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1 . Digital Heaven

If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? The ________ to keeping your body alive indefinitely still seem unbeatable, but some scientists think there is another ________ opened up by digital technology: creating a digital copy of your “self” and keeping that “alive” online long after your physical body has ________ to function.

________, the proposal is to clone a person electronically. Unlike the familiar physical clones — offspring that have ________ features as their parents, but that are completely separate organisms with a separate ________ life — your electronic clone would believe itself to be you. How might this be possible? The first step would be to map the brain.

How? One plan ________ the development of nanotechnology. Ray Kurzweil — one of the prophets (先知) of artificial intelligence — ________ that within two or three decades we will have nano transmitters that can be ________ into the bloodstream. In the capillaries of the brain they would line up alongside the neurons and ________ the details of the cerebral (大脑的) electronic activity. They would be able to ________ that information to a receiver inside a special helmet or cap, so there would be no need for any wires extending from the scalp (头皮).

As a further step, Ray Kurzweil also consider the nano transmitters being able to connect you to a world of virtual reality on the Internet, similar to what was depicted in the film ‘Matrix’. With the nano transmitters in place, by thought alone, you could log on to the Internet and instead of the pictures coming up on your screen they would play inside your mind. ________ sending your friends e-mails you would agree to meet up on some virtual tropical beach.

For Ray this would be, quite ________, heaven. Once you upload the brain onto the Internet and log on to that virtual world the body can be left to rot while your virtual self carries on playing Counter Strike forever.

Generations of Christians believed in Christ partly because his rebirth held out the ________ that we too might be able to enjoy life after death. But why wait for the Second Coming when you can have a shot of nanobots and upload your brain onto the Internet and live on as an immortal virtual surfer?

Who needs faith when you’ve got ________?

A.In consequenceB.In effectC.In contrastD.In total
A.relies onB.applies toC.sums upD.figures out
A.Regardless ofB.Aside fromC.Other thanD.Instead of
2022-01-20更新 | 336次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市华东师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . According to the majority of Americans, women are every bit as capable of being good political leaders as men. The same can be said of their ability to dominate the corporate boardroom. And according to a new Pew Research Center survey on women and leadership, most Americans find no difference between women and men on key leadership qualities such as intelligence and capacity for innovation, with many saying they’re stronger than men in terms of being passionate and organized leaders.

So why, then, are women in short supply at the top of government and business in the United States? According to the public, at least, it’s not that they lack toughness, management talent or proper skill sets.

It’s also not all about work life balance. Although economic research and previous survey findings have shown that career interruptions related to motherhood may make it harder for women to advance in their careers and compete for top executive jobs, relatively few adults in the recent survey point to this as a key barrier for women seeking leadership roles. Only about 20% say women’s family responsibilities are a major reason why there aren’t more females in top leadership positions in business and politics.

Instead, topping the list of reasons, about 40% Americans point to a double standard for women hoping to climb to the highest levels of either politics or business, where they have to do more than their male workmates to prove themselves. Similar shares say the electorate (选民) and American companies are just not ready to put more women in top leadership positions.

As a result, the public is divided about whether the imbalance in American companies will change in the foreseeable future, even though women have made major advances in the workplace. While 53% believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future, 44% say it’s only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men. Americans are less doubtful when it comes to politics: 73% expect to see a female president in their lifetime.

1. What do we learn from previous survey findings about women seeking leadership roles?
A.They have unconquerable difficulties on their way to success.
B.They are lacking in confidence when competing with men.
C.Their failures may have something to do with family duties.
D.Relatively few are held back in their career advancement.
2. What does the passage say about American companies in the near future?
A.More and more women will sit in the boardroom.
B.Gender imbalance in leadership is likely to change.
C.The public is undecided about whether women will make good leaders.
D.People have opposing opinions as to whether they will have more women leaders.
3. What do most Americans expect to see soon on America’s political stage?
A.A woman in the highest position of government.
B.More and more women actively engaged in politics.
C.A majority of women voting for a female president.
D.As many women in top government positions as men.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.What do most Americans think of women leaders?
B.How to balance work and life for working women?
C.When can women achieve equality in the workplace?
D.Why are women leaders fewer in companies or governments?
2022-01-19更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市金山区2021-2022学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约40词) | 较易(0.85) |
3 .

1. Where can you find the above passage?
A.Ina leaflet.B.On a website.
C.On a shopping list.D.In a printed copy.
2. If you want to buy a gift for a creative kid, how much do you pay?
3. What can you infer about Mary if she buys all of the 3 items listed in the chart?
A.She is ready to attend a Christmas party.
B.She is in charge of the New Year’s decorations.
C.She has a kid at home who probably likes Lego products.
D.She is creating the atmosphere for a happy new year in winter.
2022-01-19更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市金山区2021-2022学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . There is a traditional view that a degree from top universities can in itself place you on the highest career path. If your career playing field is assessed purely by salary, then the data support this view: Oxford and Cambridge graduates have the highest median incomes of all employed graduates, five years after leaving university.

In any event, it is not just university choice that affects your career outcome. Sometimes, biases exist. For example, on Wall Street, male applicants form upper-middle-class backgrounds with an interest in team sports are particularly preferred.

Some employers are leveling the playing field, actively seeking graduates from other well-known universities, to increase diversity and perhaps because the courses at these universities offer their students advantages, including vocational elements. Other employers are trying out “background blind” admissions, removing from applications references to schools or universities.

While there may be peer or family pressure to study at certain universities, your long-term career success depends on more than the brand name, including what you can demonstrate in terms of technical and employability skills.

Research all leading universities to decide which course would suit you best, including the content, style and intensity of teaching, and examination methods. You may also consider which institution would provide the best extra-curricular (课程以外的) opportunities.

Even if Oxbridge doors close for you, other doors will open: employers will be impressed by what you do with the opportunities you actually had, not what might have been.

1. The word “biases” in Paragraph 2 most probably means
A.unexpected career outcomesB.emphasis on culture awareness
C.common employing practicesD.tendencies to like someone better
2. Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 are intended to illustrate that ________.
A.one’s career outcome is affected by more factors than his university choice
B.it is better to apply to the companies that care less about educational backgrounds
C.well-known institutions prefer university graduates with proper vocational training
D.job applicants must provide potential employers with references to universities
3. When deciding the most suitable course to take, you should take ________ into consideration.
A.your learning styleB.the brand name of the course
C.the way of examinationsD.the style of the teaching content
4. Who are supposed to be the targeted readers?
A.Coaches in playing field.B.Teachers in certain universities.
C.Students in senior high schools.D.Employers from famous companies.
2022-01-19更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市金山区2021-2022学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题

5 . At the start of every vacation, many parents spend their time wondering: What will the children do? When I was a child in the 1950s, the answer was easy. The children would play. We played feely with other children, in our own chosen ways, away from adults. When we got bored, we found ways to overcome it. We took up _________, took risks, sometimes hurt ourselves, got into trouble, and _________ how to get out of it.

During such play, we acquired knowledge and skills that couldn’t be taught to us in school. We learned how to take _________, make our own decisions, solve our own problems, get along with peers as equals, experience fear and then find ways to manage it, experience anger and then find ways to overcome it. We also discovered our interests, _________ them, and became skilled at them—interests that for many of us later became _________.

Over the past 60 years, however, we’ve seen a huge _________ in children’s freedom and opportunity to play on their own. Over this same period, we’ve also seen a dramatic increase in the rates of _________ and anxiety disorders among young people- five to eight times what they were in the 1950s.

Our children love to play in moderately _________ ways. Through such play, they acquire the physical, social and emotional capacities required for healthy development. They learn to get along with one another by playing socially, and they learn to deal with emergencies by playing in ways that involve risk.

Why is such play so _________? It can cause injury, so why hasn’t natural selection __________ the inner desire for it? We have some clues from laboratory experiments.

Researchers have found that when young rats or monkeys are deprived (剥夺) of play during critical periods in their development, the animals grow up as emotional cripples (跛者). They are __________ disabled when placed in new, slightly frightening environments to which normally raised animals would __________. They repeated between incapacitating fear and inappropriate aggression when placed with __________ peers. So it is no surprise to me that play-deprived human children grow up insufficient in the social and emotional skills required to deal well with life’s inevitable stressors (应激源). They may also grow up __________ the abilities to think creatively, take initiative, and assume responsibility.

We have deprived children of free, risky play, probably for their own good. In the process we have denied them the opportunity to learn how to be __________ by playing in risky ways.

Our children need more freedom, not more adult control.

A.figured outB.looked overC.made forD.turned out
2022-01-19更新 | 162次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市金山区2021-2022学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 .

Shadow Ridge Summer Camps

Camp memories last forever! We make sure they are unforgettable!

Shadow Ridge Summer Camps offer so many exciting things for campers to do. Unlike other camp programs that include horses as a small part of their program, at Shadow Ridge horses are the program! We are 100% horse from stable(马厩) management, nature walks, and track rides to bedroom furnishings.

Horses help us achieve many of our aims. Girls can learn to develop responsibility, self-confidence and personal connections in their lives while having fun. Using horses as a wonderful tool for education, our camps offer an interesting place for growth and learning.

Imagine each girl having her very own horse to spend time with and a best friend to love and take care of. Each camper is responsible for a horse for the week. Our riding program provides a lot of riding and lesson time. Campers will learn how to take care of the horse and the tack(马具), as well as how to ride. Days are filled with horse-related activities to strengthen the connection between each girl and horse, as the girls learn to work safely around the horses.

At Shadow Ridge we try to create a loving, caring family atmosphere for our campers. We have “The Bunkhouse”(4 girls), “the Wranglers Roost”(4 girls), and “The Hideout”(2 girls) in our comfortable 177-year-old farm house. All meals are home cooked, offering delicious and healthy food for the hungry rider.

Our excellent activities create personalized memories of your child’s vacation. Each child will receive a camp T-shirt and a photo album (usually 300-500 pictures) of their stay at camp.

Our camps are offered during June, July and August 2007, for small groups of girls aged 13-16 years, not only from Canada but also other parts of the world.

We will send you full program descriptions at your request.

1. What do we know about the camp programs at Shadow Ridge?
A.Campers are required to wear camp T-shirts.
B.Horses play a central role in the activities.
C.Campers learn to cook food for themselves.
D.Horse lessons are offered all the year round
2. Which one of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.The cost of the camping.B.The time of the camping.
C.The advantages of the camping.D.The effect of the camping.
3. The passage is written mainly for________.
A.horse ridersB.teenage girls
C.Canadian parentsD.international travelers
2022-01-17更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东新区2021-2022学年高一上学期期末教学质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . For those who make journeys across the world, the speed of travel today has turned the countries into a series of villages. Distances between them appear no greater to a modern traveler than those which once faced men as they walked from village to village. Jet planes fly people from one end of the earth to the other, allowing them a freedom of movement undreamt of a hundred years ago.

Yet some people wonder if the revolution in travel has gone too far. A price has been paid, they say, for the conquest(征服) of time and distance. Travel is something to be enjoyed, not endured. The boat offers leisure and time enough to appreciate the ever-changing sights and sounds of a journey. A journey by train also has a special charm about it. Lakes and forests and wild, open plains sweeping past your carriage window create a grand view in which time and distance mean nothing. On board a plane, however, there is just the blank blue of the sky filling the narrow window of the airplane. The soft lighting, in-flight films and gentle music make up the only world you know, and the hours progress slowly.

Then there is the time spent being “processed” at a modern airport. People are conveyed(运送) like robots along walkways; baggage is weighed, tickets produced, examined and produced yet again before the passengers move to another waiting area. Journeys by rail and sea take longer, yes, but the hours devoted to being “processed” at departure and arrival in airports are luckily absent. No wonder, then, that the modern high-speed trains are winning back passengers from the airlines.

Man, however, is now a world traveler and cannot refuse the airplane. The working lives of too many people depend upon it; whole new industries have been built around its design and operation. The holiday maker, too, with limited time to spend, patiently endures the busy airports and limited space of the flight to gain those extra hours and even days, relaxing in the sun. Speed controls people’s lives; time saved, in work or play, is the important thing—or so we are told. Perhaps those first horsemen, riding free across the wild, open plains, were enjoying a better world than the one we know today. They could travel at will, and the clock was not their master.

1. What does the writer try to express in the first paragraph?
A.Travel by plane has speeded up the growth of villages.
B.The speed of modern travel has made distances relatively short.
C.The freedom of movement has helped people realize their dreams.
D.Man has been fond of traveling rather than staying in one place.
2. How does the writer support the underlined statement?
A.By giving examples.
B.By analyzing cause and effect.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By giving instructions.
3. Passengers are turning back to modern high-speed trains because______.
A.they pay less for the tickets.
B.they feel safer during the travel.
C.they can enjoy higher speed of travel.
D.they don’t have to waste time being “processed”.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Air travel benefits people and industries.
B.Train Travel has some advantages over air travel.
C.The high speed of air travel is gained at a cost.
D.Great changes have taken place in modern travel.
2022-01-17更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东新区2021-2022学年高一上学期期末教学质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Teens who have good, supportive relationships with theachers enjoy better health as adults, according to a research.

“This research suggests that improving students’relationships with teachers could have important, positive and long-lasting effects beyond just academic success,” said Jinho Kim, the author of the study. “It could also have important health implications in the long run.”

Previous research has suggested that teens, social relationships might be linked to health outcomes in adulthood-perhaps because poor relationships can lead to chronic (慢性的) stress which can raise a person’s risk of health problems over the lifespan, according to Kim. However, it is not clear whether the link between teen relationships and lifetime health is causal ——it could be that other factors, such as different family backgrounds, might cause both relationship problems in adolescence (青少年的)and poor health in adulthood. Also, most research has focused on teens relationships with their peers, rather than on their relationships with teachers.

To explore those questions further, Kim analyzed data on nearly 20,000 participants from the Add Health study that followed participants for 13 years, from seventh grade into early adulthood.The participants included more than 3, 400 pairs of brothers and sisters. As teens, participants answered questions such as, “How often have you had trouble getting along with other students?” “How much do you agree that friends care about you?” “How often have you had trouble getting along with your teachers?” and “How much do you agree that teachers care about you?” As adults participants were asked about their physical and mental health. Researchers also took measures of physical health,such as blood pressure and BMI(体质指数).

Kim found that, as expected, participants who had reported better relationships with both their peers and teachers in middle school and high school also reported better physical and mental health in their mid-20s. However, when he controlled for family background by looking at pairs of brothers and sisters together, only the link between good teacher relationships and adult health remained significant.

The results suggest that teacher relationships are even more important than previously realized and that schools should invest in training teachers on how to build warm and supportive relationships with their students, according to Kim.

1. According to the research mentioned in the passage, ________ .
A.the link between teen relationships and lifetime health is obvious
B.teen relationships with their peers determine their lifetime health
C.students relationships with teachers decide their academic success
D.good relationships with teachers can cause better health as adults
2. By “However, it is not clear whether the link between teen relationships and lifetime health is causal” in Para. 3, the author means that________.
A.teen relationships with teachers were not studied before
B.family background is the main factor in improving mental health
C.relationship problems in adolescence can cause poor health in adulthood
D.teen relationship is not the only factor that affects the lifetime health
3. Paragraph 4 is mainly about________.
A.how the research was conducted
B.what questions were explored
C.how physical health was measured
D.what kind of participants were studied
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.All the teachers knew how to get along well with students in the past
B.More attention should be paid to the students relationships with teachers
C.The importance of student-teacher relationships was fully realized before
D.Schools know how to train teachers to improve the relationships with students.
2022-01-04更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市嘉定区2020-2021学年高一上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 较易(0.85) |
9 . a

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BJ28: 3 Days Private Beijing City Tour including Hotel

From $419 per   Free Inquiry

We Guarantee 100% No Shopping Stops!

Itinerary   Tour Prices   Price Includes

Day1 Arrival in BeijingVisit Hutong Alleys(胡同小巷)

According to your flight schedule, your guide and driver will pick you up at the airport today. After greetings, we will drive to the hotel in about one hour.

If time permits, we will arrange for you a Hutong tour by rickshaw to explore the old, traditional alleys of Beijing. There are some workshops, bars and restaurants in Hutongs and all these will give you a better understanding of the special Hutong culture. What's more we will also pay a visit to a local family living in one of the old-style folk yards, Rickshaw riding in old Hutongs where you will not only see how a typical local family lives, but also learn about the Chinese folk customs.

Day 2 Visit Tiananmen Square, Forbidden city, Mutianyu Great Wall, Bird’s Nest

The first stop of today's Beijing city tour is the Tiananmen Square. Located in the center of Beijing, it has become the symbol of the city, and even China. Walking north through the square, we will come to the Forbidden City. With over 70 palaces and 9000 rooms, it is the world's largest and most- complete ancient wooden architectural complex(建筑群).

In the afternoon, we will continue to visit the Mutianyu Great Wall, which is one of the most famous and best-preserved Great Wall sections. Upon arrival, you will be certainly attracted by its breathtaking landscape. On the way back, we will pass by the Bird's Nest, also known as the Olympic National Stadium. We will make a brief stop there for you to take some pictures of this magnificent building.

Day 3 Visit Temple of Heaven and Summer Palace

Today's city tour of Beijing will begin with a visit to the Temple of Heaven where the royal ceremonies to pray for good harvest were held in ancient times. Nowadays, it has developed into a popular park where many local people do exercise, play chess, fly kites dance and have fun. Then, your guide will accompany you to visit the Summer Palace, a large and well-preserved royal garden. You will have a great time to enjoy the wonderful scenery and historical sites inside. At the end of the tour, we will accompany you to the airport according to the flight schedule. Hope you enjoy travelling with us!

1. What kind of people will most probably take part in this tour? People who_________.
A.like to do shopping in China
B.are interested in Chinese culture
C.prefer to visit natural wonders
D.like Chinese literature and arts
2. According to the passage, the word"rickshaw"in Para. 2 probably means_________.
A.a large vehicle that is used to transport goods
B.a motor vehicle with room for a few passengers
C.a small vehicle for carrying one or two passengers
D.a road vehicle with two wheels driven by an engine
3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.A tour of the inside of the Bird's Nest is arranged on Day 2.
B.The locals often hold ceremonies in the Temple of Heaven.
C.The Forbidden City is famous for its old-style folk yards
D.The arrangement of a Hutong tour depends on the time
2022-01-04更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市嘉定区2020-2021学年高一上学期期末英语试题
完形填空(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . How to Get Used to a New School

New surroundings, unfamiliar faces and different learning standards make the transition to a new school stressful for many students. Not only are they faced with ________, they may also feel sad about leaving their old schools. Getting used to a new school takes time, but coping strategies can ease the transition.


Knowing what to ________ makes the transition a little easier on everyone. Most school districts have websites with general information about individual schools, educational philosophies (理念), schedules and activities. The school calendar provides details about ________ events, such as an open house, that might help with the transition. If you know the________ of the teachers, you might even find pictures or introduction to learn a little before you meet them. The method of transportation to school is another research topic. If walking is an option, check out a map to find the best route from home to school.


The first day at any new school often is met with nervousness and sometimes confusion. Contact the school and schedule a low-pressure trip to the building before the first day so the campus looks ________ when classes start. The trip provides a chance to find lockers, classrooms and key spots, such as the cafeteria. If the teacher is available, a meeting is a possibility. The________ may ease some fears about starting at an unknown school.

Get Involved

________ in the community even before the first day of school can help with the move. You meet new people who may also attend the school or have children at the school. Those familiar faces make the school less frightening in the beginning. Once classes start, the school offers other ways to get involved, ________ joining after-school activities or student organizations.

Establish a Routine

A new school often means a new routine, including morning ig preparation, getting to school and after-school activities. Setting into a routine gives the family a sense of familiarity. With all of the changes, a daily schedule gives children some stability. The routine should ________ a bedtime early enough to allow for plenty of sleep. Being rested makes it easier to handle the challenges of a new school. When still adjusting to the school, allow for yourself plenty of time in the mornings ________ to get to school on time adds to the stress of being in a new situation.

A.as well asB.such asC.instead ofD.in addition to
2022-01-04更新 | 163次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市嘉定区2020-2021学年高一上学期期末英语试题
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