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1 . 回答问题

Li Anqiang, 33, works on prosthetic rehabilitation (假肢康复). He has been using artificial (人造的) legs for 15 years in his daily study and work since the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. His legs hurt seriously after being buried for a whole day and night, and after that, he lost his legs forever.

He soon returned to school but felt hopeless. “I had no idea what I would do with the rest of my life,” he said. He finally found the courage to spend another five months in rehabilitation and training to live with prosthetic legs.

After hard work, Li went to Sichuan University and later he got the chance to study in the US.

At the end of 2019, Li returned to Chengdu and began to make videos on social media about his life with prosthetic legs. He found that many people who experienced amputations (截肢) could not walk freely, because they didn’t have professional rehabilitation exercises. This encouraged him to work on prosthetics and rehabilitation.

“I believe that the world is beautiful. Even though it can be difficult to get around, we should still go out and see the world,” Li said. He also hopes that society can be more patient with those people with disabilities. “I hope that one day when we walk down the street with prostheses, we are treated no differently than people with glasses,” Li added.

1. How long has Li Anqiang been using artificial legs?
2. How did Li Anqiang feel when he returned to school?
3. Where did Li Anqiang get the chance to study, in the US or in the UK?
4. What were Li’s videos about?
5. Why could not many people who experienced amputations walk freely?
6. 书面表达

习近平总书记在讲话中引用李大钊的话说:“青年者,国家之魂。”一个民族只有寄望青春、永葆青春,才能兴旺发达。请你根据以下思维导图内容提示,以“How to Be a Better Teenager”为题,写一篇演讲稿,谈谈我们应该怎样做,才能不负自己,成为更好的青少年。


How to Be a Better Teenager

Hello, everyone! Today I’d like to share my ideas about ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you!

2024-06-09更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省揭阳市榕城区中考二模英语试题
读写综合(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题,要求所写答案语法正确,语义完整切题。

Can you climb the Five Mountains in five days? A girl called Zheng Yuling did! The young girl born in the 1990s put her “May Day and Five Mountains” journey online and many people noticed it.

Zheng said that the Five Mountains are the most famous in China, so she had the idea of climbing the Five Mountains. Before the trip, she checked the train numbers carefully.

Zheng planned the best way to travel between the five mountains all by herself. She left for the first stop after work on April 28th and returned to Foshan on the evening of May 3rd. “This plan is a bit crazy. I don’t think climbing the Five Mountains is the most difficult, but getting tickets is the most difficult,” said Zheng. “I didn’t get a ticket for the train from Changsha to Zhengzhou, and I almost couldn’t get there.” Luckily, a worker from 12306 gave her one ticket.

During the journey, Zheng went to different places at night and took hard seats on the trains to save time and living costs. After the journey, she only spent over 4000 yuan.

Zheng said, “China is really amazing! Thanks to the great transportation (交通运输), I could finish such a crazy journey!”

1. How many mountains did Zheng climb during the May Day holiday?
2. What did Zheng do before the trip?
3. When did Zheng leave for the first stop?
4. Who gave Zheng the train ticket from Changsha to Zhengzhou?
5. What did Zheng think of China?
6. 书面表达。


1. 简单介绍你将游览的城市 (城市名称和地理位置);
2. 当地的旅游计划安排 (时间、景点和活动等);
3. 对暑假旅游表示期待。
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实校名、地点和考生的真实姓名;
2. 语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear James,

How is everything going? The summer holiday is coming. I would like to share my holiday plan with you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua

2024-06-07更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区三水区2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题
3 . 回答问题。

Long ago, Mother Nature gave each tree a different purpose. However, she did not share her reasons with the trees.

Fir Tree (杉树) had many tree friends. In summer, they watched Bird and Squirrel (松鼠) play in the field. Then autumn arrived. The leaves on other trees turned colorful. Fir Tree’s leaves stayed green. Fir Tree told Mother Nature that he wanted his leaves to change colors, too.

“Be patient,” Mother Nature said. “You will learn your purpose.”

So Fir Tree waited. The temperature dropped. Bird flew south, and Squirrel was nowhere around. All the trees lost their leaves except Fir Tree. Soon it snowed. Fir Tree cried, “Why don’t I change like my friends?”

“Be patient,” Mother Nature replied. “Soon you will get to know your purpose.”

Just then, Squirrel appeared. She was cold. She asked if she could build a warm home in branches (树枝). Other trees said no because they had no leaves. But Fir Tree said yes. Squirrel ran up Fir Tree’s branches. Soon, she was warm, comfortable and asleep.

Fir Tree was happy that his green leaves provided a warm home for animals in winter. He finally understood his purpose.

1. What animals did the trees watch play in the field in summer?
2. What did Fir Tree want to do in autumn?
3. What color were the leaves of Fir Tree in winter?
4. Why did other trees say no to Squirrel?
5. What purpose did Fir Tree understand at last?
6. 书面表达

为创造美好的生活,青少年在成长的过程中应不断学习新的生活技能,如烹饪、种植、救护方法……请结合下列提示和自身的需求,以“Little Life Skills Are a Big Help”为题写一篇短文。

1. 你想要学习什么生活技能?
2. 你为什么想要学习这项技能?
3. 你是如何学习这项技能的?
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数70左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

Little Life Skills Are a Big Help

Life skills are necessary for us teenagers. To live more healthily and happily, we are supposed to learn more new skills.

4 . 阅读下面的短文,回答问题请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答五个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整,并把答案写在答题卡指定的位置。

Volunteering means giving your time and skills to help others without getting money. Simply, volunteering is a service to your neighborhood. Some people don’t want to be volunteers because they think volunteering is a waste of time. However, although you won’t get paid for your service, volunteering comes with a lot of benefits (好处). Here are some of them.

Meet New People and Build Friendship

Everyone loves new friends! You’re sure to meet people and make new friends with common interests. You and your new friends are working together towards common future goals (目标). That makes you feel closer to each other.

Get Understanding of Other Way s of Life

Volunteering might take you to a new part of your neighborhood. Volunteer programs can help you meet and learn from people with different jobs. This experience can improve your understanding of different people.

Become Happier

What an amazing reason! Who doesn’t want to become happier? Researchers find that you can make social connections (联系) while volunteering. That can give you a sense of achievement and improve your feelings of happiness.

Volunteering your time and skills is one of the best ways to make a difference, to help others, and most importantly, to make yourself a better person!

1. Why don’t some people want to be volunteers?
2. How do you feel when you and your friends are working together?
3. Who can you learn from in volunteer programs?
4. What can you get while volunteering, happiness or money?
5. What will you volunteer to do as a student?
6. 书面表达

《阳光英语杂志 》举办了“Volunteering Builds a Better Neighborhood”的主题征文活动,请根据主题写一篇征文,描述你的一次志愿服务经历和对志愿服务的看法。

1. 谈谈你对志愿服务的看法:
2. 描述你的一次志愿服务经历(包括时间、地点、经过和感受):
3. 号召大家多做志愿服务,共建美好社区。
1. 不能照抄原文:不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数70个左右。作文开头已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄在答题卡上。

Nowadays, more and more people take part in volunteer activities.

2024-06-06更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省东莞市2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末英语试题
读写综合(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |
5 . A.回答问题

If you’re happy and you know it, celebrate it on the International Day of Happiness on March 20th every year! And if you’re not happy, here are some quick ways to make you feel happier:

Smile!       When you’re happy, you smile. But believe it or not, smiling also makes you happy. Try smiling even when you don’t feel like it.

Exercise!       Exercise is good for not only your body, but also your mind. It doesn’t matter what kind of sport you do, as long as you stick to your exercise habit. Try going for a long walk, dancing in your bedroom, or running with your dog.

Listen to music!       Music is always a wonderful way to bring more happiness into your life! There are so many good songs and playlists out there, and they can surely make you feel happy.

Enjoy nature!       If you’re feeling down, spending time outdoors can always cheer you up. A simple walk in the park, visiting a nearby town, or even taking your lunch break outside can work wonders.

Do what you love!       When it comes to being happy, you have to stay with people and things that make you feel good. For example, if you love dancing, then just do that! Doing what you love can make you feel good.

1. When is the International Day of Happiness?
2. Why should we try smiling even if we don’t want to?
3. Which really matters, choosing the best sport or sticking to an exercise habit?
4. How can spending time outdoors help when we’re feeling down?
5. How many suggestions are given in the passage?
6. 书面表达


幸福,是自我满足之后所产生的一种心情,会给我们带来无穷的乐趣,让我们的生活变得更美好。假如你的学校将于6月举行主题为“My Happy Moment”的英语征文比赛,请你根据以下思维导图内容提示写一篇短文投稿。


My Happy Moment

Happiness can make a great difference to people. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-06-04更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省惠州市惠城区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
6 . 读写综合。
A. 回答问题
Dear Betty,

I hope you’re well. I’m on holiday in London with my friend Jenny. We arrived by plane on Monday and took a taxi to our hotel. I went for a walk in Hyde Park but Jenny didn’t come with me because she was tired.

Then on Tuesday we saw the clock, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫). Queen Elizabeth lived in the Palace before. I bought some presents but Jenny didn’t buy anything!

The next day we visited the British Museum and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant!

On Thursday morning we relaxed. Then we went to Tower Bridge on the River Thames (泰晤士河) and looked at the city. It’s very big!

Finally, I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. I came back to the hotel and read the newspaper. Then I wrote some postcards and sent some e-mails. I took lots of photos and I’m sending them with this e-mail to you!

Tomorrow we’re going to fly home. It was a short holiday, but it was great! Say hello to your mum and dad.



1. How did Helen and Jenny go to London for a holiday?
2. Why didn’t Jenny go for a walk in Hyde Park?
3. Did Jenny buy anything on Tuesday?
4. Where did they go on Thursday?
5. What did Helen think of their trip?
6. 书面表达:根据内容,写一篇短文 (首句已给出),70词以上。

与小车相比,自行车容易停放,没有污染,而且有益于健康,是人们最喜欢的交通工具之一。骑自行车上学也很普遍,但骑自行车出行也有一定的危险。请以“How to Keep Safe When Riding”为题,写一篇70词左右的短文。谈谈骑自行车时要注意哪些事项。不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。要求包括以下要点:

(1) 单车出行的优势;(两点)
(2) 提出至少两点骑车安全注意事项;(如:骑车时要戴上自行车头盔;速度不宜过快;骑车时不能看手机或听音乐;过交通灯时要非常小心等)
(3) 呼吁同学们注意骑车安全。

How to Keep Safe When Riding

Bicycle riding is more and more popular in China.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-05-22更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省云浮市新兴县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中水平检测英语试题(含听力)
读写综合(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是Linda 给未来的自己写的一封信。
7 . 回答问题
Dear future Linda (or rather myself),

I hope when you read this letter you don’t find my writing too messy! At the moment, I’m 15 years old and living at home with my family. I love school and have lots of good fiends. We do lots of fun things together like parties, ice skating and swimming.

My biggest worry is not doing well in my school exams, but I’m working really hard so hopefully I have nothing to worry about.

There’s so much I (you!) want to do. I hope you’ve travelled all over the world and seen lots of things and met lots of people. I hope you’ve visited the Great Wall in China and the pyramids in Egypt, shopped in New York City and in Paris, seen polar bears in Norway and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I’ve just remembered, you always wanted to see elephants in India—I hope you’ve managed to do that too.

I promise myself I’ll always try my best and have no regrets. I never want to forget where every step of my life has taken me. Already it seems as if so much has happened. I’ve moved from primary to junior middle school (about to graduate), been taught to swim and dance (I love ballet dancing best), learned to speak Chinese and French, and raised money for those in need by selling old toys and books.

I really hope you’re happy. I hope you have a successful job that you enjoy doing and look forward to each morning when you wake up. I hope you will get on well with good friends and family and maybe also have a family of your own. More than anything else, I hope you’ve enjoyed every single moment so far!



1. How old is Linda at the moment?
2. What is Linda’s biggest worry?
3. Where did Linda always want to see elephants?
4. Which kind of dancing does Linda love best?
5. How did Linda raise money for those in need?
6. 书面表达

与未来的自己对话,时刻铭记曾经的梦想,敢于挑战,敢于创造属于自己的未来。假如你是李明,现在你们学校举办一次以“To the Future Me”为主题的英文演讲比赛,请你根据以下的思维导图内容提示写一篇文章参加比赛。


To the Future Me

Dear myself,

Hello, future me. I’d like to tell you   ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-05-20更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省肇庆市封开县中考二模英语试题
读写综合(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整切题。

I really like Peking Opera because it makes me feel peaceful and happy. When I was 8 years old, I saw Peking Opera actresses dancing and singing in a graceful way on television. I told my mom that I wanted to learn Peking Opera, and she put me in classes. Since then I’ve been on my learning journey for 5 years.

I have to wake up at 6 o’clock every morning to practice the key skills in Peking Opera performance, such as leg exercises, somersaults (翻筋斗), and voice training. When practicing handstands (倒立), all the weight is on my arms and I sweat. And to make my pronunciation more clear, I read the lines loudly and quickly. It makes my lips numb (麻木的), but I don’t give up. In practice, what really worries me is getting hurt. One time, I fell down while practicing. That made it difficult for me to go up and down stairs for a long time.

As the saying goes, “One minute on the stage needs 10 years’ practice off the stage.” All the hard work was worth it once I got the chance to perform Peking Opera on stage. This year, I performed a part from The Drunken Beauty during a show on CCTV.

The charm of Peking Opera is timeless. I hope Peking Opera will be loved and enjoyed by more young people.

1. Why does the writer like Peking Opera?
2. When did the writer wake up to practice the skills?
3. How did the writer make her pronunciation more clear?
4. What can you learn from the underlined saying?
5. What’s the writer’s hope?
6. 书面表达


参考词汇:calligraphy书法 Shadow Puppets皮影戏 paper-cutting剪纸
(1) 可在思维导图内容提示的基础上适当拓展信息;
(2) 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实校名、地名和考生的真实姓名;
(3) 语句连贯,词数 80左右。作文的标题和开头已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。

My Favorite Traditional Art

By Li Ming

My favorite traditional art is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-05-11更新 | 93次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省初中英语毕业年级联合模拟中考二模英语试题
9 . 回答问题。

Think about someone who loves and supports you most. For many, parents might come to mind. Our parents play a big role in our lives without doubt. Many parents start making changes to their own lives even before their children are born. They might change their jobs, save money, or buy clothes and toys for their coming children. After a child is born, parents might sacrifice (牺牲) both time and hobbies. Instead, they go to their children’s soccer games or piano performances. Over half of the parents said that they made sacrifices to give their children the best, according to The Guardian.

Parents might even put themselves in poor situations to help their children get the best education. Wu Qian, a mother from Guangdong, China, sent her son to one of the best schools in her city when he was 7. Since Wu Qian was working at the school, her son could get a tuition discount (学费折扣). Wu Qian could also spend more time with her son. With the story, it’s important to show thanks to your parents and family members. When we meet trouble in life, try to turn to your parents and face the difficulties together and you will see the bright side for the future.

1. Who plays a big role in our lives according to the passage?
2. What might parents sacrifice after a child is born?
3. How many parents said that they made sacrifices to give their children the best?
4. Why did Wu Qian work in her son’s school?
5. When should the teenagers try to turn to our parents?
6. 书面表达。

《游子吟》中的“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”广为人知。父母不仅是我们最亲近的人,也是我们人生道路上第一导师。目前,青少年普遍缺少与父母沟通,似乎在成长道路上与他们渐行渐远。为了鼓励同学们主动与父母沟通,积极构建良好亲子关系,学校将举行主题为“Shall we talk?”的演讲活动,请你根据以下思维导图, 完成演讲稿的写作。


Shall we talk?

My dear classmates, it’s my great honor to make a speech about talking with our parents.


That’s all. Thank you!

2024-05-10更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省珠海市香洲区珠海市第九中学2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
10 . A.回答问题

In China, primary and middle school students only spend 12 minutes a day on housework, compared to 72 minutes in the US, 42 minutes in South Korea and 30 minutes in France.

However, these life skills are important and should be taught as part of our education. On June 3, 2020, the Ministry of Education (教育部) said that labor education would be built into the school curriculum (课程) as a necessary course for senior high school students. Starting on September 1, 2022, students in primary and middle schools have at least one course every week on basic household skills such as cleaning and cooking, according to the Ministry of Education.

According to Xinhua, the reason for adding labor education is that the young in our country do too little housework. At the same time, because of the huge pressure from study, most parents also worry if their children have to do some housework, they will not have enough time for study. However, doing housework will not do harm to teenagers’ study. “Doing chores will help develop a better person.” according to Julie Lythcott, the writer of How to Raise an Adult. “By learning basic skills, children can learn how to take care of themselves and live independently. Parents won’t always be there to help their children with every problem. Children should master these important skills as early as possible.” Julie said.

1. Which country’s students do the most housework according to the passage?
2. According to Paragraph 2, How many basic household courses should primary and middle school offer?
3. According to Xinhua, why is labor education added into the school curriculum?
4. What do most parents think of doing housework?
5. What’s the name of Julie’s work?
6. 俗话说:“不劳动,无以立。”劳动既是中华民族的传统美德,也是我们自我发展的途径。请你参照曾经参加的劳动实践课程,如手工制作、植物栽培等,根据以下图示写一篇英文演讲稿,分享你的一次劳动实践。


Hello, everyone. It’s my pleasure to stand here and share my experience about ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-05-10更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省江门市开平市中考二模英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般