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1 . Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list can certainly make you unhappy, but new research suggests that more free time might not be the magic medicine many of us dream it could be.

In a new study, researchers found that people with more free time generally had higher levels of subjective well-being, but only up to a point.

People who had up to two hours of free time a day generally reported they felt better than those who’d had less time. But people who had five or more hours of free time a day generally said they felt worse. So ultimately the free-time “sweet spot” might be two to three hours per day, the findings suggest.

Part of finding the “sweet spot” has to do with how people spend the extra time they have. The researchers conducted several smaller online experiments. In one they asked participants to imagine having 3½ to seven free hours per day. They were asked to imagine spending that time doing “productive” things (like exercising) or to imagine doing “unproductive” activities (like watching TV). Study participants believed their well-being would suffer if they had a lot of free time during the day, but only if they used it unproductively. In other words, how people use their free time matters.

Of course, what feels “productive” is up to you. If watching two hours of Real Housewives in your free time increases your happiness, you should do that. And even more traditionally productive or purposeful activities can be easy and fun. Engaging in a bit of low-key cardio, like walking, can help burn stress. Free-time activities like reading, cooking or gaming are also known to put people in a state of flow.

In cases when people do find themselves with huge amounts of free time, such as retirement or having left a job,” Sharif said, “our results suggest these individuals would benefit from spending their newfound time with purpose.”

1. According to the study, how many hours of free time brings the best feelings?
A.3 to 7 hours.B.5 hours or more.C.Up to 2 hours.D.2 or 3 hours.
2. Which of the following may the author agree with?
A.The busier, the happier.
B.The more free time, the better.
C.Purposeful activities increase happiness.
D.Retirement makes people depressed and unhappy.
3. Which of the following can put people in a state of flow?
A.Getting stuck in silence.B.Having a poor-quality sleep.
C.Struggling with a dull book.D.Enjoying classic music.
4. What’s Sharif’s advice for retirees?
A.To make a new schedule.B.To do more housework.
C.To watch more TV.D.To find a new job.
5. Which section of a newspaper can we find this passage?
2024-04-03更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023-2024学年辽宁省普通高中学业水平合格性考试沈阳市模拟英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。在肯尼亚长大的Lesein Mutunkei是一名足球队员,他发起了“一球一树(Trees4Goals)运动”,每进球一次,他为球队的每一位成员种一棵树,激励其他年轻人去保护环境。到目前为止,该运动已经种植了5100万棵树。

2 . Growing up in Kenya, Lesein Mutunkei, together with his family, always celebrated significant occasions by planting trees, which motivated him to protect the environment. It’s what the now 18-year-old soccer player treasures, especially since Kenya has an ongoing problem with deforestation.

Mutunkei follows in the footsteps of the late Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai who founded the Green Belt Movement in 1977. This initiative has resulted in the planting of over 51 million trees to date.

In 2018, Lesein decided to start a movement of his own. He started by planting one tree for every goal he scored during a football match. He called it Trees4Goals, and it has grown so much that he now plants 11 trees, one for each member of his team, every time he scores. Through this, he wants to inspire young people, specifically his fellow athletes, to follow in his footsteps, take nature conservation seriously, and promise to plant trees every time they score. As a result, some of them have adapted this practice for their sports. “Seeing that they’re taking that responsibility because of the project I started, for me, that is the biggest achievement,” he said.

The initiative has caught the attention of English football club Arsenal and Kenya’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry, which he now works with regularly and gets advice from.

Like Green Belt Movement, Trees4Goals, which has planted 5,500 trees so far, has made it. While Lesein has received some recognition for his initiative, he sets his sights on making it a worldwide phenomenon. “Football is a universal game, and climate change is a universal problem,” he explains. “It has the power to unite, educate and inspire my generation to create a safer and greener future.” This is why he wants to work with the world’s biggest football federation FIFA.

As for what others can do to fight deforestation or other environmental concerns, the teenager says it’s important to just get involved in some way, no matter how small.

1. What made Lesein get interested in environmental protection?
A.The influence of his family.
B.Wangari Maathai’s huge assistances.
C.The demand of the football team.
D.His fellow athletes’ encouragement.
2. Why did Lesein found Trees4Goals?
A.To gain Kenya’s support.
B.To set an example for others.
C.To catch Arsenal’s attention.
D.To show his achievements.
3. What is Lesein’s hope for the future of Trees4Goals?
A.Promoting football’s development.
B.Going global with the help of FIFA.
C.Beating climate change completely.
D.Getting beyond Green Belt Movement.
4. What can we learn from Lesein’s story?
A.Fame is a great thirst of the young.
B.A youth is to be regarded with respect.
C.Positive thinking and action result in success.
D.Success means getting personal desires satisfied.
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3 . It’s not great when a person breathes in all the oxygen out of a room. When a battery does it to a tumor (肿瘤), though, it could be a good thing.

Scientists have developed a new type of battery that can be implanted (植入) directly into tumors to deliver a steady stream of electricity. The battery is made from salt water and can be recharged by the body’s own heat. It works by splitting (使分离) salt water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. The hydrogen gas is then used to generate electricity, which can be used to kill cancer cells. The oxygen gas is released harmlessly into the body.

The new battery has several advantages over traditional cancer treatment. First, it is more targeted, meaning that it can deliver the electricity directly to the tumor cells, while sparing healthy cells. This can reduce the side effects of treatment. Second, the battery is self-charging, which means that it does not require surgery to remove or replace. This can make treatment more convenient and less expensive for patients. Third, the battery is small and lightweight, and it can be implanted directly into tumors. This means that patients will not have to need surgery to remove the battery, which can reduce the risk of complications.

The battery has been tested in animal studies, and it has been shown to be effective in killing cancer cells. The scientists who developed the battery are now planning to begin clinical trials in humans. They are thinking about how the battery might have to be made more flexible and more powerful to work on human-sized tumors. If the trials are successful, the battery could become a new standard of cancer treatment. It is a more targeted, convenient, and affordable way to deliver electricity to tumors. This could lead to more effective ways to treat cancer in humans.

1. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the new battery?
A.Its benefits.B.Its side effects.C.Its weight.D.Its working process.
2. What will the scientists do in the following study?
A.Test the treatment in humans.B.Reduce the cost of surgery.
C.Implant the battery into animals.D.Make the battery affordable.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward the new treatment?
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2024-03-31更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省朝阳市建平县普通高中2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要围绕Britney Gallivan打破对折纸片次数世界纪录的经历展开,详细描述了她的挑战过程、遇到的困难、解决问题的方法以及最终的成功,展现了她的坚持、努力和智慧,同时也传达了关于对折纸片次数的科学原理。

4 . A common claim states that a sheet of paper cannot be folded in half more than seven times. But is this true?

In 2002, Britney Gallivan, then a junior in high school in Pomona, California, folded a single piece of paper in half 12 times. She currently holds the Guinness World Record for the most times to fold a sheet of paper in half.

The prompt that led Gallivan to accomplish these feats was an extra-credit challenge in math class to fold anything in half 12 times. Her teacher asked the students to fold something thicker: a piece of paper.

Gallivan said “it was very frustrating, as I had many unsuccessful attempts at trying to fold different papers in half. I began to question if folding paper in half more than eight times could be impossible.” However, Gallivan recalled. “I knew I needed to understand what was limiting the folding progression.”

The equations that Gallivan came up with calculated how many times a sheet of paper could be folded. She found that in order to fold many times, a long thin sheet is needed — the more a sheet is folded, the thicker the resulting stack becomes, and once the stack becomes thicker than it is long, there is nothing left to fold. She ultimately set her record with a sheet of tissue paper she found online that was 4,000 feet (1,219 meters) — more than three-quarters of a mile, or over a kilometer — long, Guinness World Records noted.

“Working on the problem took a tremendous amount of time and effort,” Gallivan said. “As frustrating as it was at times, I learned an immense amount from the experience, which has been valuable to me throughout my life in more capacities than one would expect.”     

Since Gallivan set her record, others have made claims of folding a sheet of paper more than 12 times. Still, “I anticipate that my current record will be surpassed,” Gallivan said.

1. Which was commonly considered the most times that paper can be folded in half?
2. It is impossible to fold a paper in half more times when _____.
A.the stack is as thick as its lengthB.the paper is neither long nor thin
C.the stack is thicker than its lengthD.the paper is longer than its thickness
3. What can we learn about Gallivan’s attempts?
A.It’s risky.B.It’s fruitless.C.It’s meaningless.D.It’s energy-consuming.
4. What does Gallivan think of her experience?
5. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Gallivan’s record is impossible to break.
B.Folding paper in half is merely a math problem.
C.Folding things in half may not be limited to 12.
D.Folding paper 12 times is a required credit in maths class.
2024-03-31更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023-2024学年辽宁省普通高中学业水平合格性考试沈阳市模拟英语试题
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5 . In recent studies we have been investigating mirror writing by typical 4- to 6-year-old children. The term is used because the characters — numbers and capital letters — are reversed (反向), yet are correct when looked at in a mirror.

Mirror writing entered the scientific literature in 1878. The explanations for the phenomenon were not only insufficient but also often wrong. One of them is — writing with the left hand. Throughout the 20th century, scientific journals have published mirror writing mostly produced by left-handed children. Even today, left-handedness is often the favorite explanation of teachers when children produce mirror writing.

The explanation we find for the phenomenon of mirror writing of characters works on two successive levels, the first cerebral and the second behavioral. The cerebral level shows that the brain removes orientation (left or right) when storing images, a process called symmetrisation or mirror generalization. This mirror-generalization process leads children aged 5 to know, from memory, the shape of the characters, but not their left/right orientation. Given the features of the process — horizontal mirror in the visual modality (视觉模式) — it is important to note that the initial learning of the form of the characters by the children is mainly visual, and that the children only produce horizontal mirror writing.

At the behavioral level, when children write the characters from memory, they must give them an orientation. In countries whose primary languages are written in Latin characters — written from left to right — children most often point them toward the right. This leads them to reverse mainly the left-oriented characters: J, Z, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 9. However, when spatial constraints cause them to write from right to left, the children instead reverse the right-oriented letters.

Since this explanation has nothing to do with the handedness of the children, it can be predicted that right-handed children will reverse characters almost often as left-handed children, and that – left-handed or right-handed – children will primarily reverse left-oriented characters in Western culture. This is because they strictly orient the characters in the direction of writing.

1. What aspect of a character does mirror generalization help children to know?
A.Its form.B.Its pronunciation.
C.Its meaning.D.Its orientation.
2. Which paragraph shows why mirror writing is reversed horizontally rather than vertically (垂直)?
A.Paragraph 2.B.Paragraph 3.
C.Paragraph 4.D.Paragraph 5.
3. Which of the following is likely to be reversed by a child writing from right to left?
A.M.B.C. C.8.D.9.
4. What can we learn from the study?
A.Handedness is the main reason for mirror writing.
B.Right-handed children won’t write reversed characters.
C.Left-handed children reverse right-oriented characters more often.
D.Children in the US tend to primarily reverse left-oriented characters.
2024-03-31更新 | 142次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省东北育才学校科学高中部2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Lena Mars与父母一起在海边度假吃蛋糕时,被一只突如其来的鬣蜥咬伤手指头,不久女孩的手指长出肿块,辗转之后方找到致病原因,得以有效治疗。

6 . Lena Mars and her parents had taken a trip to Costa Rica. While enjoying one of the country’s many beautiful beaches, the girl’s parents gave her a snack. But it turned out that she wasn’t the only one who was hungry: A wild iguana (鬣蜥) appeared unexpectedly as the girl at e her cake by the water. The iguana ran up to the girl and bit her on the back of her left middle finger, causing her to drop the cake. The animal then ran off with the snack, but it did leave something else behind.

The Mars immediately took the girl to a local clinic, where a doctor disinfected the wound with alcohol and gave her some antibiotics (抗生素). The wound appeared to have cleared up in about two weeks. It was five months later, when Lena’s parents noticed a coin-sized bump (肿块) on her hand in the same spot causing mild pain, that they thought they should take her to another doctor.

The doctor removed the 2-centimeter mass and took a closer look at the growth in the lab and discovered that the child had a rare infection that more commonly causes a tuberculosis-like illness in fish. It’s ubiquitous in fresh and salt water but rarely infects humans. Typically, when humans are infected, it’s after a wound has been exposed to the bacteria in water.

Most antibiotics alone don’t work on these kinds of infections, so the doctor gave the girl a different medical treatment often used for skin infections. She responded well to the treatment.

“Generally, iguanas will go about their day. But like any wildlife, if they start associating people with food, they’re going to risk coming closer.” said Anna Meyer, operations manager at a zoo in Florida. “The lesson here is that no one should feed wildlife, because they will most likely give you a bite.”

1. What can we learn about Lena Mars?
A.She tried to feed an animal.B.She was bitten by an iguana.
C.She left the cake on the beach.D.She found a rare wild animal.
2. Why did Lena’s parents take her to another doctor?
A.The antibiotics were harmful.B.They distrusted the first doctor.
C.Her wound became infected.D.She took the medicine wrongly.
3. What does the underlined word “ubiquitous” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What did Anna Meyer want to say about feeding wildlife?
A.It is good for wildlife.B.It puts animals in danger.
C.It is a risky behavior.D.It gets us close to nature.
2024-03-30更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省朝阳市建平县普通高中2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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7 . Someone has put forward a dream home which is so advanced that its kitchen can suggest what to make with certain things. Also, a Microsoft home doesn’t just warn you when you’re out of milk — it can send you a fresh gallon.

But are these innovations just magic, or are they really coming soon to a neighborhood near you? To find out, US News asked some experts to get their opinions about the home of the not-so-distant future. Here’s a look at the innovations.

The housing boom was marked by mass-produced buildings filled with units which look the same. The coming years, however, will give way to a personalized approach to home construction, with houses as more of an instrument of self-expression. “The successful builders will be the ones that figure out how to change their production model enough to make the buyers feel like they are really getting something that is designed for them, not just a model,” says Kermit Baker, the chief economist at the American Institute of Architects.

Future homes will probably become smaller. “We will be building smaller but smarter houses,” says Ed MeMahon, a senior resident fellow at the Urban Land Institute. “Instead of having a room for just one use, consumers will demand homes that make better use of space,” says Susanka, whose best-selling book, The Not So Big House, has become increasingly influential in home design. Seldom-used quarters, such as dining and living rooms, will be replaced with space that can serve both functions. “The goal of his ‘right-size’ home is to fit its owners like a specially cut suit rather than a jacket you buy in a store,” says Susanka.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To present the main idea the passage.B.To present what the future house is like.
C.To lead to the topic of the passage.D.To show the history the housing.
2. What were houses like during the housing boom?
A.Almost all the houses had no their own features.
B.The houses were designed according to owners’ idea.
C.The houses were smaller but smarter than before.
D.The houses could change production model easily.
3. What kind of house may be popular in the future?
A.Those that are much bigger and brighter.B.Those that are much smaller but smarter.
C.Those that are much bigger and smarter.D.Those that are environmental and energy saving.
4. What’s Susanka’s opinion about smart house?
A.Smart houses have a room for every use.B.Smart houses can make better use of space.
C.Smart houses have very advanced furniture.D.Smart houses can warn you when you’re out of milk.
2024-03-29更新 | 152次组卷 | 3卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市联合体2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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8 . There’s been lots of concern recently about the potential dangers of microwave popcorn (爆米花), but is this concern founded, or just overmuch fear-spreading? The answer is that many of the chemicals that caused worry in earlier decades have been removed from microwave popcorn, but some critics still are not satisfied.

“You may consider popcorn to be a low-calorie, high-fiber snack, but microwave popcorn isn’t a healthy choice,” explains nutrition expert Dan DeFigio. That’s because microwave popcorn bags were coated with perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) to prevent oil substance from leaking out. One particular type of PFC, known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), has been linked to certain cancers, but the American Cancer Society says the evidence is unsure and more research is being done about this.

Nevertheless, in response to concerns about PFCs, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) worked with popcorn makers back in 2011 to remove PFOA from their packaging. Three more PFCs were banned in the next five years. So today’s microwave popcorn doesn’t have these chemicals, but critics say that the alternatives could cause problems as the old ones, but less is known about them.

That’s not the only problem, however. The chemical that for decades lent buttery deliciousness to popcorn has also been connected in rare cases with major lung damage. Known as diacetyl (二乙酰), it’s long been a documented problem with workers in popcorn making facilities, but also can be risky for people who just eat the snack a lot. A 2007 study published in the journal Critical Reviews found that more than 80 percent of chemical release happened when the bag was opened post-popping. Although diacetyl has been removed from most products, some critics claim that the alternative to diacetyl is also harmful.

Most of the exposure to diacetyl came from inbreathing rather than eating popcorn. Therefore, experts recommend at least waiting for the bag to cool before you open it to reduce potentially harmful chemical exposure. Better yet, make your own fresh at home with an air popper. If you like to flavor it, add organic butter or some cheese.

1. What can we know about PFOA from the text?
A.PFOA doesn’t exist in Popcorn bags in America currently.
B.PFOA can stop the leak of nutrition.
C.PFOA in popcorn bags leads to cancer.
D.PFOA has been removed from PFCs.
2. According to the text, who are most probably exposed to diacetyl?
A.Critics claiming diacetyl is harmful.
B.Workers making popcorn in factories.
C.People making popcorn with an air popper.
D.Consumers eating microwave popcorn occasionally.
3. What does the last paragraph intend to tell us?
A.How to flavor popcorn.
B.How to make popcorn at home.
C.How to make popcorn safer.
D.How to find alternatives to diacetyl.
4. What is the topic of the text?
A.Is Popcorn a Healthy Choice?
B.Should We Ban Microwave Popcorn?
C.Should PFCs Be Removed from Microwave Popcorn?
D.Is Microwave Popcorn Really Dangerous?
2024-03-26更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省部分重点学校2023-2024学年高二上学期10月阶段联考英语试题
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9 . Long Walks in Europe

Waldstätterweg Trail, Lucerne, Switzerland

Distance 71 miles

The Waldstätterweg Trail (路线) is one of the safest when it comes to snowy conditions, and the views and the colours of the trees are breathtaking at the end of October. This seven-stage route trails the shore of Lake Lucerne, with the glaring blue water being a constant companion. Old paths and elegant trails through woods link lakeside settlements.

Harz Witches Trail, Lower Saxony, Germany

Distance 58 miles

The Harz Mountains have long been associated with German folklore (民俗). Harz Witches Trail runs along forest tracks through Harz National Park and can be walked throughout October and beyond. The route takes in forests, Germany’s largest wooden church, and a 439-metre rope suspension bridge. It also follows the poet Goethe’s hiking route up the Brocken.

GR141, Andalucía, Spain

Distance 68 miles

Autumn isn’t just a good time to walk in Andalucía. The weather stays warm long after winter starts to bite further north. It’s cheaper and less crowded, too. In November, conditions are milder here and some plants continue to flower. And two newly created GR routes begin here: both are well marked, reasonably challenging, divided into six stages and walkable in a week.

Menalon Trail, Peloponnese, Greece

Distance 47 miles

The Menalon Trail is an excellent option for autumn. Temperatures are pleasant and autumn colours are wonderful well into November. It’s a quiet time to visit, too. Nights in mountain villages are a highlight. Dimitsana, surrounded by pine forests and snowy peaks, is a particular jewel; In Stemnitsa, there is a folklore museum showcasing the village’s jewellery-making heritage.

1. Which trail may attract people who are interested in folk and local religious culture?
A.Harz Witches Trail.B.Waldstätterweg Trail .
C.GR141.D.Menalon Trail.
2. What can people do on Menalon Trail?
A.Admire colorful flowers.B.Learn about local festivals.
C.Enjoy wonderful nights.D.Explore the forests.
3. What do the listed four trails have in common?
A.They cover similar distances.B.They require no charges.
C.They feature snow scenery.D.They suit autumn walks.
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10 . Lonely Planet’s Top Places to Go in 2024

Are you looking for inspiration for your next travel destination? Lonely Planet has published its yearly list of top places to go. Whether you’re looking for adventure, culture, or value, there’s something for every type of traveler. Let’s explore the. top picks for travel destinations in 2024.

Top City: Nairobi

Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, was chosen for its unique music and dance culture, and impressive local restaurants. Nairobi National Park, just a short drive out of the city’s central business district, is a must-see, where visitors can see over-400 species wandering the open grass plains while skyscrapers twinkle on the horizon.

Top Country: Mongolia

Mongolia is loved for its wide-open spaces, adventure activities, and unique food. The Mongolian government has announced 2023 through. 2025: as: the “Years to Visit Mongolia“, easing entry conditions for international travelers and improving public facilities, including a new $ 650 million airport.

Top Sustainable Travel Destination: Spain

The publisher also recommended Spain for the country’s efforts to expand renewable energy, to develop off-season travel, and to bring tourism to new destinations, such as the port city of Valencia, easing pressures on hot spots such as Barcelona.   

Top Best-Value Location: The American Midwest

The American Midwest, including the cities of Chicago and Detroit, is also on the list, as it offers a high-quality travel experience at a reasonable cost. Visitors can enjoy excellent services and facilities. such as old warehouses transformed into art studios, new eco-design hotels, and Michelin-starred restaurants, without having to spend too much money.

Top Beach Destination: Donegal

Donegal Ireland’s most northwestern county, has the country’s longest coastline and over 100 beaches, where visitors can enjoy the highest sea cliffs in Europe and miles of beautiful coastal hiking trails.

1. What can people do in Nairobi National Park?
A.Enjoy adventure activities.B.Taste local delicious cuisine.
C.See various wild animals.D.Appreciate musical performances.
2. Why is The American Midwest considered to be the Best-Value Location?
A.It has simplified entry procedures.B.It offers cost-effective experiences.
C.It combines art with natural scenery.D.It provides good transportation services.
3. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To entertain.B.To analyse.C.To inform.D.To report.
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