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1 . We humans can express feelings by telling others how we feel, but what about arqimals? How can we tell whether they experience sadness or happiness? Over the past 20 years, researchers have made great progress in this field.

It’s very hard for us to understand the feelings of animals, because they cannot tell us how they feel. However, we can know how they feel by some of their representations (表现) . The easiest reaction(反应) that an animal can feel about something is to change its behavior(s). Humans often change looks and actions depending on whether they experience a happy thing or not. Animals show these special looks as well. For example, changes in the ear place or the amount (量) of the white part of the eyes can show different levels of pain or fear of animals. It is important to remember that the looks of animals are usually different from those of humans. Their joy might not be shown by a smile, and sadness may not be followed by tears.

Another example of animal actions that is connected to feelings is vocalizations (发声) , which can show stress of many different animals. We know this is true for humans, too. Imagine you are singing a song in front of many people, and your voice might shake if you are nervous. Researchers have found that the vocalizations of pigs, sheep and cows also change and get less smooth when these animals are nervous, for example, when they are separated from the group.

It seems that animals react to their environments as much as humans do. So, we can guess that animals have rich feelings. This might encourage us to rethink the environments where we raise the animals, such as farms, zoos or our houses. If we can better understand how animals react to their environments, we can improve these environments as well as human-animal relationshies.

1. The animals’ different levels of pain can be shown from ________.
A.their special facesB.their different voice
C.changes of eye colorsD.different ear places
2. Why does your voice might shake when you sing in front of many people?
A.Because you are very nervous.B.Because you don’t have enough sleep.
C.Because you want to win an honor.        D.Because you are afraid of singing.
3. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The places of raising animals.
B.The ways of how to raise animals well.
C.The suggestions of how to protect the environment.
D.The uses of understanding how animals express feelings.
4. What is the structure of the passage?
5. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Do Animals Like People?B.Do Animals Feel as We Do?
C.Do Animals Show Sadness?D.Do Animals Need Feelings?
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州外国语学校2023-2024学年九年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . As you read this passage, you probably have in front of you some paper, a pen and at least one pencil. Have you ever wondered how they were first made and where they come from?

The word “paper” comes from the name “papyrus”, a plant. The ancient Egyptians took the soft centre of this plant and added water to make a wet mixture which was then pressed together and hung up to dry. The resulting paper was strong yet flexible and was used as writing material in Greek and Roman times. However, it was the Chinese who invented what we now know as paper. The method, in use over 2,000 years ago, also included pressing and drying wet material to form paper. Many materials were used. It was not until the 19th century that paper became easy to make and cheap to buy.

The earliest pens were hollow reeds (空心芦苇) that were put into ink to produce a form of writing. By the 6th century BC, feathers had replaced the reeds and feathers continued to be used until the appearance of the metal nib (笔尖). The ballpoint pen was developed in the second half of the 20th century by theHungarian Biro brothers.

From the time of the Romans, a metal stick, made of lead (铅), was used to write on papyrus. The lead left only a light mark and was later replaced by another soft metal, called graphite (石墨). Unlike lead, graphite produced a much harder and heavier line. The graphite sticks, however, broke very easily. So anItalian couple invented something a little like our modern pencil.

1. What does the underlined word “fiexible” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. When did the paper become easily made and affordable?
A.In the 6th century.B.In the 12th century.
C.In the 19th century.D.In the 20th century.
3. Which of the following is the correct order of pens’ development?
A.Feathers→hollow reeds→metal nib→ballpoint pen.
B.Hollow reeds→feathers→metal nib→ballpoint pen.
C.Metal nib→hollow reeds→feathers→ballpoint pen.
D.Hollow reeds→metal nib→feathers→ballpoint pen.
4. Why did pencil makers change the pencil sticks from lead to graphite?
A.Because lead is harmful to people.B.Because lead breaks more easily.
C.Because graphite makes darker lines.D.Because graphite can’t be found easily.
5. What’s the purpose of this passage?
A.To teach us how to make paper.
B.To encourage us to learn the creative spirit of ancient people.
C.To make us realize the importance of Chinese inventions.
D.To help us learn the development of paper, pens and pencils.
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州外国语学校2023-2024学年九年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The weather gets warm and everything comes back to life. The cycling season begins. Riding a bike can bring a lot of fun, but bike accidents can be pretty serious if you’re not careful. It’s important that all the young riders should follow bicycle safety tips while riding bikes.

Of course the suitable equipment is the most important. Wearing a helmet is the first basic safety rule of bike riding. A helmet will protect you from a head injury. Remember that light and bright colors are the best. And all the teenagers should choose the helmets that fit themselves well, especially children under the age of ten. Gloves will make you feel more comfortable during riding. And they will protect the riders’ hands when falling. It is necessary to wear bright clothes, so all road users can see you.

Besides the equipment, you should make sure you’re always looking ahead of you on the road. When you’re riding on the road, it’s important to use hand signals to let others know whether you’re turning, slowing down or stopping. When you cross the street, you should get off and walk your bicycle.

All in all, safety is the first thing to consider when riding.

1. What may be the season now?
2. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to (指代)?
A.Accidents.B.Helmets.C.Gloves.D.Bright-colored clothes.
3. Why does the writer write the passage?
A.To tell readers how to keep safe when riding a bicycle.
B.To tell readers which season is the best to ride a bicycle.
C.To tell readers what to wear when riding a bicycle.
D.To tell readers when to use hand signals.
4. Which of the following statements (陈述) is TRUE?
A.We only need to care for whether we can get fun when riding.
B.Wearing a black helmet is the first choice when riding.
C.You must always look left and right when riding.
D.You’d better walk your bicycle when crossing the street.
5. Who is the passage probably (很可能) written for?

4 . “Your victory is not yours alone, but the example of all the girls who don’t want to face pots and pans all their lives.” —From the movie Dangal.

The movie Dangal is popular in China. Everybody likes this movie and many Chinese people are fans of Admir Khan. In this film, he was a wonderful father, Mahavira Singh Pere,

Mahavira was once the champion of the Indian national wrestling (摔跤) forced to give up wrestling because of life pressure (压力). He hoped that his son could help him realize his dreams and win gold medals in top-level competitions. Bad news was that his wife (妻子) gave birth to four girls. When he thought his dream was broken, luckily he found the amazing talents of his daughters. Then he began to train two of his daughters.

The two girls changed the skirts and cut off the long hair. Every day two girls woke up at 5:00 a.m., and it was pretty early for such two young girls. What’s more, they did plenty of exercises, such as running, jumping, skipping, doing wrestling skills and so on. In India, especially in a small village, training girls like this means fighting against the whole world. But Mahavira didn’t mind what people thought, he just went ahead.

In the end, both of the two girls became world-class wrestlers.

1. How does the writer begin the text?
A.By asking a question.B.By expressing his feeling.
C.By talking with readers.D.By using the sentence from the movie.
2. Why did the father give up wrestling?
A.Because he was too old.B.Because his life was hard.
C.Because he was badly hurt.D.Because his wife gave birth to 4 daughters.
3. How did the father train his daughters?
①changed the skirts                    ②cut off their long hair
③woke up very early                  ④followed what people said
⑤did plenty of exercises             ⑥fought with all the people in the village
4. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “talents” in paragraph 3?
5. What can you infer (推断) from the passage?
A.Mahavira had a son at last.
B.All women will become wrestlers.
C.Many Indian women will fight for their dreams.
D.People forced them to leave the village.
7日内更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省漳州市华安县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题

5 . What is the most convenient (方便的) way to travel around China? By train, of course. There are some ways to buy train tickets. You can buy tickets at a train station or a train office, and you can also book online with a travel app, or at China Railway’s official website. You can even book by your telephone.

Though most ticket windows at the train station serve 24 hours every day, the trouble is that you may stand in long lines. So make sure you arrive at the station at least one hour before the train leaves. And what is the easiest way to buy a ticket? Using your phone! It’s simple to add the common user information in 12306 and fill in the full name following your passport. After finishing this step, 12306 will show that you have successfully registered (注册) and then you can book your tickets.

1. If you travel in China, the most convenient way is ________.
A.to take a trainB.to take a plane
C.to take high-speed railD.to take a ship
2. In the passage, we can find ________ ways to buy tickets.
3. If you buy train tickets at a train station, maybe ________.
A.you can’t buy a ticketB.you may stand in long lines
C.you miss the trainD.you have to ask for a favour
4. Before you buy a train ticket with 12306, what must you do?
A.You must have enough money.B.You must book your ticket in advance.
C.You must be able to use the 12306 app.D.You must fill in your information first.
5. What is the text mainly about?
A.China Railway’s official website.B.The price of train tickets.
C.The ways of buying tickets.D.The ways of traveling.
7日内更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省漳州市华安县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 .

This month, many Chinese cities are doing something special. It’s called “give way at the zebra crossing (斑马线)”.

These cities ask drivers to stop when people walk across zebra road crossings. If they don’t, they’ll have to pay a fine of 100 to 500 yuan and they’ll also lose three points (扣三分).

Why is this rule popular now? Because many cities are working hard to carry it out (执行). There are more cameras at zebra crossings now. Some workers can explain the rule to drivers.

Zebra crossings can help keep people safe. However, 3,898 people lost their lives in 14,000 zebra crossing accidents from 2015 to 2017. Most of the accidents happened because drivers wouldn’t give way to people on foot.

With this rule, people will be safer when crossing the street. But at the same time, it’s polite (有礼貌的) to cross the road quickly.

1. When people walk across zebra crossings, if a driver doesn’t stop and let walkers go first, he or she may ________.
① pay a fine of 100 to 500 yuan       ② stop driving for half a year          ③ lose three points
2. Why is this rule so popular these days?
A.Because it can keep people safe.
B.Because many cities are working hard to carry it out.
C.Because more people are working at the crossings.
D.Because China is using a new kind of zebra crossing.
3. More ________ help carry out the rules.
A.workersB.camerasC.diversD.A and B
4. How many people died in zebra crossing accidents in the past three years?
A.About 1,300.B.About 3,898.C.About 14,000.D.About 4,700.
5. What should people do when crossing the street?
A.Try to cross the road quickly.
B.It isn’t polite to give way to drivers.
C.Wait for the cars to pass first.
D.There’s no safe way to use the zebra crossings.
7日内更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省龙岩市上杭县东南片区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)

7 . There are many kinds of food in the world. In different countries, food has different meanings.

Garlic In Turkey (土耳其), many people often put garlic on their doors. They think it can bring good luck to people. In some countryside of Hungary (匈牙利), people put garlic on their bed. They think that it is good for babies’ and mothers’ health (健康).

Green onions In the countryside of Egypt (埃及), many farmers think green onions are a symbol of truth (真理的象征). They often take green onions in their hand and put them high when their ideas are different from others’. They show that the truth is in their hand.

Tomatoes They are the “stars ” in the food. They are a kind of vegetable and they are also a kind of fruit. If there are no tomatoes, hamburgers won’ t be delicious. In England, some young people give tomatoes as gifts to each other.

Salt In Hungary, when farmers move into a new house, they usually put salt inside and outside the new house. They want to keep away from scary things. In Russia, bread with salt is a kind of food to welcome visitors.

1. People in Turkey put garlic on their doors because _________.
A.they think it can bring money to themB.they think it is a symbol of truth
C.they use it to welcome visitorsD.they think it is good for people
2. The underlined word “it ” refers to “________ ” in the passage.
A.the garlicB.the doorC.the good luckD.the bed
3. What do people do to show that they are right in the countryside of Egypt?
A.Put a ruler in their hand and walk around the street.
B.Put some salt outside their new house.
C.Put a green onion in their hand and put it high.
D.Put some garlic on their bed.
4. According to the passage, an English girl can show she is friendly to her new classmate by _________.
A.performing magic tricks for himB.making some salt for him
C.giving a tomato to himD.bringing green onions to him
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Do you know the meanings of the food?B.Different games in different countries.
C.Ways to keep people well.D.What food do people eat at festivals?
7日内更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省三明市宁化县2022-2023学年七年级下学期期中质量检测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选 | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Psychology (心理学) is important in explaining human nature—and it gives reasons for a few of the situations you notice in yourself and others.

Plan A vs Plan B

In a group of experiments from the University of Pennsylvania, researchers found that when volunteers thought about another plan before starting a task, they did worse than those who hadn’t thought about a Plan B. Besides, when they realized they had choices, their motivation for succeeding at the first time dropped. The researchers point out that thinking ahead is a good idea, but you might be more successful if you keep those plans unclear.

Always Find a Problem

Why does another problem appear, when one problem is solved? It’s not that the world is against you—but your brain might be. Researchers asked volunteers to pick out people who have a threatening (有威胁的) look from faces on a computer. “As we started to show people fewer and fewer threatening faces, they increase their meaning of ‘threatening’ to include more faces,” writes researcher David Levari, PhD. “In other words, when they didn’t have threatening faces to find, they started to think of faces that they used to call harmless as threatening ones.”

Food Tastes Better

Why does that sandwich from the takeout place down the street taste better than the ones you make at home, even if you use the same ingredients (原料)? One study in the magazine Science found that when you make yourself a meal, you’re around it so long that it feels less exciting by the time you actually eat it—and that, as a result, decreases your enjoyment.

That’s why even your neighbor’s sandwich tastes better!
1. If we want to succeed at our first try, what had we better do?
A.Just think ahead.B.Come up with more clear plans.
C.Get plenty of choices.D.Work hard at Plan A.
2. What does the underlined word “motivation” mean?
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.We can not understand human nature.B.We always need a clear Plan B.
C.Our brain may create problems for us.D.Cooks in restaurants are better than us.
4. How does the writer explain the idea “Food Tastes Better” in the text ?
A.By making a survey.B.By using an old saying.
C.By listing an example.D.By telling a story.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to do psychology experiments.B.Psychology explanations for human nature.
C.Famous psychology researchers.D.What common psychology problems are.
7日内更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年福建省福州立志中学中考模拟英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When a movie is made, different kinds of camera shots are used to create a mood for the story. The shot means the kind of picture we see in a moment of a movie.

1                                   2                            3                              4

Close-up shot

A close-up shot is taken of a person’s head from just above the head to his chest. It can also be used to film a person or a thing closely. It has little or no back ground. Since it is taken closely enough to see a person’s feelings, a close-up shot is often used to show a new character.

Long shot

A long shot is taken from a distance. It shows the whole person and other characters, but background takes up almost the whole picture. A long shot allows the viewer to understand the relationship between the characters and their environment.

POV shot

A POV shot shows the point of view of a character so that we can see what he sees. In this shot, you’re expected to see yourself in the mirror or people watching over you. PUV shots are most used to make people scared. For example, it helps to see the word through a killer’s eyes.

Top shot

Also known as a “a bird’s eye view” shot, a top shot is taken from a high angel as if seen by a bird in flight. A top shot looks down directly on the subject. This shot does, however, put the viewers in a godlike position, make them feel for the film. In this way, they can get a better idea about the whole situation. A shot like this is usually taken in the open air.

1. A close-up shot is used to ________.
A.explain relationshipB.show the environment
C.introduce new charactersD.get a general idea
2. POV shots are most often used in ________.
A.scary moviesB.love storiesC.news reportsD.Traveling films
3. We can know that a bird’s eye view is taken ________.
A.in a roomB.by a birdC.through killers’ eyesD.from high places
4. Picture4 is considered a ________.
A.close-up shotB.POV shotC.long shotD.top shot
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The writer tells us how to choose different kinds of movies.
B.It’s hard to imagine how the character feels with a close-up shot.
C.A long shot can help people know where the character is.
D.A top shot is taken indoors most of the time.
7日内更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年福建省福州立志中学中考模拟英语试题

10 . In December 2023, history was made by a Boeing 787 crossing the Atlantic Ocean using a new kind of fuel (燃料). This fuel is made from leftover cooking fats, including fats from animals. This kind of fuel is good for the environment and is called biofuels (生物燃料).

Airlines are starting to use this greener fuel to depend less on fossil fuels (化石燃料) for many reasons. It cuts down air pollution and is good for our planet since it breaks down naturally. The US Department of Energy says that the eco-friendly fuel can cut down greenhouse gas emission (排放) by 70%, helping to fight against global warming. Biofuels are also safer than common fuels if they get into the environment. They have a higher flashpoint, making them safer to handle, store and move.

However, there are disadvantages we cannot overlook. A key problem is the large amount of materials required for biofuel production, which often leads to the “food vs. fuel” argument. For example, every year, about 70 billion animals are killed mostly for people to eat, but if we wanted to fuel a flight from New York to Paris using only pig fat, we would need about 8,800 pigs. Unluckily, only increasing animal farming to meet this need would require even more resources (资源). Besides, the production of biofuels can lead to a rise in global food prices, probably causing hunger. In the worst case, food prices can rise to a point where millions of people may no longer be able to afford basic food, which may even lead to the death of many people in poor areas.

In fact, biofuels are already in use worldwide and the rapid growth of biofuel production is likely to continue. However, finding the proper balance and way to grow biofuels to meet different needs at the same time will remain a matter of research.

1. How does the writer lead into the topic of the text?
A.By telling a story.B.By listing numbers.
C.By making a survey.D.By giving an example.
2. What can we learn about biofuels? Check and choose the right answer.
①They catch fire easily.
②Common fuels are safer than them.
③They are good for the environment.
④ Fats from animals can be made into them.
⑤The global food prices may rise because of them.
3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.The reason for causing hunger.
B.Biofuels’ popularity with airlines.
C.An argument about “food vs. fuel”.
D.Disadvantages of producing biofuels.
4. What’s the writer’s attitude (态度) towards biofuels?
5. What would be the best structure of the text?
7日内更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州第十一中学2023-2024学年九年级下学期4月月考英语试题
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