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1 . In most films about space, whenever Earth faces a disaster, the solution is always running away from the planet in spaceships or expecting one or a group of superheroes to save it in the end. But the latest Chinese science fiction (sci-fi) movie, The Wandering Earth (《流浪地球)), offers a different and more ambitious(有野心的) idea. In the film, based on a short story by Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixin, Earth is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun. Facing, the very danger, humans around the world work together to build a huge engine system that will push Earth away from the sun. Instead of simply leaving Earth behind — again — this time we’re taking it with us.

The Wandering Earth achieved great success during the Spring Festival this year. As China’s first homemade sci-fi blockbuster, the film has led to heated discussions. The New York Times reported that “It will be a symbol of a new era (时代) in Chinese film making.” Famous Hollywood director James Cameron also wrote on Sina Weibo that The Wandering Earth is a breakthrough of Chinese sci-fi films and is worth more attention worldwide. The “ambition” of the sci-fi film, however, didn’t come from nowhere. For thousands of years, “homeland” has been the softest part in most Chinese people’s mind. One old saying is luoyeguigen, which means returning to one’s homeland in old age, like fallen leaves returning to the roots of their tree. Or as an ancient poem reads, “The season called the White Dew begins tonight/Nowhere as in our native place is the moon so bright.” These both show the close relationship that Chinese people have had with their homeland. This special cultural background is probably what makes The Wandering Earth different from Hollywood-style space films.

And the makers of The Wandering Earth may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese sci-fi story. The film was on Feb 5, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time when many people had just made the hard journey back to their hometowns. So to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story: Earth goes wherever humans go, because it’s our home.

The director of the movie, Guo Fan, said, “China’s rapid development in recent years has also allowed fertile (肥沃的) soil for the scientific, literature and films to grow. We hope that the soil will produce more amazing fruits of Chinese sci-fi film making in the near future.”

1. About the film The Wandering Earth, which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.It’s a Chinese sci-fi movie.
B.It’s different from most Hollywood films.
C.It is based on a short story by Liu Cixin.
D.It was made by Hollywood director James Cameron.
2. ______ play(s) a role in the movie’s success.
A.Copying Hollywood sci-fi films
B.Chinese cultural background
C.Chinese old sayings and poems
D.The producer’s hometown
3. The underlined part in the third paragraph probably means “______” in Chinese.
4. Mind map ______ shows how the passage develops.
A.The Wandering Earth — story — reasons
2021-03-21更新 | 395次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市南开中学2018-2019学年九年级下学期期中英语试题

2 . A bicycle may be seen by most people as a common thing, but for many Londoners, cycling is a way of life. According to a survey in 2018, about 570,000 bike journeys are made every day in London, just as many as cars and buses.

London started a bike-sharing system (制度) in 2010. “Bicycles have changed the way people get around our great city,” Johnson told the reporter in 2018. In London, bikes are used for more than just taking short trips to and from the subway. If you want to go somewhere in the city, taking a bike is usually the quickest, easiest and cheapest choice.

And it's not just shared bikes that the government (政府) is encouraging people to ride. In many companies (公司) across the UK, the UK government allows workers to buy a new bike without paying any tax (税). This means that it's common to see many people cycling to and from work, and some bosses even give cyclist workplace showers. More importantly, they may not be angry if you ride a bike to work and arrive late.

Not only is it great for the environment and our body, cycling is also good for the mind. According to National Geographic Magazine, “Bike riding can improve people's happiness.”

1. How does the writer show the situation of cycling in London in Paragraph 1?
A.By giving meanings.B.By giving examples.
C.By using numbers.D.By using famous sayings.
2. Which of the followings is the reason for cycling in London?
A.People can buy new tax-free bikes.B.People can get free bike sharing services.
C.Everyone can use workplace showers.D.People can shorten their working hours.
3. What does the underlined word “they” refer to in Paragraph 3?
A.The workers.B.The companies.C.The cyclists.D.The bosses.
4. What's the main idea of the article?
A.Cycling is a healthy way of life.B.London's bike-sharing system.
C.Why cycling is popular in London.D.Bike riding improves happiness.
2021-03-13更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:【新东方中心】 绍兴初中英语00035

3 . Sign language is a kind of body language. Body language includes eye contact, walking postures, standing postures and gestures. Body language can express all kinds of thoughts and feelings. Different cultures have different body language. Here are some common gestures in different cultures.

In China, a thumb-up sign is used to praise someone for being “good”, “great” and “smart”. In America, a thumb-up sign means “It’s good” or “It’s OK” while a thumb-down sign means the opposite (相反的). But in some countries, there are other meanings. For example, in Japan, that also means “man”, “your father” and “the highest”. In South Korea, it also means “the chief”, “one’s own father”, “minister” and “captain”. In Australia, the United States, Mexico and other countries, it means “the fate of prayer (祈祷的命运)”. As for French people and Indians, this gesture can be used when asking for a ride.

Point with your forefinger (食指). It is very impolite in Europe and America. British and American people make a circle with the thumb and forefinger and the other three fingers keep straight, which means “Excellent”.

Put out your forefinger. In the United States, it’s used to ask someone to wait; French people ask for an answer by using this gesture; In Myanmar, it means “please”; In Singapore, it shows something or someone is the most important.

Hold out your forefinger and middle finger and make the V word. “V” is the first letter of victory (胜利), so it means “victory” in Britain, France and other countries. But in Serbia, the gesture stands for “heroism” and in the Netherlands, it stands for “freedom”.

Besides, the “OK” sign means “money” in Japan while it means bad behavior in Latin America.

1. What does the underlined word “that” refer to?
A.The thumb-down sign.B.The thumb-up sign.
C.The hand-up sign.D.The hand-down sign.
2. What CANNOT we learn from the passage?
A.The thumb-down sign may mean “It’s bad” or “l don’t agree” in America.
B.People will be unhappy if you point with your forefinger in America.
C.People in Singapore usually put out their forefingers to show “please”.
D.The “OK” sign in Latin America has a different meaning from Japan.
3. What’s the structure (结构) of the passage?
A.①② / ③④⑤⑥B.① / ②③/④⑤⑥C.① / ②③④⑤⑥D.① / ②③④⑤ / ⑥
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Different meanings of sign languages.B.Sign languages in western countries.
C.Different countries have different cultures.D.Body language in world is all different.
2021-03-13更新 | 300次组卷 | 2卷引用:广东省深圳市松岗中学2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月考云测试英语试题
4 .

Recently. Hannah Lucas and her brother Charlie sat at their kitchen table describing the moment the two of them put their heads together to create a special app.

At the time, Hannah was suffering with an illness that caused her to pass out (昏倒). Unluckily, there was nobody around.

Later she searched for an app that would allow her to press a button so a trusted friend or family member would know immediately that she needed help. After realizing there was no such thing. Hannah and her brother decided to do something about it. After some research, Hannah made some early drawings of what the app might look like.

Then, after taking a programming class, Charlie began figuring out the best way for the app to work. The pair wanted something that would send a text message to up to five contacts that reads: “Hey, I'm not OK. Please call me, text me, or come to find me”, along with a link to the user's current GPS location. Together, they stared looking for someone to help them make the app. And when Hannah shared her dream with instructors in a summer business class she attended. they got behind the idea. “They were really excited about the app. They thought of a million different marketing strategies.” Hannah said.

By mid-December, a working version of the app, named “not OK”, was finished as a birthday present for Hannah. “It was exactly what we wanted,” Charlie said. She was excited to know that her app would help many more people. “It's like I went through my dark times, so I could help people through theirs,” she said.

1. Hannah wanted to create the app “not OK” to ______.
A.help treat her illnessB.cheer up sick children
C.call for help when in needD.make friends with others
2. The right order for the creation of the app is ______.
a. Hannah and Charlie started looking for someone to help.
b. The app was finished as a birthday present for Hannah.
c. Hannah made some early drawings of the app.
d. Charlie figured out the best way for the app to work.
3. According to the last paragraph, Hannah felt excited because ______.
A.she went through her dark timesB.she received a birthday present
C.she could make lots of money from the appD.the app could be the helper for many other people
4. From the creation of “not OK”, we can learn it's important to ______.
A.have some good ideas and make them happenB.have some trusted friends around us
C.help others when they are in troubleD.have their own business
2021-03-13更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:【新东方中心】 绍兴初中英语00038

5 . Today, it is a big problem for young people to get fine jobs after they leave university. It is said that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world. But choosing the right one itself often worries young people.

“Finding a job” is not the same as “choosing a job”. Many young people end up in jobs that they are not suitable (合适的) for. Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university.

First, it is important to know what kind of person you are, which special qualities (品质) make you better than others and what you are interested in. There is a difference between an interest and a skill. If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse not a big dog, that is a skill.

Then ask yourself a question, “Of the following three skills-skill with people, skill with information and skill with things, which is my best skill?”

After finding out your best skill, the next step is to research (调查). To find out as many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers for information. Ask your friends what they think of the work they do.

The last step is to trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life, just find the job you really enjoy doing.

1. Paragraph One tells us that it’s ________ to choose a right job.
2. Which of the following can be a skill?
A.You do well in computer programming.B.You enjoy playing the guitar.
C.You practice swing dance quite often.D.You collect quite a lot of CDs.
3. What is the structure(结构) of this passage?
4. What’s the purpose(意图) of this passage?
A.To tell people how to choose a suitable job.B.To describe the problems of getting fine jobs.
C.To show the steps of finding out your best skills.D.To explain why choosing fine jobs worries people.
2021-03-06更新 | 147次组卷 | 4卷引用:浙江省湖州市南浔区2018-2019学年八年级上学期期末英语试题

6 . ① We know that everyone wants to be healthy. And how can you be healthy? Here is some advice for you.

② First, please have breakfast. It is very good for your health. Some people do not like to eat breakfast because they don’t want to be fat. But they will eat more for lunch and dinner. Then they will get fat easily.

③ Second, eat more fruit like apples, oranges, bananas and so on. Vegetables are also good for your health. Don’t eat too much meat.

④Third, stay away from junk food (垃圾食品). It’s bad for your health. Please eat less of it.

⑤ Fourth, please go to bed and get up early. It’s a good habit. And you can run or do other sports in the early morning.

⑥I hope you will be a very healthy student.

1. If you don’t eat breakfast, you will ________.
A.get fat easilyB.be very healthy
C.eat less for lunchD.eat more junk food
2. According to (根据) the passage, what can you do in the early morning?
A.Go to bed early.B.Do sports.C.Eat more fruit.D.Drink water.
3. The passage is about ________.
A.when to get upB.how to eat more
C.when to eat breakfastD.how to be healthy
4. Which of the following best shows the structure (结构) of the passage?
2021-02-23更新 | 121次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省杭州市西湖区十三中教育集团2020-2021学年七年级上学期期中英语试题

7 . ①As Daddy's only daughter, I know what made my Daddy more wonderful than all the other fathers. I'd ever seen or heard of—his large hands.

②Daddy had long smart fingers that could make lots of paper toys for me to play with. His hands could paint a second-hand bike to look new. I got one on my tenth birthday. His hands could cook a delicious and colorful meal in minutes. I was always interested in watching his hands work. Even as I grew hungrier, I felt happy watching his hands.

③Daddy's creative (有创造力的) hands were also useful and hardworking. They could fly a kite high in the sky as well as to get it down from the top of a tree. They could wash my white dress clean, which became my favorite one. To my surprise, those hands raised (抚养) seven children alone. It was his attitude that showed what he truly was, far more than his abilities.

④Daddy's hands were not only capable (能干的), but also could send a message full of love. When I was sick, he made me feel better. He would take a small blanket, warm it up and cover it around my small cold feet with his loving hands. They seemed to understand my pain before I could cry. When I was stressed out, Daddy would often hand me a cup of hot milk and sat next to me. He would say, "The best is always to come, my dear."

⑤The more I read Daddy's hands, the more stories I sense from them. Daddy's hands were perfect. They had the knowledge and power to move mountains. They made the impossible possible.

1. Why did Daddy paint a second-hand bike?
A.Because he liked painting very much.
B.Because he didn't want to buy a new bike.
C.Because he wanted to make it look new as a present.
D.Because his daughter didn't like the color of the bike.
2. Daddy's useful and hardworking hands could do the things except (除了) ________.
A.fly a kite high in the skyB.wash my white dress clean
C.raise seven children with momD.get down the kites from trees
3. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 probably means ________.
A.Daddy's job was to move mountains away.B.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
C.It's impossible for Daddy to move mountains.D.Daddy was strong enough to move mountains away.
4. Which of the following shows the structure(结构) of the passage?
2021-02-04更新 | 104次组卷 | 1卷引用:【新东方中心】 义乌初中英语yw0006

8 . The British development group Practical Action says the best way to prepare foods for storage(储存) is at harvest(收获) time while still in the field.

Use a sharp knife to cut the fruits and vegetables off and put them on a clean place. Do not put them on the ground. Use water to clean off dirt. Usually it is better not to pick off the leaves from fruits and vegetables before storage. Without the leaves, food can become dry.

Fruits and vegetables must be cool from field heat before they are put into storage. But cooling them in water can spread fungus(菌类) in the food. A better idea is to harvest foods either early or late in the day, then leave them to cool naturally. Some fruits and vegetables must be kept at 0℃ to 4℃. Any colder, and they might go bad. Some foods need to be kept at 4℃ to 8℃ and some need to be kept above 8 ℃ for best results.

Wet the fruits and vegetables so they do not become too dry. The best time to do this is before storage. Cover the foods in plastic(塑料) once they reach the right “critical temperature(温度)” for storage. Most fruits and vegetables need the relative humidity(湿度) in storage to be kept between 85 and 95 percent.

Finally, leave space between the foods and the walls of the cold storage area so air can go around. Keep the space clean. And try not to open the doors too often.

1. Where can you put the foods after harvest?
A.In the water.B.On the ground.
C.In the sand.D.On a clean place.
2. Which is the worst time to harvest foods?
A.8:00 am.B.12:00 at the noon.
C.4:00 pm.D.6:00 pm.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Fruits and vegetables must be kept below 0.
B.We should pick off the leaves for best storage.
C.The food need 75% humidity for best storage.
D.Wet the fruits and vegetables before the storage.
4. What does the underlined word mean?
5. Which order is right for best storage?
1. leave the foods to cool naturally
2. wet the foods
3. use a sharp knife to cut the foods off
4. store the foods in the cold area
2021-02-03更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东济南市历下区2018-2019学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Dear Teens,

①Do you wonder why some kids can stay calm while others get nervous so easily? Why do some kids do everything very quickly while others are very sluggish? Why are some kids always happy while some feel upset all times?

②One of the answers to these questions is personality(个性). People were born with different personalities. A baby gets its blood type, genes(基因) and other physical things when it is still inside its mother. These factors(因素) make part of your personality. Besides, family life, school learning and life experiences can also decide what kind of person you are. You may not like your personality. Don't worry. You can always try to change it and make yourself better.

③If you are a selfish person who always thinks of yourself, you can start this way. Try to give others a hand and ask for nothing in return. The happiness you get from giving instead of receiving will help you change your personality.

④If you are very shy and don't know how to make friends, just tell yourself to smile at others and start talking to others with warm greetings. You are sure to have more friends than you used to do.

⑤If you are sluggish person who always does things slowly, you' d better make a plan every day. When you finish something, draw a happy face. If not, draw a crying one. No one would like to see a crying face and you will have the desire to change it into a smiling one.

⑥All in all, don't get too worried about your shortcomings (缺点). No one is perfect. That's why many people are trying to change. Don't give yourself a hard time about it all. It's not easy to change the habits overnight. Remember "Rome is not built in a day". Keep working at it. One day you'll see that you can turn over a new leaf and be a new person.

Dr. Olson

1. What does the underlined word"sluggish"probably mean?
2. If Jenny is a shy girl, what can she do to make herself better?
A.Talk to others with a smile on her face.
B.Get the joy from giving instead of receiving.
C.Make a careful plan to finish everything.
D.Turn over a new leaf and be a new person.
3. Which of the following does Dr. Olson agree with?
A.You can never change your personality.
B.If you draw a happy face, you can do everything quickly.
C.Help others, and you can change your selfish personality.
D.School learning is the only thing that decides what kind of person you are.
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
2021-01-11更新 | 95次组卷 | 2卷引用:【新东方中心】义乌初中英语yw0003

10 . Are you tired of people asking the questions, “What’s your hobby?” Well, You always hear the same old answers: reading, listening to music, painting and so on. There’s nothing wrong with these activities, but maybe it’s time for some new ideas.

For example, how about “yarn bombing”? What’s that? Maybe you have heard of knitting(编织) to make sweaters, scarves, gloves and other things. With yarn bombing, people knit different kinds of things, like sweaters for trees or hats for stones in the park. It’s the latest form of artwork. In some cities, people are even paying knitters to decorate public places with their art. Some call it “Knitting Graffiti(涂鸦),” but unlike other forms of graffiti, it is easy to take away, and it doesn’t destroy anything.

Do you like those TV shows in which the police use science to solve crimes? If you do, you can take up “forensic science” as a hobby. That’s the science used to investigate(调查)crimes. You can get a set of at-home fingerprint tools and find out who is taking cookies from the cookie box or perhaps who is reading your secret diary.

Finally, here’s a hobby for those who want to have fun and make a little money. It’s called “upcycling”. You’ve heard of recycling-you put things like glass, paper and plastic in special boxes so the materials can be used again. Upcyclers take old things and make them into new things. Sometimes they can even sell the things they make. For example, you can take an old book bag,and decorate it. It will look like a cool new bag. There’s even a magazine called Upcycle that is full of ideas. All you need for this is an old thing and a good imagination.

So look around for a new and interesting hobby. Then when someone asks you the question “What’s your hobby?” you can give them an answer that they’ve never heard before.

1. What do you need if you want to know who read your diary?
A.Rich imagination.B.Science magazines.C.Knitting tools.D.Fingerprint tools.
2. Which is the best expression to fill in “” in Paragraph 4?
A.clean it upB.look it upC.give it upD.pick it up
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Knitting Graffiti is difficult to take away.
B.A lot of people make a living by upcycling.
C.It’s a good idea to have a new and interesting hobby.
D.The police usually take up forensic science as a hobby.
4. How is the passage organized?
2021-01-11更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市第十中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期期中英语试题
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