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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:409 题号:5261242

My best friend Jenny and I got to the mall for shopping. She held up a white sweater and matching skirt.“Do you like this?” she asked.

“It’s great,’’I said. Jenny nodded and continued looking while I moved about. touching the beautiful clothes. “I’ll try this on.” Jenny walked towards the dressing room. After a while, she came out in the outfit(一套衣服). She looked beautiful.

I sighed. Part of me wanted to say how good she looked. but another part stopped the words coming out. Jenny was in such good shape that she’d look good in the outfit. Sometimes. I regretted choosing a best friend who was so pretty. God, why can’t I be the one with the rich parents and the great look? More and more, I was envious(妒忌的)of her.

“Well, Teresa, what do you think?” Jenny asked more than once. “Do you like it?’’

The outfit looked great on her, but I lied, “Not really. I think you need something with more colors.’’

“You think so?" Jenny said doubtfully.

“Just believe me. We’ll find something better, "I told her, pushing her back into the dressing room. “You just can’t buy the first thing you see.” I did my best to get Jenny out of the store, away from that outfit. As we left, Jenny gave the sweater one last look.

Just down the mall, we passed a yogurt place. ‘‘My treat, ’’Jenny said, pulling out her wallet.

I could never say no to chocolate, so we got some and sat down at a table. As Jenny talked without stopping about a million things, I thought about my feelings toward her. Those feelings weren’t kind.

Sitting there,______Jenny was attractive(吸引人的)not just because of her good luck, but more because of her kindness. Treating me to chocolate was far from her only show of generosity. She also let me drive her car and borrow her clothes.

Finishing our chocolate, we headed for the next clothing store. ‘‘Look at that red sweater.’’ Jenny said as we passed the window. ‘‘It would be perfect for you. Soon maybe you’ll have enough by saving your babysitting money to buy something like that.”

A few minutes earlier, all I had heard was about saving my babysitting money. I had hated the fact that Jenny could ask her parents for anything, and they’d buy it for her. This time, though. I heard more. I heard the voice of someone who loved and cared me for who I was. I needed to express the same to her.

1. Teresa felt _________ when Jenny came out of the dressing room in the new outfit.
2. Teresa and Jenny __________ after they left the first clothing store.
A.headed for the next clothing storeB.talked about the outfit Jenny wanted
C.had some chocolate at a yogurt placeD.ended the friendship between them
3. Which of the following can be put in the blank?
A.Jenny lent me some money.B.Jenny asked for more chocolate.
C.I told Jenny my unkind feelings.D.I began to see Jenny in a new light.
4. We can infer(推断)that Teresa would ________ that day.
A.forget all about what had happenedB.ask her parents for money to buy something
C.buy herself the red sweater in the next storeD.push Jenny back to the first store for the outfit


阅读理解-单选(约450词) | 较难 (0.4)

Herman planted the hot peppers (胡椒) in his five-hectare field in his town. The 36-year-old man put up a sign reading “Africa Hema Village” in Chinese, English and his native language. His first harvest will start this

month. Herman studied in China from 2011 to 2018, receiving his master’s degree and a doctorate in environmental science. He returned to Rwanda in 2018 with his wife, Yang Hong, who is from China, and started his own business. Hema Xiansheng CEO Hou Yi visited Rwanda to find quality products to bring to the Chinese market. Hot peppers were one of his discoveries. The couple helped Hou’s team, from research to field trips, testing production processes (加工) and so on. They also helped Hema Xiansheng’s purchasing (采购) manager, Chen Huifang, when she led a team of eight to visit Rwanda to research the possibilities of making hot pepper products that suit Chinese preferences.

“We wore rubber gloves when we touched them. Our fingers still felt hot the next day,” Chen said. Their research and development team spent four days studying and cooking the peppers. Transporting fresh hot peppers to China proved difficult, so the fresh peppers can’t be imported (进口) into China. Then Chen’s team decided to perform basic processing in Rwanda before shipping. Processing requires a careful balance. Too much salt will make the peppers less delicious. Too little, and the peppers may go bad. Because plastics mustn’t be used in Rwanda, they had to find proper ways to carry the pepper sauce. The material they first used couldn’t stand the long flights. Now Chen is happy to see that the pepper sauce has sold well in Hema’s offline and online stores.

Herman pointed out that few local farmers grow hot peppers because the market is small. A small amount is sold to Europe. And local need is limited due to its spiciness. So, about half the harvest is wasted every year. A young man in Rwanda will only make 10 yuan ($1.4) a day by working in the cities, but if they grow hot peppers due to Hema’s orders, they can make 50 to 60 yuan a day. Herman expressed his willingness to introduce more people to make more money by farming, rather than working for lower incomes, when e-commerce (电子商务) can bring greater needs and sales.

“It’s a chance for Rwandan people to join the new field and change their lives,” Herman said, “Through building more Hema Villages, Rwanda has the chance to become a country of digital agriculture.”

1. “Africa Hema Village” in Paragraph 1 is a place _______.
A.called Hema in AfricaB.where Herman’s wife was born
C.providing hot peppers for HemaD.for Africans to buy hot peppers
2. Why should the peppers be processed before shipping to China? Because _______.
A.a balance is needed when the processing is done
B.fresh hot peppers mustn’t be imported into China
C.in Rwanda, people are not allowed to use plastics
D.during shipping, fresh hot peppers are easy to go bad
3. If a young man in Rwanda grows hot peppers for Hema, he may get about ______.
A.10 dollars a weekB.1,600 yuan a month
C.500 dollars a yearD.16,000 yuan half a year
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Many types of products have been offered in Africa Hema Village.
B.Hot peppers from Africa have a large market all around the world.
C.Hema Xiansheng paid for Herman’s seven-year education in China.
D.Herman hopes to do something to improve people’s lives in Rwanda.
2020-08-04更新 | 908次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Jenny and Henry were born on the same day and they look the same. Their father has a taxi and he is busy all the time. He goes out early in the morning but comes back when his children go to bed. He gets a lot of money, but he has no time to concern(关心)them with their studies.

The two children study in the same class. Jenny works hard at her lessons, but her brother doesn’t like studying. He only likes playing. He is not good at writing compositions.(作文)

One day Mrs. Cook tells her class to write a composition “My mother”. After supper Jenny finishes writing in her exercise book and then goes to help her mother do some housework. But Henry goes to play football. When night comes, he comes back to watch TV. The he remembers the composition. But he doesn’t know how to write it. He thinks hard and at last he finds a way. He copies(抄写)Jenny’s composition.

Two days later, Mrs. Cook asks Henry, “Can you tell me why yours is the same as Jenny’s?“Yes, I can, Madam,” answers Henry. “We have the same mother.”

1. Jenny and Henry are ________.
2. Jenny’s father can’t concern them with their studies because__________.
A.he doesn’t like them.
B.he is very busy.
C.he is a taxi driver.
D.he only wants more money
3. Henry isn’t good at writing composition because_________.
A.he doesn’t like studying
B.he likes to listening to music
C.he isn’t clever.
D.he is too young to do it.
4. Henry began to ________ after supper.
A.do some housework
B.play football
C.finish his composition
D.watch TV
5. Henry copies Jenny’s composition because _______.
A.he plays football after supper
B.he forgets to write it before he goes to bed
C.he doesn’t know how to write it.
D.they have the same mother.
2019-06-30更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较难 (0.4)

Orrin nervously tapped his pencil on the desk waiting for his turn in the spelling bee. He was very nervous and knew that with three of them left, only two would make it to the county spelling bee.

Orrin had always been a good speller, but he had never calmed down. He had made it to the school bee every year. This was his fourth year to go.

“Capillary,” said the judge(评委). “The word is ‘capillary’.”

Without a second thought, Orrin said, “C-A-P-I-L-L-A-R-Y.”

“That’s correct,” responded the judge as he took a sip of water.

Orrin let out another breath. He went into his state of paying no attention to the words of his competitors. When he listened, he would begin comparing the difficulty of the words. He decided that this way helped him concentrate better on his own.

It didn’t seem to take long before the judge was looking at Orrin again. Orrin smiled and turned his full attention to the judge.

“Accreditation,” said the judge.“The word is ‘accreditation’.”

Orrin remembered seeing this word in his brother’s college article.

“A-C,” said Orrin. He paused. “Is there another ‘c’?” His mind was racing and he got nervous again. He decided to add another “c”. “C-R-E-D-I-T-A-T-I-O-N,” stated Orrin confidently. It seemed to take forever for the judge to respond.

1. How many times has Orrin joined in the school spelling bee?
2. What did Orrin think of the spelling of “capillary”?
3. What does the underlined word “paused” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?
4. What can we infer(推断)from the last paragraph?
A.The judge felt sorry about the result.B.The judge didn’t respond Orrin at all.
C.Orrin won a chance to go on the competition.D.Orrin took a very long time for the response.
5. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Ways of Spelling WordsB.Orrin’s Strong Memory
C.The Rules of the Word CompetitionD.Orrin’s Unforgettable Spelling Bee
2023-03-29更新 | 212次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般