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1 . 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答问题,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。

ChatGPT is an AI system (系统) that can have a discussion and create written work. It can create material based on what it has learned from digital books and online passages. Now three high school students in Cyprus have developed an unusual robot with the help of their teachers. It is unusual as it uses ChatGPT AI technology.

The robot is named AInstein. It is the size of a small adult and even has a screen for a face that appears to show human facial expressions. It speaks a North American form of English. And it can tell jokes, like “Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.” The robot enjoys reading science books and spending time playing the violin.

The creators of AInstein want to use the technology to improve learning experiences in the classroom. In fact, there might be a place for robots in education after all. British education expert Anthony Seldon predicts that robots will take over the classroom in 2027 and teachers will work as their helpers.

One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world, there aren’t enough teachers and 9—16 percent of children under the age of 14 don’t go to school. That problem could be partly solved by robots, because they can teach anywhere and won’t get stressed, or tired, or move somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.

1. Why is the robot in Paragraph 1 unusual?
2. How big is AInstein?   
3. What is the aim of the creators of AInstein?
4. According to Anthony Seldon, when will robots take the place of teachers in the classroom?   
5. Does the writer think it good or bad to have robot teachers?
B. 书面表达
6. 根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。






2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。 作文开头结尾已给出,不必抄写在试卷上,也不计入总词数。

Dear Editor,

I read the article about robot teachers in your newspaper the other day, and I carried out a survey among my classmates about whether they would like to have robot teachers in the classroom.


Best regards,

Li Hua

2023-05-12更新 | 146次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年广东省汕头市金平区中考一模英语试题(含听力)
2 . 阅读下面的文章,并根据短文内容回答所提问题。

Seeing Eye dog, the eyes for the blind

Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly. They can do many things for people. Some dogs can help people find those lost children, some dogs can help people look after the sheep, others can help the blind.

There is a kind of dog. His name is Seeing Eye dog. He is strong and easy to train (训练). He helps the blind to move from place to place.

Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. First, the dog has to learn to sit or to stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson, the dog learns to take his trainer on busy streets. When he passes the test, the Seeing Eye dog will do things by himself.

Now he can help the blind people. The new master may be a man, a woman or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and to live together. These Seeing Eye dogs bring much convenience (便利) to the blind.

1. How many kinds of things can dogs do according to (根据) the passage?
2. What does the writer think of Seeing Eye dogs?
3. Where does a dog stay for about three months before it becomes a Seeing Eye dog?
4. When will the Seeing Eye dog do things by himself?
5. Who may be the new master?
6. B. 书面表达

动物是人类的好朋友。我们应该好好爱护动物,然而世界上很多动物都濒临灭绝。假如你是李磊,请你写一篇演讲稿向同学们介绍一种濒临灭绝的 (endangered) 动物。


1. 这种动物的外形特征;

2. 这种动物濒临灭绝的原因以及如何拯救 (各2点);

3. 号召同学们行动起来保护动物。


Animals are our best friends, but now there are more and more endangered animals in the world. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

That’s all. Thank you!

2023-03-30更新 | 148次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省珠海市香洲区文园中学2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题
3 . A. 回答问题

Many countries have their own special New Year’s Eve traditions because of different native cultures, and we should show respect for them. Here are some interesting New Year’s Eve traditions around the world.


On December 31, Russians write their wishes down on a piece of paper, burn it with a candle, and drink the ashes (灰烬) in a glass of champagne. Also, there must be oranges on the table of every Russian family. They think the smell of oranges is an important part of winter vacation.


Spanish celebrate New Year’s Eve with 12 grapes.   Every grape means one month of the year. If you can finish all 12, you’re believed to have great luck in the coming year. What’s more, they take their suitcases out for a walk in order to have more travel chances in the coming year. And they also pour a bucket of water on the street which represents the bad luck.


White is considered the purest color, so Brazilians wear white on New Year’s Eve. They also throw white flowers into the ocean as an offering(贡品) to the Goddess of the Sea.


How many friends do you have? In Denmark you would know that on New Year’s Day. It is a sign of good luck to throw plates against others’ doors on New Year’s Eve. The more pieces of broken plates you have on your doorstep, the more popular you are!

1. Why do many countries have their own special New Year’s Eve traditions?
2. What will Russians do after they burn the paper with a candle?
3. Who may take their suitcases out for a walk?
4. Where do Brazilians throw white flowers into?
5. How can people in Denmark know how many friends they have?
B. 书面表达
6. 请根据要求完成短文写作。



Chinese New Year’s Eve is special for us. It’s a good chance for us to make a promise to ourselves.


Wish you all a happy Chinese New Year.

2023-02-27更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市顺德区2021-2022学年九年级下学期开学考试英语试题(含听力)
4 . 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答下面问题。

Do you always do some special things for your father? Father’s Day falls on the third Sunday in June every year. It’s a special day celebrated worldwide to show love for fathers. Since the old time in China, Chinese people have respected(尊敬)fathers a lot. For many people, fathers are usually brave, strict and great. But most fathers are not good at showing their feelings, so they don’t talk much with their sons or daughters.

Nowadays, with the development of information technology, many useful communication tools(通信工具)appear. WeChat is a good example. Today many people show their love on WeChat or make cards for their fathers. But Father’s Day is not just about giving cards, gifts or money. We can also take them to the park or the cinema, just as we do for our mothers. Father’s Day is about love. If you love your father, why not plan a special Father’s Day for him?

1. When is Father’s Day?
2. What are fathers usually like?
3. Why do many fathers talk little with their sons or daughters?
4. Which communication tool does the writer talk about in the passage?
5. Does showing love only mean giving cards, gifts and money?
6. 书面表达


1. 给父亲挑选一份父亲节礼物并说明理由;
2. 介绍节日当天想陪父亲做的事情。
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数70个词左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

Father’s Day is coming, and this year I want to do something special for my father. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I’m sure we will have a nice day.

5 . 请阅读下面一篇短文,根据所提供的信息,回答下面的5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

The Olympic Games are not only a good chance for athletes (运动员) to show their talent and high skills, but also a stage for volunteers. There are 27,000 volunteers for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games and 12,000 for the Paralympic Winter Games (残奥会冬季运动会).

Volunteers are made up of general and specialist volunteers. Specialist volunteers are those who have professional knowledge (专业知识) and skills in a given area such as language, medical, and driving services. Non-specialist volunteers are general volunteers. They help with the opening and closing ceremonies (开幕式和闭幕式) and competitions.

The recruitment (招募) of volunteers started on December 5, 2019, in celebration of the 34th International Volunteer Day. Volunteers from all around the world were welcomed. Over 1 million people wanted to be volunteers for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Among them, over 95% were 18-35 years old.

Jin Meijiao, a senior at Renmin University of China, was one of the volunteers. She provided services for photographers (摄影师) in the Zhangjiakou Mountain Press Center (新闻中心).

Jin recorded her volunteering with her camera (相机). For her, every day was exciting and heart-warming.

A volunteer is like a cell (细胞) in the human body. Although each cell doesn’t seem that important, they are necessary parts of a whole.

1. How many volunteers are there for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games?
2. What do general volunteers do?
3. When did the recruitment of volunteers start?
4. Where did Jin Meijiao volunteer provided services?
5. How did Jin Meijiao feel about her volunteer days?
6. 书面表达。



去街道和商场附近派发关于健康的传单让人们了解更多关于健康方面的信息和保护 (protect) 自己
2023-02-02更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省珠海市香洲区第四中学2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
读写综合(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |
6 . A. 回答问题

In 2020, COVID-19 had a serious influence on food production and trade. Now at least 690 million people are running out of food around the world. However, a research shows that a third of the world’s food is wasted every year.

Although China has enough food for people, the problem of wasting food has been serious in the past few years, as it was once reported that food wasted in China was enough to feed 200 million people a year.

Luckily, the Chinese government has already noticed this problem. President Xi Jinping said it is necessary to create a social environment where wasting is shameful and thriftiness(节俭)is good.

The “Clean Your Plate Campaign(光盘行动)” first started in 2013 for the purpose of putting an end to food wasting. In August, 2020, it was carried out(执行)more widely in order to develop people’s daily habits and call for the public to stop wasting food. The government is also going to pass new laws against wasting food. Wen Tiejun, an expert at the Renmin University of China, said that everyone should play a role in saving food.

Signs around the restaurant say “Clean Your Plate” and “Be Thrifty and Diligent(勤俭节约)”. The Chinese people are actively trying to take part in this campaign. However, how to be thrifty and diligent has become a question that everyone needs to think about creatively.

1. How many people are running out of food around the world now?
2. What problem has been serious in China in the past few years?
3. When did the “Clean Your Plate Campaign” first start?
4. Why is this campaign carried out more widely from 2020?
5. Who should play a role in saving food according to the expert?
6. B. 书面表达


假如你是李华,你的英国朋友 John 来中国旅游时看到了很多“光盘行动”和“勤俭节约”的标语,他写信询问你这些标语的意义,请你给他回信。
(2)语句连贯,词数80 个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。
Dear John,
How is everything going? I’m happy to tell you something about these signs in China. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua

2023-01-17更新 | 114次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022年广东省清远市英德市中考一模英语试题
7 . 请阅读以下一篇短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

Overseas education consulting (海外教育咨询) companies are always busy during the summer. That’s because many students are not interested in the majors in their college entrance exams. They want to experience studying and living abroad.

Li Qing, a Chinese student, said, “In order to enter a better university, I have decided to go abroad. I think it will give me a better development.”

According to the companies’ data, the number of the students who want to study abroad has increased by 40% in the last few years.

Most of the students who want to go abroad are high school graduates. More and more parents now realize the advantages of sending their children to study abroad. It’s becoming a popular choice for many well-off (富裕的) families.

Many students apply for (申请) world-famous universities. 40% has applied for the top 50 universities in the US, 70% applied for the top 30 in Britain, and 50% applied for the top 8 in Australia.

Countries like Britain, Australia, Japan, Russia, Germany and France are still the favorite for students. Schools and colleges in nearby Malaysia and Singapore are also popular.

1. Why do the high school students want to study abroad?
2. What do the students think of studying abroad?
3. Which universities do they like to apply for?
4. What about the number of the students who want to go abroad?
5. Which country is the most popular with the students who want to study abroad?
6. 书面表达,根据要求完成短文写作。

近几年来,中国的中学生中出现了“出国留学热”,成千上万的中学生已经去国外学习,而另外一些学生也一直在设法出国,对此人们有不同的看法。请根据下面的内容,以“Studying Abroad”为题写一篇短文。


Studying Abroad

In recent years, studying abroad has been popular with Chinese high school students. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2023-01-10更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省高州市第一中学附属实验中学2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
8 . 下面是某网站上的一篇介绍垃圾分类 (Sorting Rubbish) 的短文。请你根据文章内容,回答后面的五个问题,把答案写在相应的位置上。

These days we notice the rubbish bins (垃圾箱) are in different colors on the street. The bins are in different colors because they can help people sort the waste. When we throw away rubbish, we should know which bin we should choose first.

Some of us might find it hard to choose the correct bin. However, it’s actually quite important to know how to sort your rubbish. If we don’t know how to sort rubbish, it can be harder to save energy and protect the environment. If we don’t sort our rubbish, cleaners will bury (埋) all the rubbish together. It takes up large areas of ground that can be used for planting trees.        

Shanghai is the first city to put rubbish-sorting into practice in China. Shanghai government asks the people to sort rubbish into four kinds. They are wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.

Wet rubbish is the rubbish that people produce after they eat or drink. Paper, metal, glass and other things that can be reused are called recyclable rubbish. Harmful rubbish includes things like medicine, batteries (电池) and so on. Finally, any rubbish that is not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the dry rubbish bin.

Many Chinese big cities plan to put rubbish-sorting (垃圾分类) into practice. Now that you know this, perhaps you can take part in sorting the rubbish.

A. 回答问题:
1. Why are the bins in different colors?
2. What will cleaners do with the rubbish if we don’t sort our rubbish?
3. Which city is the first one to put rubbish-sorting into practice in China?
4. How many kinds of rubbish does Shanghai government ask the people to sort rubbish?
5. What is wet rubbish?
B. 书面表达
6. 随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,垃圾问题日益突出。不少地方垃圾堆积如山,已经造成一系列的严重危害。如果大家都行动起来,“垃圾山” 将变成 “金山”。请你根据下面的提示写一篇关于垃圾分类的倡议书。

(1) 进行垃圾分类的好处;(至少两个好处)            
(2) 从个人,学校和政府的角度出发,我们应该如何落实垃圾分类?(至少三点建议)
(3) 号召同学们积极参与垃圾分类活动。
参考单词:sort rubbish, government, laws
My dear friends,

With the development of the economic, people’s life has improved a lot. People produce more and more rubbish.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thanks for your attention.

9 . 回答问题。请阅读下面一篇关于生活目标的短文,根据所提供的信息回答后面的问题。

The Chinese opera The White Haired Girl by China National & Dance Drama Theater was shown in Shenzhen through two performances on September 25th and 26th.

The story centers on the life of Xi’er, a girl born to a poor life in Shanxi Province. The opera, created by Yan Jinxuan, was first performed in 1945 with artist Wang Kun in the leading role. It was the first Chinese opera written after one of Chairman Mao Zedong’s speeches in 1942. People think it a great achievement(成就)in the development of Chinese theater.

Since then, a number of remakes(改编版)of the opera have appeared. They are a film version(版本)1950, a Peking Opera performance in 1958, a ballet version in 1965, and an opera which Guo Lanying joined in 1972. In 2015, it was the 70th anniversary(周年)of the first appearance of The White Haired Girl. A new version of the opera appeared and Lei Jia was the leading role.

1. What is the name of this Chinese opera in the passage?
2. Where was Xi’er born?
3. When was this opera first performed?
4. How many remakes of the opera are talked about in this passage?
5. Who is the leading role in the new version of the opera in 2015?
6. 随着影视产业的兴起和发展,电影等影视作品越来越受到人们的青睐。人们休闲时间也会去观看电影。回忆一次你看电影的经历,谈谈以下内容:
1. 你最近一次看电影的经历和感受。
2. 你是否喜欢看电影?为什么?(至少2个原因)
3. 你平时还有其它什么休闲活动?
1. 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数70个左右。
10 . 请阅读以下短文,根据所提供的信息,回答问题,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。

Will Liu, a singer and actor from Taiwan, has been popular in an unexpected way—being a livestreaming(直播)personal trainer on Douyin.

His workout routines(健身操)are so popular that they have broken Douyin’s livestreaming record for 2022 so far. Within a month, Liu’s livestreams had been viewed about 100 million times, with his most popular part attracting over 44 million viewers.

The 49-year-old often exercises with his wife. They dance to exciting songs while explaining and breaking down their moves. One of Liu’s most-watched routines is set to a pop song by singer Jay Chou. “I want to slap my leg whenever I hear it now,” shared an internet user.

Liu has attracted more people to do exercise. Especially when millions of people are in lockdown because of COVID-19, Liu’s routines are timely and helpful. Liu has also been in lockdown with his family in Shanghai.

Ever since Liu’s videos became popular, people across the country have been practicing the workout routines at home, schools, and parks.

Liu isn’t the only person to get popular from the fitness wave. According to Douyin, followers of fitness videos wore up by 208 percent in 2021 compared to 2020. This shows the rise of the online fitness business and fitness influencers(网红)since the COVID-19 started.

1. What is Will Liu on Douyin?
2. How many viewers were attracted to watch Liu’s most popular session?
3. What do they dance to?
4. What does the writer think of Liu’s routines for people who are in lockdown?
5. How long have people across the country been practicing the workout routines?
6. 书面表达



Exercising plays an important part in our lives.


2022-10-18更新 | 137次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年广东省佛山市南海外国语学校中考三模英语试题
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