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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:331 题号:4250397
It may be hard to believe, but the American Revolution(革命)—the war that freed the American states from British control—began over a cup of tea. Tea was not the only thing that caused the war, of course, but it played a very big part.
The British people’s love of tea is well-known. When the British won control over mush of North America in the early 1700s, they brought their tea- drinking habits with them. Tea quickly became the continents most popular drink. As tea could not be grown locally, just as in Britain, it was shipped into the country—mostly from India.
In the early 1700s, the Britain government made a special deal with the East India Company, as an English trading company. They agreed that no other company was allowed to bring tea to Britain or any country controlled by Britain, including America. It was a great deal for the East India Company, since it meant that the company could decide whatever price it wanted for its products. And it always decided on a high price!
In North America, the local people did not like having to pay such high prices. Instead of overpaying for tea from the British, they turned to Dutch traders, who secretly brought tea to the country that was just as good—and much less expensive. Although this broke the law, the American people didn’t care. They got the same cup of tea at a much lower price.
The East India Company, however, didn’t like this at all. By the 1760s, they were losing millions of pounds each year to Dutch traders—a huge amount of money in a time when £60 a year was considered a good income. Instead of reducing their prices to compete with the Dutch, the company asked the British government for help and the government agreed.
In 1767, the British introduced new law that increased the prices of all goods which were brought into America. These laws helped make the East India Company even richer and forced local people to pay much more for everything. The American leaders asked the British government not to do so, but the British refused to listen. These unfair laws increased Americans’ anger about British rule and the rest, as they say, is history.
1. In the early 1700s where did most tea drunk in America come from?
2. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to________.
A.the tea maker
B.the American government
C.the British government
D.the East India Company
3. Why did may Americans begin to buy tea from the Dutch traders?
A.The tea was much cheaper.
B.The tea was a lot healthier.
C.They could buy it more easily.
D.They didn't want to support the British.
4. What did the East India Company do to stop losing money?
A.It reduced the price of its tea.
B.It improved the taste of its tea.
C.It introduced a new kind of tea.
D.It asked the British government for help.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Tea trade in eighteenth-century America.
B.The relationship between America and Britain.
C.A reason for the start of the American Revolutionary War.
D.The introduction of British tea-drinking habits into America.


阅读理解-五选四(约130词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】People from around the world have different ways to wish for good luck. In China, people believe that good luck goes to your life through your front door. Just before the New Year, Chinese people clean the their homes to say goodbye to the past. Three days later,     1    , because people think the dust can't go through the lucky door.

According to Serbian(塞尔维亚的) stories, spilling(泼) water behind someone is a great way to give him or her good luck.     2     before they go for a test, an interview or a trip.

In Ireland, brides (新娘) wear small bells(铃铛) on their wedding dresses or jewelry(珠宝)or put bells in their flowers.     3    . People think the ringing of the bells keeps evils(邪恶) away.

On New Year's Eve,     4     People in Spain think green grapes can bring 12 months of good luck. They eat one grape quickly at each bell toll. (钟声)

A.Serbians spill water behind friends and family members.
B.they opened their front door.
C.the Spanish eat 12 green grapes.
D.the bells are a symbol of good luck.
E.they carry the dust(垃圾) out through the back door, not the front door.
2020-09-07更新 | 194次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Everything has a name. All people, places, and things have names.

Jenny is the name of a student from the UK. The UK is the name of a country. Cities and towns have names, too. Schools also have names. Tomato, potato and carrot are names of vegetables. Apple, orange, and banana are names of fruit. Names are different all over the world. In Jenny’s class, Jenny must know the names of the students from all over the world. This is not easy because the names are different.

In the US, most people have a first name, a middle name and a last name. Parents choose (选择) the first and middle names for their babies. The last name is the family name. Usually it is the father’s family name. In a family, the mother, the father and the children usually have the same last name.

Sometimes a person has a nickname (绰号), too. A nickname is not a person’s real name. Abraham Lincoln’s nickname was “Honest Abe” because he was honest (诚实的) and Abe is short for Abraham Countries and cities also have nicknames. Uncle Sam is the nickname of the USA, and people call New York Big Apple.

1. It is not easy for Jenny to know all the names in her class, because ________.
A.the names are differentB.most people have two names
C.some people have nicknamesD.some names are very long and some are very short
2. In the US, ________.
A.every person has a nickname
B.parents choose the middle and last names for their babies
C.Abraham Lincoln’s nickname was “Honest Abe”, because he was an honest person
D.the mother, the father and the children usually have different last names in a family
3. Tony Black and Mary White are from the US and they are married (结婚). What may be their son’s name?
A.Mike WhiteB.Sally BlackC.Alan BlackD.Gina White
4. Which is NOT a nickname?
A.Uncle SamB.AbeC.Big AppleD.New York
2022-12-17更新 | 107次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约180词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐3】Teachers help us become good students and people. So we should(应该) thank them for their hard work. In China, we have a special day - September 10th. On that day, we say thanks to our teachers and sometimes give them small gifts. But how do US students thank their teachers?
First of all, US schools have a whole week in May to appreciate their teachers! Teacher Appreciation Day is on Tuesday of that week. They have parties with gifts and snacks that week. There are also signs(宣传报) everywhere to show their love for teachers.
US students like to give small gifts to their teachers, and the teachers love getting thank-you notes from their students. Teachers also like getting arts and crafts from students.
Should we say thanks to our teachers only on these specials days? No. We should thank our teachers all year round. Always show your love for your teachers. It helps them do a good job.
1. In America, Teacher Appreciation Day is ______.
A.in SeptemberB.in March
C.in the fifth month of the yearD.in the seventh month of the year
2. US students DON’T ______ to appreciate teachers.
A.have partiesB.have meetingsC.give giftsD.put up(张贴) signs
3. Teachers like getting ______ from students.
A.only thank-you notesB.expensive gifts
C.thank-you notes, arts and craftsD.cards
4. The writer thinks ______.
A.we should thank teachers all the time
B.teachers should appreciate students
C.showing thanks to their teacher can’t help them do a good job
D.students should give more gifts to their teachers
5. The best title(标题) of the article can be ______.
A.Teachers in the USB.Teachers in China
C.Schools in the USD.Give Thanks to Teachers
2019-01-29更新 | 303次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般