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1 . Leading museums in the United States are covering up or closing displays featuring Native American cultural objects owing to new federal rules. The new regulations require museums to obtain “free, prior and informed permission” from tribal leaders before displaying ancestral heritage items.

The American Museum of Natural History in New York City, the largest natural history museum in the world, announced on Jan 26 that it would close two halls spanning 10,000 square feet with Native American exhibits, as the exhibits are “severely outdated”. “The halls we are closing contain artifacts(历史文物) of an era when museums such as ours did not respect the values, perspectives and indeed shared humanity of Native Americans,” museum President Sean Decatur said in a letter to the staff, The New York Times reported. “The number of cultural objects on display in these halls is significant, and because these exhibits are also severely outdated, we have decided that rather than just covering or removing specific items, we will close the halls,” Decatur said. The move comes because of the implementation(执行) in early January of update d regulations under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).

Over the next five years, museums, universities, art institutions and similar places are required to undertake essential updates to prepare all human remains and related funerary(葬礼的) objects for repatriation(遣送),making sure that tribes have more power and increased authority throughout the process. “The ultimate goal of the law is not to cover up exhibitions. It’s not to prevent appropriate education about diverse native cultures. It’s about repairing and repatriating items that have been stolen over the last couple of centuries and returning them to the rightful people,” Shannon O’Loughlin, the CEO of the Association on American Indian Affairs said.

Chicago’s Field Museum earlier this month also closed several displays featuring Native American cultural items. The Field Museum has one of the biggest collections of Native American remains in the country and opened a new permanent exhibition in the spring of 2022 that displaced the museum’s longstanding Native American exhibition since the 1950s.

Harvard University, which has more than 5,000 Native American human remains, has said it will remove all Native American funerary items from its exhibits. “Exhibitions have always been discussed during tribal discussions and cultural items have been removed from display at the tribal request. With the new NAGPRA regulations, the museum is in the process of removing all the funerary belongings and likely funerary belongings off display,” Harvard University’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, said in a statement.

1. Which has the same meaning as the underlined word “perspectives” in Paragraph 2?
2. What did Chicago’s Field Museum do in the spring of 2022?
A.It opened a new permanent exhibition.
B.It collected some Native American belongings.
C.It handed funerary objects to American Indians.
D.It set about displaying Native American cultural objects.
3. How is Harvard University dealing with all the funerary belongings?
A.By selling them to other people.B.By putting them in some labs.
C.By taking them away from its exhibits.D.By covering them with pieces of cloth.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.US New NAGPRA regulations scheduled to be in effect
B.US museums stop displaying Native American exhibits
C.US museums feature Native American cultural items
D.US museums prefer ancestral heritage items
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了Julia找到了一些她祖母Georgie 20世纪40年代的旧设计草图,Julia在祖母的帮助下,花了无数的时间改进草图,把草图变成完整的设计。作者感悟到在任何年龄,你仍然可以追求生活中有意义的事情,也许不会成功,但值得冒这个险。

2 . Julia found some of her grandmother Georgie’s old design sketches (草图) from the 1940s. Georgie told her granddaughter she was proud of the sketches and wanted them to be _________ by more people, for _________ was a big part of her life. “Being alone all day was difficult for Grandma. I think doing something would _________ lift her spirits,” Julia said.

Julia took some pictures of those sketches and made a post. It became _________ overnight. A lot of replies under the post _________ Julia to physically make her grandmother’s designs. Though her sewing (缝纫) skills were _________, Julia decided to figure it out. And she learned the basics soon.

With the help of her grandmother, Julia spent countless hours _________ the sketches and turning them into complete designs. Despite the great interest her followers had in_________ her grandma’s designs, the dresses Julia recreated were not for sale. “We have _________ when we do these projects and we don’t like to take this too seriously. Maybe one day that’ll become a career, but right now we’re just focusing on our __________. I’m glad to put on the dresses and __________ them to Grandma. I __________ that I will re-wear the dresses. So I try to be as environmentally friendly as possible,” Julia said.

“You can have your own __________ and it’s never too late to go after it. You can still follow something __________ in your life at any age. Maybe it won’t __________, but it’s worth taking that risk,” Julia said.

A.work outB.stand outC.pass downD.move around
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3 . In ancient Maya civilization, cacao — which chocolate is made from — wasn’t just for the elites (精英). Traces of the sacred plant show up in antiques from all types of neighborhoods and in and around a former Maya city, researchers report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The finding suggests that, contrary to previous thinking, cacao was consumed at every social level of Maya society.

“Now we know that the ceremonies with cacao were likely played out by everyone,” says AnabelFord, an archaeologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Cacao was sacred to the ancient Maya, consumed in ceremonies and used as a currency. The cacao tree itself was linked to Hun Hunahpu, a Mayan god. Previous research found cacao in burials (墓地), suggesting that its use was restricted to those at the top.

To explore the extent to which cacao was used in broader Maya society, Ford and colleagues examined 54 antiques dating from A. D. 600 to 900. The antiques come from jars, mixing bowls, serving plates and vases thought to be drinking vessels. All the pieces were found in residential and ceremonial civic areas of varying size and status from city centers, foothills, upland areas and the valley around the former Maya city of El Pilar, on the present-day border of Guatemala and Belize.

To identify cacao, the researchers searched for theophylline, a compound found in trace amounts in the plant. The team found the compound on more than half of the samples, on all types of antiques and distributed throughout social contexts.

Future research will move beyond who consumed cacao and explore the role of farmers in managing the critical resource. “A better question is to understand who grew it,” Ford says, because those people probably had greater access to the valuable commodity.

1. What do traces of cacao found in Mayan antiques indicate?
A.Cacao was once unique to Maya society.
B.Cacao was only available to wealthy Mayan people.
C.Cacao was accessible to Mayan ordinary people.
D.Cacao left more traces in the Mayan city center.
2. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.There is no need to do further research on cacao.
B.Mayan people liked eating chocolate very much.
C.Mayan festivals were the same as those of the modern times.
D.There were some limitations in previous research about cacao.
3. Why did Ford and his colleagues examine 54 antiques?
A.To make copies of Mayan antiques.
B.To learn about the Mayan eating habits.
C.To find out cacao’s relationship with the religion.
D.To know about Mayan social groups of cacao use.
4. Which of the following will be the focus of the research about cacao?
A.The varieties of cacao.B.Ways cacao was spread out.
C.Cacao tree growers.D.The cacao’s value.
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4 . In Las Vegas, one parent’s determination to help his daughter catch up on her reading has led to the creation of a groundbreaking approach in educational technology. Meet Dave Vinzant, father to 8-year-old Aubrie, who _______ difficulties in reading at school.

“It was about halfway through the first grade that we realized she couldn’t _______ ,” said Vinzant. Despite their efforts, _______ methods weren’t bringing about the desired results. “The _______ level was really high,” Vinzant-recalled. “After an hour of trying to get through a 10-15 page little book, she was _______ .”

Determined to find a solution, Vinzant took matters into his own hands. Although _______ a background in computer programming, he made up his mind to develop a tool that could effectively _______ his daughter. The result? A free _______ called WordStumble.

WordStumble isn’t _______ any reading app-Powered by artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, the program customizes (定制) stories for each user. “What is ________ is that it can take all of those words that she knows-or struggles with and it ________ a customized children’s story,” Vinzant explained.

For Vinzant, the success of WordStumble isn’t just ________ ; he wants to share with others. With his dedication and innovation, Vinzant is not only changing the landscape of reading apps but-also giving ________ to countless parents and children facing similar challenges. And as WordStumble continues to ________ , it’s clear that the power of one person’s passion can make a world of ________ for young learners everywhere.

A.dealt withB.ran intoC.got throughD.brought about

5 . Ramsay’s heroic act unfolded on April 21, 2022, at Green Lake, where he fearlessly saved a teenage boy from a life-threatening situation. The boy was swimming in the lake when he ________ about 80 feet from the shore and failed to resurface.

________ by shouts for help, Ramsay, a paddleboarder (桨手) seated nearby on the platform, paddled toward the boy. Although the dirty water made it ________ for Ramsay to see beneath the water’s surface, bubbles rising to the surface near his paddleboard led him to ________ that the boy sank at that spot. Ramsay demonstrated extraordinary bravery by diving 15 feet to the lake’s bottom to ________ the unconscious teenager.

Upon resurfacing, he found that his paddleboard was no longer within ________. Ramsay took a deep ________ and repositioned the unconscious boy. He then ________ swam toward the shore.

Ramsay was tired quickly but he ________ to keep both their heads above water. A female paddleboarder in another party then ________ to them at a point halfway to the shore. Ramsay ________ the paddleboard with one arm while still holding the boy. The woman leaned (倾斜) across her paddleboard and paddled until she reached shallow water while ________ Ramsay and the boy.

The boy was moved onto the shore, where Ramsay forced the water out of the boy’s body during efforts to make him ________. He recovered after treatment at a nearby hospital. Ramsay was cold and ________, but he did not require medical treatment.

He was honored for his ________ and selflessness with the Carnegie Medal—the highest accolade (荣誉) for civilian heroism in North America.

A.dropping offB.taking overC.putting throughD.holding onto
2024-05-29更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西桂林市第十八中学高三下学期5月月考英语试卷(含听力)
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6 . Driving lessons are quite normal for teenagers across the country. But for Jessica Parks, a young woman from North Branch, Mich, they mean another great ______ she's eager to overcome.

Jessica was born without arms, but was not ______ wearing prosthetics (假肢). So she has learned to do ______ things with her feet—from eating noodles to putting in contact lenses (隐形眼镜). She is no stranger to difficulties but the ______ remained: How well would she drive?

After ______ her seatbelt across her with her foot and buckling in, she ______ the directions of instructor Larry Klug and makes all of her last-minute adjustments with her ______ , as they prepare to leave the parking lot. Klug talks her through a pre-drive checklist, “Put your blinker (转向灯) on; check your centre mirror; ______ your left mirror.”

Jessica is driving a mid-size car that wasn't modified (改装) at all for her purposes. After seeing her ability to drive Klug decided that she didn't need any ______ devices. It should come as no ______ to anyone that after spending hours driving with Jessica, Klug ______ her a natural, saying she's going to be a great driver.

One of Jessica's main ______   now is to get her driver's license. Jessica says she thinks about the ______ challenges she's faced and overcome, and about why she's here. She said, “I guess I was put here as a(n) ______ to others—just to show people that whatever they set their mind to, they can get it done, and it doesn't ______ what other people say or think. If you want to do something, you can do it.”

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7 . For many visitors to Peru, Machu Picchu is the No.1 attraction. But it'd be a waste without spending an extra day or two to appreciate some of the country's other wonders.

The Andes

The area near Machu Picchu is perfect for mountain biking. Some of the best trips include the peaceful Lares Valley, the popular Sacred Valley and Abra Malaga Pass. All these biking trips are within shouting distance of Machu Picchu.

The Colca Canyon

No one's entirely sure how deep the Colca Canyo n is, but scientists have determined that the distance from its edge to its bottom measures more than 10,000 feet — twice the depth of the Grand Canyon. The huge space within those towering walls in the canyon is filled with some of South America's prettiest scenery: untouched valleys, pre-Columbian agricultural lands still in use and dead volcanoes.

The Manu National Park

The park is well known for diverse ecosystems. Most travel within the park is done by boat, which allows for eye-level views of more than 15,000 species of plants in one of the world's greatest preserved rain forests. Manu is best known, though, for its variety of animal life: at least a million different insect species.

The Nasca Lines

A trip to Machu Picchu almost always requires connections in Lima, Peru's coastal capital, while arriving and departing. While there, a short flight can be easily arranged to view the Nasca Lines, which rival (与······相匹敌) Machu Picchu as Peru's greatest ancient wonder. Why the need for a view from planes? Because of the huge size of the geoglyphs (地质遗迹) that have been carved into the desert: spiders, fish, monkeys, and more. Some of them stretch more than 600 feet across.

1. Which place should a visitor select if he dislikes crowds?
A.Sacred Valley.B.Lares Valley.
C.Abra Malaga Pass.D.Machu Picchu.
2. Most of the places within the Manu National Park have to be visited ______.
A.by planeB.by bikeC.by boatD.on foot
3. What do the Nasca Lines and Machu Picchu have in common?
A.They are ancient wonders.
B.They are located in the same city.
C.They are known for their biodiversity.
D.They are surrounded by similar environments.
2024-05-28更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西钦州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了童星Jane Withers短暂而辉煌的好莱坞演艺生涯。

8 . For any little girl of energy and spirit, to be ladylike is painful. To sit up straight, wear gloves and speak only when spoken to is pure torture. Fortunately, that was not a difficulty Jane Withers faced. From the age of six she was paid to talk loud, walk awkwardly and answer back directly. She could blow out her cheeks until her eyes disappeared almost into her head.

Her films had titles like Always in Trouble, Arizona Wildcat, The Holy Terror and Rascals. She played characters called Ginger, Pepper. Corky and Peg Gurgle, usually orphans (孤儿), who were forced into over-fancy schools, criminals’ hideouts or desert islands, but would take charge and, after a struggle, come up winning. Her mother worried that people would hate her for playing such bad-mannered characters.

But the opposite happened. She became wildly popular. Shops were filled with Jane Withers shoes, dresses and dolls. Like many child stars, she made far more from such goods than from her 38 films.

She might not be as pretty as Nancy Drew, the top girl detective of the age, but like her she could ride a horse, ice skate and speak French. And, better than her, she could mimic (模仿) anyone. Another pleasant surprise she gave the studio was that away from filming she was very well behaved. If she liked a role, she went for it politely, and said thank you.

She was expected to be an actress even in the womb and was sent to the Atlanta radio shows at the age of three. She was just given $5 a week as pocket money. For every two dolls she was sent, one had to be given to a needy child. Her parents insisted that they should live only on the money they brought home.

Of course, the Hollywood dream didn’t last long. She got so sick of playing child parts that at 15 she published her own story, Small Tor um Deb and retired completely from Hollywood in 1947 at 21.

1. What does the underlined word "torture" in paragraph 1 mean?
2. Which of the following best describes Ginger, Pepper, Corky and Peg Gurgle?
3. What can be inferred about Jane’s parents?
A.They don’t love their daughter.B.They are very strict.
C.They don’t want her to be an actress.D.They are really selfish.
4. When was Small Town Deb published?
A.In 1926.B.In 1932.C.In 1941.D.In 1947.
2024-05-28更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西钦州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要叙述了美国作家 John Nichols 的主要创作历程及其代表作品。

9 . John Nichols was born in 1940 in Berkeley and raised in New York. Nichols began writing stories when he was 10 years old. By the time he entered college, he was writing at least one novel a year. “Never for credit, never for a class,” he said. “It was just one of the things that I did to interest and please myself.”

When he was 24 years old, he published his eighth novel, The Sterile Cuckoo, which was about a college student. After he wrote the novel, Nichols took a trip to Guatemala, and was shocked by the poverty (贫困) there. He returned from his trip really heartbroken.

Nichols went on to create more than 20 works, most centred around his adopted home of Northern New Mexico. He is best known for The Milagro Beanfield War and The Sterile Cuckoo, both of which were adapted into films.

Nichols moved from New York to Taos, New Mexico in 1969 where he went to work at a newspaper. In 1974, he published his best-known novel, The Milagro Beanfield War, which was turned into a film by Robert Redford in 1988.

“Nichols will be remembered for his clear-eyed view of human nature,” said Bill Nevins, a professor of Literature at the University of New Mexico. “I think people continue to go back to his books... to get a sense of what it's like to live in a multi-cultural nation.”

In 1992, Nichols said he wanted to create literature with a social conscience (良知), but he also wanted to create art. “I think that we live in such a culture where anyone can act positively, even if they're only painting pictures of sunflowers,” he said. It was the beauty and the wonder of our lives that he wanted to show in his work.

1. Why did Nichols love writing?
A.For his study.B.For credit.C.For pleasure.D.For his living.
2. How did Nichols feel after visiting Guatemala?
3. What enables Nichols to be remembered according to Nevins?
A.His unique view on human nature.B.His work experience at a newspaper.
C.His focus on poverty-stricken areas.D.His abilities to make great films.
4. What can we infer from Nichols’ words?
A.Sunflowers can leave us energetic.B.It's our conscience to help each other.
C.It's difficult to get free from hardship.D.We should look for the positive in life.
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10 . Four Computer Science Summer Programs in 2024

Wolfram High School Summer Research Program

The program aims to introduce high schoolers to programming, computational thinking and technology. Students participate in lectures and activities led by Wolfram instructors and build hands-on experience developing a project from ideation (构思) to completed products. About 50 students are admitted to the program annually.

Dates: June 25—July 13

Location: Bentley University

Cost: $4, 200

UC Santa Barbara Research Mentorship Program

The program enables participants to do hands-on experience, university-level research in various fields, including computer science. Students work with a teacher to learn about research techniques and grow their academic goals. The program concludes with participants reporting their findings in a technical research paper and presenting them at a formal academic meeting.

Dates: June 17-August 2

Location: UC Santa Barbara

Cost: $4, 975-$11, 874

Terp Young Scholars

This program, offered through the University of Maryland, allows students to learn college level coursework, earn college credits and learn on a college campus. Participants choose one course to explore, where they attend classes, work on projects, take exams and cooperate with each other.

Dates: July 8-26

Location: University of Maryland

Cost: $1, 500-$2, 500

UT Computer Science Summer Academy

This week-long summer program is open to students of all skill levels in grades 10-12. Participants will learn about C++, project management and careers in technology. In University of Texas, Austin, all of them will share a room in a dormitory hall with a roommate, eat in the dining hall and deal with college-level coursework.

Dates: July 7-13

Location: University of Texas, Austin

Cost: Free

1. How much should a student pay for the program in Bentley University?
A.$2, 500.B.$4, 200.C.$4, 975.D.$11, 874.
2. Which program requires its participants to share the results of their work?
A.Terp Young Scholars.
B.UT Computer Science Summer Academy.
C.UC Santa Barbara Research Mentorship Program.
D.Wolfram High School Summer Research Program.
3. What do the last two programs have in common?
A.They focus on career choices.B.They require students to live together.
C.They last for more than one month.D.They involve the same level coursework.
2024-05-28更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西桂林市第十八中学高三下学期5月月考英语试卷(含听力)
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