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1 . Every year, runner all over the world challenge themselves in marathons(马 拉松)long running events that go on for tens of kilometers. On October 12, Eliud Kipchoge ran a record-breaking marathon. He finished a42. 2-kilometer-long marathon in just 1 hour, 59 minutes and 40 seconds. The 34-year-old Olympic champion from Kenya became the first person to run a marathon of the full length in less than two hours.

I can tell people that no human is limited. I expect more people all over the world to run under two hours after today, “Kipchoge told Live Sports.

Besides Kipchoge’s hard work, a few science and technology tricks also helped him make history.

Hills and turns slow runners down. Kipchoge’s team picked a course in Vienna for its gentle curves(弯曲度). The city’s cool and dry weather also helped keep Kipchoge’s body running more efficiently. A special pair of shoes also played a big part. The shoes are made of a new material, which can take in a runner’s energy when his et meet the ground. Then it returns part of the energy to the runner, which helped Kipchoge run faster.

What’s more, Kipchoge had a dream team of 41 members. Five runners formed a V-shape ahead of Kipchoge, which reduced drag. Two runners followed directly behind to push him forward. The team took turns running every 5 kilometers. Kipchoge stayed under a two-hour pace for almost the whole race. A pace car drove in front of everyone and cast (投射) a laser beam(激光束)on the road, keeping the team at the right pace. ”Few world records today are technology-free, “ the Xinhua News Agency said.

1. According to the passage, Kipchoge was the first person to __________.
A.run a full-length marathon in Kenya
B.use technology in an Olympic marathon
C.finish a full-length marathon in two hours
D.win an Olympic marathon championship
2. What do we know about Kipchoge according to Paragraph 4?
A.His team chose a course in Kenya for his training.
B.Cool and dry weather kept him from running efficiently.
C.He trained to deal with sharp hills and turns in Vienna.
D.His record was partly because of the specially-designed shoes.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Kipchoge worked harder than other runners.
B.Kipchoge’s new record was a result of free technology.
C.Science and technology played a role in Kipchoge’s win.
D.Keeping the right pace was the key to Kipchoge’s success.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A newspaper.
C.A guidebook.D.A novel.
2023-06-16更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省东莞市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末教学质量检查英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . He Zhenliang, played a very important role in helping Beijing win the bid (投标) for the 2008 Summer Olympics in 2001 after the Chinese capital failed in its first attempt. The success of the 2008 Beijing Olympics marked China's rising to a major world sports power, which was witnessed and assisted by He.

He had devoted himself to introducing China’s sports progress to the world. He started his career in 1950s as an international communication official in the National Sports Commission,   with impressive foreign language skills. He then began working as a senior official in the 1960s   for organizations such as the Chinese Table Tennis Association, the All-China Sports Federation   and the Chinese Olympic Committee (COC). After being chosen to the executive board of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1985, He was eventually voted IOC vice-president in 1989. He promoted the Olympic Movement in China and removed misunderstandings about China's unique sports system.

Major sports figures in China expressed their respect after He’s passing. Wei Jizhong He’s longtime colleague, recalled that his most unforgettable moment about He was when He wept privately after Beijing failed in 1993 in its Olympic bid. “He said he felt he had let his country and people down, while in fact he’d done whatever he could, ” Wei said.

YangYang, the once short-track speed skater and now an IOC member, praised him as a guiding light for her change from an athlete to an international sports official. “His fruitful work in the IOC earned a positive impression from the world about Chinese sports, which inspired me and guided me to continue my career as a sports official, ” said Yang.

1. What can we learn about He from the first two paragraphs?
A.He helped bridge China and the world in sports.
B.He made China a competitive power in the world.
C.He taught language skills in some sports organizations.
D.He was vice president in the National Sports Commission.
2. The author mentions Yang to________.
A.explain He's failure in the Olympic bid
B.share some unforgettable moments of hers
C.stress He's contributions to China's sports
D.acknowledge her as an excellent speed skater
3. In which section of a newspaper is the text likely to appear?
2022-07-25更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门市2019-2020学年高二上学期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . FIFA, soccer's governing body, will seek to expand the Women's World Cup from 24 to 32 teams and double the prize money.

FIFA President Gianni Infantino wants more teams for 2023, but knows FIFA must work quickly "We will discuss it as a matter of urgency and se if we can already decide to increase for 2023, in which case we should reopen the bidding process and allow everyone to have a chance to organize or maybe co-host for some of those who have been bidding already for a 24-team World Cup, ""Nothing is impossible and based on the success of the 2019 World Cup, of course we have to believe bigger and to do what we should have done already probably some time ago, "Gianni said before the July 7 final between the United States and the Netherlands. The U, S. women's team won 2:0, which helped the growth of women's soccer.

Gianni earlier prioritized(优先考虑)enlarging the Men's World Cup. He pushed for a jump from 32 to 48 teams for the 2026 World Cup that the United States co-hosts with Canada and Mexico. A bid to speed up the process of expansion for the 2022 tournament in Qatar failed in May. That event will see teams dividing a $440 million prize. In addition, club teams, meaning professional teams, that let their players participate in the Cup will receive a total of $S209 million.

However, women's teams earn much less for competing at the women's event. FIFA plans to double the prize money and will spend more to prepare players and pay clubs releasing players. Gianni said that share would total $100 million. Gianni said FIFA would double its spending on women's soccer to $1 billion. Later, he said that most of it will not be going directly to players. Most of the money would be reserved for soccer federations(联合会)to request for specific projects that would require approval from FIFA.

1. What's urgent for 2023 according to FIFA's president?
A.Deciding on who to bid for it.B.Choosing a country to host it.
C.Reforming the bidding process.D.Discussing whether more teams to attend.
2. What can we learn about the 2019 World Cup?
A.It's a men's event.
B.It allows 32 teams to participate.
C.It contributes to the expansion of women's teams.
D.It doubles the prize for women players.
3. Why does the author mention the Men's World Cup?
A.To encourage people to engage in soccer.
B.To arouse public concern for the Men's World Cup.
C.To show the importance of the Men's World Cup.
D.To stress the need to increase funds in women's teams.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.It's compulsory for clubs to release players.
B.Women players will earn more than men.
C.FIFA attracts more attention to women's events.
D.FIFA will not reject soccer federations' proposal?
2022-01-03更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省龙岩市2020届高三上学期期末教学质量检查英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . When people think of winter sports, they usually think of ice skating, skiing or snowboarding. Without doubt, these are some of the most popular winter sportsalthough, thanks to man-made snow we can play most of these sports all year round!

Last weekend, I went snowshoeing with a group of teachers from my school. Although I had walked in very deep snow almost two years ago, I had never tried snowshoeing before. A snowshoe is, actually, a large plastic frame(框架) which you fix to your own shoes. The snowshoe increases the surface area of your feet, therefore making you less likely to sink in the snow.

At first, it felt a little strangea bit like wearing flippers(脚蹼)when you swim! I felt quite uncomfortable to start with, and it was difficult to climb over the fallen trees with the snowshoes fixed to my feet. However, I love hiking and am used to walking in mountainous areas so I soon got used to it. I loved walking through the forest and seeing all the trees covered in snow! At times, walking uphill in the snow was hard, especially when there were rocks under the snow. That said, once we reached the top it was worth it! The mountain we climbed was called “Le Tanet” and it was 1,292m high. That’s higher than Snowdon, the tallest mountain in Wales! The sky was a bit grey, but the views were fantastic. I managed to get some great photos. After taking lots of photos, we started the descent. In some ways, going down the mountain was harder than going up. It was easy to slip in the snow.

At the bottom, we had a hot drink in a small wood house. It was surely needed after a few hours of walking in the cold! Before we went home, I had a go at sledging(乘雪橇), which I’d never tried before! It was great fun!

Overall, I’d really suggest snowshoeing as an alternative(替代物) to the more well-known winter sports. Besides being a lot cheaper than skiing, it’s easier and is considered to be a lot safer!

1. The author soon got used to walking with the snowshoes because he ________.
A.had experience in ice skatingB.often climbed trees in the forest
C.was good at swimming with flippersD.often went hiking in mountainous areas
2. What does “the descent” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Going down the mountain.B.Taking a lot of photos.
C.Enjoying the beautiful scenery.D.Falling down in the snow.
3. What does the author think of snowshoeing at last?
4. What type of writing is this text?
A.A sports report.B.An advertisement for sledge.
C.A personal experience.D.A travel guide.
2021-10-19更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省汕头市潮南区2020-2021学年上学期期末高一英语质量监测题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . New research shows that daily light walking is important for maintaining health as you age. But if you can’t hit 10,000 steps, don't worry. There's nothing magical about the number 10,000.

In fact, the idea of walking at least 10,000 steps a day for health goes back decades to a marketing campaign started in Japan to promote a pedometer(计步器).And then, it was adopted in the US as a goal to promote good health.

"The original basis of the number was not scientific." says researcher I-Min Lee of Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She was curious to know how many steps you need to take a day to maintain good health and live a long life, so she and her colleagues designed a study. It turns out that women who took about 4,000 steps per day got an increase in longevity(寿命), compared with women who took fewer steps. “It was sort of surprising,” Lee says. Another surprise: the benefits of walking maxed out at about 7,500 steps. In other words, women who walked more than 7,500 steps per day saw no additional increase in longevity.

“ I love this study. I think it’s really good news for women who may not be very active. All they have to do is walk,” says Kathleen Janz, who studies how physical activity influences health at the University of Iowa. And Janz says that’s encouraging. Another thing Janz notes is that this study only measured walking. It didn’t measure things that don’t require steps, like gardening, swimming or biking.

So, if 10,000 steps has been feeling out of reach to you, it may be time to reset those factory settings on your fitness tracker. Instead, try to hit at least 4,400 a day, along with daily activities that you enjoy. And stick to it.

1. What’s the original purpose of the idea of walking at least 10,000 steps a day?
A.To make people live longer.
B.To help sell a product.
C.To change people’s habits.
D.To test a pedometer
2. How does Lee think of the result of the study?
3. Which may Kathleen Janz agree with?
A.People need 10,000 steps a day
B.Pedometer producers should change their settings.
C.The study should not only focus on daily walking.
D.Some activities that don’t demand steps also benefit health.
2021-07-28更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省白山市2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Being seventeen without money can be depressing. When the opportunity arrives to earn some needed cash, it would be foolish to pass it up. It is for this reason that when the opportunity to referee elementary basketball came my way, I jumped at the chance. I thought it would be a fun way to earn some “easy money”.

During the years I played on the court and watched the games, I often found myself criticizing the referees. I was completely convinced that I could do a much better job because of my love for basketball and my familiarity of the game. How difficult could it be, especially with a bunch of third graders?

I looked forward to my first night as a referee, but all of my fantasies wore off from the beginning of the game. These sweet and innocent third grade boys immediately transformed into horrible creatures right before me. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine the extent of competitiveness in the game. A battle was in progress on the court while the inhumane bystanders cheered and yelled from the stands. My only companion, the whistle, suffered from a severe case of stage fear, filling my head with doubt every time I wished to blow it. My lack of action fueled the heartless crowd. Even on the rare occasions when my whistle gained enough courage to pause the fighting, the pitiless bystanders still couldn't calm. The sense of failure flooded every inch of my soul. With only five minutes remaining, Michael, another referee, came in time, saving me from losing my mind. In a flash, I passed my whistle and quickly ran to the safety of the stands.

I realized just how difficult refereeing was. I could have let this heartbreaking evening ruin my future on the court, but instead it stimulated a sense of determination in me to do it better. I still hope to become a great referee someday. In order for this to become a reality, it will take many hours of practice and hard work. No matter how much I wish the cash would be handed to me without requiring any effort, I learned from this experience that there is no such thing as “easy money”.

1. What made the author accept the offer to serve as a basketball referee?
A.His desire for money.B.His passion for basketball.
C.His poor family background.D.His academic qualifications.
2. What did the author initially think of the third grade boys before refereeing the game?
3. What happened to the author during the game?
A.He was too nervous to blow the whistle.
B.He was at a loss how to announce the results.
C.He couldn't avoid the bystanders' physical attack.
D.He couldn't handle the tough situation on the court.
4. What can we learn from the author's experience?
A.Lazy hands make for poverty.B.Money does not grow on trees.
C.Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
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