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1 . Is forgiveness against our human nature? To answer our question, we need to ask a further question: What is the essence of our humanity? For the sake of simplicity, people consider two distinctly different views of humanity. The first view involves dominance and power. In an early paper on the psychology of forgiveness, Droll (1984) made the interesting claim that humans’ essential nature is more aggressive than forgiving allows. Those who forgive are against their basic nature, much to their harm. In his opinion, forgivers are compromising their well-being as they offer mercy to others, who might then take advantage of them.

The second view involves the theme of cooperation, mutual respect, and even love as the basis of who we are as humans. Researchers find that to fully grow as human beings, we need both to receive love from and offer love to others. Without love, our connections with a wide range of individuals in our lives can fall apart. Even common sense strongly suggests that the will to power over others does not make for harmonious interactions. For example, how well has slavery worked as a mode of social harmony?

From this second viewpoint of who we are as humans, forgiveness plays a key role in the biological and psychological integrity of both individuals and communities because one of the outcomes of forgiveness, shown through scientific studies, is the decreasing of hatred and the restoration of harmony. Forgiveness can break the cycle of anger. At least to the extent the people from whom you are estranged accept your love and forgiveness and are prepared to make the required adjustments. Forgiveness can heal relationships and reconnect people.

As an important note, when we take a Classical philosophical perspective, that of Aristotle, we see the distinction between potentiality and actuality. We are not necessarily born with the capacity to forgive, but instead with the potential to learn about it and to grow in our ability to forgive. The actuality of forgiving, its actual appropriation in conflict situations, develops with practice.

1. What is Droll’s idea about forgiveness?
A.People should offer mercy to others.
B.Aggressive people should learn to forgive.
C.Forgiveness depends on the nature of humanity.
D.People who forgive can have their own welfare affected.
2. What does the example in Paragraph 2 illustrate?
A.To forgive is to love.B.To dominate is to harm.
C.To fight is to grow.D.To give is to receive.
3. What does the underlined word “estranged” mean in the passage?
A.Connected and harmonious.B.Separated and disconnected.
C.Forgiving and loving.D.Aggressive and hostile.
4. What is the writer’s attitude toward forgiveness?
5. What is message of the last paragraph?
A.Forgiveness is in our nature.
B.Forgiveness grows with time.
C.It takes practice to forgive.
D.Actuality is based on potentiality.
7日内更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市南开中学高三下学期5月校模拟英语试题
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2 . Just how bad of a mother am I, I silently wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri. Gus has autism (自闭症), and Siri, Apple's “intelligent personal assistant” on the iPhone, is currently his BFF(Best Friend Forever). Obsessed with weather formations, Gus had spent the past hour exploring the difference between isolated and scaltered thunderstorms—an hour during which, thank God, I didn't have to discuss with him myself. After a while I heard this:

Gus:“You're a really nice computer.”

Siri:“It's nice to be appreciated.”

Gus:“You're always asking if you can help me.Is there anything you want?” Siri: “Thank you, but I have very few wants.”

Gus: “OK. Well, good night!”

Siri: “See you later!”

That is Siri. She does not let my communicatively impaired son get away with anything. When Gus discovered there was someone who would not only find information for him related to his various obsessions but would also be willing to tirelessly discuss these subjects, he was hooked.

She is also wonderful for someone who does not pick up on social cues: Siri's responses are not entirely predictable, but they are predictably kind—even when Gus is rude. I heard him talking to Siri about music, and Siri offered some suggestions. “I don't like that kind of music.” Gus snapped(厉声说). Siri replied, “You're certainly entitled to your opinion.” Siri's politeness reminded Gus what he owed Siri. “Thank you for that music, though.” Gus said.

My son's practice conversations with Siri are starting to translate into increased facility with actual humans. Yesterday I had the longest ever conversation with him. Admittedly, it was about different species of turtles which might not have been my choice of topic, but it was back and forth, and followed a logic. For most of my son's 13 years of existence, this has not been the case.

Indeed, many of us wanted an imaginary friend when we were young, and now we can all have one not entirely imaginary anytime we wish to. In a world where the commonly held wisdom is that technology isolates us, it's worth considering another side of the story.

The developers of intelligent assistants recognize their potential usefulness for those with speech and communication problems, and some are currently pondering new ways in which the assistants can help. “For example, the assistant would be able to track eye movements and help the autistic learn to look you in the eye while talking." said William Mark, vice president of the company from whom Apple purchased the technology behind Siri. “See, that's the wonderful thing about technology. Getting results requires a lot of repetition. Machines are very, very patient."

1. What did the author feel when she watched her son having a deep conversation with Siri about thunderstorms?
A.Concerned but helpless.B.Excited and overjoyed.
C.Guilty but relievedD.Hopeless and surprised.
2. Which of the following statements about Gus is true?
A.He had always dreamed of having an imaginary friend.
B.He shows no interest in anything that is not related to weather.
C.He has trouble communicating with others because of his illness.
D.He has been friends with Siri since he was diagnosed with autism.
3. Siri has helped Gus in the following aspects except
A.setting a fixed bedtime routine
B.exploring his special interests
C.shaping his logic while talking
D.improving his interaction with people
4. What does the author learn from her son's story?
A.Siri makes people feel much lonely in modern society.
B.Siri sometimes provides better assistance than people.
C.Siri has a better academic performance than the author.
D.Siri is likely to be an effective cure for her son's autism.
5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Intelligent assistants will be more widely employed in the future.
B.The use of intelligent assistants will likely be limited to autistic people.
C.Machines are more skilled and patient at communication than humans.
D.William Mark was critical of the future development of intelligent assistants.
7日内更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市耀华中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
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3 . To put it simply, stress can be the father of growth, while a crisis can be the mother of innovation. The notion that great good can emerge from great adversity (逆境) is as old as the legend of the great phoenix (凤凰), who not only arises but soars to new heights from its own ashes.

In 1598, William Shakespeare penned the play As You Like It. One of the most famous lines from that play is spoken in Act 2 Scene 1 by Duke Senior, “Sweet are the uses of adversity which, like the toad (癞蛤蟆), ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head.” Even 500 years ago, the potential value of adversity was recognized, not by a great healer, but by a great playwright. Can this really be the case?

Fast-forward to the great silent film star Mary Pickford. She was called the most popular actress in the world in the 1910s and 1920s. Failing to continue acting with the advent of the “talkies”(movies with recorded sound), she co-founded the film company United Artists. Shifting her talents to producing and directing, she became the most powerful woman in the entertainment industry. She once noted, “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.”

Rather than fear and try to avoid adversity, perhaps we should accept the inevitability (必然) of adversity and prepare for it. Indeed, positive things can emerge from adversity.

Adversity reveals true opportunities for those preparing to take advantage. Dr. John Krumboltz’s happenstance theory states that career and life development is best fostered by preparing for opportunities that you may not know even exist in the current moment. Numerous unpredictable factors are potentially shaping the future. These include the crises adversity brings.

In Friedrich Nietzsche’s book, Behold the Man, the German philosopher writes that a person who has “turned out well” could be recognized by the ability to take advantage of and prosper from adversity, just as he wrote before, “What does not kill him makes him stronger.”

So, the next time adversity enters your life, will you run from it, or will you embrace it and use it as a step ping stone to greater happiness and success?

1. Why does the author quote the line from Shakespeare’s play?
A.To emphasize the great wisdom of Shakespeare.
B.To highlight the beauty of Shakespeare’s language.
C.To challenge the conventional belief regarding adversity.
D.To show the long-standing recognition of adversity’s value.
2. What is conveyed through Mary Pickford’s story?
A.Fame can block one’s achievements.
B.Strong determination overcomes adversity.
C.Accepting adversity results in positive outcomes.
D.Courage in the face of challenges leads to success.
3. What is the idea behind Krumboltz’s happenstance theory?
A.Embracing uncertainty.B.Managing life’s challenges.
C.Seizing hidden opportunities.D.Focusing on personal growth.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards adversity?
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Finding value and opportunity in facing adversity.
B.Stress as the primary cause of growth and innovation.
C.How to avoid adversity and negative experiences in life.
D.Historical figures who failed to overcome adversity effectively.
2024-05-28更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市武清区杨村第一中学高三下学期第一次热身练英语试题
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4 . “One of the reasons I find this topic very interesting is because my mom was a smoker when I was younger.” says Lindson-Hawley, who studies tobacco and health at the University of Oxford.

By studying about 700 adult smokers, she found out that her mom quit the right way—by stopping abruptly and completely.

In her study, participants were randomly assigned to two groups. One had to quit abruptly on a given day, going from about a pack a day to zero. The other cut down gradually over the course of two weeks. People in both groups used nicotine(尼古丁) patches before they quit, in addition to a second form of nicotine replacement, like gum or spray. They also had talk therapy with a nurse before and after quit day.

Six months out, more people who had quit abruptly had stuck with it—more than one-fifth of them, compared to about one-seventh in the other group. Although these numbers appear low, it is much higher than if people try without support.

And the quit rates were particularly convincing given that before the study started, most of the people had said they’d rather cut down gradually before quitting. “If you’re training for a marathon, you wouldn’t expect to turn up and just be able to run it. And I think people see that for smoking as well. They think, “Well, if I gradually reduce, it’s like practice.” “says Lindson-Hawley. But that wasn’t the case. Instead of giving people practice, the gradual reduction likely gave them cravings(瘾) and withdrawal symptoms before they even reached quit day, which could be why fewer people in that group actually made it to that point. “Regardless of your stated preference, if you’re ready to quit, quitting abruptly is more effective.” says Dr. Gabriela Ferreira.“When you can quote a specific number like a fifth of the patients were able to quit, that’s convincing. It gives them the encouragement, I think, to really go for it.”Ferreira says.

People rarely manage to quit the first time they try. But at least, she says, they can maximize the odds of success.

1. What does Lindson-Hawley say about her mother?
A.She quit smoking with her daughter’s help.
B.She studied the smoking patterns of adult smokers.
C.She was also a researcher of tobacco and health.
D.She succeeded in quitting smoking abruptly.
2. What kind of support did smokers receive to quit smoking in Lindson-Hawley’s study?
A.They were offered nicotine replacements.
B.They were looked after by physicians.
C.They were encouraged by psychologists.
D.They were given physical training.
3. How does Dr. Gabriela Ferreira view the result of Lindson-Hawley’s experiment?
A.It is unexpected.B.It is idealized.
C.It is encouraging.D.It is misleading.
4. The idea of “a marathon” (Para.5) illustrates the popular belief that quitting smoking
A.is a challenge at the beginningB.needs some practice first
C.requires a lot of patienceD.is something few can accomplish
5. What happens when people try to quit smoking gradually?
A.They feel much less pain in the process.B.They are simply unable to make it.
C.They show fewer withdrawal symptoms.D.They find it even more difficult.
2024-04-04更新 | 185次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市天津市十二区县重点校高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
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5 . Conservationists go to war over whether humans are the measure of nature’s value. New Conservationists argue such trade-offs are necessary in this human dominated epoch. And they support “re-wilding”, a concept originally proposed by Soule where people curtail economic growth and withdraw from landscapes, which then return to nature.

New Conservationists believe the withdrawal could happen together with economic growth. The California-based Breakthrough Institute believes in a future where most people live in cities and rely less on natural resources for economic growth.

They would get food from industrial agriculture, including genetically modified foods, desalination intensified meat production and aquaculture, all of which have a smaller land footprint. And they would get their energy from renewables and natural gas.

Driving these profound shifts would be greater efficiency of production, where more products could be manufactured from fewer inputs. And some unsustainable commodities would be replaced in the market by other, greener ones — natural gas for coal, for instance, explained Michael Heisenberg, president of the Breakthrough Institute. Nature would, in essence, be decoupled from the economy.

And then he added a caveat: We are not suggesting decoupling as the paradigm to save the world, or that it solves all the problems or eliminates all the trade-offs.

Cynics (悲观者) may say all this sounds too utopian, but Breakthrough maintains the world is already on this path toward decoupling. Nowhere is this more evident than in the United Sates, according to Iddo Wernick, a research scholar at the Rockefeller University, who has examined the nation’s use of 100 main commodities.

Wenick and his colleagues looked at data carefully from the U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center, which keeps a record of commodities used from 1900 through the present day. They found that the use of 36 commodities (sand, iron ore, cotton etc.) in the U. S. Economy had peaked.

Another 53 commodities (nitrogen, timber, beef, etc.) are being used more efficiently per dollar value of gross domestic product than in the pre-1970s era. Their use would peak soon, Wernick said.

Only 11 commodities (industrial diamond, indium, chicken, etc.) are increasing in use (Greenwire, Nov.6), and most of these are employed by industries in small quantities to improve systems processes. Chicken use is rising because people are eating less beef, a desirable development since poultry cultivation has a smaller environmental footprint.

The numbers show the United States has not intensified resource consumption since the 1970s even while increasing its GDP and population, said Jesse Ausubel of the Rockefeller University.

“It seems like the 20th-century expectation we had, we were always assuming the future entailed greater consumption of resources,” Ausubel said. “But what we are seeing in the developed countries is, of course, peaks.”

1. What does the underlined word “trade-offs” refer to in the first paragraph?
A.The balance between human development and natural ecology.
B.The profitability of import and export trade.
C.The consumption of natural resources by industrial development.
D.The difficult plight of economies growth.
2. Which of the following is true of the views of the new environmentalists?
A.They believe that mankind should live in forests with rich vegetation.
B.They believe that mankind will need more natural resources in the future.
C.They believe that mankind is the master of the whole universe.
D.They believe that mankind should limit economic growth.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph of the passage?
A.Natural resources cannot support economic development.
B.More resource consumption will not occur in a certain period of time.
C.Excessive resource consumption will not affect the ecological environment.
D.All resource consumption in developed countries has reached a peak.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Urbanization and re-wildness.
B.Human existence and industrial development.
C.Socioeconomic development and resource consumption.
D.Commodity trading and raw material development.
2024-03-22更新 | 152次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市南开中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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6 . Every year, millions of monarch butterflies migrate 3,000 miles to Mexico from North America. “Everybody knows about the monarchs’ migration,” says Andy Davis, an animal ecologist at the University of Georgia. “But one of the things that we still don’t understand is how they’re capable of making such tremendous flight while being such small animals with limited energy.” Amazingly, some of the monarch’s continent-spanning magic may be owed to the size of its wing spot, according to a study published in PLOS One.

The question of how color influences the monarch’s flight began when Mostafa Hassanalian, a professor of mechanical engineering, published a paper about how the colors on the wings of the albatross (信天翁) might help it fly for longer distances. The black on the top of the bird’s wings absorbs more solar energy, creating a pocket of warm air; the white on the bottom absorbs less. Together, the opposite colors create more lift and less drag, helping the albatross to fly up more efficiently.

Motivated by Hassanalian’s paper, Andy Davis contacted him and they teamed up with three other experts to investigate whether the orange, black. and white patterns on North American monarch butterflies’ wings influenced their flight distance. Specifically, they explored whether these color patterns determined how far the butterflies could fly. They discovered that surviving migratory monarchs had 3% less black pigment (色素) and 3% more white pigment a surprising contrast from the albatross. They also observed larger white spots on Eastern monarchs, which migrate farther than Western and Floridian populations, along with deeper shades of orange. The team assumed that these color patterns might offer an aerodynamic (空气动力) advantage, although the reason for the larger white spots remains unknown.

Should the connection between white markings and flight performance prove true, they plan to apply it to drone technology. “If small coloration (自然色彩) effects can improve like 10% of your efficiency, that’s a lot,” Hassanalian says, “Another aspect is that your drone would be able to carry more, because this coloration helps it gain extra lift.” The enhancement could also benefit other aircraft, but he points out one warning: planes fly at a much faster speed than butterflies, so coloration may not be as relevant to them.

Other butterfly scientists have reacted to their work with both enthusiasm and skeptlesm. “It is a totally new idea and it’s quite exciting,” says Marcus Kronforst, an evolutionary biologist. “I’ve worked on butterfly color patterns my whole life, basically, and never, never considered this. It’s never crossed my mind that it might influence how the butterflies fly.”

1. According to Andy Davis, what remains a mystery of the monarchs’ migration?
A.How the monarchs manage the migration.
B.Why the monarchs make the migration.
C.Why the monarchs migrate to Mexico
D.How the monarchs choose the route.
2. Why are the colors on the wings of the albatross mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To reveal the mechanism of the albatross’ flight.
B.To show Hassanalian’s achievements in albatross study.
C.To indicate where the researchers drew their inspiration.
D.To introduce common color patterns of the albatross’ wings.
3. What assumption can be drawn from Eastern monarchs’ color patterns?
A.They reduce orange pigment.B.They limit migration distance.
C.They resemble albatross spots.D.They offer extra lift for migration.
4. How did the researchers draw the conclusion?
A.By conducting an experiment.B.By making comparisons.
C.By doing field research.D.By studying models.
5. How does Hassanalian feel about the application of the coloration effects?
A.Scientifically curious.B.Cautiously optimistic.
C.Technologically skeptical.D.Environmentally concerned.
2024-03-13更新 | 179次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届天津市河北区高三下学期总复习质量检测(一) 英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Researchers in the psychology department at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a major difference in the way men and women respond to stress. This difference may explain why men are more likely to suffer from stress-related disorders.

Until now, psychological research has maintained that both men and women have the same “fight-or-flight“ reaction to stress. In other words, individuals either react with aggressive behavior, such as verbal or physical conflict (“fight”), or they react by withdrawing from the stressful situation (“flight”). However, the UCLA research team found that men and women have quite different biological and behavioral responses to stress. While men often react to stress in the fight-or-flight response, women often have another kind of reaction which could be called “tend and befriend. ” That is, they often react to stressful conditions by protecting and nurturing their young (“tend”), and by looking for social contact and support from others—especially other females (“befriend”).

Scientists have long known that in the fight-or-flight reaction to stress, an important role is played by certain hormones (激素) released by the body. The UCLA research team suggests that the female tend-or-befriend response is also based on a hormone. This hormone, called oxytocin (催产素), has been studied in the context of childbirth, but now it is being studied for its role in the response of both men and women to stress. The principal investigator, Dr. Shelley E. Taylor, explained that “animals and people with high levels of oxytocin are calmer, more relaxed, more social, and less anxious.” While men also secrete (分泌) oxytocin, its effects are reduced by male hormones.

In terms of everyday behavior, the UCLA study found that women are far more likely than men to seek social contact when they are feeling stressed. They may phone relatives or friends, or ask directions if they are lost.

The study also showed how fathers and mothers responded differently when they came home to their family after a stressful day at work. The typical father wanted to be left alone to enjoy some peace and quiet. For a typical mother, tackling a bad day at work meant focusing her attention on her children and their needs.

The differences in responding to stress may explain the fact that women have lower frequency of stress-related disorders such as high blood pressure or aggressive behavior. The tend-and-befriend regulatory (调节的) system may protect women against stress, and this may explain why women on average live longer than men.

1. The UCLA study shows that in response to stress, men are more likely than women to ____________.
A.turn to friends for helpB.solve a conflict calmly
C.seek comfort from childrenD.find an escape from reality
2. Which of the following is true about oxytocin according to the passage?
A.Men have the same level of oxytocin as women do.
B.Oxytocin used to be studied in both men and women.
C.Oxytocin has more of an effect on women than on men.
D.Both animals and people have high levels of oxytocin.
3. What can be learned from the passage?
A.Biological differences lead to different behavioral responses to stress.
B.In a family a mother cares more about children than a father does.
C.Male hormones help build up the body’s resistance to stress.
D.The UCLA study was designed to confirm previous research findings.
4. The underlined word in the Paragraph 5 may mean ___________.
5. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.How researchers handle stress-related disorders
B.How men and women suffer from stress
C.How researchers overcome stress problems
D.How men and women get over stress
2024-01-28更新 | 250次组卷 | 4卷引用:天津市五区县重点校联考2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题
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8 . Scientists have discovered a new structure that allows lunge feeding whales, also called rorqual whales (长须鲸), to take in massive amounts of water without choking.

To capture prey (猎物), rorqual whales use a method called lunge feeding. They speed up, and take in a volume of water large enough to fill their entire bodies.

Scientists didn’t know how these whales avoided choking on prey—filled water and flooding their respiratory tracts (呼吸道) during a lunge feeding event. Now Dr. Gil and his colleagues have discovered a large structure that they’ve termed the “oral plug” —a structure never before described in any other animal—that they think makes lunge feeding possible.

Dr. Gil and his colleagues analyzed dead fin whales. By physically dissecting (解剖) the mass of muscle and tissue that plug the back of the whale’s mouth, the researchers determined that when the animal is at rest, the plug blocks off the whale’s pharynx (咽道), a tube-shaped structure that leads to both the respiratory and digestive tracts. When a whale lunges, the “oral plug” protects both tracts from being flooded by the water and the living creatures that the animal has taken in.

When the animal is ready to swallow its latest meal, the oral plug shifts upward to protect the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, the larynx (喉) closes up and shifts downward, blocking the lower respiratory tract. In other words, during swallowing, the pharynx only leads to the digestive tract.

“This fills in a blank that we didn’t even know really existed,” said Dr. Gil of the team’s findings. Ari Friedlaender, who studies whale feeding behaviors at the University of California but was not involved in this research, sees great value in filling in these anatomical blanks about whales.

“The more we can understand how they develop these means for being able to eat so much, the more we understand about what their abilities are, and how they function as part of marine ecosystems,” Dr. Friedlaender said.

1. Which words can best describe the lunge feeding method of rorqual whales?
①speedy       ②massive       ③precise
2. What function does the “oral plug” have?
A.It just blocks off the two airways when the whale rests.
B.It just protects the upper airway when the whale swallows.
C.It just blocks the lower airway when the whale lunges.
D.It ensures that the meals and water just go into the pharynx.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Dr. Friediaender shared his findings of whale feeding behavior with Dr. Gril.
B.Dr. Friedlaender praised the research for it further explains how marine ecosystems function.
C.Dr. Friedlaender will cooperate with Dr. Gil and his team for the future research.
D.Dr. Gil was probably surprised to find the existence of the “oral plug”.
4. What is Dr. Friedlaender’s attitude towards the new findings?
5. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Why do whales lunge for food?B.Why don’t whales choke?
C.Why do whales have respiratory tracts?D.Why are whales unique?
2024-01-25更新 | 104次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市滨海新区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末质量检测英语试题
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9 . We were five minutes into a severe winter storm — approaching Boston’s Logan International Airport when I turned to the woman next to me and said, “Hey, would you mind chatting with me for a few minutes?” My seatmate seemed friendly and I suddenly felt desperate for a human connection.

“Sure. My name is Sue,” the woman replied, smiling warmly. “What brings you to Boston?” I started to explain that I was on a business trip. Then the plane trembled violently, and I blurted out, “I might need to hold your hand too.” Sue took my hand in both of hers, patted it, and held on tight.

Sometimes a stranger can significantly improve our day. A pleasant meeting with someone we don’t know, even an unspoken exchange, can calm us when no one else is around. It may get us out of our own heads — a proven mood lifter — and help broaden our vision. Sandstrom, a psychologist and senior lecturer at the University of Essex, has found that people’s moods improve after they have a conversation with a stranger. And yet most of us resist talking to people we don’t know or barely know. We worry about how to start, maintain, or stop it. We think we will keep talking and disclose too much, or not talk enough. We are afraid we will bore the other person. We’re typically wrong.

In a study in which Sandstrom asked participants to talk to at least one stranger a day for five days, 99 percent said they had found at least one of the exchanges pleasantly surprising, 82 percent said they’d learned something from one of the strangers, 43 percent had exchanged contact information, and 40 percent had communicated with one of the strangers again.

You don’t even have to talk to complete strangers to obtain the benefit. Multiple studies show that people who interact regularly with passing acquaintances or who engage with others through community groups, religious gatherings, or volunteer opportunities have better emotional and physical health and live longer than those who do not. One person took up the cell phone after chatting with a woman on the subway who was carrying one. Another recalled how the smile of a fruit salesman from whom he regularly bought bananas made him feel less lonely after he’d first arrived in a new city.

When Sue took my hand on that scary flight to Boston, I almost wept with relief. “Hey, this is a little bumpy, but we will be on the ground safely soon,” she told me. She looked so encouraging, and confident. I asked her what she did for a living. “I’m a retired physical education teacher, and I coached women’s volleyball,” she said. Immediately, I could see what an awesome coach she must have been.

When we said goodbye, I gave Sue a big hug and my card. A few days later, I received an e-mail with the subject line “Broken hand on Jet Blue.” “I have to admit that I was just as scared as you were but did not say it,” Sue wrote. “I just squeezed your hand as hard as I could. Thank you for helping me through this very scary situation.” She added that when she’d told her friends about our conversation, they teased her because they know she loves to talk. I told my friends about Sue too. I explained how kind she was to me, and what I learned: It’s OK to ask for help from a stranger if you need it. Now if I mention to my friends that I am stressed or worried, they respond, “Just think of Sue!”

1. The writer struck up a conversation with her seatmate because ________.
A.they were heading for the same city on business
B.she was in urgent need of emotional comfort
C.the plane’s abrupt movement was unbearable
D.the woman was friendlier than other passengers
2. What benefit does a pleasant exchange with strangers bring us?
A.It lights up our otherwise unsuccessful life.
B.It saves us the trouble of talking too much.
C.It lifts our spirits up and expands our mental horizons.
D.It guarantees us a lasting feeling of happiness.
3. Why does the writer mention the study conducted by Sandstrom?
A.To present the benefits of interacting with acquaintances.
B.To show it lifts mood to make and meet with new friends.
C.To introduce some ways to associate with unknown people.
D.To relieve the anxiety about communicating with strangers.
4. What does the underlined sentence imply?
A.The writer was impressed with Sue’s ability to inspire others.
B.The writer herself could have been a volleyball placer.
C.Sue possessed obvious characters of a qualified PE teacher.
D.Sue became the coach of the writer as a consequence.
5. How did the writer probably feel while reading Sue’s e-mail?
6. What might be a suitable title for the passage?
A.The flying experience with strangers
B.The interesting small talk with strangers
C.The surprising boost you get from strangers
D.The expected friendship you established through chatting
2024-01-22更新 | 192次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市耀华中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题

10 . I was living in Cali, Colombia. One day my younger sister decided to visit me for a holiday and I was supposed to go to meet her at the airport. I somehow lost ________ of the time and realized that I was ________my home much later than I had wanted to. And to make matters _________, when I went outside, the rain was pouring from the sky and I couldn’t get a taxi to save my life. I ________ jumping on board a public bus to Palmira, where the airport was .

The driver said that I would be dropped ________ at a crossroads which was located six kilometers away from the airport. I had no ________ but to travel with the bus. The journey took ages, however. When the bus did eventually ________ the previously mentioned crossroads, the driver pointed in a given ________ and told me that the airport was down that way. By this time, I had descended into tears. My sister would be arriving in twelve minutes, and there was no way I was going to be able to make it ________. Beside myself (失去控制) with worry, I ________ the driver to drive the six kilometers down to the airport to drop me off. He stood up and took a vote from the other passengers. Fortunately, they all ________. Thanks to them, I arrived on time. This was my first encounter with Murphy’s Law (墨菲定律): Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. And the only way to beat this devil is to take ________for the outcome of all your actions. I should have made a Plan B by ________ the possibility that there would be no taxis available. Of course, some major victories were achieved by the very fact that they did not have a Plan B to ________.

However, most of the situations we encounter in our lives are much less dramatic and can often be ________ in more ways than one. It is ________to have a Plan B because you cannot always guarantee that your original plan is going to work out, and in some cases, your contingency (不测之事) plan might just be even ________ than your original one .

Now more than ever, in this rapidly changing world, ________ is often the key to success. If you are prepared to bounce back when everyone else ________, you will be the winner. Think of your contingency plan as a form of ________, one that, if nothing else, can give you the peace of mind you need.

A.picked upB.checked upC.ended upD.came up
A.in timeB.on timeC.behind timeD.ahead of time
A.coming into effectB.getting into troubleC.putting into practiceD.taking into account
A.approves ofB.looks upC.goes afterD.turn to
A.breaks downB.settles downC.gets overD.carries away
2024-01-20更新 | 204次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市天津市和平区2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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