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1 . The phrase “southern spuds” becomes popular, thanks to Harbin, a city in Northeastern China that has taken the Internet by storm.

Over 3 million tourists poured into Harbin during the three-day New Year holiday. And many of them came from southern China where snow was nowhere to be found. Harbin locals gave these visitors a cute nickname “nanfang xiaotudou” or “southern spuds”. It is because southern people are usually shorter and they look like small potatoes when wearing thick jackets and hats. To Harbin people, this name is not to make fun of southerners, but to create a sense of warmth with humor.

Harbin tried everything to meet tourists’ needs, especially those from the south. Cooks carefully cut the local frozen pear into small pieces. Symphony (交响乐) concerts find their way into shopping malls. A drone (无人机) lifts a man-made moon for tourists to take photos. Harbin really went all out to make them happy.

However, even though they did all these to please the southern tourists, this nickname “southern spuds” sparked a debate (辩论) on the Internet. While Harbin locals use the name to show warmth and goodwill, some sightseers feel that calling them “small potatoes” is making fun of their height.

Even though people from the Northeast are sincere and warm, we have to admit (承认) that there is regional stereotype (地区刻板印象) in some parts of China. Nowadays, people travel all the time. Therefore, it’s important to make the world a more welcoming place. After all, everyone likes kindness and dislikes discrimination (歧视), whether it’s on purpose or not.

1. Why do Harbin people call southerners “southern spuds”?
A.Because southerners like to eat small potatoes.
B.Because southerners sell small potatoes in Harbin.
C.Because southerners look like spuds in thick jackets and hats.
D.Because Harbin locals want to make fun of southerners’ height.
2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.Southern travelers were very happy with Harbin tourism.
B.Harbin tried their best to attract tourists and make them happy.
C.Harbin cooks made some nice food for southern tourists.
D.Food, shopping malls, and the man-made moon attracted many tourists.
3. Why did some visitors dislike the nickname “small spuds”?
A.Because they did not like to debate on the Internet.
B.Because they were not pleased with Harbin tourism.
C.Because they felt that Harbin locals thought they were short.
D.Because they believed that they did not look like small potatoes.
4. What does the author think of the nickname “southern spuds”?
A.He think it’s funny.B.He thinks it’s unfair.
C.He thinks it’s welcoming.D.He doesn’t express his own opinion.
昨日更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省济宁市济宁学院附属中学中考一模英语试题(含听力)

2 .

The Chinese cheongsam, also known as qipao, is a traditional dress that first appeared in the early 20th century in Shanghai. It has become a symbol of Chinese culture and is worn by women around the world.

The cheongsam hugs the curves (曲线) of the body and is mostly made of silk or cotton. It’s typical with a high collar (领), short sleeves (袖) and a short cut on the side of the skirt to make movement easy.

The cheongsam was first worn by wealthy women in Shanghai as a way to show their social positions and wealth. But it quickly became popular among all classes of women as daily clothes. During the 1920s and 1930s, the cheongsam experienced changes and became fitter and better designed with fashionable elements (元素). Nowadays, designers are creating new styles to follow modern fashion.

Today, the cheongsam is often worn for formal situations such as ceremonies, celebrations and cultural events in China. One of the most popular looks of the cheongsam is Ann Wong, a Chinese famous movie star. She often wears cheongsams on and off screen. Her look helps to make the dress win popularity in Hollywood and around the world.

The cheongsam is not just a symbol of fashion, but also of Chinese culture and history. It brings out that Chinese people can always keep up with changing fashion over years. The cheongsam has stood the test of time. It will continue to catch eyes of the public and give ideas to people for years to come.

1. When did the Chinese cheongsam first appear?
A.During the 1900s and 1910s.B.During the 1920s and 1930s.
C.During the 2000s and 2010s.D.During the 2020s and 2030s.
2. Which design of cheongsam makes movement easy?
A.A high collar.B.Short sleeves.
C.A short cut on the side.D.Fashionable elements.
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The styles of the cheongsam.B.The meaning of the cheongsam.
C.The popularity of the cheongsam.D.The development of the cheongsam.
4. Where would women often wear the cheongsam now according to the passage?
A.At a sports meeting.B.At a Chinese marriage ceremony.
C.At a Thanksgiving celebration.D.At a university graduation ceremony.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The Chinese Cheongsam—A New Art
B.The Chinese Cheongsam—A Timeless Classic
C.The Chinese Cheongsam—A Modern Fashion
D.The Chinese Cheongsam—A Typical Tradition
昨日更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市禹城市张庄中学2023-2024学年九年级下学期3月份月考检测英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读短文,根据题目要求完成各小题。

For more than 2,000 years. Jingdezhen was known as the porcelain capital of the world. Today, Jingdezhen remains a national center for porcelain production. The most famous types of porcelain from Jingdezhen are famille-rose porcelain, linglong porcelain, blue-white porcelain and color-glazed porcelain. The imperial porcelain was so exquisite that it was described as being “as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, as thin as paper, with a sound as clear as a bell.”

Among all porcelain produced in Jingdezhen, the most representative is blue-white porcelain. Blue-white porcelain originated in the Northern Song Dynasty. During the Yuan and Ming dynasties blue-white porcelain became increasingly popular, and since the 14th century manufacturers have shipped blue-white porcelain to world markets. The porcelain reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty. Its thin, translucent quality and attractive designs made it very valuable throughout Europe and the colonies, ranking first among blue-white porcelain nationwide.

Blue-white porcelain is the most famous among the four traditional types of porcelain produced in Jingdezhen, and is famous as the “ever-lasting blue flower.” The blue-white style is created by drawing the design with cobalt pigment onto the stoneware body and painting over it with a transparent glaze. This style is also known as “underglazed blue.” The piece is then fired at a high temperature. Blue-white porcelain has been in production ever since thanks to its bright colors, simple yet elegant patterns, and smooth glaze that never fades.

The Yuan Dynasty was a key period for the development of firing techniques for blue-white porcelain in China. Its unique characteristics were based on the techniques of former dynasties. It was during this period that blue and white porcelain was perfected and came to characterize the Ming Dynasty. China’s multi-colored porcelain was often given as gifts on diplomatic missions.

In 1979 Jingdezhen blue-white porcelain won a national golden prize and in 1985 it was honored with three gold medals at different international fairs. Since then, the name “Jingdezhen Blue-white Porcelain” has spread far and wide. It is by far a top product in the porcelain business, boasting the most prizes and the highest standards.

1. How many famous types of porcelain from Jingdezhen are there? What are they?
2. What made blue-white porcelain very valuable throughout Europe and the colonies?
3. What is “underglazed blue”?
4. What can you learn from the last paragraph of the passage?
5. Give a proper title to the passage.
昨日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省德州市乐陵市宁津县联考中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 .

Whether yellow, red or white, the onion is a vegetable that you may not know well. The list of its uses in cooking is endless. People have used onions to add flavor (味道) to their foods for thousands of years. Besides onions’ great taste, they are very good for you. They have special chemicals (化学物质) that improve your ability to fight off sickness and you have fewer chances of getting a disease.

No matter how good onions are for you, it is difficult to cut an onion without your eyes filling with tears! When you cut into an onion, irritating (刺激性的) chemicals inside the onion will get into the air. They touch your whole eyes and cause pain. Your eyes make tears to wash away the chemicals and protect your eyes.

Luckily, cooks and scientists have discovered some ways to keep you from crying when you cut up onions:

•Cut the onion under running water. The water will wash away the chemicals before they can reach your eyes.

•Use a fan to blow air over the onion as you cut it. The air will blow the chemicals away from your eyes.

•Put the onion in a fridge for an hour before cutting. This helps make the chemicals in the onion move slowly, so they may not ever reach your eyes.

If you try out these good ideas and still cry while cutting onions, don’t worry. Scientists think if you cut more onions, your body will become more resilient to the onion’s chemicals. So the tears will not last long. If you think about how healthy onions are, you might even call those tears “happy tears”.

1. Why can onions help you fight off sickness?
A.Because they have different colors.B.Because they have many uses in cooking.
C.Because they have great taste.D.Because they have special chemicals.
2. Why do your eyes make tears when you cut onions?
A.To improve physical condition.B.To prevent common diseases.
C.To wash away irritating chemicals.D.To cause terrible pain.
3. What can you do to stop crying according to the text?
①Cut the onion under running water.
②Use a fan to blow air over the onion while cutting.
③Cover the onion with a piece of cloth as you cut it.
④Put the onion in a fridge for an hour before cutting.
4. What does the underlined word “resilient” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?
5. In which section of a magazine can you probably read the text?
A.Life and health.B.Language and culture.C.Business world.D.National news.
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省德州市乐陵市宁津县联考中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。

Sanjiangyuan, meaning “source of three rivers”, is an area in Northwest China’s Qinghai province and an important part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原). It is home to the headwaters of China’s three major rivers: the Yellow, Yangtze and Lancang. 

During the past 20 years, the reserve has seen great changes and progress. 

Tsewang Gyaltsen, an environmental protection worker in Qinghai province, said that because of illegal mining (非法采矿) in the 1990s, a large part of the land was desertified (沙化). 

The government, social organizations and local people have all acted to solve this problem. The government is improving the ecological protection management system (生态保护管理制度) and Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve has become part of Sanjiangyuan National Park and is under strict protection.

The organization that Tsewang Gyaltsen works for also organizes nature education events. Taking teenagers to mountains and lakes, it gets younger generations to take an interest in environmental protection.                                                                                                                                

Sanjiangyuan is changing for the better. It’s now a good home for wild animals, said Xinhua. The wild animal population is rising. The number of Tibetan antelopes has increased from less than 20,000 in the 1990s to over 70,000.

But Sanjiangyuan still faces difficulties. “The biggest challenge now is the possible loss of grassland and melting frozen soil (冻土) caused by global warming,” said Tsewang Gyaltsen.

“So we hope more people can come together in the environmental protection of Sanjiangyuan and make it even better.”

1. What are the three major rivers of Sanjingyuan?
2. What problem did land in Sanjiangyuan face in the 1990s?
3. How does the government act to deal with the environmental problem?
4. Why did the writer mention Tibetan antelopes in Paragraph 6?
5. What is Tsewang Gyaltsen’s hope?
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市高青县中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Walking on the street every day, have you noticed the drainage covers (排水井盖)? They are important for avoiding floods in cities. Students from Shenzhen have improved the drainage covers over the past years by adding a velocimeter (测速仪) and a GPS system.

It all started when student Yang Wenkai noticed that it was dangerous for workers to clean drainage covers while it was raining. In 2020, Yang decided to invent a velocimeter to check the speed of water flowing through drainage covers so that the water authority could find problems in time. Since then, new generations of velocimeters have been updated by students of each year. And this is the fifth generation. “We improved the size and shape of each generation so that it can be placed on the drainage covers more easily without having to produce new ones,” said Xiao Minyuan, a member of the project.

Apart from warning the authorities, it also has several other functions (功能). A laser beacon (自准水平激光仪) makes it easier for staff to find the cover when it’s in water, while a solar panel (太阳能电池板) keeps low energy use. The Beidou Navigation Satellite System helps the authorities find the drainage covers quickly. 

The process is hard, but they have ways to work it out. They work in groups. Different team members are in charge of different parts of the project. “Some do market research; some deal with technology; some design; some are doing experiments,” Chen Ziyu said. “It’s all about teamwork.”

1. What can the velocimeter do?
A.Make the drainage covers shine in rain.
B.Produce the right size and shape of drainage covers.
C.Test the speed of water flowing through drainage covers.
D.Make use of water-flowing energy in drainage covers.
2. Which can help workers find the cover easily when it is in water?
A.A GPS system.B.A laser beacon.
C.A solar panel.D.The Beidou Navigation Satellite System.
3. What does the phrase “in charge of” means ?
A.be familiar withB.be responsible forC.be good atD.be interested in
4. What would be the best title for the story?
A.Washing away water worryB.Making the best use of waste
C.Avoiding dangers in the wildD.Working in dirty places
昨日更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市高青县中考一模英语试题

7 . Dr Joseph Dituri, also known as “Dr Deep Sea”, had an amazing adventure. For 100 days, the University of South Florida teacher lived underwater. He set a new world record, beating the old record of 73 days.

Dr Dituri began the project on March 1, 2023. His goal was to stay for 100 days at a special underwater hotel called Jules’s Undersea Lodge. The hotel is 22 feet (6.7 meters) under the ocean surface in a protected area in Key Largo, Florida, US.

The farther you go below the ocean’s surface, the greater the pressure. Dr Dituri wanted to learn how this pressure affects the human body over time. In his undersea room, Dr Dituri was living with pressure that was about 66 percent greater than the pressure on the surface.

Dr Dituri believes that high pressure could help people live longer and stay healthier as they get older. It could also help doctors treat different medical problems, including brain injuries. Dr Dituri’s room was only 100 square feet (9.3 square meters). But it had somewhere to sleep, a small living room and a kitchen.

While underwater, Dr Dituri stayed busy. He often exercised in the morning. He taught his college classes and had online chats with over 5,500 students from 15 different countries and regions.

On June 9, 2023, Dr Dituri returned to the surface where he could finally see the sun again. Doctors quickly checked that he was okay. “The human body has never been underwater that long,” Dr Dituri said. “This experience has changed me in an important way.”

1. How many more days did Dr Dituri live underwater compared to the last record holder?
2. What did Dr Dituri do when living underwater?
a. Exercise.                      b. Give lessons.             c. Do research.             d. Write diaries.
3. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Building an underwater hotelB.A new lifestyle
C.Living underwaterD.Pressure is not always bad
昨日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市高青县中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 较易(0.85) |

8 . When I first arrived in China, some of the first Chinese vocabulary I learned had to do with food. I learned the names of a few dishes, but still didn’t know most of the items I saw on Chinese restaurant menus. Luckily, there were pictures to help me decide.

Nearly every restaurant menu in China has pictures of food in it. But many restaurants I’ve been to in the US don’t. What is the reason for the difference?

One thing I’ve definitely (明确地) noticed about China is that food is a bigger part of their culture than it is in the US. A common way to greet someone in China is to ask them if they’ve eaten yet. My Chinese friends post pictures of their meals online way more often than my US friends.

Food is just a bigger deal here—and having pictures of food in menus is part of that. Some menus are almost like works of art, with vivid (生动的) and well-framed (构图精美) photos.

Another thing is the names of the dishes. Chinese dishes sometimes have fanciful (想象的) names like “palace guard chicken” or “three fresh things from the soil”. These are interesting names, but they don’t really tell you what the dishes are like. Therefore, it’s helpful to have pictures so you can actually see what you’re going to be eating.

There’s probably even more to it than that. All I know is that I was very thankful to have those picture menus when I first came here all those years ago.

1. What did the writer find useful when ordering food in China?
A.Pictures of dishes in menus.B.The English names of dishes.C.Chinese characters.
2. What does the writer think of the names of Chinese dishes?
A.They are almost like works of art.
B.They all sound fanciful to foreigners.
C.They don’t always say what are in the dishes.
3. What’s the structure of the passage?
4. The passage is trying to tell us _______.
A.what the writer thinks of Chinese dishes
B.why Chinese menus have pictures of food
C.how some Chinese dishes are named
昨日更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省临沂市经济技术开发区中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合 | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Enjoy Nature with Foraging!

Do you enjoy walking in nature? Do you like learning about trees and plants? You may like foraging! Foraging is searching for something like wild food. It is a lot like a treasure hunt. You look around in places like forests and lakes to find different kinds of plants that you can eat. Foraging is a lot of fun! When you walk in the woods, you can find many kinds of plants. Some of these plants are dangerous. Some of them are good to eat. You can spend many relaxing hours walking around in the wild looking for good plants to eat.

While foraging is a lot of fun, you still have to be careful. It is exciting and challenging to find plants that you can eat, but do not eat them until you are very sure of what they are. Before you go foraging, take a class about it. Learn how the different kinds of plants that you can eat look in the wild. Practice finding them with your foraging teacher. Then join a group of foragers. Look for plants together. Never eat anything until you are 100% sure of what it is. Some people have become sick by accident because they ate a wild plant that was dangerous.

Foragers follow some important rules. They do not gather all of the plants in one area. If you take all the plants from one area, no more will grow there. Do not look for wild plants in areas where there are a lot of cars, like by a road or parking lot. If the area is very dirty, the plants there will not be good to eat and may make you very sick.

1. Follow the example to list two things you should do before foraging.
①take a class about foraging
2. Which sentence in the passage has the similar meaning to the following one?
You can only eat things that you are sure they are safe to eat.
3. 根据短文内容填空。(每空不超过三个单词)

Foraging is like hunting for ________ in nature. Walking around in the wild woods as you forage can be fun and ________. But watch out for plants that are ________ to eat. If you eat such a plant ________ you might get sick. Another rule about foraging is not to gather all the plants in one place. Also, don’t look for plants in a ________ areas by roads.

7日内更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省青岛市市南区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Social media (社交媒体) is certainly an interesting place to learn others’ opinions. You can read everything from strange ideas to true facts. But when you are spending time online and reading so many opinions, it’s quite possible that you’ll sometimes see someone write something that you strongly disagree with.

In fact, you might feel so strongly that you feel like you should reply to this person at once. You might do some research, find some facts of your own and reply to what they’re written. You finish writing it out, click (点击) “Post” and win the argument!

Except that it’s not really much of a victory. Most people don’t like it when other people disagree with their ideas, especially online strangers. It’s unlikely that they will change their opinion just because you argued with them. In fact, it’s possible that you made them feel more confident that they’re correct.

And the thing is, when you get in these kinds of fights online, it slowly influences you. You might not know it at first, but the argument that you take part in can actually have a bad effect on your mood (心情). If you argue often, you start to enjoy arguing and then end up doing it even more. It’s a dangerous cycle.

I guess the best thing to do is to tell yourself that most arguments aren’t worth it. There are much better and more interesting things to do, whether online or in real life.

1. How does the writer feel about social media?
A.People seldom use it to argue with each other.B.Many people use it to voice their opinions.
C.It’s a good way to connect with strangers.D.You can’t see what other people have written on it.
2. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
A.Your reply.B.Your letter.C.Your story.D.Your experience.
3. How might arguing online influence you?
A.You will face a lot of dangers.B.You will become more confident,
C.You might feel bad and argue more.D.You will get better at arguing.
4. What’s the writer’s advice?
A.Argue until you find the truth.
B.Find something better to do instead of arguing.
C.Try to communicate in real life instead of online.
D.Don’t spend time discussing problems with strangers.
7日内更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省济宁市鱼台县中考一模英语试题
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