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1 . In high school, Dad got me to play rugby in the first place. I enjoyed throwing the ball around, but I didn't think I had what it _______ to play on a team. "You'll never know what you're capable of _______ you give it a try, Adam. " Dad told me. There was _______ a game where Dad wasn't on the sidelines, cheering me on.

Four years of efforts came down to my last game. I urged my dad to bring our _______

I _______ at my parents before the opening kick-off, and put on my game face. I grabbed at the clothes of an offensive player and _______ him to the field. A loud cheer came from the sidelines. There was Dad with the camera, cheering like crazy. My best _______ ever, a perfect end to my career.

I couldn't wait to _______ the moment again. I pressed Play—the two teams _______ before the game, and then, the sky and clouds! I could only hear my dad ________ "Way to go, Adam!" The truth was that he was crazily waving, too ________ to notice anything.

"I'm sorry,” he said, "I ________ to record you the whole game.   I sensed the ________ in his heart. I firmly answered. "It was your cheers that ________ my courage in that fierce rugby game. " During the ________ recording, I found the unforgettable tune of the game and my entire life.

A.broke upB.lined upC.made upD.shot up
2020-12-17更新 | 280次组卷 | 4卷引用:山东新高考质量测评联盟高三12月联合调研监测英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友David发来邮件想了解你们学校近期在网上直播的诗词比赛。请给他回复邮件,内容包括:
1. 比赛目的和时间;
2. 参赛人员和比赛规则;
3. 比赛反响。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear David,

Best wishes!


Li Hua

阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The WHO says that 80% of the world’s teens don’t get enough exercise to live healthy lives. The report was based on research done with students aged 11 to 17 in 146 different countries.     1     It’s a pity that not much has changed since then, as the WHO reports.

Doctors say 60 minutes of exercise daily is needed for teens to build up their bone and muscle strength. It’s also hugely important for the health of the heart and lungs.     2     Besides, more and more research is showing that exercise doesn’t just help the body, but also the brain, improving thinking, test scores, and school grades.

    3     They were also very different between boys and girls. In the US, for example, 64% of boys were not active enough, compared to 80% of girls. South Korea was the country with the lowest activity levels — 91% of the boys and 97% of the girls didn’t get enough exercise.

One big reason for the lack of activity in today’s teens is technology, such as smartphones, computers and TVs. Many teens find it hard to pull themselves away from them.     4    

So the WHO warns that teens need to do less playing in the digital world, and more playing in the real world. Teens should take part in sports, whether on official teams or just playing around on the playground.     5     For many people, walking or biking to school is one way to make that happen. It’s very important for young people to build these habits now, because the positive effects of those habits can carry through into adult life.

A.Exercise benefits you academically.
B.Activity levels vary from country to country.
C.The WHO has spared no effort in the research.
D.Such inactivity can severely affect their growth.
E.Exercise can also be built into a normal day’s activities.
F.Regular activity can help them control their weight, too.
G.The WHO has been studying teen activity levels since 2001.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约690词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . In my mind, there is a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. Being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. Despite his hard training at all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played.

This teenager lived alone with his father, and the relationship between the two of them was very special. Even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a game. This young man was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him.

The young man loved football and was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he’d get to play when he became a senior. All through high school he never missed a practice nor a game but remained a benchwarmer. Besides, his faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him. When the young man went to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a “walk-on”. Everyone firmly believed that he could never make the cut, but he did.

The news that he had survived the cut thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father. His father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but actually he never got the real chance to play in a game.

It was at the end of his senior football season that the coach met him with a telegram. The young man read the telegram and he became totally silent. Swallowing hard, he mumbled to the coach, “My father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?” The coach put his arm gently around his should and said, “Take the rest of the week off, son. And don’t even plan to come back to the game on Saturday.”

Saturday arrived, and the game was not going well. In the third quarter, when the team was ten points behind, a silent young man quietly slipped into the empty locker room and put on his football gear. As he ran onto the sidelines (边线), the coach and his players were surprised to see their faithful teammate back so soon. “Coach, please let me play. I’ve just got to play today,” said the young man. The coach pretended not to hear him. There was no way he wanted his worst player in this close play-off game. But the young man insisted, and finally feeling sorry for the kid, the coach gave in. “All right,” he said. “You can go in.’’ Before long, the coach, the players and everyone in the stands could not believe their eyes. This little unknown, who had never played before, was doing everything right. The opposing team could not stop him. He ran, passed, blocked, and tackled like a star. His team began to succeed. The score was soon tied. In the closing seconds of the game, this kid got a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown.

Finally, after the stands had emptied, the coach noticed that this young man was sitting quietly in the corner all alone. The coach came to him and said, “Kid, you were unbelievably fantastic! Tell me what got into you? How did you do it?”

He looked at the coach, tears in his eyes, and said “Well, you knew my had died, but did you know that my dad was blind?” The young man swallowed hard and forced a smile, “Dad came to all my games, but today was the first time he could see me play, and I wanted to show him I could make it!”

1. What’s the writer’s attitude toward the young boy in this passage?
2. From the passage, we can infer that       .
A.the young man’s coach played an important role in his growth
B.the young man’s father had a great positive influence on him
C.not until his father passed away did the young man train hard
D.the young man’s road to success in football was always smooth
3. Why did the young man return to the match on Saturday?'
A.He hoped his dead father could be proud of his performance.
B.He thought he was much better than other players in his team.
C.He wanted to defeat the opposing team in this significant game.
D.He planned to make money to cure his father of his blindness.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.A thrilling football matchB.Determined father and son
C.The power of dreamsD.The encouragement of a coach
2017-08-04更新 | 191次组卷 | 4卷引用:全真模拟卷(一)-《2020年新高考政策解读与配套资源》
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