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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:110 题号:9193483


Not all memories are sweet. Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Different accidents can leave people with terrible wounds both in body and mind. Often they recall these experiences in their awful dreams.

Now American researchers think they are close to developing a kind of medicine, which will help people forget bad memories. The medicine is designed to be taken soon   after a scary experience. They hope it might cut down, or possibly clean up, the effect ( 影 响 ) of painful memories. In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. The drug stops the body releasing chemicals(释放化学物质)that make memories remain in the brain. So far the research has suggested that only the effects of memories in mind may be cut down, not that the memories are cleaned up.

The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it.

Supporters say it could lead to a kind of medicine that prevent or treat soldiers’ troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories.

“Some memories can destroy people’s lives. They come back to you when you don’t want to have them in a daydream or awful dreams at night. They usually come with very painful feelings,” said Roger Pitman, a professor at Harvard Medical School. “This could cut down lots of that suffering.”

But those who are against the research say changing memories is very dangerous because memories make us different from others. They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past.

“All of us can think of bad events in our lives that were terrible at the time but make us who we are. I’m not sure if I want to forget those feelings.” said Rebecca Dresser, a medical scientist.

1. The passage is mainly about                  .
A.a new medical invention
B.a way of cleaning up painful memories
C.an introduction to how to use a kind of new medicine
D.an argument about the research on a kind of new medicine
2. The drug tested on people can              .
A.prevent body producing certain chemicals
B.help people remembering bad experiences
C.cause the brain to make memories remain in the brain
D.clean up the painful memories and experiences
3. Which of the following does Rebecca Dresser probably agree with?
A.Some memories can make people’s lives in a mess.
B.Experiencing bad events makes us different from others.
C.People want to get out of bad memories.
D.The medicine will cut down people’s sufferings from bad memories.
4. Which of the following shows the structure(结构)of the passage? (1=Para.1 2=Para.2 3=Para.3 4=Para.4 5=Para.5 6=Para.6 7=Para.7 )


阅读理解-六选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

Anger is a kind of feeling.     1     When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it, you may get really angry.

    2     For example, you breathe faster, your face turns red, and you may want to break something or hit (打) someone, but sometimes, you hide (隐藏) your anger. For example, you may hide it in your heart. The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.

In fact, it’s not good to hide your anger, and it’s normal for you to get angry sometimes.     3     When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. It’s helpful to talk about your anger with an adult, such as parents, a teacher, etc.     4     Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: talk to a good friend; count from 1 to 100; give someone a hug (拥抱); go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc.

Remember that how you act when you are angry can make everything better or worse.     5    

A.But anger must be let out in the right way, without hurting others or yourself.
B.Don’t let your anger control you.
C.When you talk about anger, those bad feelings can start to go away.
D.As soon as you can find your problems, you may cry to relax.
E.Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry.
F.Many things can make you angry.
2022-09-24更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】From my father I have learned a lot. And I’m very thankful to him. I remember when I was a child my father always got up very early, quietly putting on his clothes and going off to work. To arrive in time to open his tiny store at 8:30, he needed to leave our apartment at 6:30. After all, he had to take a bus and then the subway. The last journey was a long walk through a neighborhood much of which was full of the smell of rubbish. I learned: it is very important to work. No excuse.
When I was 12, I would, on some Saturdays, go to my father’s store to help out. After helping set up the outside clothing display, for the rest of the day, I’d watch to make sure no one stole anything. When I noticed someone looking unusual or strange, I would look the person in the eye, smile and say, “May I help you?” Usually that worked, but sometimes, someone would run off with something. The first time, I ran after the thief but my father shouted, “Martin, stop! There is no need to do that.” It’s true that safety is more important than money.
After 10 years of hard work, he saved up enough money to buy his first car, a cheap one—he wouldn’t buy one until he could afford to pay for it without borrowing money. I learned: buy only what you can afford. Buying necessary food and clothing won’t make us go in debt(债务). The unnecessary things won’t give us happiness, which comes from achievement only.
1. What shop did the author’s father own?
A.A bookshop.B.A coffee shop.
C.A clothing shop.D.A food shop.
2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The author ran after thieves many times.
B.The author thanked his father a lot.
C.The author’s father worked very hard.
D.The author’s father made some money.
3. All the following are talked about in the passage EXCEPT       .
A.the importance of working
B.the good ways to keep healthy
C.that safety comes before money
D.that it’s bad to spend more than you make
4. According to the author, what usually makes people go in debt?
A.To rent a house for the family.
B.To send their children to school.
C.To enjoy something unnecessary.
D.To buy enough food for the family.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to live a happy life.
B.What makes a person successful.
C.The help the author got from his father.
D.What the author learned from his father.
2016-11-26更新 | 444次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My vacation with Grandma and Grandpa was great!They used to live with us in New York,but they moved to Arizona when I was five.They are Native American,and Arizona has always been their home.Dad usually visits them, but not this summer!Dad is sending me to stay with them for a two-week adventure.

This was my first time to travel alone.On the airplane,I studied the picture that Grandma had sent me.It was a picture of Walpi, an old Hopi village where Grandma and Grandpa live.The village is on top of a tall rock hill.It looked steep, and I wasn't sure I could climb that high.I also wondered if Grandma and Grandpa would act more differently in this village than they had in our apartment in New York.Would I be a stranger there?

Grandpa met me at the airport.He looked the same!We picked up my suitcase and took it to Grandpa's truck.As we drove away from the city, I stared at the beauty of the desert.An eagle flew above us.Soon we headed up the path to Walpi.Grandpa parked the truck on the edge of the hill.I looked down.We were so high up, I felt like a bird!He took me to some stairs that led to a door of the building.Ladders were used to get to other rows of doors on the second and third floors.

Grandma was waiting for us."Joe,this is called a‘pueblo'.The buildings are made from stones and baked clay,” she explained. “We live on the first floor, and other people live above us."

Grandma and Grandpa's rooms felt cool after standing under the hot Arizona sun.Grandma said that the stones kept the rooms cool.Her handwoven(手织的)rugs covered the walls.After eating beans and cornbread that Grandpa cooked on the stone fireplace, we took a walk outside. We visited the"kiva", which is a large room where the Hopi go for special events.

I really liked meeting the Hopi people.One man helped me make a clay vase to take home to Mom.The children included me in their ball games and foot races.Sometimes I helped Grandpa and his friends work in the fields.One afternoon a woman showed me how to weave a basket from grasses.The whole time I felt as if I were part of a big family in our secret village in the sky.It was hard to leave my grandparents when my two weeks were over.I could have lived in Walpi forever!

1. You can tell that a reason Joe visited Walpi was to________.
A.learn about a new placeB.work in the fields
C.enjoy the beautiful desertD.eat homecooked foods
2. At what point in the story does Joe think he might feel like a stranger in Walpi?
A.When he sees his grandfather at the airport.B.When he is talking to his father.
C.When he makes a clay vase for his mother.D.When he looks at a picture of the village.
3. The story would most likely be found in a________.
A.big city newspaperB.student's journal
C.book on the Hopi peopleD.report on the desert
4. Which sentence from the story contains a simile(明喻)?
A.“This was my first time to travel alone.”
B."I could have lived in Walpi forever!”
C.“We were so high up, I felt like a bird!”
D."As we drove away from the city, I started at the beauty of the desert.”
2020-12-01更新 | 31次组卷
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