组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:14 题号:22944253

This is a story of a man who works in my factory. I have seen him for years, but I didn’t know him very well. He was a little bit weird (怪异的). He always wore an old red hat and carried a rubbish bag. He seemed to have no friend, and was always alone. He usually spent his break time and his lunchtime walking around in the factory and collecting used tins (金属罐). Maybe he was too poor, I guess. But I didn’t care much about him.

One day, I was fixing one of the broken machines in the factory when this “tin man” came with his bag. As usual, he picked up the tins, which were all around the place. My manager was standing there, watching me.

When I finished my job, I heard my manager ask the “tin man” about what he was going to do with those tins he had collected. I never even thought about this kind of question, because I always assumed that “tin man” would take those tins to the recycling center.

Unexpectedly, the “tin man” answered, “I will give these tins to my neighbor. He has been ill for many years and cannot work. He is too poor to buy daily bread now.”

I was so shocked to hear that, so I asked him, “You mean you collect all those tins just to help your neighbor?”

“I know this does not help much,” he said. “But I give everything to him, because he cannot work. He needs help.”

It was the most beautiful moment in my life. We are all able to help others no matter we are rich or poor. It has made me feel humble (谦卑的) every day since then.

1. What’s the relationship between the “tin man” and the writer?     
2. The underlined word “assumed” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________ in Chinese.
3. What was the “tin man” going to do with the tins?
A.To invent a machine with the tins.
B.To take the tins to the recycling center.
C.To give the tins away to his neighbor.
D.To make some money and buy daily bread.
4. How did the writer feel when hearing the “tin man’s” answer?     
5. What’s the story mainly about?     
A.What the big factory was famous for.
B.How a man helped others in his own way.
C.How a weird man made money in the factory.
D.Why I like the “tin man” so much.


阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A teacher in New York decided to honor her students by telling them the difference they each made. First she thanked to each of them how they made a difference to her and the class. Then she gave each student three blue ribbons with gold letters reading, “Who I Am Makes a Difference.” The students went out to find somebody to honor. The person would keep a ribbon and give the extra ones to a third person to keep it going.   One boy went to a manager in a nearby company and honored him for helping him with his career planning. Later that day the manager went to see his boss. He told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative talent. He gave the surprised boss the last extra ribbon and asked him to find somebody else to honor. That night the boss went home. He told his son what had happened and said, “I want to honor you, son. My days are really busy and when I come home I don’t pay a lot of attention to you. Sometimes I shout at you for not getting good enough grades at school and for your bedroom being a mess, but somehow tonight. I just want to let you know that you do make a difference to me. Besides your mother, you are the most important person in my life. You’re a great kid and I love you! ” Hearing this, the boy started to cry and couldn’t stop. He looked up at his father and said through his tears, “I was planning on leaving home tomorrow. Dad, because I didn’t think you love me. Now I don’t need to.”

1. What did the teacher give to the students to honor them?
A.Career planning.B.Blue ribbons.C.Special prizes.D.Gold medals.
2. How did the boss feel about what the manager said and did?
A.He was sad.B.He was angry.C.He was pleased.D.He was surprised.
3. Who did the boss want to honor?
A.His wife.B.His son.C.His manager.D.His teacher.
4. Before the boss talked to his son, the boy was planning to _______.
A.leave his homeB.get good grades at schoolC.clean his roomD.pay attention to his father
5. From the story, we give others blue ribbons for _______?
A.showing their success in careerB.giving them our kindness in return
C.admiring their creativity and talentD.honoring the differences they made
2021-09-14更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When I was a girl growing up, I cannot once ever remember either my mum or my grandma wasting food.

Anything we didn’t eat at one meal was leftovers (剩菜). I can remember my grandma making a huge pot of potatoes. We would all eat until we were full enough, but there were always about half of the potatoes leftover. A few days later, Grandma would take those potatoes out of the fridge, boil some noodles, add some vegetables and mix them all together. And I also remember when I watched my mum fry bacon (煎培根) for us in the mornings, she would always take the oil carefully and pour it into a bottle. Then she would use it later to add flavor to so many other dishes. I was an adult before I realized that potatoes didn’t actually taste like bacon!

I learned their lessons well, and after I grew up, I tried to never waste food myself. I always planned the week’s meals ahead of time and only bought what was on my shopping list so that nothing went to waste. Every meal went into our stomachs and any leftovers were later eaten by either myself, my boys, my husband or my dogs. To me, throwing food into the bin was just wrong.

However, when it comes to living, there are no leftovers. Life is just like a feast. Each moment that you don’t live is lost forever. Life cannot be saved or stored. Each day is a fresh beginning. Live each moment of your life to the fullest, then.

1. Why did the potatoes cooked by the writer’s mum taste like bacon?
A.Because she mixed the bacon with potatoes.
B.Because she put potatoes into the containers.
C.Because she poured the bacon oil into potatoes.
D.Because she was good at cooking.
2. What does the underlined word “feast” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Sweet dream.B.Beautiful picture.C.Happy journey.D.Large meal.
3. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.It is never too old to learn.B.Eat to live, but not live to eat.
C.Neither food nor life should be wasted.D.There is no such thing as a free lunch.
2024-04-28更新 | 13次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Jason was practicing a new song on the piano. His father was sitting in the room, and reading a book. Suddenly Jason stopped and said to his father,   “This song is too difficult!I don’t think I can learn it. It’s called ‘No More Blues’.”

       Jason’s father closed his book and said, “The word ‘blue’ means the feeling when a person is unhappy, so your song is about making people happy again. Maybe you need a break from practicing. Let’s take a walk. It’s such a nice sunny day.”
       Jason and his father began walking down the street. They turned into a park near their home. It was a cold autumn day, and the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow. A cool and gentle wind blew against Jason’s face.
       An hour later, Jason and his father returned to the house. Jason sat down at the piano again and began to play. His fingers moved more easily over the keys, and music filled the room. “I don’t understand why the same song seems easier to play now.”
       “How did you feel before the walk?” Jason’s father asked. “Too bad,” Jason said .
       “And how do you feel now after taking a walk?” Jason’s father went on.
       “Great!” Jason answered, then he smiled. “Taking a walk helped me stop being unhappy. Just like the song, I have no more blues! I think I’ll play the song again.”
1. What was Jason’s father doing at the beginning of the story?
A.Reading a book.B.Talking with Jason.C.Taking a walk.
2. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “blue” in Chinese?
3. How did Jason feel after he took a walk with his father?
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.Jason and his father took a walk on a cold winter day.
B.Jason thinks he will play the song again happily.
C.Jason and his father spent about an hour taking a walk.
5. What can we learn from the story?
A.The best kind of exercise is to take a walk.
B.It can be good to have a rest from something difficult.
C.Reading a book can help people play the piano better.
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