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1 . At just 11 years old, Vince Weishaus runs his own hair salon (发廊) in his parents’ basement in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, doing different hairstyles for free.

For Vince, his love of hair started at a very young age. “He has an older sister who had dolls and he would just, at 2 or 3, be playing with the dolls' hair,” recalled Emily Weishaus, Vince’s mother.

Not long afterward, he also fell in love with braiding (编辫子). “He watched me do a braid, and then he undid the braid and redid it without me ever showing him how to do it,” his mother said. He found his true love as a hairstylist (发型师) when he started cutting his grandmother's hair before he was 5. “I feel that’s what gave him the confidence to be who he is,” she added.

Vince’s hairstyling dream became a reality when his parents presented him with a special surprise on his ninth birthday: his very own salon in their basement. His neighbor had a salon in her home, but she decided to pass on her supplies to Vince when she moved.

Family members and friends have stopped by for appointments—all free of charge—at Vincent Charles Salon. The kid's services range from coloring, to braiding the for school dances, family parties, talent shows and more.

He has colored his own hair different colors, from rose gold to purple. He even colors his friends' hair tips before they head off to camp.

Vince loves learning different practices and skills of the trade from other hair mentors, who teaches him many styling skills.

The sky is the limit for Vince—his eventual goal is to become a world-famous hair colorist one day. His advice to anyone who wants to realize their own dreams: “Do what they love and be themselves.”

1. Vince realized his true love for hairstyling when ________
A.he was playing with his sisterB.he watched his mother do a braid
C.he was playing with the dollsD.he began to cut his grandmother’ hair
2. What was the special surprise for Vince’s ninth birthday?
A.A small family party for him.B.His own salon in the basement.
C.The supplies from his neighbor.D.The permission from his parents to camp.
3. What does the underlined word “mentors” in paragraph 7 mean?
A.Family members.B.FriendsC.Teachers.D.Customers
4. What's the attitude of Vince’s parents towards his dream?
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.A Boy Hairstylist.B.A Piece of Advice.
C.A New Styling Skill.D.A Street Hair Salon.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 容易(0.94) |

2 . Want to help us serve more of our elderly neighbors? Want to deliver meals and a smile?

Meals on Wheels provides meals for the elderly and the disabled adults in Richland County, South Carolina. Meals are delivered at lunch time five days a week by volunteers.

But Meals on Wheels delivers more than just a meal. The daily visit from a volunteer also provides a warm smile and a safety check that helps keep seniors healthy, safe and living independently in their own homes.

Who receives Meals on Wheels?

Meals on Wheels recipients (接受者) are the elderly and disabled adults in our community who cannot maintain an enough, healthy diet, either because of transport or money difficulties. Nearly three-fourths of them are at or below the national poverty level (贫困线).

What is the cost of Meals on Wheels?

No one is refused a meal based on income. Some individuals may receive meals at no cost, while others are asked to pay according to their incomes.

What’s on the menu?

Our menus are carefully planned to meet one-third of the daily nutritional (营养) needs of senior people. All meals are served with fat-free milk and whole grain bread.

How can I help?

Through the support of our funding partners, staff and volunteers, we were able to serve 169,381 hot and frozen meals to 1,015 recipients in 2018. The meals were delivered by volunteers driving nearly 55,000 miles. Although we have made great efforts, we still have a waiting list of people we can't serve because we don’t have enough workers. So please join us!

Contact us

For more information, please contact Anne Shissias, Director of In-Home & Community Based Services, at 803-252-7734 x234 or ashissias@seniorresourcesine.org.

1. Who can receive the service of Meals on Wheels in Richland County?
A.Jobless people.B.Sick people in local hospitals.
C.Homeless people.D.The elderly and disabled adults.
2. What do you know about Meals on Wheels?
A.It offers meals to healthy adults.B.It serves meals seven days a week.
C.It delivers meals and provides care.D.It helps seniors cook meals in their homes.
3. How are meals delivered to the people in need?
A.By vehicle.B.By bike.
C.By bus.D.On foot.
4. What can we get from the data in the last but one paragraph?
A.The recipients can get what they want.B.The organization has made great efforts.
C.The funding partners need more money.D.The volunteers are people who like driving.
5. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To raise more money.B.To attract more customer.
C.To call in volunteers.D.To deliver more frozen meals.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Farmer John and Farmer Bob were neighbors. For more than 30 years, they had been getting along very well.

Then their good relationship broke. It began with a small thing, then bitter words, and then weeks of silence. One morning Farmer John woke up to find a stream between the two farms. “It must be Bob,” John thought.

Then one day there was a knock on John’s door. He opened it to find a carpenter(木匠) standing at the doorway.

“I’m looking for a few days’ work,” the carpenter said.

“I do have a job for you,” John said. “Look across the stream at that farm. That’s my neighbor Bob. He dug a stream between the two farms. I want you to build a fence—an 8-foot fence. I don’t want to see his place or his face any more. I don’t have such a neighbor!”

The carpenter said, “I think I know what to do, sir, and I’ll be able to do a job that pleases you.”

Farmer John helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmer’s eyes opened wide. There was no fence there at all!

It was a bridge! And the neighbor, Bob, was coming across, with his hand outstretched(伸出). “Hi, John! You’re quite a fellow to build this bridge!”

Then they met in the middle, taking each other’s hands. “I’m terribly sorry for what I have said and done. We should be good to each other,” said Farmer Bob.

Then they turned to see the carpenter, who was ready to go. “No, wait! Stay a few days. I have a lot of other jobs for you,” said Farmer John. “I’d love to stay,” the carpenter said, “but I have more bridges to build.”

1. Just before the carpenter came, John and Bob ________ each other.
A.didn’t speak toB.were friendly to
C.often fought withD.never had bitter words with
2. Farmer John asked the carpenter to build a fence because
A.he wanted to protect his farmB.he didn’t want to do it himself
C.he wouldn’t like to see BobD.he wanted to find him something to do
3. What does the sentence “You’re quite a fellow to build this bridge!” mean!
A.John was great to build this bridge.
B.John was not good at building bridges.
C.John was foolish to build such a bridge.
D.John should build the bridge earlier.
4. What do you think of the carpenter?
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.What a Big Fence!B.Farmer and Bridge
C.Three Kind MenD.A Fence or a Bridge

4 . The air is thin and we have to rest several times on the short trip from camp. On the plain (平原), we can just see many wild animals. This is why we're here to observe Tibetan antelopes.

Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet,Xinjiang and Qinghai.Watch them move slowly across the green grass. I'm attracted by the lovely animals.I'm also reminded of the danger they are in. They are being killed for their valuable fur.

My guide Zhaxi works at the Changtang National Nature Reserve. The reserve is a place for the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet. To Zhaxi, protesting the wildlife is a way of life."We're not tying to save the animals.” he says,"Actually, we're trying to save ourselves."

Between the 1980s and 1990s, the population of the Tibetan antelope dropped by over 50 percent. People were shooting antelopes to make profits. Their living places were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built.

In order to save the animals, the Chinese government placed them under national protection. Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks. Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe from cars and trains.

The measures were effective. The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015.the Tibetan antelope was removed from the list of animals in danger. The government, however,does not intend to stop the protection programs, since the threats (威胁) to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.

Much is being done to protect wildlife but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life. We can stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet only when we learn to exist in peace with nature.

1. The author went to Tibet in order to     .
A.breathe fresh air in TibetB.enjoy the scene in Tibet
C.learn the history of TibetD.observe Tibetan antelopes
2. Where does Zhaxi work?
A.In Tibet.B.In Xinjiang
C.In Qinghai.D.In Sichuan
3. What happened to the Tibetan antelope between the 1980s and 1990s?
A.Tibetan antelopes were well protected.
B.Tibetan antelopes population dropped
C.Tibetan antelopes lived in peace with people
D.Tibetan antelopes destroyed new roads and railways,
4. According to Paragrah6, the measures taken by the Chinese government were .
5. What's the purpose of the text?
A.To kill the Tibetan antelope.B.To study the Tibetan antelope.
C.To watch the Tibetan antelope.D.To protect the Tibetan antelope.

5 . No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own efforts.

I learned this lesson from an experience many years ago. I took the head coaching job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the new team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no couch, and they didn't even practice to prepare for the Game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my sadness we were beaten. I couldn't believe I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to realize that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending on me. I had to change my attitude about their ability and confidence.

I stared doing anything I could to help them build a little pride. Most important,I began to treat them like winners. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their vacations. We met every day and practiced passing and kicking the football.

Six months after suffering our failure on the spring practice field. we won our first game and our second, and continue to improve .Finally, we faced the number one team in the state.I felt that it would be a victory for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn't what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest thrills of my life !

From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can influence the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and encouraged them. I helped them to see themselves differently, and they built themselves into winners.

Winners are made, not born.

1. Who did the author think would become the winners at first?
A.The old team.B.Their own team.
C.The number one team.D.The other team
2. When did the author's team win their first game?
A.Before their training.B.During the spring practice.
C.At the start of the vacation.D.Six months after their failure.
3. What does the underlined word “thrill" probably mean in Paragraph 5?
4. How did the author help their team to win?
A.By building up their confidence.B.By giving them a lecture.
C.By buying them a book.D.By changing the leader.
5. What can we learn from the text?
A.Time is money.B.Winners are born.
C.Losers are always beaten.D.Practice makes perfect.

6 . Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn .Today's festivals have many origins: some are seasonal, some for special people and some for special events.

Dragon Boat Festival celebrations take place in China on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. They are held in memory of Qu Yuan, a famous person who wrote poems in Ancient China. It was the first traditional Chinese festival added to UNESCO'S List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Thanksgiving is celebrated mainly in North America, in October or November. Traditionally, it was a chance to give thanks for a good year, Now. i is also a time for families to get together for a big dinner.

May Day s a festival to celebrate the start of summer, with celebrations held across Europe and in parts of North America. People prepare decorations with flowers and dance around poles.

The Spring Festival that is also called Chinese New Year is one of the most important Festivals in China.It stars with a new moon and ends 15 day later on the full moon, marking the beginning of spring .During this festival,people eat dumpling, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. Nowadays, more and more countries around the world are holding celebrations for Chinese Spring Festival.

Festivals let us enjoy life , be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.

1. How many festivals are introduced in the text?
2. Which of the following is held to honor a special person?
A.May Day.B.Thanksgiving.
C.The Spring Festival.D.Dragon Boat Festival
3. What do people traditionally eat in the Spring Festival?
A.Pies and chicken.B.Dumplings and fish.
C.Noodles and meat.D.Sandwiches and Turkey.
4. Where is Thanksgiving mainly celebrated according to the text?
A.In ChinaB.Across Europe.
C.in North AmericaD.In South Africa.
5. What is the text mainly about?
A.The introduction of some festivals.B.The activities of some festivals.
C.The customs of some festivals.D.The history of some festivals.

7 . The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms More than 2000 years ago, ancient Chinese people created this overall framework to mark the annual passage of time based on observations of the sun's motion. In the international meteorological field (国际气象界) the 24 solar terms are honored as “the fifth great invention of China”.

The 24 solar terms begins with Start of Spring followed by Rain Water, Insects Awaken...and ends up with Minor Cold and Major Cold. Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice are two days of the year with the longest and shortest amount of daylight respectively, while Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox are days with the most balanced amount of daytime and nighttime. Through these four parts, a year is divided into four part: Spring Summer, Autumn and Winter.

In ancient times this system not only guided agricultural production, instructing farmers to expect the changes in temperature, spring planting and autumn harvest but also directed Chinese folk customs. For example, Winter Solstice was the first one set among 24 terms and later developed into a festival to worship Heaven and ancestors. Every year at Winter Solstice, emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties would go to the temple of Heaven to hold a ceremony to worship Heaven, for good weather for their crop, and peace and prosperity for the country.

Nowadays, the 24 solar terms could not only be applied to farming but also guide Chinese everyday life. They remind people to adapt to the changes in the seasons through suitable food and cultural rituals (文化仪式). Seasonal customs are sill the rage such as eating spring pancakes at Start of Spring, sweeping ancestors' tombs at Qing Ming, gaining weight to keep warm at Start of Autumn and eating nutritious food to store energy at Start of Winter. They have actually became important rituals in Chinese life.

The 24 solar terms is a common cognitive system among Chinese. It reflects the emotional bond, the wisdom and creativity of Chinese, who respect and live in harmony with nature.

1. How were the 24 solar terms created in ancient China?
A.They were the results of leaning from each other.
B.They were set based on the movements of the sun.
C.They were created according to the change of the weather.
D.They were gradually developed from the practical experience.
2. What is a common feature of Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox?
A.They both have the same amount of day and night.
B.They were set only for guiding agricultural activities.
C.They both play the role in dividing a day into day and night
D.They are the days on which the length of a day is longer than night.
3. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The reasons for the recognition of the 24 solar terms.
B.The invention of the 24 solar terms in ancient China.
C.The origin and influence of the 24 solar terms in China
D.The ways to handle the relationship between human and nature.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Cory Nichol's whole life changed after he watched the documentary (纪录片) Hard Times. Lost on Long Island. This documentary follows four different families over six months as they struggle with unemployment. Cory knew he had to help any way that he could.

He founded an organization named “C the Difference”. The first step of his charity was to advertise. Using his own money, Cory had orange bracelets (手链) made. Now, he has sold the bracelets. A lot of people who are willing to donate bought them. “We've gotten donations from $5 to $500,” Cory said. “Every dollar really helps.”

Since founding the organization “C the Difference”, Cory has gotten the word out through e-mail and social media He has managed to get upwards of 7,500 and the amount will keep ring each month For Cox, his work is truly rewarding and he loves knowing that poll fortunate than him are really benefiting tom al the donations Once he said, “I was in the pantry (食品室) one time when a woman was taking food, and she was grateful for what I was doing That made me feel great.”

Cory's work has been truly remarkable. These past years he was recognized for “C the Difference” and was a recipient (获得者) of the New York State Prudential Spirit of Community Award. Cory was honored when he found out the news, and even more shocked When he found out that he was one of the only 102 winners out of the 28.000 applicants, As a recipient Cory got to travel to Washington D.C. with the other winners.

There are bright things in Cory's future. First, he wants to keep doing well in school. “I think school is really important to be successful in life.” In addition, Cory wants to keep “C the Difference” going through high school. “I am continuing to get donations, and to get younger kids and my peers involved to help each month”.

1. After watching the documentary, Cory _______.
A.set up a charity organizationB.found a job in Long Island
C.donated money immediatelyD.felt the documentary interesting
2. Cory tried to raise enough money by _______.
A.wearing a ring and a braceletB.spreading the word out
C.phoning to his friendsD.collecting from his classmates
3. Cory felt _______ after he knew he was given an award.
A.proud and surprisedB.interested and delighted
C.embarrassed and puzzledD.ashamed and frightened
4. We can infer from the passage that Cory will _______.
A.travel in Long Island aloneB.stop raising money
C.study in WashingtonD.go on his charity
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . The UK's music festivals are world famous but there are plenty more to celebrate in the country.

Burns Night, Scotland

On 25 January, Scots celebrate the life and works of Scotland's national poet Robert Burns by holding a special Burns Supper. This can be a chance for friends to get together with a huge formal dinner. Guests take it in turn to recite Burns' poems or sing one of his songs.

Hay Festival, Hay-on-Wye, Wales

For 10 days each May, the small town of Hay on-Wye on the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales is filled with writers, filmmakers, musicians, and people who come to hear them talk and exchange ideas. The festival celebrates great writing of all genres (体裁) and it all takes place in a village in the town.

Camp Festival, Dorset

As a branch of a festival held in Dorset, it's one of the best family festivals in the UK Held every year in the grounds of the historic Lulworth Castle in Dorset, the festival includes top live music acts, but as the organizer say, “kids are king” at Camp Festival, with a wide variety of entertainment, workshops and fun for kids. The 2020 Camp Festival takes place from 25 to 28 July.

Guy Fawkes Day or “Bonfire Night”

All over the UK on 5 November, the British light bonfires and set off fireworks in their back gardens or, more commonly these days, at organized events in public parks. They celebrate the Catholic Guy Fawkes' failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament (议会院) on 5 November, 1605.

1. Which festivals are related to literature (文学)?
A.Hay Festival and Camp Festival.B.Bums Night and Hay Festival.
C.Burs Night and Guy Fawkes Day.D.Camp Festival and Guy Fawkes Day.
2. When does the festival most attractive to children take place?
A.In July.B.In May.C.In January.D.In November.
3. What does Guy Fawkes Day celebrate?
A.An impressive building.B.A successful adventure.
C.An organized game.D.A historical event.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . The idea of turning recycled plastic bottles into clothing is not new. During the last five years, a large number of clothing companies, businesses and environmental organizations have started turning plastics into fabric to deal with plastic pollution. But there’s a problem with this method. Research now shows that microfibers could be the biggest source of plastic in the sea.

Dr. Mark Browne in Santa Barbara, California, has been studying plastic pollution and microfibers for 10 years now. He explains that every time synthetic clothes go into a washing machine, a large number of plastic fibers fall off. Most washing machines can’t collect these microfibers. So every time the water gets out of a washing machine, microfibers are entering the sewers and finally end up in the sea.

In 2011, Browne wrote a paper stating that a single piece of synthetic(合成的) clothing can produce more than 1, 900 fibers per wash. Browne collected samples from seawater and freshwater sites around the world, and used a special way to examine each sample. He discovered that every single water sample contained microfibers.

This is bad news for a number of reasons. Plastic can cause harm to sea life when eaten. Studies have also shown that plastic can absorb other pollutants.

Based on this evidence, it may seem surprising that companies and organizations have chosen to turn plastic waste into clothing as an environmental “solution.” Even though the science has been around for a while, Browne explains that he's had a difficult time getting companies to listen. When he asked well-known clothing companies to support Benign by Design-his research project that seeks to get clothes that have a bad effect on humans and the environment out of the market, Browne didn’t get a satisfying answer. Only one women’s clothing company, Eileen Fisher, offered Browne funding.

1. What has happened during the past five years?
A.Fabric has become much stronger.B.Plastic pollution has been less serious.
C.Many plastic bottles have been reused.D.Microfibers have been greatly improved.
2. What does Browne think of washing synthetic clothes?
A.It is adding microfibers to the clothes.
B.It is worsening environmental problems.
C.It is making synthetic clothes last longer.
D.It is doing great damage to washing machines.
3. What can be inferred about Browne’s Benign by Design research project?
A.It has achieved great success.B.It hasn’t got anything done.
C.It is known to very few people.D.It is facing some difficulties.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.It’s important to learn to recycle
B.It’s never easy to solve pollution problems
C.Recycled plastic clothing: solution or pollution?
D.Are human beings moving forward or backward?
2020-03-16更新 | 654次组卷 | 16卷引用:辽宁省葫芦岛市2020-2021学年高二普通高中学业质量监测英语试题
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