组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 时代变迁 > 畅想未来
题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:9869260

It’s March, 2050. Frank and Mary Smith wake up in their comfortable house in the morning and switch on the bedroom computer to get the latest news. They used to read the Times, but changed to electronic newspapers many years ago.

There is the usual news about space: another space flight has returned from Mars and scientists have discovered a new planet. Then they turn to business news: the US dollar has risen greatly in Shanghai, one of the world’s leading business centers. Mary tells the computer to buy 5,000 dollars, and there is a quick response that it has been done.

As they watch the screen, Mary orders one of the household robots to make coffee for them. Frank disappears into the study to join a video conference with his partners around the world. He is a computer engineer, working for several companies. This is his third job: he used to be in marketing and then television.

Mary has a quick look at the shopping channels—the usual selection of electric cars, household robots and cheap travel offers—before picking up the video phone to talk to her assistant. She also has a job and she is doing medical research. Both she and Frank used to have an office desk in London, but in 2014 they decided to move to the seaside and work from home.

Frank and Mary have one daughter, Louise, who also has her own workstation at home. She goes to school only one day a week, mainly to play with other students. Classrooms disappeared in 2030 because there was no longer any need for them: communications systems have made it much easier to learn at home.

Louise, now thirteen, is studying Chinese at present, which has become a world language as important as English. Louise has many Chinese friends. They communicate by computer.

According to the family doctor, Louise will live to at least 130. Her wish is to work for a few decades (十年) and then spend her time on music and painting.

1. Why do Frank and Mary switch on the bedroom computer in the morning?
2. Who makes coffee for Mary and Frank?
3. How does Frank work with others from home?
4. What are the two world languages in 2050?
5. What do you think of Louise’s life in 2050?
【知识点】 畅想未来 记叙文


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】What will our life be like in 100 years? No one can truly know the answer, but we are sure that it will be very different from the life today.

My brother David makes some predictions. Here are some of his ideas.

First, people will have less work to do.

People will spend most of their time playing sports and traveling. So people will become stronger and healthier, and they will live longer as well.

Second, computers will control (控制) the cars and people don’t need to drive. So there will be fewer and fewer traffic accidents (交通事故).

Planes will be very popular, and most people would like to take a plane for their trips. As for robots, they’ll be very popular with human beings. Every family will have a robot. Robots will do dangerous and heavy work for people.

Third, people will be able to live in the sea, on the moon or on other planets. The earth won’t be crowded or noisy any more. So there will be much space for people to plant trees. There will be less pollution.

Finally, water shortage (短缺) will become one of the most serious problems. If we don’t save water now, people will start wars for water in 100 years.

1. What will people spend most of their time doing in the future?
2. How will most people go traveling?
3. Why will robots be very popular with people?
4. Where will people live in 100 years?
5. What will happen if we don’t save water now?
2023-04-02更新 | 123次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

We all know the strange feeling of watching the time change on a clock. You never really see it change because the hands move so slowly. But, of course, the time is changing all the time.

Human faces, like clock faces, are also changing. And like clocks, the changes take place too slowly to be noticed. Over many thousands of years, though, huge changes are possible. For example, the human brain is three times as large as it was thousands of years ago. Our faces became fatter, and began to think more.

If our heads became larger in the past, how will things change in the future? Unlike the changes of a clock face, the changes in human faces are very difficult to predict(预测). One of the main reasons for this is the way in which we can now control parts of nature. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, all changes were natural, but now we can actively choose paths for our own evolution(进化).

A US artist named Nickolay Lamm has recently offered an idea. It is what human faces may one day look like. The designs, inspired(受启发)by his conversations with the scientist Alan, show humans with larger heads and eyes. In particular(特别的), Lamm predicts the forehead may be larger because of increasing usage of the brain.

Just a few hundred years ago, most humans were working in the fields. However, nowadays more and more people receive education. These are just predictions, and no one can be sure how human beings will become in the future. But with such huge changes in our environments, it seems likely(很可能)that we will not look the same in the future.

Changes to human     1    

Similarity between the changes to the clocks and human faces

※ They both keep     2     all the time.

※ The changes are too     3     to be noticed.
※ Over the time, it is     4     for huge changes to take place.

Examples of human faces changes in the     5    .

※ The human brain has become lager since thousands of years ago.

※ Human faces became     6     and humans began to think more.   

What human faces may look like in the fixture

※ It is     7     to predict. What human faces may look like in the future

※ A US artist, Lamn, shows humans with     8     heads and eyes.
※ He predicts that because humans     9     the brain more often.


※ How human beings will become is     10    . But the huge changes

in our environment are likely to make humans look very different.

2020-07-12更新 | 57次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I’m sixteen now and I’m studying in a high school. I’m going to finish high school in two years, and then I’m going to college for years. I’m going to study languages because after college I’m going to work as a language teacher. While at college, I’m also going to take computer lessons because I’m going to use the computer in my work. Also, I’m going to play sports to keep healthy.

I really enjoy travelling, so before starting to work, I’m going to travel. To get the money to travel, I’m going to get a part-time Job. I’m going to save my money for six months, and then I’m going to visit Egypt. I’m going to see the pyramids (金字塔) and ride a camel (骆驼). Of course, I’m going to take lots of photos during my trip so that I can remember it.

I’m going to concentrate on (全神贯注于) my studies and my job. I’m not going to get married (结婚) until I’m a little older.

1. When is the writer going to finish high school?
2. What is the writer going to be after he finishes college?
3. What is the writer going to do to keep healthy?
4. What does the writer enjoy?
5. Where is the writer going to visit?
2022-11-15更新 | 159次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般