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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Trent Johnson在朋友的帮助下,和家人在网上庆祝了自己的毕业典礼,这段视频在他的推特上迅速走红,有近50万的点击量。Johnson如今是一名医生,他表示自己将继续传播希望和鼓舞的信息。

1 . Trent Johnson just celebrated his graduation from medical school in Ohio with a ceremony at his parents’ home in Florida.

He ________a couple weeks before his actual ceremony that the college was canceling it on account of the deadly epidemic. He was absolutely ________.

His friends ________him to create a website so that all of his family flying into Columbus originally still could celebrate ________.They made the living room look as special as possible given the ________of the ceremony. There’s nothing that could have substituted that special ________.

His twitter where the video immediately went ________has almost half a million views. He was on the news and was ________in The New York Times.

“I remember seeing my face on the newspaper and thinking I not only became a doctor, but I motivated people all over the world to ________ their dreams. That was truly a(n) ________moment”.

Johnson was brought up in an underdeveloped area where people would have ________socioeconomic class and it was the type of the community that he wanted to ________. Now as a ________at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, he ________ has an opportunity to do that.

As Johnson settles into his new surroundings, he will continue to spread his message of hope and ________.


2 . A student at Hellesdon High School in England has been called “Rubbish Girl” for her environmentally­friendly ways. _____, that has not stopped her from cleaning up the environment.

Using the basket on her bicycle, 12­year­old Nadia has been _____ rubbish along her two­mile route to and from school since September of last year. _____ her good intentions, some of the kids at Nadia’s school have nicknamed (给……起绰号) her “Rubbish Girl” and have bullied her for her selfless efforts to help the _____. But instead of letting them bring her down, she’s using their negativity as motivation (动力).

“I’m not going to _____ doing the right thing because of them,” she said. “I’m doing something to _____ the world which they also live in. It’s everyone’s job. We are all _____ for keeping this world safe, instead of believing it’s always someone else’s job.”

Nadia’s mum, Paula, said she is _____ proud of Nadia for not only standing up to her bullies, but also standing up for what she believes in. “I told her she had two _____ — she could either stop collecting rubbish, stop attracting their ______ so that they would leave her alone, or she could face the challenge, be the ‘rubbish girl’ and keep her ______.”

As a result of the local media attention, Nadia has created a group named “Team Rubbish Girl”, where she shares updates on her green efforts. Positive ______ have poured in, all in ______ of Nadia, encouraging her to carry on with the green efforts.

“Sweetheart, you are a star that ______ really bright above the rest. Hold your head high and never let others ______ you. You are doing something selfless and amazing. Shame on the bullies,” wrote one of the local citizens on her web page.

A.picking upB.taking offC.giving awayD.leaving behind
A.DespiteB.WithoutC.Due toD.Thanks to
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3 . Many people like traveling. Travel in Canada has become exciting as a number of lakes make it attractive. In fact, Canada has more lakes than any other country which contains fresh water. In addition to lakes, Canada has a number of beaches as it has a long coastline on its north, east, and west. Travelers from around the world come in large numbers to enjoy the sunbath on various beaches.

Niagara Falls lies on the border between Canada and the US. It is now popular for its beauty and is a valuable source of hydroelectric power. Niagara Falls is most attractive during the summer season when the weather condition is charming and attractive. At the Canadian side, floodlights illuminate both sides of the falls for several hours after dark and the whole scene becomes magnificent.

When traveling in Canada, travelers can enjoy doing the shopping in Toronto which is considered a leading city. It symbolizes the spirit of independence. Migrants from Europe, Latin America and Asia inhabit the place and make it a plural society. Ottawa, on the other hand, is the capital of Canada and center of political activities.

Vancouver is an enlightening city in Canada which was named after British Captain George Vancouver, who explored the area in the 1790s. The city is a leading industrial place in Canada. Another tourist attraction in Canada is the capital city of British Columbia, Victoria. The city is located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.

Travel in Canada is being made easy because of a higher standard of transportation facilities. Besides, very few people know that Canada is a country with high wages per hour. In addition to a popular tourist destination, Canada is an economic powerhouse of North America, particularly in agricultural products. The Canadian dairy industry exports milk products around the world.

1. What attracts travelers most in Canada according to the first paragraph?
A.Coastlines and sunbaths.B.Lakes and beaches.
C.Animals and plants.D.Mountains and water.
2. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Canada and the US.B.The beauty of Niagara Falls.
C.The importance of the falls.D.The hydroelectric power.
3. What do we know about Toronto according to the passage?
A.It is the political center of Canada.B.It displays the Canadian bravery.
C.Its people come from different countries.D.Travelers can buy something cheap there.
4. Why is Captain George Vancouver referred to in the fourth paragraph?
A.To tell us a history story.B.To compare Vancouver and Victoria.
C.To remind us to keep him in mind.D.To introduce the city of Vancouver.
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4 . From the time I was seven, I had a dream of becoming a member of the students’ union. I always _______ my school leaders for taking responsibility for all of us. I dreamed of being a leader. The years flew by, and soon I was able to take part in the elections, _______ I would win. But the reality struck that I didn’t have a chance. Girls across the school _______ knew me. I just did not have what it _______ to win a school election. _______ I cried in my room that evening, I suddenly took a deep breath and decided I wouldn’t stop dreaming. 

What were the points that would work in my favour? I had good grades, and I was friendly and helpful. I would not allow my plain appearance to _______ me back from putting my best foot forward. That evening, I began my election _______ a whole year in advance. 

I loved making friends and I liked being helpful, so I decided that perhaps I could use these _______ to work up to my advantage. In order to learn how to _______ a great election speech, I also ________ a course on effective public speaking. 

The day after the election, when the head teacher ________ I won the second highest number of votes, the students ________. Suddenly, I realized that I had ________ much more than I had dreamed of. I had won acceptance and love of my schoolmates and they knew me as somebody who would ________ them. I was able to put a smile on their faces and ________ their day.

A.rely onB.take inC.look forD.stand by
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5 . Yosemite National Park

Yosemite is all about restoration this year. This month the park’ s main corridor is being repaired. The park’ s gallery reopened to the public in April after being remodeled to allow full accessibility for the disabled. Even John Muir, known as the father of the national parks, is being revived(使复活)by the actor Lee Stetson, who will answer audience questions about the park and its history at the Yosemite Theater.

Petrified Forest National Park

Petrified Forest National Park is now mapping self-guided hikes to its more remote destinations, in part to remind visitors that the parks are theirs to wander. In August, a new field institute will begin offering classes led by geologists, photographers and other experts. And next year, you will see electric vehicle charging stations at the north and south entrances of the park.

Acadia National Park

Acadia National Park is to begin managing a new campground on Maine’ s Schoodic Peninsula this fall. The site will offer almost 100 recreational vehicles and tent sites, as well as new hiking and biking trails connected to Gouldsboro Village and existing park trails leading to the peninsula’ s tip.

Mesa Verde National Park

Wetherill Mesa in Mesa Verde National Park will have an extended season this year(through mid-October), giving cyclists much time to enjoy new access to the park’ s six-mile Long House Loop, a paved path formerly used for tram service, and the backcountry routes on the park’ s most popular hike. Naturally, plans are in the works to open an on-site bike rental operation within the year.

1. What do we know about Yosemite National Park?
A.Its gallery is accessible to the disabled.
B.It will be closed for repairs all the year.
C.Lee Stetson is well-known as its founder.
D.It will offer almost 100 recreational vehicles and tent sites.
2. In which national park will you be able to rent bikes?
A.Mesa Verde National Park.B.Acadia National Park.
C.Yosemite National Park.D.Petrified Forest National Park.
3. What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To appeal to people to preserve the national parks.B.To observe the wildlife at the national parks.
C.To introduce something new at the national parks.D.To describe the natural scenery of the national parks.
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6 . I was born legally blind. Of all the stories of my early childhood, the one about a ________ is my mother’s favorite. I was only two when the ________ occurred.We had just arrived home from a trip. Mom lifted me out of the car and ________to speak to the driver. I took advantage of my brief ________to dash across the lawn (草坪) and hit a large maple tree! I was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and landed on my backside. Mom ________me to start crying, but I just sat there for a minute. Then I ________myself up and kept right on going.

Mom loves to use this story as an ________. It reminds her that children don’t enter life ________to take risks or unwilling to ________ again when they fall down. She never wanted me to lose that toughness as I grew older. When I ________ my major life decisions, I was still that little girl tearing full-speed across the lawn. I studied abroad and later moved away from my parents’ home to look for a ________. Through years of ________, I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high-need students.

We are almost certain to get ________ at some point during the process of achieving our goal. When that happens, don’t sit in the grass and ________. Just get up and keep on going. It will all be worth it ________.

A.mixed upB.fed upC.knocked downD.settled down
A.all at onceB.in the endC.in either caseD.as a result
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7 . The wonderful multiple-award winning producer, writer, and director Norman Lear, who is 100, was recently interviewed by a TV host, who asked him what advice he would give to younger people as a successful man. Without missing a beat, Lear said, “Learn to let things that bother you go.”

Those few words are some of the most powerful in the world. I know that if people could just learn to do it, murder and divorce rates would fall dramatically, and I would be out of a job.

Learning to let go of what bothers you is a dream for many people, each of us has our own personal demons (魔鬼) to fight. The big question is: how do you let go of them? There is no one solution that works for everyone, because we’re all different. Psychotherapy(心理疗法) may help some people who hold on to negative thoughts, while others don’t respond to such treatments.

Even after you’ve worked on this, you may have to deal with the after-effects of a traumatic experience. It’s hard to forget, for example, that someone held a gun to your head or broke your heart. Truly letting go means not forgetting what happened but rather leading to live with it, because no one can completely forget their past and it’s no use avoiding the unfortunate past. But each day is a chance to start anew.

Elvira, an actress, was disturbed by PTSD, a mental disorder. Medication didn’t help. She got counseling from some good people and did her own work, but she would still wake up in a state of anxiety every morning. When we started working together, I asked her to imagine, as often as she could, that the discomfort she was feeling was the negativity leaving her body. Whenever a negative thought entered her mind, she would repeat this visualization exercise and would soon begin to feel okay again.

Learning to let go of things that bother you frees you from the feeling that you don’t deserve good things coming your way. It takes effort, but it’s worthwhile.

1. What advice did Norman Lear share with younger people?
A.Being professional in multiple fields.B.Being enthusiastic about one’s career.
C.Having an optimistic attitude to bad things.D.Showing great love and caring for the young.
2. What message is conveyed in Paragraph 3?
A.Annoying dreams share certain similarities.B.Strategies for letting go vary between individuals.
C.It’s necessary for us to let go of negative thoughts.D.It’s normal for us to receive psychological treatments.
3. What may the author encourage those bothered by traumatic experiences to do?
A.Move forward with bad memories.B.Avoid things related to past traumas
C.Try hard to forget unpleasant experiences.D.Mark the boundary between the present and the past.
4. What does the author mainly want to show by the example of Elvira?
A.An effective technique for battling against anxiety.
B.The way how mental disorders affect people’s life.
C.The process of treating mental disorders is painful.
D.Actresses are more likely to suffer mental disorders.
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8 . It was a cold night in Washington, D.C., and I was heading back to the hotel when a man approached me. He asked if I would give him some money so he could get something to eat. I’d read the signs: “Don’t give money to beggars as most of them are swindlers.” So I shook my head and kept walking.   

I wasn’t prepared for a reply, but with no hesitation, he followed me and said, “I really am homeless and I really am hungry! You can come with me and watch me eat!” But I kept on walking.   

The incident kept bothering me for the rest of the week. I had money in my pocket and it wouldn’t have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he hadn’t been a real beggar. On a freezing cold night, no less, I assumed the worst of a fellow human being.

Flying back to Anchorage, I couldn’t help thinking of him. I tried to reason my failure to help by supposing government agencies, churches and charities were there to feed him. Besides, you’re not supposed to give money to beggars.   

Somewhere over Seattle, I started to write my weekly garden column for The Anchorage Daily News. Out of the blue, I came up with an idea. Bean’s Cafe, a local charity service kitchen, feeds hundreds of hungry local people every day. Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row of vegetables or flowers in their gardens for Bean’s?   Plant a row for Bean’s. It’s clean and simple.   

We didn’t keep records back then, but the idea began to take off. Folks would fax me or call when they took something in. It’s food for the spirit and comfort for my conscience.   

In April 1995, the Garden Writers Association of America(GWAA) held their annual meeting in Anchorage and after learning our program, Plant a Row for Bean’s became Plant a Row For The Hungry. The idea then was to have every member write or talk about planting a row for the hungry, which brought the program to national attention.

As more and more people participated, new variations cropped up. Many companies gave free seeds to customers and displayed the logo for the program. Donations poured in. It was then that I could really stop feeling guilty.

1. The underlined word “swindlers” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
2. Why did the author think he assumed the worst of a fellow human being?
A.Because he didn’t show fair respect to a beggar treating him badly.
B.Because he could have helped a hungry man but he passed by.
C.Because he believed that no people begged because of real hunger.
D.Because he thought that charity work was the government’s duty.
3. How did the author make up for what he had done?
A.He set up a local kitchen to help the poor.
B.He planted a row of vegetables for charity.
C.He called on people to donate money to the Bean’s.
D.He initiated the idea of Plant a row for Bean’s.
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The beggar gave up the first time he was turned down by the author.
B.The author invented the program inspired by the Anchorage Daily News.
C.GWAA expanded the program concept and made it nationwide in 1995.
D.The program was later taken over by some seeding companies.
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9 . The apples that hang from trees in Tom Brown’s orchard (果园) are likely not found in the produce section of your local grocery store. They have names like Balsam Sweet, Candy Stripe, and Night Dropper, and are among the 1,200 varieties that Brown has regained from six southern states. Most haven’t been sold commercially for a century or more; some were transplanted from the last known trees of their kind.

One such apple is the Junaluska, which originated with the Cherokee Indians more than two centuries ago. It was popular in the South before disappearing from commercial production by 1900. Brown discovered the Junaluska in 2001 while searching for other apple varieties in a long-forgotten orchard, where he examined two ancient apple trees with Junaluskas. He took a cutting from the tree for his orchard and set about reintroducing the apple to the world.

Before Brown discovered lost apples, he was a chemical engineer who enjoyed visiting farmers markets. It was in 1999 that he became fascinated by heritage apples with unfamiliar names such as Kane, Lawver. Brown went in search of them. One dead end led to another until he reached out to local newspapers for help. The articles they ran brought about suggestions from readers, and soon Brown was tasting Yellow Potts, Moseys and many more varieties once assumed lost.

In 1905 there were more than 7,000 apple varieties in the United States. Then things changed. People migrated to urban areas and grew less of their own food, while large agribusinesses preferred selling fewer varieties, ones that were familiar and shipped easily. Brown is on mission to bring back as many of the extinct or nearly extinct varieties as possible. Most of the clues about the location of these old trees come from people in their 70s, 80s, and 90s, many of whom he meets at festivals where he exhibits heritage apples.

“These were foods people had once cared about deeply, which had been central to their lives,” he says. “It felt wrong to just let them die and be lost forever.”

1. What can we learn about Tom Brown’s apples?
A.They are juicy and sweet.B.They are rare and valuable.
C.They are named by Tom Brown.D.They are sold in local grocery stores.
2. How did Tom Brown find the Junaluska?
A.He found it by accident.B.He met it in a commercial market.
C.He was informed by Indians.D.He found it with the help of farmers.
3. What may cause fewer apple varieties in the USA according to the text?
A.Lack of labour and guidance.B.A sudden change in the weather.
C.People’s migration to the countryside.D.Agribusinesses’ favor and choice.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.The lost applesB.Tom Brown’s choice
C.An apple hunterD.American apple varieties

10 . Wang Yaping, 41, became China’s first female astronaut to conduct a spacewalk on November. 2021.

Wang’s dream of becoming an astronaut was _________ by Yang Liwei’s 2003 space flight, which was China’s first manned space mission.

“Now China has its first man in space, when will our country have its first _________ .” thought Wang, who was then working as a fighter pilot in China’s air force.

After years of _________ training and excellent performance in various _________, in May 2010, Wang became a member of China’s first batch of female astronauts. The joy of being _________ did not last long as the cruel nature of the training quickly _________.

In the first year, Wang could not get the top level in the high-G training, which simulates (模拟) the environment when the spacecraft _________, enters orbit and returns. Because of the overwhelming force of gravity, blood can’t flow to the brain _________, causing a temporary _________ of oxygen and even blindness. Astronauts must __________ the spacecraft while enduring (忍受) these conditions. Wang improved her performance by doing __________ core-strength exercises every day and finally managed to reach the top level.

Wang realized her space dream as part of the Shenzhou-10 mission. She was confident that the crew could fulfill this challenging mission.

Meanwhile, to prepare for their __________, Wang and her five-year-old daughter promised to focus on their respective (各自的) __________. “I promised to __________ the stars for her. She wants to share them with her classmates,” Wang __________.

A.burst intoB.show upC.set outD.brought in
A.takes offB.puts onC.jumps overD.rises up
2023-08-07更新 | 202次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省南昌市南昌县南昌县莲塘第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
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