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阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |

1 . There’s no doubt that football is the global sport. Though basketball, tennis, and other sports are popular too, nothing comes close to football. Being played in every country in the world, football provides dozens of superstars. The numbers are greater when compared to any other sport, and this drives the popularity of football up. Have you ever wondered when the sport started and became popular?

Football has its origin (起源) in China and has a history of more than 2,000 years. However, modern football originally appeared in Britain in the 19th century. Folk football matches had been played before in many cities and towns, but never on a professional level.

Football became a winter sport game played in different schools. The rules were carried out by each school, and this made it difficult for players to play an official game with each other. It all changed in 1849 at the University of Cambridge that invented a set of standard rules known as the Cambridge rules of football. From that moment, a new star sport was born.

By the early 20th century, football had spread all across Europe. In 1904, FIFA was set up. There are seven original members, including France, Denmark and Spain, FIFA became the governing body for many associations in Europe.

England’s international success improved the popularity of the sport in the country. The league (联赛) in Britain was set up in 1992. From the 1990s, it became a truly impressive piece of football organization, becoming the world’s top football league in the process.

Football is obviously the most popular sport in the world. It is impossible for any other sport to take its place, especially with leagues spending billions of pounds every year to stay in the focus.

1. What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 1?
A.To describe the level of football.
B.To introduce the topic of the text.
C.To debate the main idea of the text.
D.To introduce famous football leagues.
2. Where did modern football first start?
A.In China.B.In France.
C.In Britain.D.In Spain.
3. Why was it difficult to play an official game before 1849?
A.The rules always changed.
B.There were no common rules.
C.The season made players hard to win.
D.Officials made players misunderstand the rules.
4. How is the text mainly developed?
A.By time order.B.By space order.
C.By listing numbers.D.By giving examples.
书面表达-读后续写 | 容易(0.94) |

2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The frightening day of our diving test was here. Our parents thought we were lucky to have an Olympic-size swimming pool at the school. My mom stressed that the swimming pool was one of the best in our city. But I didn’t feel happy about it at all. Instead, I felt afraid of the swimming pool. It was mainly because I was terribly shy.

I was so shy that I always sat at the back of the room in class so I’d not be called upon to read. As for the present physical education class each Monday morning, I would work my way to the back of the line forming at the diving board so I would not have to practice the dives.

Now, it was another Monday morning - the morning of our diving test. My blood ran cold when the teacher Ms. Robbins announced that we would be graded for our final on the most difficult dive- the jackknife. And she added, “This diving test is important. The one who fails has to spare time in the following Monday mornings to practice diving in this swimming pool and attend this test again.”

My body kept shaking with fear as the line to the scary diving board shortened. As I watched, each student seemed to perform the challenging dive effortlessly. And shortly I would have to attempt something that I had never even practiced before.

Then I remembered someone telling me that when you picture yourself doing a skill over and over, it’s just as effective as physically practicing that skill. So I watched carefully as each classmate jumped at the end of the board once, added a jump for height, folded their body in half to reach for their toes, and finally straightened out like an arrow for going into the water. After carefully watching for a while, I was actually in a state of surprise, because all of a sudden I realized that it was possible for me to perform these four steps of diving.

Eventually all classmates except me finished jumping. The teacher announced that it was my turn.

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With my heart knocking wildly, I walked down the diving board towards its end.


Knowing I failed, I climbed out of the pool, embarrassed.


2022-10-20更新 | 1601次组卷 | 17卷引用:辽宁省大连市滨城联盟2022-2023学年高三上学期期中(Ⅰ)考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 容易(0.94) |

3 . Although most games have winners and losers, the goal of sports is not to win every game. The real goals include getting exercise, having fun, and learning important social skills, like sportsmanship.

Good sportsmanship is all about respect. Good sports (有体育精神的人) respect their teammates and also their opponents. They respect their coaches, and they also respect the referees or other officials involved in their games.     1     They shout at their teammates and they talk back to coaches or referees.

Kids usually learn sportsmanship good and bad from the adults in their lives.     2     If parents and coaches show disrespect for other fans, referees, or each other, kids will likely act the same way on the field.

    3     Some of them are very basic and easy to do, like shaking hands with other players before a game. Other examples may take a little more courage, such as acknowledging a great play made by the opposing team.

Learning good sportsmanship is important because it helps you develop an attitude of graciousness (礼貌) and respect that will carry over into all the other areas of your life.     4     Being a good sport in the classroom will eventually lead to being a good sport in the workplace.

So be a good sport in whatever you do!     5     When others see you acting in a way that makes it clear that winning isn’t the most important thing, you can move on to focusing on the important things, like having fum, getting exercise, and improving your skills!

A.Good sportsmanship can be shown in many ways.
B.However, bad sportsmanship is all about disrespect.
C.Players’ parents and coaches set examples that kids tend to follow.
D.We can be good sports by encouraging others but not laughing at them.
E.Starting as a good sport earlier will help you be a good sport as you get old.
F.If you’re a good sport on the field, you’ll also likely be a good sport in the classroom.
G.The example you set can be a powerful teaching tool for others.
2022-01-27更新 | 873次组卷 | 16卷引用:2016届高三复习跟踪检测英语试卷(23)
语法填空-短文语填 | 容易(0.94) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

My dad is an enthusiastic (狂热的) runner who     1     (great) influenced me when I was young. So I was very sporty before the age of 14.However, when my family moved, my new school didn’t pay much attention     2     sports and had no after-school activities like football or running. Over the next few years. I stopped exercising apart from during Physical Education lessons at school. I looked like I was     3     (health). However, I was not.

One day, I was late for a bus, tried to run after it and in under a minute was out of breath! This made me realize how unfit I was.     4     (help) myself get in shape again. I made a (n)     5     (decide) that I would take up a kind of sport.

A friend of     6     (I) suggested a swimming pool     7     is close to my house. Now, I’m a swimming lover! I find swimming in the pool very     8     (relax).I swim for an hour three times a week. I hope that I will soon start to feel     9     benefits of regular exercise, and     10     fitter than before.

2023-05-26更新 | 894次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省深圳市福田区外国语高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 容易(0.94) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

When I was in primary school, I disliked doing exercise. I felt tired when I did any kind of exercise. My parents were really     1     (worry) about my health. One day, after having supper, my father     2    (come) and asked me to have a walk with him in the park. I agreed and we went     3     together. It was hard for me to walk for half an hour. I wanted to give up,     4     my father encouraged me to keep on walking. From then on. I was often asked to walk with my parents. To my surprise, I could walk for an hour in the     5    (five) month. How     6    (pride) I felt! I loved taking exercise gradually. Now I am     7     excellent runner in my school. I take part in the school sports meeting every year.

During all our life, we may face a lot of     8    (difficulty). Don’t be afraid of     9    (they). Please try to face them     10    (brave). After you overcome what you used to be afraid of, you may find how great you are!

完形填空(约300词) | 容易(0.94) |

6 . It has been difficult to sit on the bench most of the time, watching my team from the sideline. I always _______ why I am not good enough to be on the floor. After endless hours of work and devotion, pushing myself through drill after drill, the last thing I want is to be a cheerleader. The feeling of being _______ is sometimes too much and drives me to _______ on the spot. I often feel as though my _______ are wasted and my time is eaten away, _______ nothing. It is heartbreaking to be a spectator (旁观者) for the game I love, knowing that no one has enough faith to give me the chance to _______ on the floor. Tears well up (涌出), but I _______ them back. I shouldn’t be so _______ something so silly.

Away from the game, it’s easier to put my thoughts together, rather than letting my _______ drive my reasoning. I consider why I am where I am. I have played basketball my whole life. I have a strong ________ for the sport and always have. There is nothing like the ________ of playing: the swish (飕飕声) of the net, the sweat rolling off my cheeks, even the bruises (青肿) are battle wounds worn ________ after every game.

Even if I don’t play much, I participate in every ________. I am part of a team of girls who stick together like a family. I am there for them, as they are for me.

Should I move on?Or should I stay with my team and continue playing basketball with great passion just a little longer?The ________ isn’t difficult when I consider the joy that being a part of a team ________ me — and not just any team, but my team. I love basketball and my teammates. When I think about that, my view from the bench really isn’t so bad after all.

A.related toB.attached toC.added toD.devoted to
A.upset overB.nervous aboutC.scared ofD.annoyed at

7 . My mother turned ninety. I knew I needed to find a senior _______ center. Not for her — for me. If I were at her age, I would want to stay in shape to _______ life, getting a lot of pleasure. Yes, walking in local parks was my _______, but I wasn’t so active as before.

I called a nearby center, “Do you have aerobics (有氧运动) classes _______ for seniors?” “Sure. Come and check us out! We start at 10 am,” the receptionist (接待员) replied and _______. The next morning, I went there. One part of me was _______ that the class was too easy, not doing me any good. The other part feared it was too hard for me to _______.

When I came into the room, a woman _______ me, “Oh, you’re new. Welcome.” Then the music started. The hour-long workout woke up the muscles I didn’t often _______ in daily walks, suiting me fine. I became a member there. My classmates ranged in age from fifty to ninety. Most gave the exercises their own ________, doing as much or little as they could. ________ no one kept score. Soon I learned physical well-being wasn’t the only ________ there. During breaks, people chatted happily. Whenever some people were ________ we asked around. Were they busy? Were they in hospital? Moreover, we signed cards for those who were ill.

I ________ to be in good shape now as I’ve hoped. Still, I’m grateful for things more valuable from the class — close friendships and new social ________.

A.make up forB.look down onC.get down toD.keep up with
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |

8 . Have you tried to run or walk for exercise and then given up? If you answered yes, you should try a new kind of exercise: aquatic (水中的) exercise. Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land, but you do it in a swimming pool. More and more people are trying aquatic exercise now.

Aquatic exercise feels easier than exercising on land. Why? You weigh about 90% less in the pool. It is better for your knees than running or walking. Water is about 1,000 times thicker and heavier than air. To move through the water, your body has to work four times as hard. As a result, you can burn more calories (卡路里).

In fact, most people say they feel more relaxed in the water. They stop thinking about the things that make them worried. They feel in control of their bodies. The cool, quiet environment makes them feel good.

But what if you are afraid of the water? No problem! There is nothing to worry about. Aquatic exercise is safe and easy to learn. It doesn’t require any special skills. You don’t even need to know how to swim. Aquatic exercise is for everyone.

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Difference between air and water.
B.Weight change of one’s body.
C.The advantages of aquatic exercise.
D.The ways to do aquatic exercise.
2. What do most people think of aquatic exercise?
3. According to the passage, aquatic exercise is _________.
A.done in groupsB.fit for everyone
C.difficult to learnD.done with special skills
4. In which part of a magazine can we read the passage?
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |
9 .

Paragliding is a kind of flying, but instead of the wing being made of metal, wood or plastic, it is made of nylon or polyester. The wing is attached to a harness by lines where a pilot sits, similar to a parachute.

Is it safe?

Paragliding, is as safe as sailing and deep-sea diving. The big advantage is that it’s probably the slowest form of aviation, so if you do crash, you'll hit the ground quite gently! It’s a very relaxing sport as you're mostly sitting down. Yet, you’ll probably experience pain in some muscles you didn’t know you had while learning, but many of those will be due to the walk up the training hill to launch.

Where do I learn?

There are lots of schools, mainly based inland by appropriate hills or mountains, and there are also schools on the coast near spectacular cliffs. These are very attractive, though the prospect of landing in the sea seems to discourage beginners! It takes seven days to get your basic license; then you’re free to fly independently at sites across the country.

What do I need?

Pilots normally wear warm clothes in case they get very high up, and a helmet in case they stumble on landing. In terms of gear, schools supply basic training, canopies, harnesses, etc. However, you'll probably want to buy your own more sophisticated equipment, which you’ll be able to choose much better once you’ve tried some out on your course.

Who can do it?

There’s no upper age limit provided your instructor judges you capable, but the youngest is 14. Anybody with good eyesight and good balance is a potential paraglider pilot.

Flying a paraglider is a great sport. We hope to see you in the air with us this season!

1. Which would be the best heading for Paragraph 1?
A.What is paragliding?B.Who invented paragliding?
C.How is paragliding special?D.Why is paragliding popular?
2. According to the passage, paragliding is____________ .
A.exciting but tiringB.safe and relaxing
C.attractive but expensiveD.fast and challenging
3. What can we know from the passage?
A.Fit people of any age can take up paragliding.
B.Most paragliding schools are situated by the sea.
C.Pilots need to buy basic equipment on their training course.
D.Learners can fly on their own after at least a week’s training.
2022-03-30更新 | 538次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京市石景山区2021-2022学年高三下学期一模英语试题
完形填空(约200词) | 容易(0.94) |

10 . Mylea lives in Australia, a country famous for kangaroos, but not for snow. Yet at 12, she _______ to ski at the North Pole.

Despite the lack of _______ training space, Mylea still built her _______ at the gym. She ran with giant tyres attached to her waist to _______ what it was like to pull a sled (雪橇) across ice. By the age of 14, Mylea was _______.

The world’s far north is not a blank carpet of soft snow, but Mylea didn’t _______ to the tough conditions. Even though every part of her body was _______, she never thought of quitting. In April 2016, Mylea made _______, becoming the youngest person to ski at the North Pole.

When talking about her _______, she stated that every human body is __________ whether you are a man or a woman. But when the talk was posted online, some Internet bullies wrote __________ comments like “Make me a sandwich” to make her feel __________.

To prove women’s place is far beyond the __________, Mylea and her team pushed on to the South Pole and made it. Holding a plate with a sandwich, Mylea proudly had her photo taken and posted online. She __________ the bullies, “I made you a sandwich. Now __________ 37 days and 600 km to the South Pole, and you can eat it.”

A.give inB.give upC.give outD.give away
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