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书面表达-材料作文 | 较易(0.85) |

1 . 你的朋友Jack由于长时间在手机(mobile phone)上玩游戏,现在头痛、眼睛痛、背痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并提出你的建议。

要求: 1. 内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥;
2. 书写正确,句子通顺;
3. 词数:60左右。
阅读理解-单选(约180词) | 容易(0.94) |

2 . Let me tell you something about sharks. Sharks are among the oldest animals in the world. There are about three hundred different kinds of sharks in the world. Most sharks are about two meters long and live in the ocean.

Sharks can smell something in the water, for example, the blood of animals. That helps them find their food. Sharks mainly eat fish, other sharks and plants in the ocean.

Most sharks bite (咬) people by mistake. They think a person is a large sea animal. When the sun goes down or comes up, sharks are looking for food. So at these times people shouldn’t go swimming in the ocean.

Today people kill sharks for food and their skins. The number of sharks in the world is dropping fast.

1. How many kinds of sharks are there in the world?
A.Less than 300.B.About 300.C.About 200.D.Over 400.
2. What do sharks mainly eat in the ocean?
A.Fish, other sharks and plants.B.Fish and plants.
C.Other sharks and plants.D.Fish and other sharks.
3. Why do most sharks bite people by mistake?
A.Because they think a person is dangerous.
B.Because they think a person is a large sea animal.
C.Because they think a person can hurt them.
D.Because they think a person can take away their food.
4. Why shouldn’t people go swimming in the ocean when the sun goes down or comes up?
A.Sharks are everywhere at those times.
B.Water is cold then.
C.Sharks are looking for food then.
D.Sharks are looking for a person then.
5. How is the number of sharks in the world today?
A.It is dropping fast.B.It is rising fast.C.It is not changing.D.We don’t know.
阅读理解-单选(约90词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Bill is from Australia. He lives in Sydney. He can speak French and English, but he can’t speak Chinese. He has a pen pal in the United States. Her name is Lisa and she lives in New York. Bill’s favorite sport is basketball and he can play the guitar. Lisa’s favorite sport is tennis. She can’t play the guitar, but she can play the piano and sing very well.

1. Bill is from _________.
A.AustraliaB.FranceC.the United StatesD.the UK
2. Lisa is an ________.
3. What languages does Bill speak?
A.ChineseB.French.C.English.D.Both B and C.
4. What is Bill’s favorite sport?
5. Which sentence is NOT right?
A.Bill has a pen pal in the USA.B.Bill can play the piano and Lisa can play the guitar.
C.Bill and Lisa like different sports.D.Lisa lives in New York.
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment.

Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she wants to go to university to study Chinese, but now she’s living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to save the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral dies. I’m helping to do research (研究) on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it’s too late.”

“I’m staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I don’t get any money, but that’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize—and myself!

When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.”

1. Some young people from England ______ after they finish school.
A.go to universityB.spend one year as volunteers
C.go to work for moneyD.start work in schools or hospitals
2. Pauline Jones, an eighteen-year-old girl, is living in ________ now.
3. Pauline Jones is ________ with other people.
A.studying Chinese in a universityB.working to save the coral reefs
C.working in a hospitalD.doing some research in Wales
4. From the passage, we know that the coral reefs ________.
A.will die because of the pollutionB.are not as beautiful as before
C.cannot live without fish in the seaD.will probably be sold for money
5. Pauline Jones wants to ________ after she finishes her work as a volunteer.
A.stay there for another yearB.go back home to start work
C.learn about the people homeD.travel around Central America
2022-03-11更新 | 524次组卷 | 27卷引用:2014-2015学年山东威海文登联盟学校八年级上期中质检英语试卷
阅读理解-五选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . If you ask people of different countries “Could you tell me the way to the post office?”. You will get different answers.

In Japan, people use landmarks (路标) instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner.     1     The post office is across from the bus stop.”

In Kansas (堪萨斯), America, there are no towns or buildings within (在……内) miles. So instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distance (距离). For example, people will say, “Go north two miles.     2    

People in Greece (希腊) sometimes do not even try to give directions. They will often say, “Follow me.”     3    

Sometimes if a person doesn’t know the answer to your question, he or she might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan (尤卡坦州), Mexico, no one answers “I don’t know.”     4     They usually give an answer, but often a wrong one. A visitor can often get lost in Yucatan!

    5     You might not understand a person’s words, but maybe you can understand his or her body language. He or she will usually point to the right direction. Go on in that direction and you may find the post office!

A.Turn east, and then go another mile.
B.But one thing will help you everywhere.
C.People there think “I don’t know” is impolite.
D.Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market.
E.Then she or he will take you through the streets of the city to the post office.
听力选择-听短对话选答案 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . When will the train to Shanghai leave?
A.At 9:30.B.At 10:00.C.At 10:30.
9 . ________ I’m late again, ________ the teacher is very angry.
A./, butB.So, /C.Because, soD.Because, /
10 . I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.
共计 平均难度:一般