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1 . 听一段材料,回答下面几个小 题。
1. Where did the storm happen?
A.In the UK.B.In the USA.C.In China.
2. What does Mr Smith do?
A.He’s a doctor.B.He’s a teacher.C.He’s a farmer.
3. Why did Mr Smith go back to his house?
A.Because he wanted to find his child.
B.Because his wife got hurt.
C.Because he wanted to get some food.
2020-06-17更新 | 157次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年天津市南开区九年级下学期阶段练习(一模)英语试题(含听力)
短文填空-首字母填空(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。

Why so many fires?

California is burning! Wildfires have spread across the US State since Oct 23 and smoke has filled its skies.

Take the Kincade Fire in northern California for example. It forced ( 迫 使 ) 200,000 people to e    1    its path within one   week. The state’s largest power (电力) company cut power to about 206,000 homes in order to s    2     more fires from breaking out, CBS News reported.

California has seen many wildfires in recent years. Nine of the 10 biggest fires have happened since 2000, i    3    five since 2010, according to The New York Times.

Why is this? California has the perfect wildfire   c    4    , Park Williams,   a   US climate expert (气候专家), told The New York Times. It has dry air and high temperatures from spring through late fall. At the same time, seasonal winds blow across the state every year, causing the wildfires to spread q    5    and last for weeks.

Global warming has also made the fires worse in recent years. It has dried out the state’s trees and o    6     plant life, causing them to burn more easily.

H     7    have played a role as well. Burning campfires, garbage debris ( 碎 片 ),and cigarette butts (烟头) can easily cause wildfires. For example, one fire started last year when a car got a flat tire (漏气的轮胎). The car’s body met the road and sent out sparks (火花 ), starting a f    8    .

Lightning strikes (雷击) and volcanic eruptions (火山爆发) can also cause wildfires. However, people have caused 90 percent of California’s wildfires, according to the US National Park Service.

More about wildfires

Wildfires often happen in wooded areas in the US, Canada and Australia. They are also k     9     as forest fires or grass fires in Australia.

Wildfires can burn at over 900℃ and reach heights of more than 50 meters. They can move at speeds of up to 23 kilometers an hour, burning e    10     – trees, brush, homes, even people – in their path.

2020-06-06更新 | 328次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年天津市南开区九年级下学期阶段练习(一模)英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . November 5 is World Tsunami(海啸) Awareness Day. Tsunami is a Japanese word for a long, destructive(摧毁性的) ocean wave caused by an undersea earthquake. The goal of the anniversary is to learn from disasters(灾害) of the past and to prepare for the future. Two tsunamis in the last 15 years have changed the way people around the world think about these destructive events.

On December26, 2004, a magnitude (震级) 9 earthquake near the coast of Indonesia caused tsunami waves that struck the coasts of four countries. An estimated(估计的) 230,000 people died and costs were in the billions of dollars. Then, on March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake struck northeastern Japan. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in that country. More than 18,000 people died. The tsunami also caused serious damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power center on the island of Honshu. Several nuclear reactors(核 反应堆) were severely(严重地) damaged and leaked(泄漏) radiation(辐射).

The two events caused people in the Pacific and Indian Ocean areas to study and improve preparedness for disasters. This led to the SendaiFrameworkfor DisasterRiskReductionin 2015 in Sendai, Japan. The agreement was a UN effort to raise awareness(提高意识) about disaster risks and to urge(催促) countries to assess(评估)how well they were prepared for them.

Willem Rampangilei is head of the Disaster Management Agency in Indonesia. He said Indonesia passed a law on disaster management after the 2004 tsunami. It led in 2008 to the creation of his agency. “Our responsibilities include reduction and preparedness, emergency response, as well as post-disaster recovery and reconstruction(重新建设),” he said. He added that 150 million Indonesians were at risk from earthquakes, 60 million from floods and four million from tsunamis.

Preparedness has spread beyond Asia. There are now early warning systems in place for the Caribbean Sea, the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding(周围的) areas.

1. What does the underlined word mean in the passage?
A.Knowledge.B.Preparation.C.Day of remembrance.D.Change.
2. What do we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Natural disasters are too powerful for people to survive.
B.Earthquakes and tsunamis often take place on islands.
C.Nuclear reactors can be safe even if damaged in an earthquake.
D.Natural disasters can cause great losses to humans.
3. One of the aims of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is .
A.to reduce the damage caused by disasters.B.to make people know more about disaster risks.
C.to help people get away from disasters.D.to help with the reconstruction after the disaster.
2020-01-10更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市第一中学2019-2020学年九年级上学期第二次月考英语试题

4 . November 5 is World Tsunami(海啸) Awareness Day. Tsunami is a Japanese word for a long, destructive(摧毁性的) ocean wave caused by an undersea earthquake. The goal of the anniversary is to learn from disasters(灾害) of the past and to prepare for the future. Two tsunamis in the last 15 years have changed the way people around the world think about these destructive events.

On December26, 2004, a magnitude (震级) 9 earthquake near the coast of Indonesia caused tsunami waves that struck the coasts of four countries. An estimated(估计的) 230,000 people died and costs were in the billions of dollars. Then, on March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake struck northeastern Japan. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in that country. More than18,000 people died. The tsunami also caused serious damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power center on the island of Honshu. Several nuclear reactors(核 反应堆) were severely(严重地) damaged and leaked(泄漏) radiation(辐射).

The two events caused people in the Pacific and Indian Ocean areas to study and improve preparedness for disasters. This led to the SendaiFrameworkfor DisasterRiskReductionin 2015 in Sendai, Japan. The agreement was a UN effort to raise awareness(提高意识) about disaster risks and to urge(催促) countries to assess(评估)how well they were prepared for them.

Willem Rampangilei is head of the Disaster Management Agency in Indonesia. He said Indonesia passed a law on disaster management after the 2004 tsunami. It led in 2008 to the creation of his agency. “Our responsibilities include reduction and preparedness, emergency response, as well as post-disaster recovery and reconstruction(重新建设),” he said. He added that 150 million Indonesians were at risk from earthquakes, 60 million from floods and four million from tsunamis.

Preparedness has spread beyond Asia. There are now early warning systems in place for the Caribbean Sea, the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding(周围的) areas.

1. What does the underlined word mean in the passage?
C.Day of remembrance.D.Change.
2. What do we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Natural disasters are too powerful for people to survive.
B.Earthquakes and tsunamis often take place on islands.
C.Nuclear reactors can be safe even if damaged in an earthquake.
D.Natural disasters can cause great losses to humans.
3. One of the aims of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is .
A.to reduce the damage caused by disasters.
B.to make people know more about disaster risks.
C.to help people get away from disasters.
D.to help with the reconstruction after the disaster.
2020-01-23更新 | 179次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市和平区天津市第一中学2019——2020学年九年级上学期10月月考英语试题(含听力)
短文填空-汉语提示填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Lan Lan, a student of Grade Seven in Lushan, was taking a drawing class in a tent on April 23. Guess what she drew—a house with wings. When the teacher asked why she did so, Lan said if her house could f     1     , it wouldn’t fall down in an earthquake.

Lan’s hometown was hit by a s     2    earthquake on April 20. At least 196 people were killed and more than 11,000 were injured. Many people became homeless. Soldiers and doctors q     3    arrived in the area, saving people and rebuilding homes. Lots of money was sent there to help all those in need.

Although we can’t prevent (阻止) an earthquake from happening, we can use some methods to r     4    harm. During an earthquake, do not jump out of high buildings because it is very d     5    . Another method is to cover your head and neck u     6    a strong table or desk. If there is no shelter (躲避处) nearby, you can also stay by a wall, and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands. And then you must keep calm and stay there u     7     the shaking stops.

Japan is a c     8     which lies on the earthquake belt (地震带) and it is very good at dealing with earthquakes. From a very young age, the Japanese are already taught how to survive (幸存) them. Students often receive earthquake training. Almost in every Japanese family you can find a survival kit (救生装备) with a flash-light, a radio, water and enough food for several days. This helps people to stay a     9    after an earthquake.

“There should be more safety t     10    at schools in our country,” said Xu Jiannong, an education expert in Beijing. There is no more truth than this when one’s life is the most important of all.

2018-01-08更新 | 768次组卷 | 6卷引用:2017年初中毕业升学考试(天津卷)英语
6 . Some countries have a large number of earthquakes. Japan is one of them, while others do not have many, for example, there are few earthquakes in Britain.
There is often a great noise during an earthquake.   The ground vibrates (颤动).Houses fall down. Railways are broken, which causes trains to turn over. Sometimes thousands of people are killed in different ways. About 60,000 were killed in 1783 in the south of Italy. Some people say that earthquakes often happen near volcanoes(火山), but it is not true. The centres of some earthquakes are under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves appear. These waves travel long distances and rush over the land when they reach it, breaking down houses and other buildings. Sometimes they break more buildings than the earthquake itself.
A terrible earthquake happened in Assam, India, in 1986.The land near Shillong suddenly moved 1.5 feet to one side, and then back again. It continued to act like this 20 times a minute.Few buildings could stand what was happening and the great stones flew four feet up into the air. What kind of building stays up best in an earthquake? The Americans carefully studied the results of the earthquake at San Francisco(1906) and believed it best for buildings to be made with concrete(混凝土) walls together by steel frames. Such are the buildings that can't burn or fall easily.
1. The best title of this passage should be       .
A.The Centres of Earthquakes
C.The Loss(损失) Caused by Earthquakes
D.Buildings and Earthquakes
2. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Trains' turning over is directly caused by the earthquakes.
B.Some earthquakes have their centres under the sea.
C.It isn't certain that earthquakes happen near volcanoes.
D.Buildings with concrete walls are better against earth quakes.
3. Earthquakes often happen       .
A.near volcanoesB.in Japan
C.in BritainD.Both A and B
4.       make(s) more loss than the earthquake itself.
C.Forces inside the earth
D.Terrible waves by the earthquake
5. When an earthquake happens,      can be heard.
A.trainsB.thousands of people
C.a great noiseD.the powerful forces
2016-12-12更新 | 133次组卷 | 1卷引用:2014-2015学年天津宝坻王卜庄镇初级中学八年级上期末英语试卷

7 . In northern China during spring, big sandstorm often make trouble for people. Sandstorms usually happen in spring. They have happened in more than 10 provinces in northern China this year. People in southern China don't have to worry about this kind of bad weather. Most of the sand comes from the north of China. In northern China, lots of places have few trees and don't get much rain. When there aren't many trees, the ground can't keep enough water. Over the years, the ground dries up and turns to sand. When spring comes and the ice melts, the ground becomes loose. Strong winds take theloosesand into the sky. Besides, in northeast China, there lies some vast deserts.

Sandstorms are bad for people's health. If people breathe in too much sand, they will cough or have serious illnesses. Sandstorms also give farmers lots of problems. Sometimes their sheep get lost in the storms and never come back home. The winds also tear the farmers' houses down.

What can you do to stop sandstorms? Here's a piece of advice. Ask your parents to help you plant some trees this spring. If you see people cutting down too many trees, tell them about the dangers of sandstorms, and ask your government to stop them.

1. When do sandstorms usually happen?
A.In summer.B.In spring.C.In winter.D.In autumn
2. What does the underlined word "loose" mean in the first paragraph?
3. The second paragraph tells us ______________.
A.why sandstorms happen in northern China
B.the dangers of sandstorms
C.sandstorms aren’t terrible at all
D.how sandstorms happen
4. Which of the following is NOT a way to stop sandstorms?
A.Plant more trees in spring.
B.Stop people to cut down too many trees.
C.Don’t stay outside when sandstorms happen.
D.Tell people about the dangers of sandstorms.
5. Which is the best title for this passage?___________
B.How we can stop sandstorms
C.Why sandstorms only happen in northern China
D.Sandstorms can influence most of China
2016-11-25更新 | 1421次组卷 | 6卷引用:天津市第二十中学2022-2023学年八年级上学期期末英语试题
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