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阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Common Mistakes New Runners Make

Running is a great way to get in shape and just about everyone can do it. However, many make a number of common mistakes, which can interfere (妨碍) with training or lead to injury.     1     , keep these things in mind to help you increase your chances of running success.

·Doing too much too soon

One of the biggest mistakes new runners make is doing too much too soon. Slowly easing into a training program will help reduce the risk of injury, so you can continue on with your new running routine     2     .

·     3    

Beginners might think they need to run every day (or nearly every day) to meet their fitness or weight-loss goals, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Running is a high-impact activity which can be really hard on your body. So it’s important to give your body a rest between workouts.

·Not wearing the right equipment

    4    , it’s important that you wear properly for your workouts. The most important piece of equipment for running is a good pair of running shoes, so be sure to do some research before you purchase a pair. Visit a running specialty store and ask an employee to fit you for a shoe.

•Running through pain

    5     If something hurts when you run, you need to stop and treat the pain. Remember: It doesn’t make you less of a runner if you listen to your body to keep it healthy.

A.Not taking rest days
B.If you’re just starting out
C.Comparing yourself to others
D.Running can be uncomfortable at times
E.It’s important not to use the same muscles
F.While it may be true that you don’t need expensive equipment to take up running
G.Experts suggest increasing your running distance by no more than 10% each week
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. Which sport did Peter probably take part in?
A.The relay race.
C.The table tennis.
2. Who won the high jump?
A.Betty.B.Joe.C.The man.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The Price of a Dream

I grew up poor. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, they could still afford a dream. My dream was athletics.

By the time I was sixteen, I was good at baseball and football. My high school coach was Ollie Jarvis. He not only believed in me, but taught me the difference between having a dream and showing conviction (信念).

One summer a friend recommended me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket — cash for dates with girls, certainly, money for a new bike and new clothes, and the start of savings for a house for my mother.

Then I realized I would have to give up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldn’t be playing. I was afraid of this, but my mother said, “If you make your bed, you have to lie in it.” 

When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as mad as I expected him to be. “Your playing days are limited. You can’t afford to waste them,” he said.

I stood before him with my head hanging, trying to think of the words that would explain to him why I dream of buying my mom a house.

“How much are you going to make at this job, son?” he demanded.

“Three point twenty-five an hour,” I replied.

“Well,” he asked, “is $3. 25 an hour the price of a dream?”

That question exposed the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal. I devoted myself to sports that summer, and within the year I was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play rookie-league ball, and offered a $20, 000 contract. I signed with the Denver Broncos in 1984 for $1.7 million, and bought my mother my dream house.

1. Why was the writer grateful to Coach Jarvis?
A.Because Coach Jarvis made him set a goal.
B.Because Coach Jarvis supplied him with new clothes.
C.Because Coach Jarvis gave him financial support.
D.Because Coach Jarvis helped him show conviction.
2. What did the writer want to do when he was offered a job?
A.Balance summer baseball and the work schedule.
B.Refuse the job offer for summer baseball.
C.Give up summer baseball for the job.
D.Ask his coach Jarvis for advice.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined part “If you make your bed, you have to lie in it.” in paragraph 4?
A.You must eat the bitter fruit of your own making.
B.Believe in yourself, but above all be patient.
C.You must rely on yourself first, then others.
D.A good beginning makes a good ending.
4. What did the writer do at the end of the story?
A.He failed to buy his mother a house.
B.He succeeded as a sportsman.
C.He became a successful businessman.
D.He made some money in the summer job.
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Exercise and I had never had a good relationship due to my fear of sports. From a young age, my dad _______ me into a dozen sports. I didn’t like any of them, _______.

When I entered the University of Regina, my dad _______ telling me “You have to find a way to stay _______.” or “You don’t want to get the Freshman 15, do you?” So I _______ to give swimming a shot, but I _______ managed to go to the pool twice during the fall semester (学期). Worse still, I was _______ to convince myself that’s OK.

The spring semester came. A friend of mine _______ me if I wanted to try Zumba (尊巴) with her. All I knew about Zumba was that it was basically a kind of exercise: dancing to Latin pop songs. It didn’t sound too bad, but I couldn’t be _______.

I went, and that was it. Zumba became my ________ of tea. The instructor would always say, “Don’t worry about the steps. Have fun. Do your own thing.” That removed my ________ of sports. I didn’t have to be ________. I didn’t even have to be good. I just needed to ________ the music and move. Zumba did ________ me from the Freshman 15, and it also did so much more. It let me make ________ with my unpleasant past about physical exercise, and enjoy staying healthy.

A.in shapeB.for funC.at easeD.on business
2023-08-17更新 | 196次组卷 | 32卷引用:2021届山东省高三开学质量检测英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What sport does the man like best?
2. What kind of music does the man like?
A.Classical music.B.Pop music.C.Jazz.
3. What does the man do with friends to keep friendship?
A.He hangs out with them.
B.He plays sports with them.
C.He shares music with them.
4. When will the woman’s movie begin?
A.At 2:30 p.m.B.At 3:30 p.m.C.At 3:00 p.m.
2023-08-02更新 | 198次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届重庆市第一中学校高三下学期信心考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why does the man seldom do exercise?
A.He lacks motivation.
B.He has a heart problem.
C.He works all the time.
2. What does Jacob Sattelmair probably do?
A.He’s an athlete.B.He’s a researcher.C.He’s a journalist.
3. Why does the woman speak of a study?
A.To encourage the man.
B.To recommend an exercise.
C.To support her findings.
4. How much time will the man probably spend exercising weekly?
A.300 minutes.B.150 minute.C.75 minutes.
2023-07-21更新 | 131次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届辽宁省沈阳市第一中学高三第七次模拟考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does Kirsty go to the sports village every morning?
A.By car.B.By bike.C.On foot.
2. What does Kirsty do at midday?
A.She practices shooting.B.She meets her coaches.C.She takes a walk.
3. What exercise does Kirsty do before supper?
A.She goes running.B.She goes swimming.C.She plays football.
4. When does Kirsty finish her football practice?
A.At 6:30.B.At 7:30.C.At 9:00.
2023-06-04更新 | 79次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届福建省德化一中、永安一中、漳平一中三校协作高三下学期5月高考适应性考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . National Music Theater Competition

The 2024 National Music Theater Competition (NMTC) will be held. It was launched in 2011 as the first national competition for the emerging professional music theater soloist (独唱者). NMTC has provided industry connections for past competitors and winners that have led to their success on Broadway and other venues.

Prizes (each prize only for a person)

The champion: $5,000 plus a concert at the next national conference of National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), a $1,000 Gift Certificate from Hal Leonard, a Career Management Services package from Stage Door Connections.

The runner-up: $2,500 plus a $500 Gift Certificate from Hal Leonard.

The third place: Louise Lerch Prize; $1,000 cash prize.

The fourth place: Bill Hayes Prize; $750 cash prize.


Singers aged from 20 to 28 as of September 15, 2023.

Entrance Procedure

Application requires a fee of $900, but for these students of NATS members the fee is $75. Application fees due to cancellation by the applicant won’t be returned. All application materials must be submitted by September 15, 2023. If you are planning to submit your application for the online round, you must complete the submission by September 15, 2023, but you’ll have 30 days after the deadline to upload your audition (试唱) videos. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Where to Audition

The preliminary (预选的) round

Live auditions: November 1 to 10, 2023 in New York City.

Online auditions: Video submission deadline is October 15, 2023.

Semifinal and final rounds

Live auditions: The semifinal round: January 3 to 9, 2024; the final round: January 15 to 20, 2024.

The semifinal and final rounds will be held in New York City as part of the 2024 NATS Winter Workshop.

1. Why was the National Music Theater Competition launched?
A.To make people like music.
B.To promote the leisure industry.
C.To popularize Broadway musicals.
D.To seek promising talents.
2. What will the person coming second in the competition get?
A.A $500 Gift Certificate and Louise Lerch Prize.
B.$2,500 in prize money and a Gift Certificate.
C.A Career Management Services package.
D.A chance to perform at a concert.
3. Which of the following is a necessity for participating in the competition?
A.Being at least 28 years old.
B.Applying for membership of NATS.
C.Submitting application materials on time.
D.Uploading audition videos by September 15.
4. What do you know about the competition?
A.Competitors can enter the semifinal round on January 18, 2024.
B.Both online and live auditions are available in any round.
C.There are three rounds in the competition in total.
D.Application submission deadline is October 15, 2023.
5. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To call on people to explore their potential in music.
B.To attract young singers to apply for the competition.
C.To appeal to young singers to become NATS members.
D.To encourage people to enter the musical industry.
2023-05-20更新 | 220次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届天津市北辰区高三下学期模拟考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the woman’s attitude toward the man’s idea?
2. When was the last time the man played basketball?
A.One month ago.B.Five years ago.C.25 years ago.
3. What does the woman think the man should do?
A.Run regularly.B.Go on a diet.C.Check his health condition.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.How to keep healthy.B.How to start exercising.C.How to prepare for a game.
2023-04-13更新 | 97次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届辽宁省锦州市高三4月质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Benefits of Sports

Doing sports is a physical, mental and social adventure. It’s a great way for children to take a break from studies and release extra energy. It also helps them lead fuller and happier lives as regular sports have proven beneficial to overall well-being.

The physical benefits of doing sports are probably the most obvious. Regardless of your fitness level when you start playing sports, you’ll notice an increase in your overall fitness once you’re involved.     1     Basketball players focus on strength training; football players work on speed while track athletes train through longer runs. The training process helps promote physical fitness and performances in competitions.

    2     Playing sports also contributes to mental health, helping to increase confidence and self-worth. A pat on the back, a high five from a teammate, or a handshake after a match really boosts a child’s confidence. Words of praise and encouragement from the coach, parents and other players raise self-worth.     3     So after a game, it’s a better idea to ask “Did you enjoy the game?” rather than “Did you win?”

Children who participate in sports might also benefit from the social aspect, feeling part of a group, building up responsibility and leadership.     4     Teamwork involves both being dependable as a teammate and learning to rely on your teammates to achieve a positive outcome. Teamwork breeds responsibility and challenges you to be responsible for your actions. Being part of a team gives you an opportunity to be a leader.

Discipline is another social advantage. Most organized sports require a strict training and practice schedule. As a student-athlete, you need to balance studies and athletics.     5    

There is no shortage of reasons to find a sport to get involved in. Are you ready to go? Pick one and get moving!

A.It’s not just your body that benefits from sports.
B.Therefore, playing sports is going to make you more fit.
C.But remember, a child’s self-worth should not be distinguished by victory or loss.
D.If you play group sports, you’ll be part of a team that takes direction from a coach.
E.Nearly every sport requires physical activities and the competitive skills.
F.Among these, learning how to function as part of a team is the most important advantage.
G.Only with strict discipline can you be successful both in the classroom and in the sports field.
2023-04-11更新 | 89次组卷 | 16卷引用:【区级联考】北京市海淀区2019届高三期中练习(一模)英语试题
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