are not in order.
D.It's a good idea to use a computer to write your dream diary.
3. How can you understand the message that your dreams sent to you?
A.Tell your friends and families to repeat the dreams.
B.Find a new job to help you understand your feelings.
C.Use a cellphone to write your dream diary and sent them to others to collect.
D.Keen a dream diary with a pen and paper and match them to your daily life.
2021-05-31更新 | 134次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般