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1 . People generally like to pick out the best-looking fruits and vegetables when shopping for produce (农产品), but Canadian supermarket chain Loblaws is attracting customers with badly-shaped and faulty produce at the price of 30% lower than normal-looking one.

A trial run of the ugly food line, named “Naturally Imperfect”, began with only apples and potatoes to choose from. Consumer demand has been so huge that Loblaws is going to introduce more ugly vegetables and fruits like onions and mushrooms.

All the produce that will be sold through Naturally Imperfect would otherwise have been used in juices, sauces, or soups, or have not been harvested at all. The director Dan Branson explained that this program benefited both food producers who would otherwise have to let abnormal produce go to waste, and consumers who could buy fresh produce at low prices. And he was right, given how popular the line has become.

“It really went well beyond our expectation,” Branson said. “I think it really spoke to the fact that Canadians are out there really looking for some options.”

Of course, Canadians know that beauty is more than skin deep, and they also recognize that they can get the same flavor and nutritional benefits in spite of appearances. The positive response to the initial offering of apples and potatoes showed the opportunity to expand the line and offer more options at a greater price to Canadian families.

“If you grow produce in your backyard, there will be a lot of produce that won’t look as pretty as what you will see in a grocery store”, said Branson. “And nature doesn’t grow everything perfectly. I’d like to think if somebody were to take a No Name Naturally Imperfect apple, put it right beside a No.1 apple, close his eyes and eat them, there would be no difference.”

1. Loblaws is different from other supermarkets in that ______.
A.more fruits are offered at lower pricesB.normal-looking produce is forbidden there
C.only apples and potatoes are sold every dayD.imperfect produce is sold at lower prices there
2. According to Paragraph 3, Loblaws’s program ______.
A.prevents people from wasting their foodB.happens to be a win-win mode
C.teaches food producers how to growD.enables consumers to eat more fresh produce
3. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Canadians are used to eating perfect produce.
B.Smart consumers know the importance of ugly produce.
C.Loblaws intends to improve customers’ quality of life.
D.Customers’ support promotes the development of the ugly food line.
4. What do Branson’s words in the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Imperfect fruits are as tasty and nutritious as perfect ones.
B.The world is usually full of imperfect things.
C.We should eat imperfect apples with our eyes closed.
D.The fruits grown by ourselves are more nutritious than those in the store.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 容易(0.94) |

2 . We know it can be hard to put your phone to bed before you sleep. However, if you’re trying to improve your sleep, you really should ditch your phone at least an hour before bedtime. Luckily, our experts can help.

Scientific evidence suggests that the blue light emitted from your phone, tablet, computer, and TV suppresses (抑制) your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone (荷尔蒙) that plays an important role in your sleep cycle. Melatonin release in the evening helps you relax before bedtime. A 2013 study that analyzed technology use and sleep patterns with data from a National Sleep Foundation poll found that using devices like phones was tied to more sleep disruption than electronics that aren’t interactive.

Many of us use the excuse that our mobile devices serve as our wake-up calls, or keep them nearby to use meditation apps. If you want to use your phone as an alarm, consider setting it a couple of hours before you turn in for the night, and then setting the phone itself to bedtime mode for the rest of the evening.

Here’s another groundbreaking idea: You could get a real alarm clock. After reviewing them at Reviewed, we recommend the Sharp Dream Caster. Not only is it easy to set a wake-up time, the clock includes white noises and rain noises to help you sleep, plus a number of volume settings to pick what works best for you.

But an alarm clock won’t help you avoid doom-scrolling through social media. Take things a step further by avoiding using electronic devices. You can try reading a book (one made of paper), taking a bath or drinking a cup of chamomile tea.

Finally, if you want to keep up your meditation practice screen-free, consider the Morphée. It looks like a little music box and comes with a variety of breathing exercises and soundscapes to help you get to sleep.

1. What does the underlined word “ditch” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Set aside.B.Pick up.C.Show off.D.Turn to.
2. What may be caused by the suppression of melatonin?
A.Relaxing yourself before bedtime.
B.Sleeping less than you normally would.
C.Adapting to your sleep cycle more easily.
D.Reducing the pressure from screen use.
3. Why is the Sharp Dream Caster recommended?
A.It is sold at a lower price.B.It can predict a heavy rain.
C.It is controlled by cellphone.D.It helps put your eyes together.
4. What is suggested for better sleep according to paragraph 5?
A.Making the best of the eco-friendly products.
B.Making a change according to circumstances.
C.Establishing a bedtime routine without electronics.
D.Keeping a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In America, we have a thing called stand-up comedy. This popular form of entertainment consists of a comedian standing up at the front of a club, holding a microphone, and telling jokes. Of course, comedy is popular in Chinese culture as well, but the performances are quite different from the style in the US. In China, it’s called cross-talk, which usually involves two guys engaging in an entertaining dialogue.

It’s believed that cross-talk came into being in the Qing Dynasty as a bit of a by-product of the imitation shows that were a popular form of entertainment in the Song Dynasty. After the PRC was established in 1949, this comedic art became more and more popular. Today, it’s still heavily featured in the CCTV New Year’s Gala programmes in China. The 1990s was the golden age of cross-talk; even foreigners studied the art of cross-talk. Mark Roswell, a Canadian named Da Shan in Chinese was relatively unknown in his native land but was a superstar in China. At the turn of the century, cross-talk began to decline, and many well-known actors left the stage.

There are four skills that are essential in cross-talk: speaking, imitating, teasing, and singing. Most of the time, it is performed with two actors—one serves as the lead actor while the other plays a support role. However, sometimes it is performed simply as a one-man show, and at other times there are several actors. In order to criticize something, the humor involved in cross-talk is satirical.

1. What’s the difference between American stand-up comedy and Chinese cross-talk?
A.Chinese cross-talk actors don’t use a microphone.
B.American stand-up comedy actors are all men.
C.Chinese cross-talk is more liked by Canadians.
D.American stand-up comedy is only a one-man show.
2. Which word can best summarize Paragraph 2?
3. What can we know about Mark Roswell?
A.He was an American stand-up comedian.
B.He was very popular with Canadians.
C.He was a famous cross-talker in China.
D.He left the stage in the early 1990s.
4. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “satirical” in Paragraph 3?
2024-01-30更新 | 95次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届青海省西宁市高三下学期一模英语试题

4 . Chinese cuisine has a long history, and is one of the most diverse cooking heritage in the world. More than just delicious dishes, it reflects the distinctive and profound Chinese culture. With its long history, some of the Chinese food is listed into the intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) of the nation. We’ve chosen four dishes from the list, some of which you may find quite familiar with.

1. Nanxiang Steamed Bun

With a history of about 150 years, Nanxiang steamed bun (also known as Nanxiang xiaolongmantou or Nanxiang xiaolongbao), is still one signature dish of Chinese cuisine. It is famous for its thin wrapping and rich filling. When having the steamed bun, keep in mind to take a small bite first and enjoy the tasty juice that flows into your mouth.

2. Zhoucun Sesame Seed Cake

Zhoucun sesame seed cake is a healthy and nutritious snack suitable for the young and the old. It has a long history of around 1,800 years, and is named after its place of origin, Zhoucun village of Zibo, Shandong Province. It is widely known for being "shaped like the full moon, thin as an autumn leaf; breaking into pieces of jade (玉) when dropped on the floor, leaving a strong flavour in your mouth".

3. Dragon Beard Noodles

With great popularity in northern China, dragon beard noodles have a history of more than 300 years. It is not clear exactly how they were created in the first place, but the legend says that a royal chef first made them to please the emperor in the Ming Dynasty. It is said that they got the name for being almost as thin as a human hair.

4. Beijing Roast Duck

The history of Beijing roast duck can be traced back to the 13th century, when it was on the menu of the imperial family. It later became popular among the common people, as some royal chefs began to open their own restaurants. Today, it’s without any doubt one of the most famous

Chinese dishes, and there is hardly any tourist who would take the risk of missing it during their trip to Beijing.
1. What is Nanxiang steamed bun known for?
A.Its long history and strong flavour.
B.Its round shape and tasty juice.
C.Its thin wrapping and rich filling.
D.Its light flavour and delicious filling.
2. What do we know about Zhoucun sesame seed cake?
A.It was created by a royal chef who wanted to please the emperor.
B.It has a history of 300 years.
C.It is named after the place where it was created.
D.It is not suitable for the old.
3. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Top Four Chinese Dishes
B.A Bite of China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage
C.Stories Behind Chinese Snacks
D.Taking a Chinese Food Tour
2024-01-06更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁北外附属新华联外国语高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试题

5 . A few years ago, I visited my daughter Sandra and my granddaughters, Jocelyn and Hailey.

One evening I noticed Hailey was a bit unhappy. I asked her what the _______was and she told me that she had to go to bed so _______and she wanted to stay up with me. I asked her if she felt a little _______and she said, “yes” with a pout (噘嘴).

I asked her, “Do you know what Grandpa does when he is feeling sad? I go to my _______ place.”

“Where is your happy place, Grandpa?” Jocelyn _______aloud.

“My happy place is on the inside of your hugs (拥抱),” I replied. “It’s the best place in the world. Don’t ever _______the power of a hug.”

Extra big hugs were _______that night from two of my girls.

The next morning, Sandra was under a bit of pressure to complete an assignment (任务). She lost her _______.

Jocelyn said, “Mom, are you having a _______day?” Sandra replied, “I guess I am, dear. I’m sorry.”

Jocelyn said, “Would you like to go to Grandpa’s happy place?” With that ________her mother in her arms. “Grandpa says this is his ________place.”

After some ________eyes and a heartfelt “I’m sorry,” Sandra returned to ________with a big smile on her face.

I cherish (珍爱) my time with ________and it is good knowing that what is said with ________has an influence on them.

A.put up withB.go back toC.look down onD.get out of
2023-12-29更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁北外附属新华联外国语高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Art and science may seem like opposite things. One means the creative flow of ideas, and the other means cold, hard data-some people believe. In fact, the two have much in common. Now, a study finds art can help students remember better what they have learned in the science class.

Mariale Hardiman, an education specialist at Johns Hopkins University, noticed that students who used art in the classroom listened more carefully. They might ask more questions. They might volunteer more ideas. What’s more, students seemed to remember more of what they had been taught when their science lessons had involved(涉及) art. To prove that, Hardiman teamed up with some researchers and six local schools.

In the experiment, the researchers worked with teachers in 16 fifth-grade classrooms. They provided traditional science lessons and art-focused ones. In a traditional science class, for example, students might read aloud from a book. In the art-focused one, they might sing the information instead.

The team randomly assigned(随机分配) each of the 350 students to either a traditional science classroom or an art-focused one. Students then learned science using that way for the whole unit-about three weeks. When they changed to a new topic, they also changed to the other type of class. This way, each student had both an art-focused class and a traditional one. Every unit was taught in both ways, to different groups of students. This enabled the researchers to see how students did in both types of classes.

The team found that students who started off in a traditional class performed better after they moved into an art-focused class. But those who started off in an art-focused class did well even when they went back to a traditional science class. These students appeared to use some of the art techniques(技巧) after going back to a traditional class. Classroom teachers reported that many students continued to sing the songs that they learned after finishing the unit. “The more we hear something, the more we retain it,” Hardiman says. “It suggests that the arts may help students apply creative ways of learning on their own.”

1. Why did Mariale Hardiman do the study?
A.To prove the importance of art at school.
B.To see if art might improve science learning
C.To find a way to help her students learn better.
D.To know how to encourage students to ask questions.
2. What were the students required to do in the experiment?
A.Take two types of classes.B.Learn three units in total.
C.Learn two topics for three weeks.D.Choose what they’d like to learn.
3. What does the underlined word “retain” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Art helps students develop creativity.
B.Art-focused classes interest students a lot.
C.Art can make science easier to remember.
D.Art has something in common with science.
2023-12-28更新 | 197次组卷 | 19卷引用:青海省西宁市海湖中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次阶段考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校

7 . One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift. Unlike other gifts, it came without wrap (包装).

On September 11th, 1958, Mum gave birth to Richard. After she brought him home from hospital, she put him in my lap, saying, “I promised you a gift, and here it is.” What an honour! I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own. I played with it day and night. I sang to it. I told it stories. I told it over and over how much I loved it!

One morning, however, I found its bed empty. My doll was gone! I cried for it.Mum wept and told me that the poor little thing had been sent to a hospital. It had a fever. For several days, I heard Mum and Dad whispering such words as “hopeless”, “pitiful”, and “dying”, which sounded ominous.

Christmas was coming. “Don’t expect any presents this year,” Dad said, pointing at the socks I hung in the living room.“If your baby brother lives, that’ll be Christmas enough.” As he spoke, his eyes filled with tears. I’d never seen him cry before.

The phone rang early on Christmas morning. Dad jumped out of bed to answer it. From my bedroom I heard him say, “What? He’s all right?” He hung up and shouted upstairs. “The hospital said we can bring Richard home!”

“Thank God!” I heard Mum cry.

From the upstairs window, I watched my parents rush out to the car. I had never seen them so happy. And I was also full of joy. What a wonderful day! My baby doll would be home. I ran downstairs. My socks still hung there flat. But I knew they were not empty; they were filled with love!

1. What happened to the author on September 11th, 1958?
A.He got a baby brother.
B.He got a Christmas gift.
C.He became four years old.
D.He received a doll.
2. What does the underlined word “ominous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. Which word can best describe the feeling of the father when Christmas was coming?
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.A sad Christmas day.
B.Life with a lovely baby.
C.A special Christmas gift.
D.Memories of a happy family.
2023-12-26更新 | 209次组卷 | 22卷引用:青海省西宁市六校联考2022-2023学年高三下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The sky began to show red in the early morning as we drove across the Minnesota state line to New York for my new PhD program. The move was good for me professionally, but I worried about my husband and daughters. I also feared that I wouldn’t be able to give my kids the childhood they deserved.

Anne, our first daughter, came into the world when I was a junior majoring in biology in college. It was challenging to balance classes, work schedules, and being a mom. But I got through it, finding moments of joy along the way. On the nights when I was home, I’d read my class notes out loud with my daughter. She’d respond by asking questions, such as “Mom, what are bacteria (细菌)?” It helped us both learn.

After I graduated, I knew that I would need a PhD to land the kind of job I wanted. I arrived in New York feeling more than the usual new-graduate-student anxiety. I also suffered from a more personal fear that I was being selfish—that my decision to invigorate my career was going to have long- term bad impacts on my kids. So, I made a rule to never be visibly upset about my work in front of my children.

Over the past year, though, I’ve started to let go of some of this worry. I’ve realized that we have not only adapted to our new situation, but things are getting better. My husband landed a job that he is happy with. Anne dreams of becoming a biologist. Recently, while driving past the cancer institute I work at, Anne said, “Thinking about people having cancer is so sad, but I feel better knowing that you are researching it to help.”

Pursuing academic career as a young mother is hard, but it’s also rewarding. My kids are learning to look at the world through science, and watching their mom succeed inspires them. I look forward to seeing them follow my footsteps, whatever path they choose.

1. How did the author feel about the move for her PhD program at first?
A.It was fruitful but boring.B.It was hopeful but challenging.
C.It was the last thing she would do.D.It was promising for the whole family.
2. Which can best replace the word “invigorate” in paragraph 3?
3. What could be inferred from Anne’s words in paragraph 4?
A.She is proud of her mother.B.She is interested in biology.
C.Her mother takes her job seriously.D.She is ready to help patients with cancer.
4. What might be the best title of the text?
A.Ups and Downs in LifeB.Like Mother Like Daughter
C.Double Gains of Mom’s PursuitD.Generation Gap Narrowed by Love
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Both Roberto and Keith have a 45-minute commute (通勤) time from their homes to their workplace. When Roberto drives, he has realistic expectations of how others drive and how long the trip should take. Overall, he is able to adapt to any unexpected challenges he may face on the road. He rarely becomes angry. By contrast, Keith drives with a tendency for becoming angry easily, partly due to unrealistic expectations of other drivers, his quickness to personalize and feel threatened by the actions of others, and his inability to calm his anger.

The difference between how Roberto and Keith experience their drive to work, especially with regard to getting angry, is influenced very much by their emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is crucial for helping individuals choose constructive over destructive anger. A key aspect of healthy anger is being able to pause and reflect on, rather than react to, our thoughts, feelings, and senses associated with getting angry.

Self-regulation and empathy (同理心) are two important components of emotional intelligence, which can be a buffer (缓冲) against destructive anger. Self-regulation helps us to control our moods. Empathy helps us to recognize the humanity in others and ourselves.

Studies suggest that training in emotional intelligence can powerfully impact how anger is managed. This was supported by a three-year study of 476 young adults who showed reduced tendency of becoming angry after training. Children and adults can learn skills to boost their emotional intelligence and, by doing so, develop adaptability for dealing with various negative affect, including anger. Many workbooks offer skills in emotional intelligence to promote empathy and self-awareness regarding emotions and how they impact our beliefs and behavior.

Clearly, through training, Keith would experience greater emotional flexibility that could support a more peaceful commute to work. I firmly believe that learning skills in emotional intelligence should be the focus in helping individuals more constructively manage this highly challenging and complex emotion.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To tell a true story.B.To make a comparison.
C.To introduce the main topic.D.To present an important finding.
2. Which of the following is the main point of healthy anger?
A.Thinking over the annoying situation.
B.Taking action to deal with the awful situation.
C.Turning a blind eye to the unwelcome situation.
D.Expressing feelings about the disturbing situation.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards training in emotional intelligence?
4. What is the suitable title of the text?
A.Friends Should Enjoy Peaceful Commute
B.Drivers Need to Boost Their Emotional Intelligence
C.Emotional Intelligence Is a Buffer Against Destructive Anger
D.Emotional Intelligence Has a Powerful Impact on People’s Life

10 . I have grown up in a football-loving family. My dad played until injury _________ him out. My elder sister Stevie _________ with Crewe Alexandra Girls for a year or two as a left back (后卫), just like our hero Jamie Carragher.

I remember the exact moment when I told my dad I was _________ in doing what my big sister did. I was watching the game with him in the living room and it just came out: “It makes me _________ that I can’t be a footballer.” He asked why not, and I answered, “Because I’m not a boy.”

He _________ responded by telling me that women’s football was “great” and that I could play if I wanted to. “Yeah, I suppose so,” I responded, “but no one _________ women’s football.” Looking back, I can see exactly why I felt like that.

At school, there was an unwritten _________ that sports like rugby and football were for the boys. I’d never seen a women’s football match on TV and the only _________ athletes I’d heard of were in the Olympics.

Today, the England Lionesses (母狮队) will _________ Scotland in the World Cup, and people across the world will watch it. __________ women’s football has turned out to be one of FIFA’s investments, the majority of female players in top tiers are earning under what anyone would consider a fair __________, and only £24 million prize money was awarded to the women’s World Cup victors in __________ with £315 million to the men’s. That’s a vast __________.

Maybe, the truth is: Investment is needed for female football to become more visible and become a(n) __________ respected game. It’ll mean talented, skillful female footballers being __________ by millions of homes and maybe, just maybe, a little girl believing that she can also be a Lioness one day.

A.take onB.turn onC.pick upD.hold up
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