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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了Sable Marie Cady Johnson创建《美食卡车计划》,来让学生与戏剧联系起来。

1 . When Sable Marie Cady Johnson saw a poster online advertising a food truck, it inspired her to create the innovative project, a Shakespeare Food Truck Festival, to connect students with the Shakespeare’s plays they’re studying in her class. Her idea became a reality on April 28. Nearly 200 students designed and built cardboard outline of food trucks from which they sold food during a mid-morning activity period.

Students were given two options when creating their food trucks. The first option was a character’s truck in which students were asked to imagine that one character from the current play they’re studying has decided to leave everything behind and take a food truck out on the road. Students had to design the truck from the view of the character, making appearance, theme, staffing and menu choices based on all they have learned about him or her.

The second option was a themed food truck in which students were asked to imagine what famous authors, publishers, journalists would be eating when visiting a world literary conference. The truck needed to represent a current play being studied and choices of appearance, theme and menu had to be based on elements from the text of that play.

The festival took place in the cafeteria, which was filled wall-to-wall with 45 food trucks. The students worked in teams to staff their food trucks. Two juniors at the Murderous Meals food truck — Breamna Allen and David Newsome — were excited about their Macbeth-themed eatery. “It took two days for us to come up with the theme and three days to create the truck,” said Newsome. “We were able to integrate what we’ve learned in the classroom by designing our food truck around the play.”

“This is awesome,” said Johnson. “It’s beyond my expectations. It took lots of time and lots of creativity. I loved watching the students engage in this project and make it their own. Money raised from the festival will be donated to the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts in Hatfield.”

1. What was the purpose of Johnson launching the project of a Shakespeare Food Truck Festival?
A.To show honor to Shakespeare.B.To get students connected with plays.
C.To raise students’ sense of charity.D.To let students experience a different life.
2. What should students selecting the first option do?
A.Rent a truck and decorate it.B.Name the menu as they like.
C.Choose a character from the plays of Shakespeare.D.Sell items in a food truck on the road.
3. How does Johnson find the project?
A.Time-consuming but rewarding.B.Expensive but meaningful.
C.Demanding but insignificant.D.Risky but valuable.
4. Which one can be the best title for the text?
A.Bite into Shakespeare for Food Truck ProjectB.A Thoughtful and Creative Teacher
C.The Power of Shakespeare’s PlaysD.Engage Students in Books by Role Performance
2024-07-18更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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2 . Continuous drought, along with disease, war and worn-out soils, caused the collapse of the Mayan civilization. But it was always thought that hurricanes were the driving factor, fueling the lack of rain, until new research showed that these storms did not in fact destroy these ancient people.

Scientists from Skidmore College explain how an ancient stalagmite (石笋) found in a cave in the northern Yucatan Peninsula provides evidence. The study found hurricane activity during the last years of the Maya was not much different from earlier or later centuries.

According to the study, seasonal rainfall — partly from tropical storms and hurricanes — was of great importance to the Maya, who lived on the Yucatan Peninsula. When a big hurricane struck the region, the cave in which the stalagmite was found would flood for days, leaving a coating of mud behind, including one on the stalagmite.

Stalagmites are rock formations that form on cave floors, created from the accumulation of mineral deposits from the ceiling. By counting the annual layers within the stalagmite and seeing which years contained mud layers, the researchers were able to estimate year-to-year hurricane activity. “The stalagmite is a 2,200-year record of climate in the region,” lead author Amy Benoit Frappier said. “It left annual mud layers like tree rings.”

As it turns out, there was plenty of mud left behind, indicating that the cave frequently flooded and hurricanes were plentiful right before the Mayan civilization collapsed. So hurricanes did not in fact destroy the Mayan civilization, but the severe droughts they experienced the rest of the time ultimately led to their collapse. The Maya had not only survived the five earlier droughts but had continued to build and grow. So, why couldn’t they withstand the last two?

“They had a huge population and had made fundamental changes in the landscape,” said Frappier. To support both farms and cities of 60,000 to 100,000, she explained, the May a had cut down forests and expanded agriculture into lowland wetlands. These moves consumed water that could not be spared during periods of drought, which strengthened the drought that was already present.

1. What’s the common misunderstanding about hurricanes during the Mayan civilization?
A.Their activities followed a regular pattern.
B.They sped up the collapse of the Mayan civilization.
C.They brought plentiful freshwater resources.
D.Their attacks seriously threatened the safety of the Maya.
2. Why did Frappier compare mud layers to tree rings?
A.To explain the formation process of the stalagmite.
B.To show the effect of climate change on the stalagmite.
C.To highlight the destruction of ancient stalagmites by hurricanes.
D.To stress the stalagmite’s ability to record hurricane activity.
3. What does the underlined word “withstand” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
4. What does Frappier’s explanation in the last paragraph want to stress?
A.The impact of human activity on the drought then.
B.The adaptability of the Maya to the drought.
C.The poor living conditions of the Maya.
D.The importance of agriculture in the Mayan civilization.
2024-07-18更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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3 . Green hydrogen is now part of the global strategy to reduce carbon footprint and switch to renewable energy sources. Together with electric cars, hydrogen engines are intended to become the main alternative to traditional vehicles.

Hydrogen emits only water when burned. But creating it can be carbon-intensive. So various ways to lessen this impact have been developed and scientists assign colors to the different types to distinguish between them. And green hydrogen is the only type produced in a climate-neutral manner, meaning it could play a vital role in global efforts to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050. Green hydrogen is produced in an environmentally friendly way without the use of nuclear energy and natural gas. Instead, the most harmless method called electrolysis is used. During the process, electric current is passed through a substance to effect (引起) a chemical change. This will get rid of 830 million tons of harmful carbon dioxide emissions per year.

Now, when the cost of solar and wind energy is falling rapidly, there is a chance for the massive introduction of hydrogen energy. In this regard, Europe began to create the necessary facilities and production based on electrolysis. The International Energy Agency marks a record increase in electrolysis for the production of green hydrogen. It predicts that the price of hydrogen fuel will fall by at least 30% by 2030, making it as affordable as other fuels. According to Allied Market Research, the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market will reach $42 billion by 2026. The key factors that impact the growth of the global market also include increase in environmental concerns, technological advancement and future potential.

Hydrogen-powered cars are already produced by some giant automakers. California will build 100 hydrogen filling stations, and plan to bring the number of zero-emission vehicles to 1.5 million by 2025. Airbus has announced plans to accelerate development of commercial hydrogen-powered jets and do away with the use of mixed engines altogether. This means the first zero-emission aircraft will be available by 2035.

1. What do different colors of hydrogen stand for?
A.The level of potential dangers.B.The popularity ranking in the market.
C.The quantity of carbon emission while creating it.D.The amounts of water emission while burning it.
2. How is green hydrogen produced?
A.By burning natural gas.B.By causing nuclear reaction.
C.By burning carbon dioxide.D.By using electric current.
3. What do the figures in paragraphs 3 and 4 indicate?
A.Hydrogen fuel has been widely applied.B.The future of green hydrogen is promising.
C.The green hydrogen has a long way to go.D.The cost of solar energy is rising sharply.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Hydrogen-powered cars are coming to the market.B.The first zero-emission aircraft will be available.
C.Hydrogen technology helps restore the economy.D.Green hydrogen is replacing traditional energy.
2024-07-18更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了视障的Annalee Smith决心追求自己的模特梦想,为了提高人们对残疾人的认识,她举办了一场时装秀,邀请16名视障的模特参加。

4 . A Hempstead woman who is visually impaired(损害) hosted a fashion show in Valley Stream, featuring 16 models with similar conditions in an event designed to bring awareness to the disabled.

Annalee Smith, 41, who is diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa(色素性视网膜炎), which can result in loss of eyesight, says the show will raise money for the Foundation Fighting Blindness while showing, “regardless of our disability, we can still threw light on every step that we take through fashion”. Putting together the event has been her way of trying to change the fashion world.

Originally from Barbados, Smith moved with her family to New York City at age 12 and went through the Hempstead school district. While at Long Island University in Brooklyn, Smith originally majored in nursing but changed to occupational therapy(职业疗法) as her eyes got worse. A passion for fashion and modeling always remained in her. She applied to different model agencies and other opportunities but didn’t hear back except for one.

A clothes company LaTeffaney Scott holds a model competition, now in its 10th year, in which the winner is the face of the company for the year. Smith won last year. “No one expects a visually impaired young lady to take on a runway,” said Scott. “She did some reflection and she came up with this idea of doing the fashion show.”

Kenya Brown, who developed glaucoma(青光眼) shortly after birth, said after finding out about the event via social media she wanted to be a part of the message. “I think the general public does not understand that people that live with disabilities have to actively work to be part of society. Those of us that are able to motivate ourselves enough to do productive things, or function well in society should be celebrated,” said Brown, who will be one of the models at the fashion show.

1. Why did Annalee Smith hold the fashion show?
A.To make a big fortune.B.To make herself accepted as a model.
C.To realize her dream in her childhood.D.To help people understand those with disabilities.
2. What made Annalee become a model?
A.Her eye disease.B.Her family’s support.
C.Her major in the college.D.Her love for fashion and modeling.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Annalee Smith?
A.Considerate and stubborn.B.Confident and generous.
C.Determined and ambitious.D.Miserable and respectable.
4. What can we know from Brown’s words in the last paragraph?
A.People with disabilities are working passively.
B.The disabled helpful to society should be praised.
C.All the people with disabilities should be respected.
D.The disabled have the potential to change themselves.
2024-07-18更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省锦州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷
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5 . Senior IT Auditor(审计员) Wanted

IAC is recruiting(招聘) auditors. You will be responsible for completing assigned audits from start to finish. You will work as part of a small team identifying IT risks within the business. The range of the work is global, including the UK business and group audits. You will be responsible for managing key relationships, including working closely with senior leadership across the world.

A successful candidate may hold a professional qualification, although this is not compulsorily required. You should have a good capability in relationship management—it is essential that you are an enthusiastic and confident team player.

This is an amazing opportunity to join a fun and energetic media organization with a fantastic culture. We are devoted to being an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment regardless of age, race, color, religion, gender, national origin, physical condition.

When applying for this role, you must agree with our use of your data for the purpose of providing recruitment services. If you wish to contact us in regard to your data, please email us via our profile page by clicking on the IAC logo. Additionally, applying for any job listed on CareersinRisk.com, you should agree to our terms and privacy policies. You should never be required to provide bank account details. If you are, please email us.

Interested? Sign up to apply quickly. Remember to send your most updated resume as soon as possible. Your offer will be sent to you via email by our staff and we look forward to having you, full of courage to accept the challenge, join the family of IAC.

1. Which of the following is the work of the position?
A.Building small teams.B.Mastering different languages.
C.Cooperating well with others.D.Assigning work to other auditors.
2. What is a must for the candidates?
A.A professional qualification.B.Enthusiasm and confidence.
C.Having British nationality.D.Being healthy and young.
3. How can the candidates contact the company about their own information?
A.By email.B.By telephone.
C.By clicking CareersinRisk.com.D.By visiting the company.
2024-07-18更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省锦州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷
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6 . It’s known that reading is good for a child’s vocabulary and literacy skills, teaching them math or science concepts and helping them learn history. Apart from those, reading has another benefit. Have you read a story and felt tears well up because of a character’s suffering? If so, that is because you have empathy (共鸣) for the character- and empathy can be learned through various fiction. “It’s a magic eye that sees into other people’s hearts,” explains author Cressida Cowell.

Research shows that human brains react differently to stories and facts. “Many more areas of your brain light up when you’re enjoying a story,” explains Miranda McKearney from Empathy Lab, an organization that builds empathy through reading. “Your brain thinks you are in the story... This means you experience the characters’ thoughts as if they are real.”

Empathy helps you to read people’s emotions and work out the best way to respond. This skill, called emotional intelligence, can make it easier to communicate and connect with people. Research has shown that building empathy can lead to greater kindness and tolerance. One study found that children who read the Harry Potter novels- which tell stories about humans fighting against the evil-were less likely to behave unfairly towards powerless groups including refugees (难民).

This theory has been put into practice by St. Michael’s Primary School. After reading The Boy at the Back of the Class- a story about a boy who is a refugee escaping from the war- students in that school were inspired to do a 10-mile walk for the non-profit organization Refugee Action. Their empathy also spurred them to raise £1,000 for people who were forced to leave their homes because of war.

Reading encourages children to empathise with others, which could potentially lead to several beneficial learning outcomes, new research suggests. For society to develop, creative, communicative and empathetic individuals really matter.

1. Why do readers cry about a character’s experience?
A.They have magic eyes.B.They want to show empathy.
C.They understand his feelings.D.They have the same experience.
2. What does the author show by referring to the Harry Potter novels?
A.The process of building empathy.B.The benefits of developing empathy.
C.The results of the school’s experiment.D.The definition of emotional intelligence.
3. What does the underlined word “spurred” mean in paragraph 4?
4. What might the author advise children to do?
A.Read more fiction.B.Learn the theory of empathy.
C.Participate in Refugee Action.D.Put themselves into others’ shoes.
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Artistic flower teas, also called blooming teas, are a combination of green tea leaves and various types of flowers such as Globe Amaranth, Marigold, Lily, Jasmine, Osmanhtus and Carnation Flower, skillfully tied together into bundles.The specially designed flower teas will bloom into beautiful, artful shapes when brewed (冲泡). By the time enjoying the sweet scent of it you can also view the tea displaying as flowers in the water. They therefore should be brewed in a tall clear glass or glass teapot. Bring this charming and attractive flower tea to your customers by cooperating with Teas and Thes on the wholesale of flower teas.

Product Name Origins


Family Happiness Silver Needle Flower Tea, Fuding, Fujian, China

SKU: W06023000

When the little round tea is swelling in the hot water, you will firstly see jasmine coming out through the crack between green tea’s leave.Several jasmines float in a line, looking like a baby growing in parents’ arms.

Product Name Origins


True Love Silver Needle Flower Tea, Fuding, Fujian, China

SKU: W06011000

True Love Flowering Tea is made up of high quality Silver Needle Green Tea, Jasmine, Marigo ld and Amaranth flowers.When brewed, it looks like two people standing and looking at each other. Sharing this tea is the perfect way to tell someone how much you love him/her.

Product Name Origins


Christmas Tree Flower Tea, Hulin, Fujian, China

SKU: W06018000

Look at this Christmas Tree Flower Tea: the Globe Amaranth, Chrysanthemum and Marigold are strung together into a line, just looking like a Christmas tree when blooming. The red Chrysanthemum and Marigold are just like candles, bringing warmness and hope.

Product Name Origins


Family Happiness Flower Tea, Hulin or Fuding, Fujian, China

SKU: W06019000

When the little round tea is swelling in the hot water, you will firstly see marigold coming out. Several marigold float on the base of silver needle green tea and lily, which makes it look like a baby growing in parents’ arms, symbolizing the happy life of a family.

1. Where can this passage probably be taken from?
A.textbookB.research paperC.magazineD.shopping brochure
2. Why are the products sold in this store called “artistic” flower teas?
A.they are a combination of green tea leaves and various types of flowers
B.the flower teas are mainly made up of flowers
C.teas can be brewed in a tall clear glass or glass teapot
D.flower teas can bloom into beautiful artful shapes when brewed
3. Which of the following statement is True according to the passage?
A.If you want to marry someone, you can buy Family Happiness Flower Tea to show your love.
B.Candles should be used when brewing Christmas Tree Flower Tea to get warmth and hope.
C.True Love Silver Needle Flower Tea and Christmas Tree Flower Tea are produced in the same province.
D.Both Family Happiness Silver Needle Flower Tea and Family Happiness Flower Tea use green tea leaves to represent babies.
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8 . High employment, falling inflation (通货膨胀), and economic growth. On the surface, the US economy currently seems to be doing great. But as it turns out, things are not so rosy for the average American.

According to a March 6 survey conducted by the Savings website, 47 percent of US parents provide financial support to their adult children to help deal with the cost of living struggles.

Gen Zers (aged 18 — 27) were found to be the most likely generation to get financial help from their parents, receiving on average 1,515 dollars per month. Still, many older parents were found to support their Millennial (aged 28 — 43) or Generation X (aged 44 — 59) adult children, accounting for 21 percent of parents providing support. The most common expenses mentioned were groceries and health insurance.

But why are so many US adults, both young and old, struggling to “leave the nest”? One major reason is food prices. According to a survey, food prices are expected to increase by nearly 2.5 percent in 2024. Meanwhile, stable housing remains an elusive dream for many. The average rate for a 30-year mortgage (抵押贷款) was almost 8 percent in 2023, which means many Americans are priced out of affording their own home.

The final piece of the puzzle is falling salaries. Previous generations were able to count on graduating from college as the key to landing a job that paid well. But now, young graduates have found they earn less than their parents. College graduate salaries have decreased more than 10 percent in four decades after adjusting for inflation. In other words, steadily declining salaries make it even harder for young Americans to cope with rising costs.

As Gen Zers in the US struggle under financial pressures, so do the older generations supporting them, as their sharing puts their retirement at risk. The Savings website discovered that working parents were found to contribute “2.4 times more to support adult children than they contribute to their retirement accounts each month”.

Essentially, while the US economy remains afloat, we will witness multiple generations of Americans sinking in their own lifeboats in the years ahead.

1. What did the March 6 survey find out about adult children in the US?
A.Nearly half of them are financially dependent.
B.Over half of Gen Zers are financially struggling.
C.21 percent of Generation X receive parental help.
D.A majority of them rely on their parents for education.
2. What does the underlined word   “elusive”   in paragraph 4 most probably mean?
A.Readily accessible.B.Difficult to achieve.
C.Often misunderstood.D.Commonly sought after.
3. What can be inferred from the article about people in the US?
A.Graduates’ financial struggles are temporary.
B.Government policies favor older generations.
C.Salaries for graduates tend to keep up with inflation.
D.Financial pressures affect both the young and the old.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward the future of Americans?
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9 . How often have you wondered what the boy sitting across from you on the bus is really thinking? It seems that you will never really know for sure. After all, the content of our thoughts is unperceivable to anyone else.

Neuroscience (神经科学) research into how we think and what we’re thinking makes it possible to watch directly into the brain to read out the physical make-up of our thoughts, some would say to read our minds.

The technology that is changing what once was impossible in science into just plain science is a specialized use of MRI scanning (扫描) called “functional MRI”, fMRI for short. It makes it possible to see what’s going on inside the brain while people are thinking.

What neuroscientist Marcel Just and his colleagues have done is combine fMRI’s ability to look at the brain in action with computer science's new power to sort through massive amounts of data. The goal is to see if they could identify exactly what happens in the brain when people think specific thoughts.

They did an experiment where they asked subjects to think about ten objects—five of them tools like scissors or rulers, and live of them buildings like castles or towers. They then recorded and analyzed the activity in the subjects’ brains for each. When we think “ruler” or “tower” for example, Just says neurons start firing at varying levels of intensity (强度)   in different areas throughout the brain. “And we found that we could identify which object they were thinking about from their brain activation patterns (激活模式) . We're identifying the thought that’s taking place,” he said.

IMRI scanning has already been used to try to figure out what we want to buy and how to sell it to us. It’s a new field called “neuromarketing”. One of its pioneers, Gemma Calvert, says it’s a growing field. “What we’ve seen is a sort of snowballing effect over the last few years.”

1. Which can best replace the underlined word “unperceivable” in paragraph 1?
2. What is fMRI used to do?
A.Observe your physical activities.B.Introduce plain science to the public.
C.Figure out what you are thinking about.D.Find out how your brain is made up of.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The process of the experiment.B.The objects used in the experiment.
C.The major findings of the research.D.The subjects involved in the research.
4. What does Gemma Calvert think of neuromarketing?
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10 . Recently, more than 1,000 researchers and executives signed an open letter calling for a pause (暂停) in research on artificial intelligence. The letter warns that AI may threaten jobs, spread propaganda (宣传), and even lead to the “loss of control of our civilization”. Many of the signatories (签署者) are thoughtful and experienced AI practitioners. Their concerns should be taken seriously. On balance, though, their approach is likely to evolve into an opposition to progress.

Consider the broader worldview expressed in this document. It said, “Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and risks manageable.” This is a formula for complete stop, as no one can ever be so confident. The history of innovation is one of trial and error, risk and reward. One reason why the US leads the world in digital technology is that it did not constrain (约束) the industry with well-meaning but doubtful regulation. Slowing Al progress, moreover, carries risks all its own. Don't forget that this technology is likely to make the world richer, healthier, smarter and more productive for decades to come. By 2030, it might be contributing more than $15 trillion to the global economy. Advances in medicine, biology, climate science, education, manufacturing, transportation and much more are on the horizon. Any new rules must be balanced against the vast potential of these efforts.

Nor is AI research advancing into a void (空白领域). The industry already operates within legal parameters (范畴) in response to potential harms. Companies have ensured their products are safe. Trade associations are developing codes of conduct and ethical frameworks. Far from the“ out-of-control race”, the AI business is constrained by law and politics and consumer sentiment (情绪).

It's natural to worry about new technologies, but the wealth and abundance of American society is due in no small part to risks taken in the past, in a spirit of openness and optimism. The AI revolution deserves no less.

1. Why did the researchers and executives sign the open letter?
A.Because the research on AI had been paused.
B.Because AI had uncontrollably destroyed human civilization.
C.Because they were worried about the potential risks of AI.
D.Because they were more experienced than others in AI field.
2. Why is the US mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To support that innovation comes from taking risks.
B.To stress that the US is very important in the digital field.
C.To draw attention to the benefits of well-meaning regulations.
D.To reveal those people's real purpose of signing the letter.
3. What can we infer from this passage?
A.Al technology consumes more money than it can earn.
B.Society will hugely benefit from AI technology in the future.
C.The AI industry is now developing without any restrictions.
D.The development of AI technology is just a solo effort.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Regulations on AI are well-intended but doubtful.
B.The future of AI is filled with unmanageable risks.
C.AI safety concerns justify a temporary research pause.
D.A pause in AI would hold back progress in innovation.
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