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My dad and I had been looking forward to the Stale cross-country race of my senior year of high school, which would be the climax (顶点) of my existence.

I was the fastest runner on my team, and I was supposed to make it into the top fifteen. We had been working towards this race for three years. It was everything to me, and it was everything to my dad. He was a runner and was wild with joy by my success in running. He made it to every race, even flying home early from business trips to see me run. I always listened for his voice, which rang above the crowd-telling me to relax my arms, calling out my time. He pushed me. He cheered for me. He believed in me. We spent countless hours on the sandy canals of Arizona. Breathing in the dust of the desert, the blossoms of the orange trees, and the terrible smell of the dairy farm, we made our way across the city. We pounded miles and miles into our running shoes, marking with every step the path to greatness. It was a journey that was just ours. A dream passed on from one generation to the next.

Then the big day came. It was hotter than normal - too hot. My throat felt like a field of cotton, cracked with the summer heat, as I waited for the gun to fire. I gazed out at the crowd; dozens of familiar faces from church and school flickered across my view. They had come for me. They were counting on me. I saw my dad set his watch, worry and excitement etched across his face. With the sound of a gunshot, the race began.

For the first two and half miles, I felt great. I had never before been so ready for something. The weeks leading up to the race were filled with hard practices and a strict diet. The scorching sun beat upon my back, blinding me with its brilliance. Nothing was going to stop me, though.

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However, without warning, my strength was running out.


I whispered, “I’m so sorry I disappointed you, Dad.”

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The gym teacher blew the whistle (哨子) and four students dived into the swimming pool, racing to the other side. Then the next four were up, but only three stood on the diving board. “Where is Ren?” the gym teacher asked in concern.

Ren’s face turned red, and he was unsteady. He looked at the pool and stepped back. “You cannot make me do this!” he said.

Sadie patted him on the back gently. “You can do it! I will help you if you need it.” Ren stared into Sadie’s eyes and he calmed down.

“You can do it. You need to pass this class.” The gym teacher said. Ren stepped on the diving board,vputting his goggles (护目镜)vover his eyes, and the blue cap hid his red hair. The whistle blew and Ren stood there as the other three swam away. Then one boy ran and pushed Ren into the water.

Sadie glared at the boy. “Why would you do that?” A minute passed by and Ren still wasn’t coming up. Sadie jumped in and pulled him out of the water. She gave him CPR (心肺复苏),and it took a while until water came out of his lungs. Then finally he spat out the water and sat up, feeling dizzy.

Ren looked over at Sadie,who breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness! Why didn’t you use your arms or legs?”Ren stared away from Sadie, looking at the bottom of the blue pool, then looking up at the gym teacher who rolled his eyes.“I can’t swim. My parents never taught me as a kid. We are afraid of water.”

Sadie put her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. I will teach you how to swim. The water is my favourite place to be.”Ren thought for a while, and nodded gently.

Paragraph 1:

Ren and Sadie finished gym class and walked home together:

Paragraph 2:

The gym teacher blew the whistle and this time Ren dived bravely.

2023-02-22更新 | 728次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南省永州市第一中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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It was cool and bright and just right for running. I was in the first few miles of a 10-mile race through some hills. Birds were singing on the trees. The soft wind was brushing my cheeks. I felt rested and springy. Despite the hills, I thought it was going to be a fine run.

Ahead was Blake, a student from Burke High School. He was running easily, too, moving along efficiently. The pace felt comfortable, so I decided to stay where he was; why bother concentrating on pace when Blake was such a nice pacesetter for me? I would overtake Blake later on when he used up energy.

So I ran closely behind him. The course headed north for five miles, wandered west for a mile, and then turned south again. The race was getting tougher. With three miles to go, it was beginning to be real hard work. My lungs were on fire, and legs felt like stone.

Blake overtook the boy in front of him. Apparently he knew the boy, for they exchanged a few words. Their brief communication worried me. Runners don’t chat during a race unless they feel really good, and Blake plainly was. There was still a noticeable bounce in his steps, but the springiness I had once possessed was gone.

Still, I was close enough to overtake Blake if he was tired, so I didn’t give up hope completely. We were approaching a hill, a mile from the finish line, so whatever happened on the hill would almost certainly determine who crossed it first.

As I moved up the hill, my attention wandered for a few minutes. When I looked up, Blake was moving away, first five yards, then ten, then more. There was no hope of catching Blake.

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Suddenly Blake slowed and sat onto the ground painfully.


A reporter took a picture of this moving scene and posted it online.

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When I was in Primary Five, I was in the basketball school team. Every month we would have a basketball match against another school’s basketball team. In spite of all the cheers we received from our classmates and the amount of training we had, we had never won a single match before. That was due to our lack of teamwork and cooperation.

During one of our training sessions, our school team was divided into two to have a match against each other. The inter-school competition was coming up and none of us wanted to miss our chance of getting that gold trophy(奖品). “Three, two, one, start!” our basketball coach, Coach Leong, shouted. John, who was in my team, managed to grab the ball that Coach Leong threw in the air. Since John grabbed the ball, he refused to let anyone, not even his teammates, take it.

“Pass the ball to me, John!” I shouted. I was in a good position to shoot the ball into the hoop(篮筺). To my shock, John made a rude face at me. I made an attempt to grab the ball from him. When I got my hands on the ball, it became a tug-of-war(激烈竞争) between John and me. Coach Leong shook his head and exploded like an active volcano. “Children! Is this the type of behavior that I should be seeing? The match is in two weeks! Do you even know the importance of teamwork?” Coach Leong gave us a disappointed look. It seemed as if he had some sad news to tell us.

I was right.

Coach Leong explained that he would be retiring after the match. “I hope you can show me your teamwork and cooperate with one another in this match before I retire.” I choked on my tears. My heart sank. We were giving Coach Leong such a tough time, when all he wanted was for us to show teamwork in the match. After that day, my teammates and I were determined to do our best and work as a team.

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Para. 1     
On the day of the match, we stood face-to-face with our opponents, the team from River Primary School.
Para. 2     
John did a perfect overhead throw and I caught the ball in mid-air.   
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During the summer before Patty entered fifth grade, she decided to try a new sport. Swim training was nearly over and Patty was the fastest swimmer in her age group. She had always been the best. The neighborhood was offering a one-week tennis training course. Patty and her friend Darla got permission from their parents to join.

On Saturday morning, Darla’s mom took the girls to a store and bought them each a good, used tennis racket. “If you girls stick to tennis, then we’ll talk about a new racket. These will do for now.” The girls were excited about their new purchases. On Monday morning, at 7:00 a.m., Patty’s mom woke her up. “It’s time for tennis!” Patty covered her face. “Mom, it’s too early!” She made great effort to get out of bed and down to the breakfast table. Patty finished breakfast and ran to Darla’s house, then they walked to the court.

Mrs. Cane, the tennis coach, lined everyone up and started with the basics. After that, Mrs. Cane tirelessly taught them to practice their forehand and backhand. By the end of the week, Patty had made impressive progress. Mrs. Cane commented that Patty had lots of potential. Darla, on the other hand, was struggling. The other teenagers were having a tough time of it, too. Patty was the only one who seemed to get somewhere.

Since then, Darla had always been out in the August heat, practicing her serves or hitting the ball. Patty wasn’t really interested. She felt she was such a “natural” for tennis that she really didn’t need to practice. By the end of the summer, Darla began to get the hang of it. She joined a neighborhood junior tennis team. There would be matches every Thursday. Patty wanted to join as well, but she didn’t want to miss her favorite TV show. She told herself that she would join it when she got some free time. If Darla had fun, she would join the team in the spring.

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The week before school started, Mrs. Cane held another training course.


Patty couldn’t stop thinking of her poor performance on the way home.

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Mary waited anxiously for her turn in the empty dressing room. Never had she been so nervous before. This competition was of vital importance to her comeback. “If I can win today,” she said to herself, “I can dance on the national stage next month.” Three months ago, her left arm was seriously injured in a car accident. After the medical treatment, she began to recover slowly. She practiced over and over again in order to regain her dancing skills.

“Hi, Mary,” in rushed her friend Jessica “How is your arm? Is it going to influence your performance?”

“I guess it can be tolerated for I am to win the match.” said Mary with a determined look.

“Admirable! But I hear that a girl called Linda is really gifted and strong. She can be your real well-matched competitor. Come on!”

After Jessica left, Mary decided to practice her most difficult spin. “If I don’t try harder, I won’t grasp this chance.” She thought. But her arm began to hurt, making her worried. “Mary, what makes you think you have a chance tonight?” she said to herself. After the pain was gone, she continued to warm up.

A slim girl hurried in and put down an equipment bag on the chair. Then, she took out her dance dress quickly and put it on skillfully. Seeing Mary, she smiled politely and said “Hi, I’m Linda. I am the next one!” Mary nodded in reply but felt uncomfortable. “This is just my competitor. Because of her, I may lose tonight.” Her mind was wandering when Linda let out a scream, “Oh, God, I can’t find my music tape!” Linda searched her bag but in vain. “It may be missing on the way.” With these words, she then rushed out.

Suddenly, Mary caught sight of a black box under the chair where Linda put her bag.
Linda finished her dancing successfully and then came Mary’s turn.
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It was my first time to ski and I had been persuaded to come along with a group of friends who had booked a hotel for us all. Everyone else there had at least some experience of skiing in the past and all throughout the flight to Geneva they were talking funny stories about past trips to towns and villages I hadn’t even heard of.

While I knew I was in for a really good time, a little part of me was wondering whether I had made a mistake by joining such experienced skiers for a week in the Alps(阿尔卑斯山), when I had never even had a single skiing lesson on proper snow, that is to say real snow.

We arrived at the hotel in the afternoon and my training lessons didn’t start until the following morning. There was no way that I was going to stay behind and watch everyone else go out to enjoy the slopes(斜坡)without me, so I grabbed my stuff and headed out with the rest of them. Harriet, a member of our group, took pity on me and offered to pair up, giving me some tips on how to get started.

I had been planning hitting the ski track for months and now I arrived and I was about to feel the rush. The excitement started to spread. But on this occasion, it really was my first outing, and I was seriously nervous. I always loved snow, I loved throwing snowballs with my friends as a kid. but now I felt I was out of my comfort zone and, after I equipped myself, I was shaking all over nervously.

I tried to go forward. For all of about ten meters, I fell to the ground again and again. My instructor, Paul, was near and he was trying too hard not to laugh. I was feeling a little bit ashamed. Again to my feet, again to the ground.

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And the pattern continued until finally I caught my balance.


With proper lessons the following days, I improved quickly.

2023-04-12更新 | 289次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南省108所学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题(含听力)
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Dave had loved basketball for as long as he could remember and he had never had a day without playing it. At primary school and junior high school he joined basketball clubs, attended training programs and watched basketball games, from which he learned the moves of the star players, wishing to play in a professional team like them and shine on the court.

Now as a senior high school student, however, his dream of becoming a professional player was dimming (变暗) because he was only of average height. He had to give up the hope of joining the school team. The guys on the school team were all tall boys who played matches and won honors for the school. They were like heroes. Dave watched them play and cheered them but he knew he would never be one of them.

Dave felt it a pity not to be tall enough, but this didn’t stop him from pouring his passion into basketball. He just played for the love of the sport. He played in the school gym with other boys or by himself every day, even during holidays and weekends, when it was open for two hours in the morning. He enjoyed every minute on the court making every effort to play better.

It was one Saturday morning. Dave was playing in the gym by himself, as all the other boys were busy with other weekend affairs. Then he noticed a tall boy approaching. It was Lankas. Everybody knows him as captain of the school basketball team. “Hi, Lankas,” Dave greeted him. “My name is Dave.” “Hi, Dave,” Lankas replied as he got closer. “Nice to see you here. Do you need an opponent to play against?” Dave was shocked, frozen right there, unable to believe his ears but somehow, he answered, “Why not?”

So, a game of two players began.
The next Saturday, when Dave was playing in the gym, Lankas appeared shouting, “Dave, I have good news for you.”
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Sports Day was getting close in the school. All the children were very excited and were practicing for the big race. John, one of the fast runners of the school, was confident that he would win for he was not doing anything at all. “You have to work hard to come first in the race John. You are not practicing at all,” said John’s mother.

“Mom, you know how fast I am! Why should I waste my time running? Only I will win; no one else will win!”said John. “John, you may be right but talent (天赋) without hard work is not good at all. This laziness of yours will cost you greatly,” his mother warned him. John just laughed. He was so confident that he would win the trophy (奖杯) as no one else in his class was as fast as he was!.

Tim, a classmate of John, was also participating (参加) in the running race. He was not a fast runner. However, he practiced till late at night and had developed great endurance (持久力) to run the race.

There were a few days left for the Sports Day but John did not practice at all. On the other hand, Tim practiced day and night.

The Sports Day was almost around the corner but John was confident that no one could beat him and had not practiced at all. But Tim with his hard work had become a very great runner.

At last, the Sports Day arrived. All the students showed up on the ground to cheer their favorites. The coach blew the whistle (口哨) and everyone began to run toward the finishing line. It was so exciting. John and Tim left all the racers far behind. Both of them were neck to neck.

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Suddenly, John went ahead of Tim.


John’s mother came up to Tim and praised him for his hard work.

2023-11-23更新 | 262次组卷 | 34卷引用:湘鄂冀三省益阳平高学校、长沙市平高中学等七校2021-2022学年高一下学期期末联考考试英语试题
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Oh no. Please tell me that Coach Cafferty did NOT just say my name. Not for the one-hundred-meter breaststroke (蛙泳). Except all eyes were turned to me when she announced it, and her eyes met mine over the clipboard (剪贴板) that held the list of events and swimmers for the Plain Township Aquatic Center meet. The PTAC meet was the first of the season, and I was not ready.

“Remember, the meet is on Wednesday night. Be here at four-thirty for and the race kicks off at six. I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.” Coach Cafferty added. The crowd cleared quickly and I headed back home, feeling desperate.

“Did you find out your events for Wednesday?” Mom asked as she slid the pizza box across the table to me.

“Yeah. One-hundred breaststroke,” I finally said, not meeting her eyes. “I don’t know why Coach didn’t give me backstroke (仰泳). She knows it’s my best. I can’t swim breaststroke!”

“Maybe she sees something you don’t.” Mom said.

“Or maybe I should just quit the swim team.”

Mom frowned. “Is that what you want?”

I sighed. “No.” I took a bite of my pizza. “I’m terrible at breaststroke. What happens when I show up on Wednesday and race, and I sink to the bottom of the pool? Or even worse,come in last?”

“Someone has to be last.” Mom pointed out.

“But I don’t even know if I can swim breaststroke for one-hundred meters!” I set my pizza down. “She had submitted the names, but there’s no way I can do this.”

“You could. But how will you know unless you try?” Mom persuaded.

“Yeah, but if I try, I could fail. In front of everyone.” I pictured the entire crowd watching as I finished last, pointing and laughing. My belly squeezed.

Mom set her pizza down and gave me her I’m-saying-something-important-so-listen face. “Don’t worry about other people. Just race against yourself. Forget about anything else except doing your best and swimming your own race. Prove to yourself that you can do it.”

Somehow, there seemed a mysterious power in her words comforting my unsettling heart and I decided to have a try. The next day, I was at practice as required.

Paragraph 1:

The first practice was a disaster.

Paragraph 2:

Then everything crashed in the last 5 meters of the race.

共计 平均难度:一般