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1 . Fortunately, the days of being spread on thick baby oil and lying in the sun to get you skin yellowish-brown—or more likely burnt—are long over. Many sunscreens work by filtering (过滤) the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays to keep them from reaching skin cells and causing the DNA damage that can lead to wrinkles and skin cancer. But in recent years, the safety of some of those filtering chemical ingredients, particularly oxybenzone (氧苯铜), has been in question.

A 2019 study published in JAMA found evidence that oxybenzone is absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to concerns about whether it might affect functions of our body. Oxybenzone has also been detected in breast milk for newborn babies. Because of concerns about higher intake in children, doctors from the American Academy of Pediatrics advise against sunscreen with oxybenzone for kids.

The Environmental Working Group, an activist organization that monitors chemical safety, has called for a ban, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers sunscreens with oxybenzone safe. “It’s uncertain,” says Deborah S. Sarnoff, president of the U.S. Skin Cancer Foundation. “Just because you’re absorbing the chemical doesn’t mean it’s dangerous.” Further study is required.

But oxybenzone is a risk to coral reefs. Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands have banned the sale of sunscreens with oxybenzone. In a 2022 study published in Science, researchers found that some certain sea plants, when exposed to sunlight, turn oxybenzone into energy or something needed in a way that damages and kills corals.

Some companies have been trying to stop using oxybenzone gradually in stages, and many big brands offer oxybenzone-free options. For anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding, or simply looking to avoid these chemical filters, Dr. Sarnoff recommends mineral sunscreens, which contain mainly physical barriers.

1. What is the advantage of sunscreen?
A.It gets your skin yellowish-brown.B.It stops wrinkles and skin cancer.
C.It keeps UV rays from harming you.D.It prevents skin cells from DNA damage.
2. Why do doctors advise against sunscreen with oxybenzone for kids?
A.They don’t want children to absorb more oxybenzone.
B.They don’t want oxybenzone to hurt babies’ functions.
C.They know oxybenzone can affect children’s bloodstream.
D.They know oxybenzone has been found in newborn babies.
3. What can we learn from the last three paragraphs?
A.Coral reefs in Hawaii were damaged or killed by sunscreens.
B.More research is needed to prove the danger of oxybenzone.
C.Some organizations have already banned the use of sunscreens.
D.Mineral sunscreens are much safer than those with oxybenzone.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The findings about sunscreens with oxybenzone.
B.Questions on safe use of oxybenzone raised by doctors.
C.Discussion on safety of oxybenzone between organizations.
D.Effects of sunscreens on humans and plants in recent studies.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 困难(0.15) |

2 . Philosophers have a bad reputation for expressing themselves in a dry and boring way. The ideals for most philosophical writing are precision, clarity, and the sort of conceptual analysis that leaves no hair un-split.

There is nothing wrong with clarity, precision, and the like — but this isn’t the only way to do philosophy. Outside academic journals, abstract philosophical ideas are often expressed through literature, cinema, and song. There’s nothing that grabs attention like a good story, and there are some great philosophical stories that delight and engage, rather than putting the reader to sleep.

One of the great things about this is that, unlike formal philosophy, which tries to be very clear, stories don’t wear their meanings on their sleeve — they require interpretation, and often express conflicting ideas for the reader to wrestle with.

Consider what philosophers call the metaphysics (形而上学) of race — an area of philosophy that explorers the question of whether or not race is real. There are three main positions that you can take on these questions. You might think that a person’s race is written in their genes (a position known as “biological realism”). Or you might think of race as socially real, like days of the week or currencies (“social constructionism”). Finally, you might think that races are unreal — that they’re more like leprechauns (一种魔法精灵) than they are like Thursdays or dollars (“anti-realism”).

A great example of a story with social constructionist taking on race is George Schuyler’s novel Black No More. In the book, a Black scientist named Crookman invents a procedure that makes Black people visually indistinguishable from Whites. Thousands of African Americans flock to Crookman’s Black No More clinics and pay him their hard-earned cash to undergo the procedure. White racists can no longer distinguish those people who are “really” White from those who merely appear to be White. In a final episode, Crookman discovers that new Whites are actually a whiter shade of pale than those who were born that way, which kicks off a trend of sunbathing to darken one’s skin-darkening it so as to look more While.

Philosophically rich stories like this bring more technical works to life. They are stories to think with.

1. What does the author think of philosophical stories?
A.The meaning behind is very obvious.
B.They am extremely precise and formal.
C.They often cause conflicts among readers.
D.They are engaging and inspire critical thinking.
2. Which category might “Christmas” fall into according to paragraph 4?
A.Social constructionism.B.Anti-realism.
C.Biological realism.D.Literary realism.
3. What is Black No More in paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Racial issues caused by skin colors.
B.A society view on race and self-image.
C.Black people accepted by the white society.
D.The origin of sun bathing among white people.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Stories Made EasyB.Stories to Think with
C.Positions in PhilosophyD.Nature of Philosophical Writing
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 困难(0.15) |

3 . In our information-driven society, shaping our worldview through the media is similar to forming an opinion about someone solely based on a picture of their foot. While the media might not deliberately deceive us, it often fails to provide a comprehensive view of reality.

Consequently, the question arises: Where, then, shall we get our information from if not from the media? Who can we trust? How about experts- people who devote their working lives to understanding their chosen slice of the world? However, even experts can fall prey to the allure of oversimplification, leading to the “single perspective instinct” that hampers (阻碍) our ability to grasp the intricacies (错综复杂) of the world.

Simple ideas can be appealing because they offer a sense of understanding and certainty. And it is easy to take off down a slippery slope, from one attention-grabbing simple idea to a feeling that this idea beautifully explains, or is the beautiful solution for, lots of other things. The world becomes simple that way.

Yet, when we embrace a singular cause or solution for all problems, we risk oversimplifying complex issues. For instance, championing the concept of equality may lead us to view all problems through the lens of inequality and see resource distribution as the sole panacea. However, such rigidity prevents us from seeing the multidimensional nature of challenges and hinders true comprehension of reality. This “single perspective instinct” ultimately clouds our judgment and restricts our capacity to tackle complex issues effectively. Being always in favor of or always against any particular idea makes you blind to information that doesn’t fit your perspective. This is usually a bad approach if you would like to understand reality.

Instead, constantly test your favorite ideas for weaknesses. Be humble about the extent of your expertise. Be curious about new information that doesn’t fit, and information from other fields. And rather than talking only to people who agree with you, or collecting examples that fit your ideas, consult people who contradict you, disagree with you, and put forward different ideas as a great resource for understanding the world. If this means you don’t have time to form so may opinions, so what?

Wouldn’t you rather have few opinions that are right than many that are wrong?

1. What does the underlined word “allure” in Para.2 probably mean?
2. Why are simple ideas appealing according to the passage?
A.They meet people’s demand for high efficiency.
B.They generate a sense of complete understanding.
C.They are raised and supported by multiple experts.
D.They reflect the opinions of like-minded individuals.
3. What will the author probably agree with?
A.Simplifying matters releases energy for human brains.
B.Constant tests on our ideas help make up for our weakness.
C.A well-founded opinion counts more than many shallow ones.
D.People who disagree with us often have comprehensive views.
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.Embracing Disagreement: Refusing Overcomplexity
B.Simplifying Information: Enhancing Comprehension
C.Understanding Differences: Establishing Relationships
D.Navigating Complexity: Challenging Oversimplification
阅读理解-阅读单选(约580词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . “NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS” (NFTs) leapt from the more obscure corners of the internet into the mainstream in March 2021 when Christies, a British auction house, sold a digital work of art for $69m. What it actually flogged was an NFT, a cryptocurrency chit that proves a buyer owns an intangible marker connected to a unique piece of digital art, music or other item. Much like René Magritte’s painting of a pipe that proclaims “this is not a pipe” an NFT is not the thing it represents. Tweets, videos of basketball dunks and even the source code to the world wide web have been sold as NFTs in recent months. From June to September they generated almost $11bn in sales, an eight-fold increase on the previous four months, according to DappRadar, a market tracker. What exactly is an NFT? And why are people spending tens of millions of dollars on them?

An NFT is a record on a cryptocurrency’s blockchain (an immutable ledger(不可篡改的账本) that can record more than just virtual coins) that represents pieces of digital media. Invented a few years ago, it can link not only to art but also to text, videos or bits of code. Promoters of NFTs claim that they solve a thorny(棘手的) problem with digital art: how to own an original. For creators who freely upload their work or sell it as identical copies, the concept of an original is difficult to pin down(确定). Exclusivity is impossible to enforce when digital files can be shared freely on the internet. But collectors want the cachet that comes with having an exclusive claim on an artwork. This is where NFTs fit in.

To mint(铸币,造币) an NFT, the creator establishes a unique record of the artwork, generally on a website. Then the creator places the record on a blockchain, usually Ethereum’s, which requires a transaction fee known as gas. Possession of a private encryption key associated with the transaction proves ownership. This gives an artist or collector something to sell. An NFT may link to a version of the work, but rarely includes the rights to reproduce or distribute it. That differentiates it from a commercial licensing arrangement, too.

NFTs have myriad(众多的) problems. They often change hands using cryptocurrencies, many of which currently have sky-high valuations, leading to fears of a bubble. Anyone can mint an NFT, since the systems involved are decentralised(去中心化的), although doing so with someone else’s work could be infringe their copyright. Some artists have already claimed misappropriation of their work.Most NFTs are simply links to images. Unless they have been issued in a certain way to ensure they are tamper-proof(防更改的) these can in theory be meddled with after the sale. The high electricity usage of blockchains—Bitcoin’s is greater than that of Chile—has prompted arguments over whether artists are contributing to climate change by embracing NFTs. And ownership may be difficult to prove in the long term, as web-based records may not last for ever.

Yet NFTs have some value beyond the cryptocurrency hype (加密货币炒作): artists struggle to make a living when their works can be easily replicated and pirated. NFTs will create new problems in an attempt to solve old ones, but for now many creators and collectors are too busy cashing in to care.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.What is the core concept of NFTs.B.Where NFTs can fit in.
C.How to make NFTs.D.What’s the disadvantages of NFTs.
2. According to the passage, one of NFTs’ shortages is that ________.
A.It seldom change hands using cryptocurrencies.
B.The systems involved are centralized.
C.The high electricity usage of blockchains possibly contribute to climate change by embracing NFTs.
D.It is a record on a cryptocurrency’s blockchain.
3. Which of the following rhetorical devices isn’t used in writing paragraph 1 ?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.What is an NFT?
B.How to make NFTs?
C.NFTs have some value beyond the cryptocurrency hype.
D.NFTs have myriad problems.
2022-02-14更新 | 503次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州高级中学2021-2022学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 困难(0.15) |

5 . University educators largely think highly of the wonders of teaching through technology, but skeptics question whether something is lost when professors and lectures rely too heavily on electronic media or when interaction with students takes place remotely — in cyberspace rather than the real space of the classroom. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, the Professor of Literature at Stanford University, is one such skeptic. “I think this enthusiastic and sometimes childish and blind pushing toward the more technology the better, the more websites the better teacher, and so forth, is very dangerous — is, indeed, suicidal,” he indicates.

However, Gumbrecht warns that there are few, if any, studies either supporting or rejecting the hypothesis that traditional ways of teaching are superior to teaching via the Internet. He says that he could point only to his “intuition that real classroom presence should be maintained,” and emphasizes the need for educators to examine critically where technology serves a useful pedagogical (教学法的) function and where it does not.

Yet, Gumbrecht allows that, for courses in which knowledge transmission is the sole purpose, electronic media probably can do the job well enough. Indeed, given the 20th century’s knowledge explosion and the increasing costs of higher education, using technology as opposed to real-life teachers for the transmission of information is probably inevitable, he admits. In any case, knowledge transmission should not be the core function of the university, he maintains, noting that universities should be places where people confront open questions, places for “intellectual complexity” and “riskful thinking”.

“We are not about finding or transmitting solutions; we are not about recipes; we are not about making intellectual life easy. Confrontation with complexity is what expands your mind. It is something like intellectual gymnastics. And this is what makes you a suitable member of the society.”

Moreover, discussions in the physical presence of others can lead to the intellectual innovation. “There’s a qualitative change, and you don’t know how it happens. Discussions in the physical presence have the capacity of being the catalyst (催化剂) for such intellectual breakthroughs. The possibility of in-classroom teaching — of letting something happen which cannot happen if you teach by the transmission of information — is a strength.”

1. Which of the following is the best title to this passage?
A.Cyberspace Interaction
B.The Core Function of the University
C.Information Transmission Cannot Help You Survive
D.Electronic Teaching Arouses Uncertainty
2. Which of the following might Professor Gumbercht support?
A.Professors should be keen on teaching technique innovation.
B.Technologies applied to classrooms strengthen creative thinking.
C.Traditional pedagogical function has its place in classroom.
D.The core function of the university is to focus on knowledge transmitting.
3. Cyberspace teaching could replace real-life teachers EXCEPT when ________.
A.transmitting knowledge is the only purpose of the course
B.there’s too much knowledge to put across to the students
C.the cost of college education increases greatly
D.open questions without possible answers are encouraged
4. According to the passage, discussion in the physical presence of others can ________.
A.lead to greatly improved intellectual abilities
B.lead to easier and stronger transmission of information
C.produce certain energy for intellectual breakthroughs
D.produce qualitative change in teacher-students relationships
2021-08-15更新 | 1348次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省杭州第四中学2023-2024学年上学期高三年级第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 困难(0.15) |

6 . It is an honor for me to deliver this speech and on behalf of the graduating students, welcome you to this special ceremony 2020.

This is a unique moment. We are stepping up to another phase of our lives at a time of great hardship and global difficulties. Hope this ceremony will help erase sad memories, refresh beautiful ones and add more splendid memories into our lives.

I was born in the middle of war, which caused my family to move to Serbia for three years. When the war ended, we returned to Bosnia. My mother, who is and will ever be my heroine, was the only figure who guided me, provided for me and kept me on the right track, in the hope for a better life. I owed her so much as she is responsible for huge part of my success. I will always remember her teachings “to complain less and always find solutions at the price of whatever it takes” , which brought me to China, an ancient land of new hopes.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, I got the best opportunity to understand China. I saw millions of people united with one goal-to win the battle against this epidemic. I have never seen such a collective dedication from a nation, turning things for the better by sacrificing personal convenience on a grand scale. China's governance and health care system proves to be one of the most efficient in the world. With a population of 1.4 billion, China not only has successfully controlled the transmission of the corona-virus but also assisted many other countries across the globe.

Everyone has a role to play in the battle against the virus. In Tsinghua, I played a tiny but necessary role: Staying on campus, studying online, cooperating during temperature checks and respecting social distancing measures. The rules set by the university and Chinese government had everyone's health and safety as first priority. This made me feel safe and confident that China was on the right track towards victory. Throughout this time, despite the immense challenges, Tsinghua has facilitated many online conferences, which helped me nurture more skills in my field of study.

Friends, we are now graduating from one of the world’s most prestigious universities. Tsinghua has been like a mother to us over the past months and years, guiding and nurturing us along the way, providing us with great vision and placing on us high expectations. So what comes next? Actions speak louder than words. Let us accept new challenges, think beyond our limits and keep in mind the ethics of life.

Let's undertake everything we can for the sake of unity, humanity and the international community. Let's work together for a more promising future and prosperous world.

1. In the author's eyes, the special ceremony 2020 should
A.be a unique moment to mourn the sacrificed
B.be a time to wave a heartfelt goodbye to adversities
C.be a moment to open a new chapter of life
D.be a glorious time to embrace a beautiful past
2. Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.The author came to China so as to escape from wars
B.The author witnessed how the original virus spread swiftly
C.The author was requested to supply medical aid to the fight against COVID-19
D.Owing to dozens of timely measures,China had a ideal control of the virus
3. What impressed the author during her stay in Tsinghua?
A.The strict rules of the government.
B.The joint commitment of the nation.
C.The harsh circumstance in China.
D.The great transformation of the school.

7 . I was given a voice. That’s what people said about me I trained my voice, because it would be a shame to waste such a gift. I pictured this voice as a greenhouse plant and made sure it was provided with the right temperature, the right amount of water. I relieved its fears. I told it not to tremble. I nursed it, I trained it, and I watched it climb up inside my neck

My voice bloomed. People said I had grown into my voice. Invitations to perform flooded over us. All the best places wanted us. I was sought after, or rather my voice was. We went everywhere together and gave performances. Bouquets (花束)were thrown to it. Money was presented to it. Men fell on their knees before it. Applause flew around it.

Then my voice began to shrivel. People said my voice would bloom only for a certain term: finally it would drop off and gone with it would be all the fame and wealth. I have noticed it so far. Fear has entered me since my voice has used up most of my life. I’ve given it all my love. But my voice is still as greedy as ever. It wants more: more and more, more of everything it has had so far.

Now it’s evening: the bright lights come on, and excitement quickens in the streets. We sit in this hotel room. Soon it will be time for us to go out. We have to attend a grand occasion. The two of us chained together as always. I have to put on its favourite dress, its favourite necklace and wind a fur around it. Then I have to go out: shining like ice: my voice attached to my throat like an invisible vampire (吸血鬼).

1. Why did the author compare her voice to a greenhouse plant?
A.To introduce her way to grow a plant.
B.To stress her hard efforts to train her voice.
C.To express her determination to show her gift.
D.To indicate her strong desire to improve her skill.
2. What does the underlined word “shrivel’ in paragraph 3 mean?
A.go upB.die away
C.grow more pleasantD.become less attractive
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph of the text?
A.The author totally ruined her fame.
B.The author gradually lost her freedom.
C.The author eventually accepted her voice.
D.The author greatly enjoyed her performances.

8 . Hardware in general, and smartphones in particular, have become a huge environmental and health problem in the Global South’s landfill sites(垃圾填埋场).

Electronic waste (e-waste) currently takes up 5 percent of all global waste, and it is set to increase rapidly as more of us own more than one smartphone, laptop and power bank. They end up in places like Agbogbloshie on the outskirts of Ghana’s capital, Accra. It is the biggest e-waste dump in the world, where 10,000 informal workers walk through tons of abandoned goods as part of an informal recycling process. They risk their health searching for the precious metals that are found in abandoned smartphones.

But Agbogbloshie legally should not exist. The Basel Convention, a 1989 treaty, aims to prevent developed nations from unauthorized dumping of e-waste in less developed countries. The e-waste industry, however, circumvents regulation by exporting e-waste labelled as “secondhand goods” to poor countries like Ghana, knowing full well that it is heading for a landfill site.

A recent report found Agbogbloshie contained some of the most dangerous chemicals. This is not surprising: smart phones contain chemicals like mercury(水银), lead and even arsenic(砷). Reportedly, one egg from a free-range chicken in Agbogbloshie contained a certain chemical which can cause cancer and damage the immune system at a level that’s about 220 times greater than a limit set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Most worryingly, these poisonous chemicals are free to pollute the broader soil and water system. This should concern us all, since some of Ghana’s top exports are cocoa and nuts.

Some governments have started to take responsibility for their consumers’ waste. For example, Germany has started a project that includes a sustainable recycling system at Agbogbloshie, along with a health clinic for workers. However, governments cannot solve the problem alone, as there is an almost limitless consumer demand for hardware, especially when governments’ green policies are focused on issues like climate change.

Only the manufacturers can fix this. A more economically sustainable and politically possible solution is through encouraging hardware manufacturers to make the repair, reuse and recycling of hardware profitable, or at least cost-neutral.

1. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.Electronic waste requires more landfill sites.
B.Electronic waste is too complex to get fully recycled.
C.Electronic products need to be improved immediately.
D.Electronic pollution is a burning question in Agbogbloshie.
2. What does the underlined word “circumvents” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What should be the biggest concern according to the text?
A.The violation of EFSA’s standards.B.The threat of polluted food worldwide.
C.The lack of diversity in Ghana’s exports.D.The damage to chicken’s immune system.
4. What does the author think is the best solution to the e-waste problem?
A.Letting governments take on the main responsibility.
B.Reducing customers’ demands for electronic products.
C.Governments adjusting their green policies about e-waste.
D.Manufacturers’ developing a sustainable hardware economy.
完形填空(约390词) | 困难(0.15) |

9 . The expression, "everybody's doing it," is very much at the center of the concept of peer pressure. It is a social influence applied on an individual in order to get that person to act or believe in a(n) ___ way as a larger group. This influence can be negative or positive, and can exist in both large and small groups.

People are social creatures by nature, and so it is hardly ___that some part of their self-respect comes from the approval of others. This instinct explains why the approval of peers, and the fear of ____, is such a powerful force in many people's lives. This instinct drives people to dress one way at home and another way at work, or to answer a simple “fine" when a stranger asks "how are you?" even if it is not necessarily true. There is a(n) _____aspect to this: it helps society to function efficiently, and encourages a general level of self-discipline that ___day-to-day interaction between people.

For certain individuals, seeking social acceptance is so important that it becomes a(n) ___: in order to satisfy the desire, they may go so far as to ___their sense of right and wrong. Teens and young adults may feel forced to use drugs, or join gangs that ____criminal behavior. Mature adults may sometimes feel ___ to cover up illegal activity at the company where they work, or end up in debt because they are unable to hold back the desire to buy a house or car that they can't afford in an effort to ___ the peers.

However, peer pressure is not always negative. A student whose friends are good at ___may be urged to work harder and get good grades. Players on a sports team may feel driven to play harder in order to help the team win. This type of ___can also get a friend off drugs, or to help an adult take up a good habit or drop a bad one.

Although peer pressure is sometimes quite obvious, it can also be so ___that a person may not even notice that it is affecting his or her behavior. For this reason, when making important decisions, simply going with a(n) ___is risky. Instead, people should seriously consider why they feel drawn to taking a particular action, and whether the real ____ is simply that everyone else is doing the same thing.

A.catch sight ofB.stay away fromC.make fun ofD.keep up with
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 困难(0.15) |

10 . What makes a human being? Is it our thoughts? Our emotions? Our behavior?

All of these things make us who we are, but at the center of the matter is the genome(基因组) the genes inside our bodies that may determine everything from our hair color to our intelligence. But if we could change our genome, what would it mean to us?

In an online video posted on Nov. 26, He Jiankui, a biological researcher from Southern University of Science and Technology in China, said that he had helped to make the world’s first genetically edited babies.

These are twin girls, born in November, with genes edited in an attempt to help them resist possible future infection with the AIDS virus.

He said that he chose to do this because HIV infections are a big problem in China. “I feel such a strong responsibility that it’s not just to make a first, but also to set an example,” He told the Associated Press(AP).

The announcement has caused an international storm.

Some believe that success will benefit the families of HIV patients. Given that HIV is “a major and growing public health threat,” attempted gene editing for HIV is “justifiable(无可非议的),” Harvard Medical School genetics professor George Church told AP.

However, others think that since gene editing technology is still premature, it is unsafe to attempt it.

“Gene editing itself is experimental and is still associated with unexpected mutations(突变), capable of causing genetic problems early and later in life, including the development of cancer.” Julian Savulescu, a specialist in ethics(伦理学) at the University of Oxford, told BBC News.

Others fear that this could open the door to using gene editing technology to make designer babies. It might give the parents the options to choose everything from their baby’s eye color to intelligence.

“You could find wealthy parents buying the latest ‘upgrades’(升级) for their children, leading to even greater inequality than we already live with,” Marcy Darnovsky, director of the San Francisco Center for Genetics, told BBC News.

However, Merlin Crossley, a biologist at the University of New South Wales, Australia, believes that’s a long way off . According to him, many genes produce qualities like height and intelligence—not to mention environmental influences.

And he believes the technology will be better controlled in the future.

“It’s hard to get genies(妖怪) back into bottles... but I’m optimistic that this technology, which I think of as ‘genetic surgery’, could be regulated quite effectively in the future,” Crossley told BBC News.

1. According to the passage, which of the four statements is correct?
A.The twin girls with genes edited will not be infected with AIDS.
B.He Jiankui found a way to cure people of AIDS.
C.The genetically edited babies have aroused a heated debate.
D.It makes no sense to edit genes.
2. Who shares the same idea with Julian Savulescu?
A.He Jiankui.B.George Church.
C.Merlin Crossley.D.Marcy Darnovsky.
3. What can we infer from the underlined sentence “that’s a long way off”?
A.People will finally accept gene editing, but it takes time.
B.In the future gene editing will surely benefit people.
C.It will take a long time before gene editing succeeds.
D.There is much research to do on gene editing.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the passage?
A.Gene Editing: A Trend for the Future
B.Is Gene Editing the Way we should Go?
C.Can Gene Editing Free People of Future Diseases?
D.Gene Editing: Genies out of Bottles
2019-11-07更新 | 326次组卷 | 2卷引用:浙江省杭州市七县(市、区)2018-2019学年高二上学期期末检测英语试题
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