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1 . You can either travel or read, but either your body or your soul must be on the way. The popular saying has inspired many people to read or go sightseeing. Here are four books that you can take on your trip.

1. On the Road, 1957, by Jack Kerouac

The book is a popular spiritual guidebook about youth. The main character in the book drives across the US continent with several young people and finally reaches Mexico. After the exhausting and exciting trip, the characters in the book begin to realize the meaning of life.

2. Life Is Elsewhere, 1975, by Milan Kundera

Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said, "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." The book describes a young artist's romantic but miserable life, about how he reads, dreams and has a relationship during his trip to Central Europe. The book invites you to deeply reflects on your current life and to honor the Czech-born writer Kundera.

3. My Name Is Red, 1998, by Orhan Pamuk

The book, a masterpiece of the Nobel Prize winner for Literature Orhan Pamuk, has been translated into more than 50 languages and published around the world. It tells a story of a young man, who was away from home for 12 years, coming back to his hometown in Istanbul. What embraces him is not only love, but a series of murder cases as well.

4. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, 2013, by Rachel Joyce

The novel tells a story of a 60-year-old man who lived a boring and unhappy life, until one day, he received his old friend's letter who got cancer. In deep shock and sorrow, he went out to send his reply letter. 627 miles in 87 days, he walked depending on one belief that “his friend can survive as long as he walks”.

1. Whose book can make you rethink your own life?
A.Jack Kerouac.B.Milan Kundera.C.Orhan Pamuk.D.Rachel Joyce.
2. Which of the following books was sold globally?
A.On the Road.B.Life Is Elsewhere.
C.My Name Is Red.D.The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry.
3. Why did the old man walk 627 miles to send a letter?
A.He walked to keep healthy.B.He was in deep shock and sorrow.
C.He expected his friend to live longer.D.He lived a very boring and unhappy life.
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2 . For people who are interested in sound, the field of sound technology is definitely making noise. In the past, sound engineers worked in the back rooms of recording studios, but many of today’s sound professionals are sharing their knowledge and experience with professionals in other fields to create new products based on the phenomenon we call sound.

Sound can be used as a weapon. Imagine that a police officer is chasing a thief. The thief tries to escape. And the officer can’t let him get away. he pulls out a special device points it at the suspect, and switches it on. The thief drops to the ground. This new weapon is called a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD, 远程定向声波发射器). It produces a deafening sound so painful that it temporarily disables a person. The noise from the LRAD is directed like a ray of light and travels only into the ears of that person, but it is not deadly.

For those who hunger for some peace and quiet, sound can now create silence. Let’s say you are at the airport, and the little boy on the seat next to you is humming(哼唱)a short commercial song. He hums it over and over again, and you are about to go crazy. Thanks to the Silence Machine a British invention, you can get rid of the sound without upsetting the boy or his parents. One may wonder how the Silence Machine works. Well, it functions by analyzing the waves of the incoming sound and creating a second set of outgoing waves. The two sets of waves cancel each other out. Simply turn the machine on, point it at the target, and your peace and quiet comes back.

Directed sound is a new technology that allows companies to use sound in much the same way spotlights(聚光灯) are used in the theater. A spotlight lights up only one section of a stage; similarly, a “spotsound” creates a circle of sound in one targeted area. This can be useful for businesses such as restaurants and stores because it offers a new way to attract customers. Restaurants can offer a choice of music along with the various food choices on the menu, allowing customers more control over the atmosphere in which they are dining. Directed sound is also beginning to appear in shopping centers and even at homes.

1. What could be inferred from Paragraph 2 about the effect of the LRAD?
A.It causes temporary hearing lossB.It slows down a running man
C.It makes it easy to identify a suspectD.It keeps the suspect from hurting others
2. The Silence Machine is a device specially designed to ________.
A.silence the people around youB.remove the sound of commercials
C.block the incoming sound wavesD.stop unwanted sound from affecting you
3. What feature do spotsounds and spotlights share?
A.They travel in circlesB.They clear the atmosphere.
C.They can be transformed into energyD.They can be directed onto a specific area
4. Directed sound can be used for ________.
A.creative designs of restaurant menusB.ideal sound effects on the theater stage
C.different choices of music for businessesD.strict control over any suspicious customer
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3 . Cairistiona Flatley has always been an animal lover. So when she _________ a social media post about a two-legged cat in need of a(n) _________, she had a feeling that she was the _________ person to take Rexie Roo in.

Rexie Roo is a young cat who was brought to a shelter in Utah in January 2020. Both of his front legs were _________ hurt when he was found, and his rescuers guessed that he'd been _________ by a car. What's worse, the cat's legs were too damaged to be _________. Their only option was to remove his front legs to give him a second _________ of life. Despite his pain and having to _________ getting around on his back legs, Rexie Roo was always loving everyone around him.

The only _________ was whether they could find someone who was __________ to take in a pet with special needs. That's when Cairistiona came to the __________! She adopted (收养) Rexie Rooand made him feel at home. She quickly __________ that he's very food-motivated (驱使), so she used cat food to __________ him to do his at-home “physical exercise”.

“When people tell me I'm so __________ for adopting a special need cat and that he is lucky to have me, I can only think about how __________ I am to have him in my life,” “Cairistiona said. “I __________ him so much, and he has brought me a lot of __________ and peace. I think he can __________ people a lot about patience and love,” she added. “My life is __________ because he is in it. I tell everyone he is the __________ of my life.”

A.taken awayB.turned awayC.knocked downD.put down
A.object toB.hurry upC.adapt toD.give up
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4 . Coral reefs are some of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth. Coral reefs support more species per unit area than any other marine (海洋的) environment, including about 4,000 species of fish, 800 species of hard corals and hundreds of other species. Scientists estimate that there may be millions of undiscovered species living in and around reefs. This biodiversity is considered the key to finding new medicines for the 21st century. Many drugs are now being developed from coral reef animals and plants as possible cures for cancer, viruses, and other diseases.

Healthy coral reefs support fisheries as well as jobs and businesses through tourism and recreation. About half of all managed fisheries depend on coral reefs and related habitats for a part of their life cycles. The National Marine Fisheries Service estimates the commercial value of U. S. fisheries from coral reefs is over $ 100 million, Local economies receive billions of dollars from visitors to reefs through diving tours, recreational fishing trips, hotels, restaurants, and other businesses based near reef ecosystems.

Coral reef structures also buffer (缓冲) shorelines against 97 percent of the energy from waves, storms, and floods, helping to prevent loss of life, and property damage. When reefs are damaged or destroyed, the absence of this natural barrier can increase the damage to coastal communities from normal wave action and violent storms. Several million people live in U. S. coastal areas near coral reefs. Some coastal development is required to provide necessary infrastructure (基础设施) for coastal residents and the growing coastal tourism industry.

Despite their great economic and recreational value, coral reefs are severely threatened by pollution, disease, and habitat destruction. Once coral reefs are damaged, they are less able to support the many creatures that live on them and the communities near them. When a coral reef supports fewer fish, plants, and animals, it also loses value as a tourist destination.

1. Why is biodiversity important to medicines?
A.It can reduce the prices of new medicines.B.It can help make new medicines.
C.It can be used for medicines.D.It can be used to cure diseases.
2. How do coral reefs protect shorelines?
A.They protect people against sharks.B.They completely avoid serious flooding.
C.They prevent people from being drowned.D.They weaken most of the energy from waves.
3. What will happen if coral reefs are damaged?
A.Most fish will die out.B.Coastal cities will attract fewer tourists.
C.There will be no large fish.D.The sea will be polluted.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Importance of Diverse EcosystemsB.The Environments of Coral Reefs
C.The Importance of Coral ReefsD.The Value of Biodiversity
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5 . I opened the big steel door to the school's front office. My hands were a bit sweaty, my heart was pounding in my chest, and my throat and tongue felt tense and dry. It was the first day of school. No, not for me as a student, but rather, for me as a first time reading tutor(助教)volunteering with the Experience Corps program.

I'm so proud to be part of such a worthwhile educational organization. The Experience Corps developed a research-based, statistically proven reading improvement program which consists of fun reading games. In the games, I'd play with each child and they didn't even realize that they were actually learning and improving their reading—we were having too much fun!

"Ms. R,"(as they called me), "I read my book to my dog, Sunny, and she really liked it, too." Great! That's the idea—keep on reading to others at home to increase accuracy and fluency. "Ms. R, my mom has a baby in her belly. I'm going to be a big sister and will read to him when he comes out." That one made me feel all warm and sweet, and I told the student that she would be the best big sister ever. "Ms. R, why do you have gray hair?" I love the frankness of kids. I just laughed and told them it was better to have gray hair than no hair! We all giggled(傻笑)at that.

The students were tested throughout the year, and results showed that they were making progress in their reading. I hope I played at least a small part in their academic success. When I first volunteered to tutor, I was a bit anxious. I had no teaching experience, but I found out that you don't need any. All you need is the willingness to give of yourself and a desire to work one-on-one with these children who so desperately want to please you.

1. How did the author feel when first working as a reading tutor?
2. What's the main task of the author in the school?
A.Helping improve the reading program.
B.Teaching students knowledge of all the subjects.
C.Playing various outdoor games with the students.
D.Offering reading guidance under the program.
3. What's the purpose of paragraph 3?
A.To describe the pleasure of being a reading tutor.
B.To state how the Experience Corps program works.
C.To show how close the students are to the volunteer tutor.
D.To explain the difficulties and hardship of teaching.
4. In the author's view, what is the key to being a good reading tutor?
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6 . The far side of the moon is a strange and wild region, quite different from the familiar and mostly smooth face we see nightly from our planet. Soon this rough space will have even stranger features: it will be crowded with radio telescopes.

Astronomers are planning to make the moon's distant side our newest and best window on the cosmic(宇宙的) dark ages, a mysterious era hiding early marks of stars and galaxies. Our universe was not always filled with stars. About 380,000 years after the big bang, the universe cooled, and the first atoms of hydrogen formed. Gigantic hydrogen clouds soon filled the universe. But for a few hundred million years, everything remained dark, without stars. Then came the cosmic dawn: the first stars flickered, galaxies came into existence and slowly the universe's large­scale structure took shape.

The seeds of this structure must have been present in the dark­age hydrogen clouds, but the era has been impossible to probe using optical(光学的) telescopes—there was no light. And although this hydrogen produced long­wavelength(or low­frequency) radio emissions,radio telescopes on Earth have found it nearly impossible to detect them. Our atmosphere either blocks or disturbs these faint signals; those that get through are drowned out by humanity's radio noise.

Scientists have dreamed for decades of studying the cosmic dark ages from the moon's far side. Now multiple space agencies plan lunar missions carrying radio­wave­detecting instruments—some within the next three years—and astronomers' dreams are set to become reality.

“If I were to design an ideal place to do low­frequency radio astronomy, I would have to build the moon,” says astrophysicist Jack Burns of the University of Colorado Boulder. “We are just now finally getting to the place where we're actually going to be putting these telescopes down on the moon in the next few years.”

1. What's the purpose of building radio telescopes on the moon?
A.To research the big bang.B.To discover unknown stars.
C.To study the cosmic dark ages.D.To observe the far side of the moon.
2. What does the underlined word “probe” in Paragraph 3 possibly mean?
3. Hydrogen radio emissions can't be detected on Earth because ________.
A.there was no light in the dark ages
B.they cannot possibly get through our atmosphere
C.gigantic hydrogen clouds no longer fill the universe
D.radio signals on Earth cause too much interference
4. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
A.Scientists have to rebuild the moon.
B.We will finally get to the moon's distant side.
C.The moon is a perfect place to set up radio telescopes.
D.A favorable research environment will be found on the moon.
完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Ruby Kate, 11 likes to spend time with residents at the local nursing homes where her mother Amada works as a nurse.

One day last summer, Ruby_______that a resident named Pearl was staring out of the window and looking very_______. Ruby and Amanda learnt that Pearl’s dog had just left. She couldn't _______to have someone take care of her dog and it was basically homeless. After a little more _______, Amanda and her daughter found out that Pearl only gets $40 each month from her Medicaid check. Many of the other residents received just as little — if _______ — spending money at all.

Pearl’s story_________Ruby. She wanted to do something to_________her and the other residents. So she got out a_________and wrote down a simple question: “What are three things you wish you had?”

Amanda was_________of Ruby’s broad question. She didn't think her daughter would ________with anything helpful. “In my adult mind, that question is not going to ________” said Amanda. “They're going to tell you that they want things you can't give them.”

She went door to door at the nursing home, __________residents to list their three wishes. When Amanda saw what her daughter wrote in her notebook, she was__________that the list was filled with just________ requests like new pillows, books, razors and peanut butter.

Ruby and Amanda________all of the items on the first list and that started a chain reaction of ________ and kindness. They launched a GoFundMe page to__________money to fulfill more wishes. Soon after, Ruby's story went viral and she's now collected more than $250,000 and__________ her own nonprofit called Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents.

“I'd like it to go on ________ and ever and ever,” she said. “Because I just want it to go________and I want it to go around the states and even in different countries.”

A.put upB.bring upC.end upD.show up
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8 . Much of the United States is locked by an unusually large winter storm, which has sent temperatures dropping sharply across the country, from coast to coast and as far south as southern Texas. In many areas, ice and snow storms have added to the challenges. Only a few areas in the south have dodged the freezing weather pattern. The National Weather Service( NWS) says that a winter storm, this large and this serious, has almost never been seen before.

The NWS reports that over 150 million Americans were under winter storm warnings. In Texas, over 2.7 million people were left without power on Monday. Texas isn't used to such serious winter weather. In the city of Houston, temperatures have dropped to - 9℃. The storm has led to huge, deadly highway accidents, and has forced its airport to cancel flights. On Sunday, President Joe Biden declared an emergency in Texas, allowing the state to get more help for the weather disaster from the US government. Several other states have declared some sort of weather-related emergency. In Washington and Oregon, warming shelters were opened to help people stay warm and safe.

The NWS says cold air from the Arctic is behind the record-breaking low temperatures. Though it may seem surprising, global warming may be one of the causes. A strong wind known as the jet stream usually flows in a circle around the Arctic, keeping super-cold air near the North Pole. But as the jet stream weakens because of climate change, the cold air is able to escape the Arctic and bring freezing temperatures to places that are normally much warmer.

The NWS is forecasting there’ll be more snow and freezing rain over the next few days as a new storm cuts up toward the Northeast from the middle of the country. The NWS says that much of the country will continue to have extremely cold temperatures, and it's likely that hundreds of cold weather records will be broken. Perhaps, people should think about the consequences of global warming.

1. Which can best replace the underlined word “dodged” in paragraph 1?
2. Why does the author mention Texas?
A.It’s hit the hardest by extreme weather.
B.It's brought the super cold under control.
C.It's the first to warn of the climate disaster.
D.It's helping other states with the winter storm.
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly focus on?
A.How the jet stream forms in the Arctic.
B.What causes the extreme cold in America.
C.Why the cold air escapes from the Arctic.
D.When the global warming affects America.
4. What is the NWS’s prediction about the rough weather?
A.It’ll change climate permanently.B.It’ll cause another new storm.
C.It’ll lessen global warming.D.It’ll go on for some time.
2021-04-20更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021届四川省内江市高三下学期第二次教学质量诊断性考试英语英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . These are my favorite companies to use when I travel around the world. They are included here because they consistently find deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors.

Skyscanner — Skyscanner is a great flight search engine which searches a lot of different airlines, including many of the budget carriers that larger sites miss. While I always start with Momondo, I use this site too as a way to compare prices.

Couchsurfing-This website allows you to stay on people’s couches or spare rooms for free. It is a great way to save money while meeting locals who can tell you the ins and outs of their city, with the result that you don't need to hire a guide to do the job. The site also lists events you can attend to meet people( even if you're not staying with someone).

Intrepid Travel---If you want to do a group tour, go with Intrepid Travel. They offer good small group tours that use local operators and leave a small environmental footprint. If you go on a tour with anyone, go with them. And, as a reader of this site, you'll get unexpected discounts when you click the link |

Rome 2 Rio — This website allows you to see how to get from point A to point B the best and cheapest way possible. It will give you all the bus, train, plane, or boat routes that can get you there as well as how much they cost.

1. Which will you choose to know a strange city for free ?
A.Rome 2 Rio.B.Skyscanner.
C.Couchsurfing.D.Intrepid Travel.
2. What do the four companies have in common?
A.They help save travel expenses.B.They collect travel websites.
C.They carry out group travels.D.They offer local travel operators.
3. What do we know about the author?
A.He is running a travel website.B.He is working as a tourist guide.
C.He calls for more travel discounts.D.He visits Momondo first for flights.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . In an effort to fight the “throw-away culture” and promote reuse and repair, the city of Berlin has taken the unique step of opening its own secondhand department store.

This isn’t your grandma’s thrift shop (旧货商店). It resells perfectly good items that would otherwise be thrown away. A pun on the German words for “department store” and “conserving house”, B-Wa(h)renhaus sells a wide variety of products. Far from simply selling old items, the electronic goods have been fixed by expert technicians and come with a year’s guarantee. And, to reach more secondhand shoppers, the store was set up right in the middle of the famous Karstadt department store.

With the success of its initial six-month trial run, the city plans to open four more similar operations in other parts of Berlin. By 2030, it hopes to have at least one location in each of Berlin’s 12 districts. Since 2008, city policies and educational campaigns have reduced average annual household waste by about 25 pounds per resident. It also recycles about 49% of its mineral construction waste. Currently, the city estimates that 8% of abandoned electronic goods and 6% of huge items thrown away can actually be reused. The goal is to expand the market for these items beyond the usual bargain hunters and eco-conscious consumers.

“Three years ago, we started collecting all kinds of used goods,” city spokesperson Dorothee Winden said. “There are lots of things that are well-preserved and functioning but aren’t being used anymore. The goal is to give these things a new life with somebody who can use them.” The store also includes an education center to encourage more sustainable lifestyles — and also gave an award to a project that recycles school uniforms, so that parents don’t have to buy new ones every year.

1. Why has Berlin opened its own secondhand department store?
A.To attract more shoppers.B.To promote recycling.
C.To foster traditional culture.D.To expand secondhand market.
2. In which aspect is B-Wa(h)renhaus different from the traditional thrift store?
A.The variety of the goods. B.The location of the store.
C.The quality of the products.D.The operation of the store.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
A.Berlin currently has 4 second-hand stores in construction.
B.Berlin has been successful in cutting its waste since 2008.
C.It is not easy to make the goal to expand the market a reality.
D.It is estimated that Berlin will be a zero-waste city by 2030.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A.To introduce Berlin’s new reuse shop operation.
B.To raise people’s awareness of reasonable shopping.
C.To persuade people to become eco-friendly shoppers.
D.To encourage more people to donate to secondhand shops.
2021-03-29更新 | 382次组卷 | 7卷引用:四川省内江市第二中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月第二次月考英语试题
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