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1 . Humans make decisions using statistical information every day. For example, we weigh the likelihood of various factors when deciding what to bet in card games.

However, humans aren’t alone in using statistical inferences in decision-making. Until now, human cousins like monkeys and also some birds have been identified as the only animals to show evidence of reasoning based on probability and statistics, which requires advanced mental power. These animals have large brains relative to their body size, which is often associated with high intelligence.

Researchers from the University of Barcelona oppugned such statements and suspected that an animal with a small brain relative to its body size could perform statistical reasoning as well.

Giraffes were an ideal choice. But researchers had a concern: When we choose a checkout line at a grocery store, we typically just count the number of people in each line, not weighing the probability. Statistical reasoning is quite distinct from basic counting. Giraffes have already exhibited an ability to perform quantity discrimination, being able to tell a larger number of items from a smaller number, which poses a challenge for the researchers to confirm their suspicion.

So the research team settled on a special approach where they started with a mixture of carrots the animal desires along with zucchinis (密生西葫芦) they dislike and varied the number and proportion (比例) of both items.

The researchers placed different proportions of carrots and zucchinis into two plastic containers to test whether the giraffes could predict a higher likelihood of receiving a carrot. Each test consisted of 20 trials in which a researcher selected a piece of food from each container without showing it to the giraffes. The giraffes then touched the hand they wanted to eat from, using only the information they had from the containers.

In the first test, where one container had 20 carrots and 80 zucchinis and another had go carrots and 20 zucchinis, each giraffe chose the hand that had a higher probability of holding a carrot at least 17 times. In the following two tests, the proportion of carrots and zucchinis was changed. Yet again the giraffes chose correctly.

The combined results indicated that the researchers’ idea held water.

1. What can be inferred in paragraph 2?
A.Statistical reasoning is unique to humans.
B.Animals with larger bodies have larger brains.
C.Large animals are smart enough to perform reasoning.
D.Brain size is positively related to intelligence.
2. What does the underlined word “oppugned” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. Why did the research team introduce a special approach to the study?
A.To test the giraffes’ ability to perform basic counting.
B.To determine whether giraffes prefer carrots or zucchinis.
C.To rule out the effect of giraffes’ quantity discrimination.
D.To observe the giraffes’ behavior in different situations.
4. What do the test results show?
A.Giraffes are capable of statistical reasoning.
B.Giraffes’ sense of proportion is relatively limited.
C.Giraffes rely on visual information to make food choices.
D.Giraffes’ food preferences can be changed through training.
2024-09-15更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟(东北三省三校)2024-2025学年高三上学期9月联合考试英语试卷
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2 . Many people have a too rosy view of the beverage and are surprised when confronted with the facts about it on a nutrition label, according to our recent study.

Right now, people usually think of red wine as a “virtue” rather than a “vice”, thanks to popular belief about its health benefits. But requiring nutrition labels, which are currently voluntary, could change those views.

In our experimental research, which included nearly 800 participants, we found that American consumers aren’t used to seeing nutrition information on wine labels, and most are surprised by what they read since they don’t associate wine with calories, carbohydrates and sugar. People who were prompted to read labels viewed wine as less healthy than they did beforehand, and they were less likely to buy it.

We also found that people are more surprised by the sugar content of sweeter wines, such as Moscato, than by the number of calories. Sweet wines, in particular, may contain more sugar than consumers realize.

Nutrition labels don’t need to be bad news for the wine industry. Wine sales have recently declined among those aged 60 and younger, and greater transparency in labeling could help rekindle young consumers’ interest. Millennial and Gen Z consumers may especially appreciate clearer labels, since they could help them view wine as less mysterious and more accessible. They may also allow them to fit an occasional glass of wine into their personal health goals.

What’s more, there’s been a recent trend toward wine packaging including labels like “organic” and “sustainable”, which may appeal to consumers’ preference for sustainability. These labels have less to do with nutrition than with manufacturers trying to appear eco-friendly—but makers of natural wine would likely benefit most from offering nutrition information.

And there’s still more to learn about how nutrition labels affect behavior. Studies have shown mixed results, but on the whole, labeling appears to make people cut their calorie intake somewhat. Still, the U. S. put nutrition labels on foods in the 1990s, and that hasn’t stopped the obesity rate from rising.

1. What can be learned from the study?
A.People used to regard wine as a vice.
B.Wine labeling confirms wine as a virtue.
C.Nutrition labels go against the will of the public.
D.Nutrition labels change people’s views on red wine.
2. Who might benefit most from the new trend toward wine packaging?
A.Wine stores.B.The government.
C.Mass customers.D.Natural wine producers.
3. What do Paragraph 5 and Paragraph 6 mainly focus on?
A.The benefits of wine labeling.B.Policy changes on wine labeling.
C.The downside of wine labeling.D.People’s attitudes toward wine labeling.
4. Why does the author mention the U. S. nutrition labels in the last paragraph?
A.To show their positive effect on behavior.
B.To give an example of changes on food labels.
C.To illustrate the serious obesity problem in America.
D.To present their uncertain impact on customers’ behavior.
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3 . On the beaches, in the deepest reaches of the backcountry — even nearly 100 feet underwater, the noise of navy training jets (喷气式飞机) is unbearable for people and even endangered southern residents — tiger whales, a new scientific research shows.

In a paper published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, scientists reported an underwater microphone fixed in nearly 100 feet of water offshore of the runway at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, clearly picked up the sound of the jets, at levels known to affect tiger whales’ behaviour. “To the tiger whales at that depth, the noise is about as loud as a ship 650 feet away,” said Rob Williams, lead scientist and an author on the paper.

Tiger whales use sound to find food, so underwater noise can affect their ability to get enough to eat. Lauren Kuehne, lead author on the paper, said she was surprised at just how clear the jet noise was even deep underwater, showing the noise easily spreads to depths where Chinook Salmon, the tiger whales’primary prey (猎物) , are often found. “Mentally I was prepared for noise, but not for that; it was clear as a bell. It has given me a whole new appreciation. We don’t use our ears the way animals do. For them, it is life and death,” said Kuehne.

The number and duration of daily overflights, the team stressed, also outnumber those in a majority of studies that have dug into the impacts of noise from military aircraft, worldwide.

Williams said the study demolishes the assumption that the noise of the jets doesn’t travel underwater. “The original understanding is that the noise is going to bounce off the ocean,” Williams said. “Here we show it doesn't. The sound goes underwater. We have shown that it is noisy, and noisy enough to require paying attention to.”

1. How did researchers confirm the effect of the noise on tiger whales?
A.By adjusting the sound of jets.B.By collecting noise underwater.
C.By observing tiger whales’ behaviour.D.By picking up tiger whales’ brainwaves.
2. Why is underwater noise dangerous to tiger whales?
A.It scares off their natural prey.B.It affects their hunting activity.
C.It destroys their sense of hearing.D.It makes them nervous underwater.
3. What does the underlined word “demolishes” in the last paragraph probably mean?
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Irregular Airplane NoiseB.Underwater Species Protection
C.Unknown Underwater SoundD.Non-ignorable Undersea Annoyance
2024-09-10更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省部分高中2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
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4 . A real-world study by researchers at NTU Singapore has revealed that the application of cool paint coatings in cities can help pedestrians feel up to 1.5 degrees Celsius cooler, making the urban area more comfortable for work and leisure.

Cool paint coatings contain additives that reflect the sun’s heat to reduce surface heat absorption and emission. They have been regarded as a potential solution to cool down the urban area and combat the Urban Heat Island effect, a phenomenon in which urban areas experience warmer temperatures than their outlying surroundings.

Now, NTU researchers have conducted a pioneering real-world study to comprehensively evaluate how well cool paint coatings work in reducing city heat.

To carry out their real-world experiments, the NTU researchers selected four rectangular buildings that created two “street canyons” — narrow streets lined by buildings. One canyon, or “cool canyon” was coated with cool paints on the roofs, walls, and road pavement, while the other canyon remained as it was as a “control” for the experiment. Using environmental sensors, the NTU team monitored the conditions in the two canyons over two months, which included air movement, surface and air temperature, humidity, and radiation, to see how well the cool paint coatings worked in reducing city heat.

The researchers found that during a 24-hour cycle, the cool canyon saw up to a 30%reduction in heat released from the built-up surfaces, resulting in the air temperature in the cool canyon being cooler than the conventional canyon by up to 2°C during the hottest time of the day, at around 4 pm. As a result, pedestrians in the cool canyon can feel up to 1.5°C cooler. The NTU research team also found that air temperature in the cool canyon was lowered because less heat was absorbed by and stored in the building walls, roofs, and roads, which would subsequently have been released to either heat up the surrounding air or the building’s inside.

With global warming, people will increasingly look for ways to stay cool. The study shows how cool paint coatings can be a strategy to reduce the Urban Heat Island effect in future.

1. What is the function of paragraph 2?
A.To introduce the purpose of the study.B.To illustrate the findings of the study.
C.To explain the theoretical base of the study.D.To provide background information for the study.
2. What is the primary purpose of the real-world study by NTU researchers?
A.To assess the effectiveness of cool paint coatings.
B.To investigate the effect of climate on urban areas.
C.To study the behavior of pedestrians in urban areas.
D.To analyze the impact of urbanization on the environment.
3. What is one potential benefit of using cool paint coatings in cities?
A.Increasing air quality levels.B.Improving pedestrians’ comfort.
C.Enhancing surface heat absorption.D.Saving energy consumption in winter.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The real-world study is a first of its kind study.
B.The cool paint coatings also have markets in rural areas.
C.The cool paint coatings have proved effective worldwide.
D.Many cutting-edge technologies are employed in the study.
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5 . David loved his grandson Philip dearly. The boy reminded him of himself at an early age. They had a lot of fun together, exploring the backyard and hiking in the nearby park. However, one weekend, Philip felt ill and had to stay in bed. David made sure to keep his grandson entertained by finding a book they could enjoy together.

Before handing it to Philip, he decided to leaf through it and look back at the story. However, while looking through it, he didn’t expect to see another piece of his youth, this time in the form of a photograph of him and his old friends. There were four in the picture — David, Steve, Dorothy, and Teresa. They were neighbors and often went to the beach together. In the photo, the four of them were playing on the sand.

Suddenly, David wondered about the people in the photograph, curious to know where life had taken them.

Philip noticed that and asked “What happened, Grandpa?” David smiled, excitedly taking the book and the photo to Philip. “Look, Philip. This is an old photo of my friends and me!” he said. “I wish I could meet them again.” Philip suggested looking for them on Facebook. Through Philip’s tablet, they searched for David’s friends. To Philip’s surprise, they weren’t on the social media platform.

David decided to go to his hometown to find Steve, Dorothy, and Teresa. The town had changed a lot and he found that Dorothy’s and Steve’s houses were no longer there. Still hopeful, David decided to visit the last address, which was Teresa’s. A young girl opened the door. “I’m sorry, young lady. I was just looking for Teresa Green, but I might have gotten the address wrong,” he said.

Suddenly, the girl shouted, “Grandma, you have a visitor!”

1. Why did David find a book to enjoy with Philip?
A.Because Philip was entertained most by books.
B.Because David intended to show Philip a picture.
C.Because David remembered something in the book.
D.Because Philip was not in good condition on that day.
2. What surprised David as he was looking through the book?
A.A leaf.B.A picture.C.Some friends.D.Some beach tours.
3. How did Philip help David search for his friends?
A.By posting the picture online.B.By visiting them with David.
C.By giving away his tablet as a gift.D.By looking for them on Facebook.
4. What might the following paragraph probably be about?
A.David told Philip about the wrong addresses.
B.David talked with the girl about some life lessons.
C.David and Teresa managed to contact Steve and Dorothy.
D.David apologized sincerely for the trouble he had caused.
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6 . UC Berkeley Youth Recreation Summer Camps

UC Berkeley Youth Recreation will provide a wide variety of one-week outdoor experiences and activities for the youth on summer camps 2024. Here are four best summer camps.

Windsurfing Camp

This camp is designed to teach students the basics of windsurfing, including balance and self-rescue. Through a combination of classroom instruction, demonstration and water time, campers are able to master the basics of the sport. A comfort with wind and water is strongly encouraged. Campers must be ages 10~17 to register. All campers must be able to swim and weigh 100 pounds or more to safely use public windsurfing equipment.

Price: $330. Those who have participated before can receive 10% off.
Sailing Camp

Campers learn and review the essentials of sailing at their experience level on the beautiful San Francisco Bay! 2024 brings exciting updates to the camp and helps sailors master new skills. Previous sailing experience is required. Campers must be ages 12~18to register. All campers must have basic swimming skills.

Price: $255.
Skateboarding Camp

In this camp, skateboarders will learn mechanics and basic riding skills such as balance, riding switches, and dropping-in. Skaters will be assessed on the first day of the session and the lessons will be adapted to their ability. All participants are educated in skateboard safety. Campers must be ages 8~16 to register. Participants must bring their own skateboard, helmet (头盔) and knee & elbow pads (护具).

Price: $300. $240 per person for group registration.
Rock Climbing Camp

Learn climbing skills, knot (结) - tying, top-rope climbing and equipment care. Sites include Strawberry Canyon, Remillard, Indian Rock and Cragmon t Parks. Campers must be ages 9~15 to register. All campers can enjoy the bus service to and from the campsites.

Price: $275.
1. What is a must for the participants of Windsurfing Camp?
A.First aid knowledge.B.Appropriate weight.
C.Previous learning experience.D.Personal protective equipment.
2. What is special about Skateboarding Camp?
A.It is intended for primary pupils.
B.I’ll issue certificates of excellence.
C.It bases its lessons on campers’ levels.
D.It gives a 10% discount for group registration.
3. Which camp offers public transportation for camp-goers?
A.Windsurfing Camp.B.Sailing Camp.
C.Skateboarding Camp.D.Rock Climbing Camp.
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7 . Anime(二次元) culture has become a very common culture in our daily life. As people's minds become more and more open, most people gradually begin to accept anime culture. Although increasingly more young people like anime culture than before, many still don't know why there are so many people like anime culture in reality. What is its attractive charm?

First and foremost, anime is not immature and cynical(玩物丧志的). Many people don't understand people who like anime, just because they don't try to understand anime. They only evaluate it through other people's words and their own knowledge. Of course, the comments are not very pleasant. After all, the older generation don't agree with anime.

Moreover, the reason why today's young people like anime so much is not because they are killing time, nor because they are addicted to animation, but because of pressure. Today's society is completely different from that of the 1980s. Back then, having a motorcycle or a big TV at home was already impressive. But now, cars, houses, and savings are everywhere, and young people are easily suffocated(扼制).

When we see anime protagonists invincible in the drama, willing to sacrifice everything to defeat enemies for their dreams and friends, it's like seeing us unwilling to be outdone in reality. Aren't those bosses in anime just like the things that bring us pressure in reality? When we see anime protagonists hitting them one after another, it's like we're putting all the pressure on ourselves, and we feel exhilarated(畅快淋漓).

In recent years, the rapidly rise popularity of anime games such as Genshin Impact(原神) and Love of Light and Night(光与夜之恋) has certainly brought a rich side to the life of the current young generation. Luo Xiang once said: "Paper people are virtual, and after a long time in the virtual story, they are unwilling to enter the real story." It is normal to embrace anime cultural , but we still need to have expectations for the future and believe in our youth and dreams.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To enhance people's awareness of anime culture.
B.To persuade people stop contacting anime culture.
C.To lead the deeper description of the anime trend.
D.To arise reader's love to anime culture.
2. What is the seniors' view of anime?
3. What are the reasons why young people like anime drama ?
A.Young people cannot bear the enormous pressure of house loans.
B.Young people are often oppressed by their parents and elders.
C.Young people have lost confidence and hope in the current reality of life.
D.Young people have found their dream selves through the characters.
4. What can we infer from what Luo Xiang put in the article ?
A.We cannot treat the virtual world as an Eden to escape real-life problems.
B.The current world is too false and not worth our time to pay attention to.
C.In order to let people return to reality, all anime games should be banned.
D.The anime world is as important as the real world.
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Artistic flower teas, also called blooming teas, are a combination of green tea leaves and various types of flowers such as Globe Amaranth, Marigold, Lily, Jasmine, Osmanhtus and Carnation Flower, skillfully tied together into bundles.The specially designed flower teas will bloom into beautiful, artful shapes when brewed (冲泡). By the time enjoying the sweet scent of it you can also view the tea displaying as flowers in the water. They therefore should be brewed in a tall clear glass or glass teapot. Bring this charming and attractive flower tea to your customers by cooperating with Teas and Thes on the wholesale of flower teas.

Product Name Origins


Family Happiness Silver Needle Flower Tea, Fuding, Fujian, China

SKU: W06023000

When the little round tea is swelling in the hot water, you will firstly see jasmine coming out through the crack between green tea’s leave.Several jasmines float in a line, looking like a baby growing in parents’ arms.

Product Name Origins


True Love Silver Needle Flower Tea, Fuding, Fujian, China

SKU: W06011000

True Love Flowering Tea is made up of high quality Silver Needle Green Tea, Jasmine, Marigo ld and Amaranth flowers.When brewed, it looks like two people standing and looking at each other. Sharing this tea is the perfect way to tell someone how much you love him/her.

Product Name Origins


Christmas Tree Flower Tea, Hulin, Fujian, China

SKU: W06018000

Look at this Christmas Tree Flower Tea: the Globe Amaranth, Chrysanthemum and Marigold are strung together into a line, just looking like a Christmas tree when blooming. The red Chrysanthemum and Marigold are just like candles, bringing warmness and hope.

Product Name Origins


Family Happiness Flower Tea, Hulin or Fuding, Fujian, China

SKU: W06019000

When the little round tea is swelling in the hot water, you will firstly see marigold coming out. Several marigold float on the base of silver needle green tea and lily, which makes it look like a baby growing in parents’ arms, symbolizing the happy life of a family.

1. Where can this passage probably be taken from?
A.textbookB.research paperC.magazineD.shopping brochure
2. Why are the products sold in this store called “artistic” flower teas?
A.they are a combination of green tea leaves and various types of flowers
B.the flower teas are mainly made up of flowers
C.teas can be brewed in a tall clear glass or glass teapot
D.flower teas can bloom into beautiful artful shapes when brewed
3. Which of the following statement is True according to the passage?
A.If you want to marry someone, you can buy Family Happiness Flower Tea to show your love.
B.Candles should be used when brewing Christmas Tree Flower Tea to get warmth and hope.
C.True Love Silver Needle Flower Tea and Christmas Tree Flower Tea are produced in the same province.
D.Both Family Happiness Silver Needle Flower Tea and Family Happiness Flower Tea use green tea leaves to represent babies.
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9 . High employment, falling inflation (通货膨胀), and economic growth. On the surface, the US economy currently seems to be doing great. But as it turns out, things are not so rosy for the average American.

According to a March 6 survey conducted by the Savings website, 47 percent of US parents provide financial support to their adult children to help deal with the cost of living struggles.

Gen Zers (aged 18 — 27) were found to be the most likely generation to get financial help from their parents, receiving on average 1,515 dollars per month. Still, many older parents were found to support their Millennial (aged 28 — 43) or Generation X (aged 44 — 59) adult children, accounting for 21 percent of parents providing support. The most common expenses mentioned were groceries and health insurance.

But why are so many US adults, both young and old, struggling to “leave the nest”? One major reason is food prices. According to a survey, food prices are expected to increase by nearly 2.5 percent in 2024. Meanwhile, stable housing remains an elusive dream for many. The average rate for a 30-year mortgage (抵押贷款) was almost 8 percent in 2023, which means many Americans are priced out of affording their own home.

The final piece of the puzzle is falling salaries. Previous generations were able to count on graduating from college as the key to landing a job that paid well. But now, young graduates have found they earn less than their parents. College graduate salaries have decreased more than 10 percent in four decades after adjusting for inflation. In other words, steadily declining salaries make it even harder for young Americans to cope with rising costs.

As Gen Zers in the US struggle under financial pressures, so do the older generations supporting them, as their sharing puts their retirement at risk. The Savings website discovered that working parents were found to contribute “2.4 times more to support adult children than they contribute to their retirement accounts each month”.

Essentially, while the US economy remains afloat, we will witness multiple generations of Americans sinking in their own lifeboats in the years ahead.

1. What did the March 6 survey find out about adult children in the US?
A.Nearly half of them are financially dependent.
B.Over half of Gen Zers are financially struggling.
C.21 percent of Generation X receive parental help.
D.A majority of them rely on their parents for education.
2. What does the underlined word   “elusive”   in paragraph 4 most probably mean?
A.Readily accessible.B.Difficult to achieve.
C.Often misunderstood.D.Commonly sought after.
3. What can be inferred from the article about people in the US?
A.Graduates’ financial struggles are temporary.
B.Government policies favor older generations.
C.Salaries for graduates tend to keep up with inflation.
D.Financial pressures affect both the young and the old.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward the future of Americans?
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10 . How often have you wondered what the boy sitting across from you on the bus is really thinking? It seems that you will never really know for sure. After all, the content of our thoughts is unperceivable to anyone else.

Neuroscience (神经科学) research into how we think and what we’re thinking makes it possible to watch directly into the brain to read out the physical make-up of our thoughts, some would say to read our minds.

The technology that is changing what once was impossible in science into just plain science is a specialized use of MRI scanning (扫描) called “functional MRI”, fMRI for short. It makes it possible to see what’s going on inside the brain while people are thinking.

What neuroscientist Marcel Just and his colleagues have done is combine fMRI’s ability to look at the brain in action with computer science's new power to sort through massive amounts of data. The goal is to see if they could identify exactly what happens in the brain when people think specific thoughts.

They did an experiment where they asked subjects to think about ten objects—five of them tools like scissors or rulers, and live of them buildings like castles or towers. They then recorded and analyzed the activity in the subjects’ brains for each. When we think “ruler” or “tower” for example, Just says neurons start firing at varying levels of intensity (强度)   in different areas throughout the brain. “And we found that we could identify which object they were thinking about from their brain activation patterns (激活模式) . We're identifying the thought that’s taking place,” he said.

IMRI scanning has already been used to try to figure out what we want to buy and how to sell it to us. It’s a new field called “neuromarketing”. One of its pioneers, Gemma Calvert, says it’s a growing field. “What we’ve seen is a sort of snowballing effect over the last few years.”

1. Which can best replace the underlined word “unperceivable” in paragraph 1?
2. What is fMRI used to do?
A.Observe your physical activities.B.Introduce plain science to the public.
C.Figure out what you are thinking about.D.Find out how your brain is made up of.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The process of the experiment.B.The objects used in the experiment.
C.The major findings of the research.D.The subjects involved in the research.
4. What does Gemma Calvert think of neuromarketing?
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