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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Mary waited anxiously for her turn in the empty dressing room. Never had she been so nervous before. This competition was of vital importance to her comeback. “If I can win today,” she said to herself, “I can dance on the national stage next month.” Three months ago, she hurt her left arm in a car accident. After the medical treatment, she began to recover slowly. She practiced over and over again in order to regain her dancing skills.

“Hi, Mary,” in rushed her friend Jessica. “How is your arm? Is it going to affect your performance?”

“I guess it can be tolerated for I am to win the match,” said Mary with a determined look.

“Admirable! But I hear that a girl called Linda is really gifted and strong. She can be your real well-matched competitor. Come on!”

After Jessica left, Mary decided to practice the most difficult spin (高速旋转). “If I don’t try harder, I won’t grasp this chance,” she thought. But her arm began to hurt, making her worried. After the pain was gone, she continued to warm up.

Then a slim girl hurried in and put down a bag on the chair. Then, she took out her dance dress quickly and put it on skillfully. Seeing Mary, she smiled politely and said, “Hi, I’m Linda. I am a participant in the competition, too.” Mary nodded in reply but felt uncomfortable. “She is just my competitor. Because of her, I may lose tonight.” Her mind was wandering when Linda screamed, “Oh, I can’t find my music tape!” Linda searched her bag but in vain. “It might have been missing on the way.” With these words, she then rushed out.

Paragraph 1:

Suddenly, Mary caught sight of a black box under the chair where Linda put her bag. ______

Paragraph 2:

Hearing her name called, Mary walked on stage with her heart beating fast. ________

阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . The Vitality Big Half gets underway this morning. It was first launched last year and saw 11 ,000 take part, with the aim of bringing Londoners together and celebrating the diversity of the capital. A festival is being held at the finish line with music, food and activities throughout the day.

The strong winds this morning unfortunately mean that the scheduled music performances from local talents have had to be cancelled as it's impossible to build the temporary stage structures for the festival. The food will still be available and the event will include cooking classes from MasterChef Steve Kielty, and there will also be running challenges, trampolining(蹦床运动), craft making and gardening advice.

When the half marathon starts:

The Vitality Big Half will start from 9 am by Tower Bridge, as well as The New Balance Big Relay.

The 2.4-mile Little Half will start at 12: 45 from Southwark Park, while The Vitality Big Mile will start at Greenwich Park from 12: 30.

Greenwich Park will also be where The Vitality Big Festival is held between 9 am and 4 pm today.

What is the route:

The Big Half will be starting at Tower Bridge and runners will then follow a 13.1-mile route that will take them past Shadwell and Limehouse, before circling around Canary Wharf.

Half marathon runners will then follow up the River Thames back towards Wapping and then go over Tower Bridge and head towards Southwark Park.

The route continues along the south side of the River Thames and circles around Rotherhithe before joining the Little Half runners and travelling through Deptford towards the finish line at Cutty Sark.

How to watch the runners:

You can go to various points along the route to watch the runners in person, watch them at home on your TV or watch them online.

1. What is the purpose of The Vitality Big Half?
A.To list some dos and don'ts of a great event in London.
B.To gather the locals together and praise the city's diversity.
C.To encourage people to do sports and outdoor activities.
D.To introduce different ways to celebrate a traditional festival.
2. What happened to the music performances of this year's festival?
A.It failed to go on as planned.
B.It attracted too many people.
C.The temporary stage was destroyed.
D.Talents from around the world came.
3. Which place will the Big Half marathon runners and the Little Half runners join together?
A.The River Thames.B.Wapping.C.Rotherhithe.D.Deptford.
3 . Dear Wang Shi,

How is it going?

Thank you for your interest in joining the school ________ team. As you know, our ________ has a great reputation, but we are always ________ new talent to sharpen the team for the future. It is not usual for a freshman student to be selected, ________ it is wonderful to hear that you are finding strength in teamwork and that basketball is giving you a ________ in life. If you are ________ for the school team, this is what our talent scouts are always looking for.

Firstly, you need to show us that you can ________ intense, focused and effective basketball. This means that you are always concentrating on the play, moving on the court, running for loose balls, and strong in both defense and attacking ________. We need to see that you can take charge of the ball, control your opponents, take shots and ________ goals for our team. So, you will need to work on your skills in these areas. Trust me, this hard work will really ________off when we are searching for new players.

Secondly, the tallest players are not always the ones that get ________. We are looking for strength, speed and skills, but we also want people who have good ________ , who are humble (谦逊的)and who can act as team players. No individual can win a basketball match; it’s the team who gets to the winning podium, and our coaches are always emphasizing ________ and cooperation both on and off the court. These are the ________ that make for an outstanding basketball player.

I hope these ________ can help you become a qualified basketball player and hope to see you when we start to recruit new members. Welcome to our school basketball team!

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Jack

阅读理解-七选五(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . If you cut down on the time you spend sitting,you might live longer. New research shows that sitting less than three hours a day might extend your life by two years.

    1     But modern lifestyles and office jobs rarely give us the chance to move around. Sitting is something we do all the time and everywhere. We sit while we're eating,we sit in the car and we sit while we are watching TV. And many of us sit for many hours at work. So on average,Americans report that they sit between four and a half to five hours a day.

Exercise is important. But so is not sitting.

You may exercise often. But it does not mean you can sit for the rest of your waking hours.     2     Even if you exercise for 30 minutes a day,what goes on in the other 23-and-a-half hours a day is also very important,according to a study on how sitting all day affects the length of life. It shows that cutting television time to less than two hours a day could add one point four years to life.


Change is already coming to some offices,especially in the design of desks. A "standing desk" lets people stand while they work. Another new design is called the "treadmill(跑步机)desk". A treadmill is an exercise machine that lets you walk in one place. Even some U.S. schools are beginning to experiment with desks that are part bicycles to keep children moving.

Exercising while working.

    4    They may have got five "standing desks" for their employees or a "treadmill desk". Some other companies may not buy one for everybody but they'll have a bank of these desks where people can go for an hour a day and answer their emails or talk on the phone. People are really trying to limit the amount of time spent sitting at the desk.

Suggestions for sitting less.

If you work in an office or have a sedentary(久坐不动的)job,scientists suggest a few simple changes. Get up from your desk as often as you can.     5     Instead of emailing colleagues,walk to their offices and talk directly. If you are sitting down reading this,stand up. Move your legs. Touch your toes,if you can. Do anything but sit.

All these activities may help you live longer.

A.Take walks at lunch time.
B.New desk designs are helping.
C.Such studies are a new area of study.
D.The human body is designed to move.
E.Mind your steps when going downstairs.
F.Avoiding being sedentary is also important.
G.That's one of the methods that many companies are using now.
2019-07-27更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:北师大版 必修5 Unit 15 单元综合检测
书信写作-申请信 | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 假如你是李华,得知某英文网站组织免费派送《灰姑娘》音乐剧门票的竞赛活动,但需要申请者写信竞票。请你给主办单位写一封信,内容包括:
1. 你得知免费赠票信息的途径;
2. 你对《灰姑娘》故事的喜爱和对该音乐剧的期待;
3. 申请门票并表示感谢;
4. 门票寄送地址:人民路91号。
注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。

参考词汇:《灰姑娘》音乐剧the Cinderella musical
Dear Sir/Madam,


Li Hua

2019-03-12更新 | 192次组卷 | 2卷引用:人教版选修6 Unit 1 单元综合检测

6 . Sand, sun, fitness, and fun were popular at the LeapFrog’s Fit Made Fun Day event on September 6. With LeapFrog’s new LeapBand activity tracker, the event look place at Santa Monica Beach in California educate kids about staying active.

The LeapBand is Leapfrog’s newest product. It straps (用带子系好) onto the wrist, like a watch, features a virtual (虚拟的) pet that kids can care for. Kids do activities such as walking like a penguin and popping like popcorn to earn points and power-ups, which unlock new pets and rewards.

“We want to make sure kills understand that gelling up, getting active, having fun, and getting healthy tips can all be part of their daily lives,” says Greg Ahearn, who works for LeapFrog. “Our goal with the LeapBand is to get kills up and active and having fun.”

The event included creative Illness activities for kids and parents. Artie Green and Easy A. D., who are a part of an organization called Hip Hop Public Health, performed songs and taught dances. There were photo opportunities, healthy snacks, and goodie bags too.

Mia Hamm, a former member of the United States national women’s soccer team, is the official spokesperson for the LeapBand. Hamm took part in Women’s World Cups and the Olympics. When she was about 15, she knew that her sport was soccer. “I loved the way it challenged me every single day,” she said. Hamm says exercising should be fun “whether it’s playing soccer with your friends or hopping on one foot or dancing”. She advises aspiring athletes to “go for it. It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s meaningful”.

Later in the afternoon, the crowd came together to try to break three Guinness World Records: the most people making sand angels, the most people hopping on one foot, and the most people doing the swim dance. Participants (参加者) enjoyed exercising together, dancing, hopping, and flapping along to music. Better yet, they broke all three records! Ahearn hopes these families and many more continue to take part in fitness activities. “Fun is the most important thing,” he says.

1. The event LeapFrog’s Fit Made Fun Day is to ________.
A.encourage participants to break Guinness World Records
B.introduce LeapFrrog’s newest product — the LeapBand
C.instruct people, especially kids to keep an active lifestyle
D.find suitable volunteers to rare for virtual pets
2. According to the passage, what can we know?
A.Kids don’t understand the value of active life.
B.The activities of the event are concerned with fitness.
C.Soccer doesn’t mean a lot to Hamm.
D.Ahearn thinks breaking all three records is the most important thing.
3. The fifth paragraph mainly intends to tell us Mia Hamm________.
A.is active in sports activities
B.was a famous woman soccer player
C.acts as the spokesperson for the LeapBand
D.calls on people to do sports activities
4. What’s the main purpose of the passage?
A.To sell a product
B.To provide information about an activity
C.To promote an activity
D.To describe an experience
2019-03-02更新 | 170次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版必修5 Unit 2 Period 1 Warming Up & Reading
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . For some people, walking or running outdoors is a great way to exercise. What may not be so great is seeing rubbish all over the ground. Well, some people are doing something about it.     1     “Plogging” began in Sweden. The name connects the Swedish word “plocka,” which means to pick up, and the word “jogging,” which means to run slowly.

A Swedish man named Erik Ahlström, started the movement in 2016. He moved to Stockholm from a small community (社区) in northern Sweden. Each day he would ride his bike to work. He became worried about the amount of rubbish and litter he saw each day on his way to work. So, he took matters into his own hands. He began picking up the rubbish.     2    

Today, plogging is an official activity, which is becoming more and more popular. People of all ages are welcome to plog. Exercise while helping your community.     3     It can also build closer social connections in a community. When the street looks bad and it’s dirty, you're going to feel bad about the community. You may even feel less safe because of that. So if we’re all doing our part and picking it up, it’s very easy to help beautify it, and help build those social connection.     4     You get to feel some social duty when you do this.

Along with cleaning up the environment, there may be another reason to choose plogging instead of just jogging. You may get a better workout. One fitness app, Lifesum, records one hour of plogging as burning 288 calories.     5    

As can be seen, cities around the world now hold plogging events. The goal is to spread the idea that littering is not acceptable. People would think twice before dropping a garbage on the ground.

A.Plogging is equal parts of exercise and community service.
B.And that is how plogging was born!
C.And plogging does good to your health.
D.Usual jogging burns about 235 calories.
E.They are plogging!
F.There are people all around the world doing this.
G.You get to know your neighbors.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 语法填空

Many teens in high school want to try out for sports because they think playing sports will make them more popular. But there are lots of other     1    (benefit)of sports that teens may overlook(忽视).

With TV, movies, computers, and video games     2    (become)more and more popular, it has become much     3    (easy)for teens to be home by themselves rather than going out with friends. Teens used to hang out at the mall or drive around the town; now they just sit at home. Getting teens into a sport     4    (give)them an opportunity to go out and socialize.     5     they may not find a new best friend, they will learn how to interact and work as     6    team, something that they'll find     7    (use)later in life.

More and more teens are becoming overweight. If teens see that their physical condition is causing them to perform     8    (bad), they may be motivated to do other activities     9    (get)healthy. When your children reach their youth, part of good parenting will provide them     10     the direction and encouragement and continue to help them develop a healthy style of living.

2019-01-21更新 | 404次组卷 | 4卷引用:人教版选修7Unit 3 Period 2 Learning about Language & Using Language
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . British anthropologists Russell Hill and Robert Barton of the University of Durham, after studying the results of one-on-one boxing, taekwondo, Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling matches at the Olympic Games, conclude that when two competitors are equally matched in fitness and skill, the athlete wearing red is more likely to win.

Hill and Barton report that when one competitor is much better than the other, colour has no effect on the result. However, when there is only a small difference between them, the effect of colour is enough to tip the balance. The anthropologists say that the number of times red wins is not simply by chance, but that these results are statistically significant.

Joanna Setchell, a primate (灵长目动物) researcher at the University of Cambridge, has found similar results in nature. She studies the large African monkeys known as mandrills. Mandrills have bright red noses that stand out against their white faces. Setchell’s work shows that the powerful males—the ones who are more successful with females—have a brighter red nose than other males.

As well as the studies on primates by Setchell, another study shows the effect of red among birds. In an experiment, scientists put red plastic tings on the legs of male zebra finches and this increased the birds’ success with female zebra finches. Zebra finches already have bright red beaks (鸟喙), so this study suggests that, as with Olympic athletes, an extra flash of red is significant. In fact, researchers from the University of Glasgow say that the birds’ brightly coloured beaks are an indicator of health. Jonathan Blount, a biologist, and his colleagues think they have found proof that bright red or orange beaks attract females because they mean that the males are healthier. Nothing in nature is simple, however, because in species such as the blue footed booby, a completely different colour seems to give the male birds the same advantage with females.

Meanwhile, what about those athletes who win in their events while wearing red? Do their clothes give them an unintentional advantage? Robert Barton accepts that “that is the implication” of their findings. Is it time for sports authorities to consider new regulations on sports clothing?

1. According to their research, Hill and Barton conclude that ___________.
A.the colour of clothing has an effect on most sport events
B.red should be the choice of colour for clothing in sports
C.red plays a role when competitors are equally capable
D.athletes perform better when surrounded by bright red
2. The underlined word "tip" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
3. The example of the blue footed booby proves that ___________.
A.male birds use different body parts to draw attention
B.red is not the only colour to attract female birds
C.blue gives female birds the same advantage
D.blue can indicate how healthy a bird is
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years     1    (long) than non-runners. You don't have to run fast or for long    2    (see)the benefit. You may drink, smoke, be overweight and still reduce your risk of     3     (die) early by running. While running regularly can't make you live forever, the review says it     4     (be) more effective at lengthening life    5     walking, cycling or swimming. Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014    6    showed a mere five to 10 minutes A day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all     7    (cause).

The best exercise is one that you enjoy and will do. But otherwise…   it's probably running. To avoid knee pain, you can run on soft surfaces, do exercises to    8    (strength)your leg muscles(肌肉),avoid hills and get good running shoes. Running is cheap, easy and it's always    9    (energy).If you are time poor, you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports, so perhaps we should all give    10    a try.

2018-06-09更新 | 12142次组卷 | 69卷引用:内蒙古集宁一中(西校区)2018-2019学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般