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1 . It all began in Everett, Washington, where my project team was in the process of conducting one of our business systems. So tough was the project that we often stayed up completing the tasks assigned. All of us were worn out. One night, as I walked through the parking lot with one of my employees. I found a cent and picked it up. Glancing at my exhausted employee. I suddenly had an idea to delight him. Jokingly, I presented the cent to the employee and said, "This is an informal award for your efforts." He put the cent in his pocket. "Thank you," he said, a wave of joy sweeping across his face.

About six months later, I was walking with the same employee, this time in Los Alamitos, California, when I again found a cent and gave it to him with the same words.

Later, I got into his office and there, taped on a piece of paper, were the two cents, which made me surprised. He said he was displaying them as his recognition for a job well done.

Other employees noticed the cents proudly displayed and began asking why they hadn't received any. They were also longing for the "reward". It was then that I started handing out cents, explaining that they were for recognition, not for reward. Soon, so many people wanted them that I designed a cent holder. The front features a place for a cent and beside it the phrase, "Your work is recognized!" The back has room for 30 more cents and the phrase, "Your achievements count!"

One time, I spotted an employee, Mia, doing something right and wanted to recognize her, but I didn't have a cent, so I gave her a quarter. Later the same day she stopped by and returned 24 cents.

That's how the "One Cent Award" was born. It's become a significant source of recognition in our organization.

1. Why did the author give a cent to the employee initially?
A.To amuse him.B.To surprise him.C.To reward him.D.To praise him.
2. What inspired the author to hand out cents?
A.The design of a cent holder.B.The shared beliefs in his team.
C.The eagerness of fellow employees.D.The desire for better achievements.
3. Why did Mia return the author 24 cents?
A.She was advised to do so.B.One cent stood for recognition.
C.The author was mean with money.D.It is the company's strict regulation.
4. Which can best describe the employees receiving one cent?
2024-07-04更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第三次质量监测英语试卷
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2 . Kids are even more in the bag of social media companies than we think. Many of them have given away their online autonomy fully to their phones. For them, the only acceptable online environment is one designed by big tech algorithms (算法).

As children’s free time and imaginations become more and more tightly joined to the social media, we need to understand that uncontrolled access to the Internet comes at a cost. This spring, I visited with a group of high school students in Connecticut to have a conversation about the role that social media plays in their daily lives and in their mental health. More children today report feeling depressed, lonely, and disconnected than ever before.

There are countless problems with children and teenagers using social media. But the high schoolers with whom I met alerted me to a hidden result of teenagers’ growing addiction to social media: the death of exploration and discovery. Algorithmic recommendations now do the work of discovering and pursuing interests, finding community, and learning about the world. Kids today are, simply put, not learning how to be curious, critical adults—and they don’t seem to know what they’ve lost.

We all know the journeys in life matter just as much as the destinations. It is the sweat to get the outcome that makes the outcome more fulfilling and satisfying.

What the kids I spoke to did not know is that these algorithms have been designed in a way that unavoidably makes and keeps users unhappy. Social media companies know that content that generates negative feelings holds our attention longer than that which makes us feel good. If you are a teenager feeling bad about yourself, your social media feed will keep delivering you videos and pictures that are likely to produce negative feelings.

We should take some measures. Teenagers and kids are to be inspired to determine if we will really be happier as a species when machines and algorithms do all the work for us, or if fulfillment only comes when humans actually do the work, searching and discovering, of being human.

1. We can learn from paragraph 1 that social media companies ______.
A.earn a lot of money from kids
B.have a great impact on kids
C.make kids give away their phones
D.provide necessary services to kids
2. According to the author, what is the result of children’s addiction to social media?
A.They become more dependent on their phones.
B.They feel less depressed and lonely than ever before.
C.They are unable to find community and learn about the world.
D.They gradually lose the ability to be curious and critical.
3. Why do social media companies prefer content that generates negative feelings?
A.It helps them gain more attention from users.
B.It makes users feel more satisfied with their products.
C.It encourages users to explore and discover new things.
D.It promotes the development of artificial intelligence.
4. What should be done to change the current situation?
A.Limit the use of social media for children and teenagers.
B.Inspire children to complete the work without the help of algorithms.
C.Encourage teenagers and children to explore and discover the contentment of life.
D.Redesign social media algorithms to make users happier and more fulfilled.
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3 . Artificial intelligence is making its way into classrooms, suggesting a future where education is more personalized and active. AI’s ability to customize learning and provide immediate feedback could change how students learn, making education more effective and attracting.

Schools globally are starting to see the benefits of AI. For example, adaptive learning platforms can now tailor lessons to each student’s pace and style of learning, improving engagement and understanding. DreamBox Learning, an AI-powered math platform, has already showed how such technology can improve students’ abilities in problem solving.

However, there’s a notable concern raised alongside these advancements —the AI divide, or the growing gap between those who have access to advanced AI tools and those who do not. A 2023 report by the Educational Data Trust found that wealthier school districts are three times more likely to have adopted AI-powered learning platforms compared to the under-resourced districts. We don’t know what this technology will look like 10 years from now, but the current trend shuts out poor districts. It’s in the big dog’s best interest to do so, but it sucks anyways.

Addressing the AI divide requires a concerted effort. Policymakers have the power to level the playing field by supporting AI accessibility in all schools. Schools and educators have a role to play too. They must train their students to use AI as a tool. They can foster partnerships to share AI resources and focus on building universally essential skills like critical thinking and digital literacy. Tech companies and community groups have roles to play as well, such as offering AI expertise and support to schools lacking resources.

AI in education has both advantages and disadvantages, with the promise of transformative(带来变革的)learning coming alongside the risk of deepening divides. As we accept AI’s potential, we must also make sure that it serves as a tool for to help everyone, paving the way for a future where every student has the opportunity to succeed.

1. Why does the author mention “DreamBox Learning” in paragraph 2?
A.To show the advantages of AI.
B.To introduce an AI-powered social media platform.
C.To help students to solve math problems.
D.To improve students’ abilities in problem solving.
2. What is the author’s attitude towards AI in education?
3. What does the underlined word “concerted” in paragraph 4 refer to?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.AI in Education—A Double-edged Sword
B.AI in Education—A Great Success
C.AI in Media Platform—An Advanced Tool
D.AI in Classroom—A Replacement for the Teacher
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4 . Roger Crawford had everything he needed to play tennis — except two hands and a leg. When he was born, he didn’t have palms but only a thumb-like projection (突起物) extended directly out of his right forearm and a thumb and one finger stuck out of his left forearm. He had only three toes on his shrunken right foot and an undeveloped left leg which was later cut off.

The doctor said Roger suffered from a rare disease affecting only one out of 90,000 children born in the United States and he would probably never walk or care for himself. Fortunately, Roger’s parents didn’t believe him. “My parents always taught me that I was only as disabled as I wanted to be,” said Roger. “They never allowed me to feel sorry for myself or take advantage of people because of my disability.

Roger could swing a tennis racket (球拍). Unfortunately, when he swung it hard, his weak hold usually launched it into space. By luck, Roger found an odd-looking tennis racket and accidentally put his finger between its double-barred handle when he picked it up. The close fit made it possible for Roger to swing, serve and volley (截击) like an able bodied player. He practiced every day and was soon playing — and losing — matches.

But Roger never gave up. He practiced hard and the surgery on the two fingers of his left hand enabled Roger to hold his special racket better, greatly improving his game. Although he had no role models to guide him, Roger became crazy about tennis and in time he started to win.

Roger went on to play college tennis, finishing his tennis career with 22 wins and 11 losses. He later became the first physically disabled tennis player to be certified as a teaching professional by the United States Professional Tennis Association. Roger now tours the country, speaking to groups about what it takes to be a winner, no matter who you are.

1. What happened to Roger when he was born?
A.He had only one le g and two hands.
B.He was a baby born with disabilities.
C.His right forearm was cut off by the doctor.
D.He suffered from a deadly disease.
2. What do we know about Roger’s parents according to the text?
A.They were afraid that Roger would never walk.
B.They thought Roger would live like a normal person.
C.They believed Roger would recover after the surgery.
D.They asked Roger to play tennis.
3. Which of the following best describe Roger?
A.Determined and friendly.
B.Caring and creative.
C.Strong-willed and hard-working.
D.Sensitive and independent.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A born disabled man lived a successful life.
B.A tennis player was certified as a teaching professional.
C.A disabled man won the tennis match.
D.A college students suffered from a rare disease.
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5 . Can you smell it? The beer? The sweat? The excitement? Festival season is well and truly here — and all things could not be more ready. Here are some of the best UK music festivals for 2024.


Glastonbury is the biggest music festival in the UK (maybe even the world), and for good reason. It’s an undoubted legend. Despite all the very real fields and TV coverage, it’s not entirely sure if it exists on earth. But prepare that tickets are impossibly difficult to get your hands on.

Location and Time: Worthy Farm, Somerset. June 26-30


Talk tents are pretty much a given at every festival, but ALSO is all about giving equal footing to both ideas and music. There will be around 300 inspiring events across 14 stages, ranging from comedy to talks from respected speakers. There will be many delicious food traders to choose from, too, so you can nourish your stomach as well as your mind.

Location and Time: Park Farm, Compton Verney Warwickshire. July 12-14

Green Man

Green Man has earned itself fame for being the UK’s “mini Glastonbury”. Tickets can be sold out in just four hours, without any of the line-up announced. As its name suggests, the festival has outstanding green elements: compost washrooms, no single-use plastic and all power from hydrogen or solar energy!

Location and Time: Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales. August 15-18

Lost Village

With rainbow-lit woodlands, junkyard cars and professional performers, Lost Village is like stepping into a fairy tale — one where four-to-the-floor techno plays for hours on end, and you’re allowed to be as naughty as you like. It also hosts workshops, as well as live music and many health experiences, allowing you to sweat at open-air yoga or in the wood-fired hot tub.

Location and Time: Norton Disney, Lincolnshire. Aug 22-25

Keen to join in the fun? We bet you are. Latest information to the best UK music festivals for 2024 will be updating on this page. Click here for more if you want details.

1. Which one is the shortest-lasting music festival?
A.Glastonbury.B.ALSO.C.Green Man.D.Lost Village.
2. What do Glastonbury and Green Man have in common?
A.They are both about green land and fairy tales.
B.There is no definite news on whether to organise the events.
C.Diverse environmentally friendly equipment is applied.
D.It’s hard to book tickets because of their great popularity.
3. Who will be most likely to attend Lost Village?
A.Music-lovers who like driving cars to rainbow-li t woodlands.
B.Music-lovers who want to step away from a fairy tale world.
C.Music-lovers who highly value their health.
D.Music-lovers who are crazy about delicious food.
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6 . 2024 Illustration Competition

Enter the competition most respected and admired in the industry for creativity in illustration, the Communication Arts Illustration Competition. Selected by distinguished professionals, the winning entries will be distributed worldwide in the Communication Arts Illustration Annual and on commarts.com, ensuring important exposure of the creations. Each winner will receive a professionalized Award of Excellence, made from solid aluminum, and an award certificate. Communication Art’s Award of Excellence is one of the most desired awards. If chosen, winning places you in the highest ranks of your profession.

What To Enter With

Any illustration first published or produced from Jan. 2023 to Jan. 2024 is qualified. Entries may originate from any country. Descriptions in English are necessary for the judges to read.

Entries Can Be Submitted In The Following Formats

Digital Images: RGB images in JPG format with a maximum file size of 2 MB. GIF images may be livelier, but would be turned down, and so would the PNG ones.

Motion Entries: In MOV, MP4 or MPG format, with a maximum file size of 500 MB.

Illustration Competition Categories & Entry Fees

CategorySingle illustrationSeries of illustrations
Books (covers, jackets, etc.)$ 40$ 80 (limit of 5)
Motion (media for films, videos, etc.)$ 90$ 180 (limit of 3)
Student Work$ 20 (Image)
$ 45 (Video)
$ 40 (Images, limit of 5)
$ 90 (Video, limit of 3)

For more categories, please download the category PDF.

Late Fees

Entries must be registered no later than Jan. 13, 2024. Entries registered after that date will be charged a fee of $ 10 each. No entries can be registered after Jan. 27, 2024.

1. What will the winner gain?
A.Wide recognition in the industry.B.A personalized award certificate.
C.Exposure to world-famous works.D.A bonus from Communication Arts.
2. Which of the following is unfit for the competition?
A.A student work from Argentina.B.A newly produced motion entry.
C.A PNG image with a file size of 1 MB.D.A series for covers of three illustrations.
3. How much should be paid for three cover illustrations submitted on Jan. 20, 2024?
A.$ 80.B.$ 90.C.$ 110.D.$ 120.
2024-07-03更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次质量监测英语试卷
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7 . Many research groups are testing “ink” made from silk proteins to print human tissues, even organs. The process is a less costly alternative to conventional 3-D printing with collagen, a key protein mainly existing in mammals (哺乳动物). Researchers in Assam, a state in India, are investigating using local silkworm species for the task — they recently submitted a patent for bioinks using a combination of proteins obtained from local silkworms. The scientists have woven them into tissue structures ranging from ears to heart.

Silk is a natural substance which is strong and completely biodegradable (可生物降解), well suited for applications in tissue engineering. For instance, to bioprint an ear, researchers dissolve silk fibers. They carefully mix the sticky liquid with a patient’s stem cells, then build structures layer by layer with a 3-D printer. Finally, the cells grow and replace the silken proteins which eventually change into a natural substance in human body.

Compared with commonly used chemicals as adhesive (粘合剂), wild silk is also perfect to cross-link silky tissues, which helps to maintain a 3-D structure. Also, the wild silk has spots that cells naturally attach to, which allows cells to stick to the silk structure rapidly. “These silks are ideal candidates for bioinks because they can be combined to build strong human tissues,” says Mandal, the lab’s lead investigator. “This is important, for example, when making bone tissue,” he adds.

“Obtaining and purifying collagen from animal remains is complex and expensive.” says David Kaplan, an expert in biomedical engineering, when asked about the advantages. “Compared with collagen, silks have an immense advantage in terms of supply and processing. Local sourcing is also a clear plus in their use in India.”

Mandal and his colleagues have already created original structures, including bone and soft tissues of the heart and liver. Reconstructing a human knee complex tissue at the ends of a bone will be next.

1. What does the underlined word “bioinks” refer to according to the passage?
A.Silk proteins.B.Collagen.
C.Certain chemicals.D.Tissues.
2. What will a patient get after an ear-bioprinting?
A.An artificial ear.B.A silken ear.
C.A real ear.D.An original ear.
3. What are the advantages of silk proteins over collagen according to David Kaplan?
A.They are pure and available.
B.They are harmless and attachable.
C.They are biodegradable and strong.
D.They are inexpensive and uncomplicated.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Wild Worms for Medical Treatment.
B.Silk Proteins Ready for 3-D Bioprinting.
C.A Key Protein for Repairing Human Organs.
D.A Cheap Bioink for Conventional Operation.
2024-07-03更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次质量监测英语试卷
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8 . An ancient Latin proverb says “Aquila non capit muscas” — cagles don’t hunt flies— meaning that important ones shouldn’t concern themselves with small, insignificant matters. But the lions in East Africa should concern themselves with the seemingly insignificant ants, because these ants are changing their lifestyles.

The story starts with the acacia trees in an African wildlife area in central Kenya. Some of these acacia trees provide food and shelter for specific ant species, which in turn defend the tree against herbivores (食草动物). The ants are actively attacking and driving away herbivores that attempt to feed on the tree’s leaves. This is highly effective; the ants not only physically harm the herbivores but also release chemicals that can deter other potential attackers.

But these ants are in trouble. Another species called the “big-headed” ant is destroying entire groups of tree-protecting ants. This, in turn, sets off an entire chain of events that ends up influencing when and how lions can hunt.

This ant invasion affects one thing after the other. It leaves the acacia trees defenseless against herbivores, especially elephants. The elephants come in and eat the acacias at five to seven times the rate observed in uninvaded areas. The lions, while hunting for food, have no more trees to use for hiding. This reduced tree cover makes lions less successful at hunting and pushes them to find different areas to hunt in.

“These tiny invaders are pulling on the ties that put an African ecosystem together, determining who is eaten and where,” said Todd Palmer, an ecologist from Florida.

The lions, which are already endangered, are managing to cope with this by no longer focusing their attention on zebras. The zebras, of course, can see them much better on the approach given the lack of cover. Instead, they are targeting water buffalo. But this also isn’t the end of the story. Who knows what the lions’ changing strategy will mean for the ecosystem down the line?

1. What does the underlined word “deter” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What role do the elephants play in the chain reaction?
A.Damaging the hiding place for lions.B.Cooperating with “big-headed” ants.
C.Protecting the acacias from herbivores.D.Starting off the disturbance of the chain.
3. The author mentions lions, zebras and water buffalo to show that ______.
A.animals fall victim to bigger ones
B.the ecology is on the road to recovery
C.animals are co-related in the ecosystem
D.species are firmly positioned in the food chain
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Why African lions are endangered.
B.What ecologists find about animals.
C.How tiny ants affect the way lions hunt.
D.How the law of the jungle works in Africa.
2024-07-01更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次质量监测英语试卷
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9 . What do you do with your clothes that you don’t want to wear anymore? Through cutting, stitching (缝) and redesigning, Baxter Salzwedel has found a fashionable way to be sustainable.

In March, recycling clothes earned the 17-year-old from Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah High School in Wisconsin, US, a finalist spot in the Young Entrepreneurs competition. The competition was hosted by Junior Achievement of Wisconsin, a non-profit organization. He won a scholarship of $10, 000 for his sustainable clothing brand The Mad Patcher.

In the beginning. Salzwedel just worked with clothes for fun. He learned his sewing skills at a young age from his grandmother. He then started to tear up his old jeans to try and create cool new designs. The fun hobby quickly turned into a business for Salzwedel when his friends and classmates started asking him to make customized clothing for them.

“So many people wanted them that I wasn’t going to make 150 pairs of pants for free when I had to start making a business out of it,” Salzwedel told the Sheboygan Press.

In 2021, Salzwedel started his clothing brand. He uses colourful and patterned fabrics (布料) from other clothes to create his patchwork (拼接) designs, like jeans, shirts and jackets. He only uses donated or recycled materials to ensure maximum sustainability.

Salzwedel has earned thousands of dollars through selling his clothes, and he donated 25 percent of his profits to non-profit organizations.

Talking about the competition, Salzwedel said, “It was exciting to do that and meet all sorts of young people with similar ideas.” The teenager planned to use the prize to attend the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. The college is one of the most famous fashion schools in the world. Meanwhile, he will continue doing his business even after he graduates. For Salzwedel, The Mad Patcher is a lifelong project worth working on.

1. What inspired Salzwedel to do business?
A.The popularity of his pants.B.His friends’ encouragement.
C.His interest in fashion design.D.The growing problem of fashion waste.
2. What does the text tell us about The Mad Patcher?
A.It aims to promote second-hand clothes.
B.It produces sustainable fashion products.
C.It uses donated materials to reduce costs.
D.It copies designs from well-established brands.
3. What does Salzwedel plan to do with the scholarship?
A.Earn a degree in fashion.B.Grow his clothing brand.
C.Donate it to a fashion school.D.Cooperate with like-minded people.
4. Which of the following can best describe Salzwedel?
A.Innovative and generous.B.Intellectual and ambitious.
C.Courageous and dedicated.D.Imaginative and objective.
2024-07-01更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次质量监测英语试卷
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10 . Back in 1958, I was crazy about the 746 Norfolk & Western. The smooth bullet-nosed engine with its orange and yellow lines and shiny streamlined black tender(煤水车) seemed to completely occupy my mind.

Together the engine and tender measured a little shy of 2 feet—enormous by the toy train standards of the day. Even better, the 746 had a working headlight and smoker, and its tender sang high.

Unfortunately, the amazing 746 also had an amazing price—$50, equal to about $450 today. That was far more than my grandfather could afford. Instead, I had to be content with his little Lionel plastic, which was SIX INCHES shorter than the 746 and had no headlight, no smoker or no sound! But that was the best that my grandfather could give me at that time.

Years passed, and I was in my 30s. Complicated sound systems and computer controls dominated toy trains. I never gave a look. My interest in toy trains, I firmly believed, had faded, so did my admiration for the 746, since my grandfather was not with me. The 746 was never called to mind. On an ordinary day, however, I happened to see the 746 outside the window of a train show. Just one look, I could not look away. Childhood memories that I tried to hide in the depths of my heart raced through my mind, happy or sad.

That day I took the 746 home and placed it in the centre of the room, and let my childhood dream sing its way around me. Smoke rose out from the engine and the soft song sounded from its tender. It seemed as if I could see the soft light in my grandfather’s eyes and hear his cheerful laughter.

1. Which best describes the 746 in the author’s eyes?
A.It was taller than the author.
B.Its price rose from $50 to $450.
C.It was the largest train in 1958.
D.Its beauty was beyond compare.
2. How did the author feel when receiving his little Lionel plastic?
A.Visibly relieved.B.Really excited.
C.Terribly shameful.D.Slightly unsatisfied.
3. What happened to the author in his 30s?
A.He left his grandfather alone.
B.He admired advanced toy trains.
C.He didn’t attempt to recall the past.
D.He was reminded of 746 frequently.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.The author found the 746 on purpose.
B.The author liked singing childish songs.
C.The author’s love for the 746 did not change at all.
D.The author’s grandfather lived far away from him.
2024-07-01更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次质量监测英语试卷
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