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1 . Body Board

If it’s already wet, you may as well pop on a wetsuit! Our amazing surfing simulator (模拟器) is waiting for you at Golden Coast. The Wavesurfer creates an artificial wave that anyone can board on, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced surfer. Check out the Woolacombe Wave Web page for more information, and you’ll see why we love this part of the world so much.

What should you do if you want to learn more about Body Board?
A.Look through its brochure.B.Visit its website.
C.Make a call in person.D.Go there and experience it yourself.
2022-04-15更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:秘籍01 阅读板块之细节理解题 -备战2022年高考英语抢分秘籍
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2 . Buying toothpaste can raise all sorts of questions. Which brand? Do I want whitening? Are my teeth sensitive?

A question you may not ask yourself is why the toothpaste tube comes in a cardboard box. After all, the tube is what actually holds the toothpaste. It would be like putting shampoo or shaving cream into an additional package.

A Change. org petition is asking that same question while encouraging toothpaste manufacturers to abandon the cardboard box, thinking it is kind of waste.

Toothpaste boxes do look good on the shelf, and it’s almost certainly easier to package, ship and stock toothpaste that way. In the 1995 book “Waste Age and Recycling Times: Recycling Handbook,” the editor explains that toothpaste boxes provide information about the product, serve a marketing function, protect the tube and prevent theft. The book also says the boxes are “often made from recycled paperboard,” providing a market for wastepaper in addition to packaging for a tube.

We can recycle the tubes (and your toothbrushes, for that matter), but it’s not easy. Since products have to be cleaned before they can be recycled—this is why you can’t recycle a cheese-riddled pizza box—it’s unlikely you can just toss the tube in your city’s recycling bin with wastepaper and glass bottles. There’s still toothpaste stuck inside the tube, after all. Plus, toothpaste tubes are often more than one type of material fused together, and that requires special machinery to separate them.

So what can you do if you really want to clean your teeth and keep the environment clean, too? Well, you can make your own toothpaste—some websites offer recipes that are easy to learn at home—and cut out the tubes and the unnecessary packaging entirely. You could also try something like Bite, a toothpaste-pill delivery service focused on making toothpaste healthier and more sustainable. You bite down on a cube, then brush with a wet toothbrush. Foamy(泡沫) toothpaste goodness occurs. The pills come in a recyclable glass jar and all the mail packaging is recyclable as well.

1. Why do people feel normal when they see the toothpaste tube in a cardboard box?
A.The toothpaste brings benefits.
B.The toothpaste is similar to shampoo.
C.The tube is what actually holds the toothbrush.
D.The cardboard box usually holds the toothpaste tube.
2. What can we learn about toothpaste boxes?
A.They look out of place.
B.They aren’t recyclable.
C.They are difficult to pack up.
D.They are useful in providing information.
3. What does the author suggest readers do in the last paragraph?
A.Make toothpaste yourself.
B.Throw your toothpaste.
C.Ask Bite for better advice.
D.Buy some pills in place of toothpaste.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A personal diary.B.A public guidebook.
C.An online report.D.A fashion magazine.
2021-05-18更新 | 239次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国百强名校“领军考试”2021届高三下学期5月英语试题
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3 . The potential of a simple gesture to capture the public’s imagination in a time of crisis was illustrated when 99-year-old British army veteran Captain Tom Moore decided to raise some money for workers and patients’ health.

Inspired by the excellent treatment he had received in hospital for skin cancer, he promised to complete 100 laps of his garden, using his walking frame for support, before his 100th birthday later that month. His aim was to raise a modest £1, 000. But news of Captain Tom’s efforts soon reached the ears of a nation through newspapers and TV features. He even teamed up with the singer Michael Ball to record a charity version of “You’ll Never Walk Alone”. Several weeks later, Captain Tom completed his 100 laps ahead of schedule, having raised more than £17 million. “I never dreamt I would be involved in an occasion like this,” he announced. But the Captain Tom’s passion showed no sign of dying down. By the time he reached his 100th birthday on 30th April, he had raised nearly £33 million. He was honoured with a fly-past by Britain’s air force, and the public sent more than 1, 50, 000 birthday cards. His response? “To all those people who are finding it difficult at the moment… the sun will shine on you again, and the clouds will go away.” he said.

In honour of his achievement, Captain Tom was promoted to the rank of Honorary Colonel, and awarded a knighthood(骑士) on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The money he raised was used to provide comfort and care for National Health Service workers. “I’ve never been someone who does nothing,” he laughs, adding that he enjoyed the challenge. He believes the secret for his success—and his long life—is simple: “It’s all about having the right mindset. You’ve got to be optimistic and to think that things will get better.”

1. What can we learn about Tom Moore’s intention?
A.He originally only had a small goal.
B.He never planned to cooperate with others.
C.He was inspired by a miserable experience .
D.He intended to take advantage of his birthday party.
2. How did Tom Moore deal with the collected money?
A.It was used to help senior citizens.
B.It was decided by National Health Service.
C.It was rewarded to those making contributions.
D.It was used to help National Health Service workers.
3. Which of the following best describes Tom Moore?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Giving is rewarding.
B.Though old, yet devoted.
C.Brighten others at any time.
D.More kindness Jess coldness.
2021-05-18更新 | 197次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国百强名校“领军考试”2021届高三下学期5月英语试题

4 . When 66-year-old Londoner Sylvia Haller was laid off in February, it wasn't her income that took a hit. It was her self-respect. “I had this feeling like ‘I'm too old’,” she says. “Nobody wants to employ me anymore.” When a friend told her about TaskRabbit, an app that allows workers to sell all kinds of services—like fixing furniture or waiting in line for special breakfast. She set up an account on her phone, and lined up customers for many different jobs.

The gig economy(零工经济)has exploded in recent years. In a report, researchers estimate 77 million people within Europe, India, and the US formally identify themselves as freelancers(自由职业者).

For most of those workers, freelancing is a choice: only a small minority said they were unable to find full-time jobs. They got into the gig economy in the hope of getting more control over their careers and diversifying the sources of their income.

Almost one-third of Americans who work in the gig economy are baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964. Among those 55 and older, 32% said they were driven, at least in part, by a desire to be around interesting people. “Not knowing what kind of customer you're going to meet is quite exciting,” says Haller, recalling fixing a bed for a student. “I spend less time working and have more time to be home.”

For boomers who work in physically demanding fields, digital gig work can be a relief. Jerry Nelson, a photojournalist, says he's “too old to charge into forests...” Instead, he writes blog posts for others he finds through an online platform.

For some others, gig work is a way to finally pursue their passions. American Dan Hays, 68, who spent most of his career in the oil and gas industries, in 2015 booked his first voi-ceover(旁白)acting job. “I want to try something different and that suits my fancy,” said Hays.

1. What hit Sylvia Haller hardest with being unemployed?
A.Her income.B.Her pride.
C.Her family.D.Her knowledge.
2. What can be learned about gig work?
A.It's an app.B.It aims at elder people.
C.It's a new way of working.D.It's a new form of consumption.
3. Why did Dan Hays get into the gig economy?
A.To meet fun people.B.To reach out for something new.
C.To gain more recognition.D.To balance work and family.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The baby boomers in the US
B.The daily work of the elderly
C.People change retirement with a new form
D.Work helps people connect with their communities
2021-05-18更新 | 150次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(五)

5 . Both African elephants and Asian elephants face serious threats to their long-term survival, although the risks vary widely from place to place. Several million African elephants roamed across the continent as recently as the early 20th century, but today only about 350, 000 remain. Asian elephants were less abundant to begin with, reportedly numbering about 200,000 a century ago. There are now fewer Asian elephants left in the wild, maybe close to extinction unless something can be done to save them.

The main threat to elephants is a familiar one for wildlife around the world: loss and destruction of their habitats. Many elephants also face additional dangers, though, including both direct and indirect conflict with people.

On top of occupying and altering elephant habitats, people also commonly plant food crops there. As more farms appear in forests and plains where elephants are accustomed to roaming, their crops often become easy targets for hungry elephants. A herd can destroy a year’s harvest in one night, leading to understandable hostility among farmers, many of whom are living a poor life and have little income to make up the loss. This sometimes leads to certain killings of elephants, interactions that are dangerous for everyone involved. These clashes lead to hundreds of deaths across Asia and Africa every year, both elephant and human.

Many people around the world are committed to preserving these ancient creatures. Elephants are important keystone species shaping and maintaining the ecosystems around them. Since the main threat to elephants is habitat loss, it makes sense to focus our conservation efforts on preserving what’s left of their natural environment. The fate of elephants is also more broadly linked to the human communities around them, since people with enough legal opportunities to support their families might be less likely to depend on hunting for income. And where farmers clash with elephants on the edges of their remaining habitat, conservationists are trying a variety of creative techniques to help both creatures coexist. For example, many small farmers can’t afford fences strong enough to keep out elephants, but some now surround their crops with beehive fences, which take advantage of elephants’ natural fear of bees. As a bonus, the bees also provide fresh local honey.

1. What can we learn about the situation of elephants?
A.Asian elephants have died out.B.They are going through a tough period.
C.African elephants are threatened by climate.D.They were abundant in the early 20th century.
2. What does the underlined word “ hostility” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.The threats to humans.B.The living habits of elephants.
C.The challenges elephants face in nature.D.The conflict between humans and elephants.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Humans stop attacking elephants.
B.Elephants are forbidden to disturb humans.
C.Humans and elephants can make use of each other.
D.Humans and elephants can live in harmony with each other.
2021-05-17更新 | 180次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国百强名校“领军考试”2021届高三下学期5月英语试题
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6 . If history doesn't quite repeat itself, it certainly rhymes. With demand for bicycles rocketing, and nations preparing to spend billions of dollars to redesign their cities with a new focus on cycling and walking, it's worth remembering how the invention of the bicycle in the late 19th century transformed societies the world over. It was a hugely revolutionary technology, easily equal to the smartphone today. For a few heady years in the 1890s, the bicycle was the best must-have—swift, affordable, stylish transportation that could take you anywhere you cared to go, anytime you liked, for free.

Almost anyone could learn to ride, and almost everyone did. The sultan of Zanzibar(a former Muslim country)took up cycling. So did the king of Russia. But it was the middle and working classes around the globe that truly made the bicycle their own. For the first time in history, the masses were mobile, able to come and go as they pleased. No more need for expensive horses and carriages.

Society was transformed. Women were especially enthusiastic, abandoning their burden some Victorian skirts, adopting reasonable clothes, and taking to the road in groups. “I think bicycling has done more to liberate women than anything else in the world,” Susan B. Anthony, the American champion of women's suffrage(选举权)said in an interview with The New York Sunday World in 1896. “I stand and feel thrilled every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel...the picture of unrestricted womanhood.”

By 1898 cycling had become such a popular activity in the United States that The New York Journal of Commerce claimed it was costing restaurants and theaters more than $ 100 million a year in lost business. Bicycle manufacturing became one of America's biggest and most advanced industries. A third of all patent applications were bicycle-related—so many that the US patent office had to build a separate building to deal with them all.

The arrival of the bicycle touched virtually every aspect of life—art, music, literature, fashion, and even the human gene pool. English songwriter Henry Dacre scored a huge hit on both sides of the Atlantic in 1892 with Daisy Bell and its famous refrain(副歌)A Bicycle Built for Two.

1. Why did the author consider the bicycle as a revolutionary technology?
A.It cost its owner too much money.B.It harmed the cyclists' health at first.
C.It had a huge influence on the society.D.It made people redesign their city buildings.
2. What did Susan think of women cycling?
A.It changed public morals.B.It made women more united.
C.It offered women more freedom.D.It made Victorian skirts more popular.
3. What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Bicycle-related patent applications.B.Interviews with cyclists.
C.Bicycle management charges.D.Broken restaurants and theaters.
4. What section of a newspaper can the text be taken from?
A.Business and economy.B.Environment and energy.
C.Entertainment and sports.D.History and culture.
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7 . Healthy Planet, Healthy People:

We talk a lot about the healthy planet here at Planetpals, but we don’t want to lose sight of the importance of a healthy body as well.

Make sure the food you eat and the food you buy are clean and nutritious, too! That makes you healthier and happier.

Foods that are safe from harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites (寄生虫), and chemical fertilizer are vital for health. Safe means that the food brings little risk of food-borne illness. Farmers, restaurants, and shops have standards to keep things safe. However, we also need to keep and prepare foods safely in the home, and be alert when we are out.

A few health precautions (预防措施)about your food:

At the Store:

•Look at the dates on all packaging

•Check nutrition facts on the package, buy healthy foods!

•Separate. Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods while shopping .

♦At Home

•Wash hands and surfaces often.

•Wash meats, fruits and vegetables thoroughly

•Cook foods to a safe temperature.

•Check and follow the label cooking/storing instructions.

•Serve safely. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.

•Read labels carefully before storing!

•When in doubt, throw it out.

Be a Planetpal-Eat Healthy. Be Healthy!

1. What is essential to keep a healthy body?
A.Food free of pests.
B.Nutritious and safe food.
C.Health precautions in our life.
D.Low risk of food-borne illness.
2. What should you do before keeping food?
A.Pay attention to labels.
B.Wash the surface thoroughly.
C.Heat food to a certain temperature.
D.Check nutrition facts before separate.
3. What’s the purpose of this text?
A.To introduce Planetpals.
B.To expand knowledge about food .
C.To offer tips on how to treat food properly.
D.To call on people to keep food safe at home.
2021-05-17更新 | 151次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国百强名校“领军考试”2021届高三下学期5月英语试题
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8 . Newly married couples can receive up to 600,000 yen to cover their rent and other costs to start a new life from next April if they live in a municipality adopting Japan's newlywed support program, government sources said Sunday.

As the nation's extremely low birth rate is mainly due to the tendency that people marry late or stay unmarried, the government will try to encourage marriages by enhancing(增强)the program to provide a larger sum and cover more couples, said the sources at the Cabinet Office.

To get the allowance, both husband and wife will have to be under age 40 at the registered date of marriage and have a combined income of less than 5.4 million yen, up from age 35 and 4.8 million yen under the current conditions for aid of up to 300,000 yen. Only 281 municipalities, or 15 percent of all cities, towns and villages in Japan, had adopted the program since July as they must shoulder half the expenses, but in a bid to increase the number, the central government will bear two-thirds from 2021, the sources said.

The program is part of government efforts to deal with the low birth rate as married couples tend to have two children,even though the average number of children a woman will bear in her lifetime was 1.6 last year with a record-low 865,000 babies born.

An economic incentive(刺激)is considered effective to encourage people to marry since 29.1 percent of single men aged 25 to 34 and 17.8 percent of single women said that lack of marriage funds was a reason they stayed unmarried in a 2015 survey by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.

1. Why does the government carry out newlywed support program?
A.To pay the rent.B.To reward singles.
C.To pay the wedding fee.D.To encourage marriages and births.
2. What conditions must be met to apply for the 600,000-yen allowance?
A.Marriage age: < 25; combined income:< 4.8 million yen.
B.Marriage age: < 35; combined income:< 4.8 million yen.
C.Marriage age: < 40; combined income:< 5.4 million yen.
D.Marriage age: < 50; combined income:< 3.0 million yen.
3. From 2021, what percentage of the allowance will the government cover?
4. What is the cause of Japan's low birth rate?
A.High rent.B.Health level.
C.More divorce.D.Low marriage rate.
2021-05-17更新 | 119次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(五)
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9 . Welcome to our online event — Future of Food and Agriculture

What we eat and how we grow are changing. The need to feed a growing population, solve hunger and obesity, and avoid trashing the planet is driving the next food and agricultural revolution, New Scientist Live's Future of Food and Agriculture is an online event for everyone who cares what's on their plates.

Hear about the future of food from the world's leading scientists on the Main Stage. Dis-cover why robots and genetics are changing the face of agriculture on the Field Stage. From lab-grown meat to sustainable diets, discover what's coming to a plate near you on the Fork Stage.

World well-known speakers:

Neil Stephens: a researcher making lab-grown meat

Mark Lynas: a senior lecturer focusing on transforming crops with gene-editing

Tilly Collins: an entomologist making the case for adding eatable insects to our diets

Tim Spector: a microbiome expert overturning everything we know about diets, and a psychologist making food taste better by improving our senses.

Booking information:

Your ticket will give you access to the recording of the talks at this event which originally takes place on 28 October 2021. Access to the recordings will be available until 28 April 2022, when the talks finish. Tickets are only available in advance through Eventbrite. A ticket will cost an individual $ 30. But you'll enjoy a 15% discount if you buy more than three tickets at a time.

1. Who will lecture on artificial meat?
A.Neil Stephens.B.Mark Lynas.C.Tilly Collins.D.Tim Spector.
2. What can be known about the event?
A.It is intended for farmers.B.It will last for half a year.
C.It will be hosted on four stages.D.It is accessible online and offline.
3. How much should one pay for five tickets at a time?
2021-05-17更新 | 218次组卷 | 2卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(五)
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10 . Standing outside the enclosure (围场) at Polar Park, somewhere behind the wire are five Norwegian grey wolves. These are just big dogs, I keep thinking to myself. And they've probably had breakfast already.

Stig Sletten, Polar Park's animal manager, says, "Once you're in with the wolves, lie down and don't stare them in the eve. Let them approach you. Don't stick your hands out. And absolutely don't stick your tongue out." That we're about to enter a cage full of "socialized" wolves is all down to Stig and his devoted team. It was Stig who founded Polar Park—way back in 1994. And it was Stig and his team who raised the park's wolves from birth.

"These wolves have all been brought up to be comfortable among humans," he explains. “Allowing them to meet visitors is actually a good way to reduce boredom and stress." Confident that we understand the strict rules of engagement, Stig opens the enclosure and we all follow him. Within seconds the pack is running toward us, eyes forward, long noses down. For an exposed human, the first approach of five grey wolves, socialised or not, is a slight unrest, heart-quickening experience.

But any sense of trepidation (惶恐) is quickly replaced by delight. The five wolves turn out to be fun and curious, as eager to check us out as we are them, Soon humans and wolves are bonding well, and I can't believe I'm touching the stomach of a fully grown female wolf.

"There are a lot of negative impressions about wolves. both in Norway and across the world," says Stig, as we sit around the table. "One of our main aims here is to educate both locals and visitors about Arctic animals and the value of preserving Norway's natural heritage. Once they've got touch with the wolves of Polar Park, many of our visitors will leave with a different view.”

That night one wolf of the pack from our morning encounter approaches our base camp and stares into the tent, but none of us are afraid.

1. How does the author feel before approaching wolves?
2. What should visitors do when encountering wolves according to Stig?
A.Lie down without panicB.Reach out hands quickly.
C.Look wolves in their eyes.D.Stick out tongues occasionally.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Grey wolves are endangered
B.Wolves bring people more hurt
C.Stig's aim has changed completely.
D.Stig has changed people's opinion on wolves.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Stig: A wolf enthusiast
B.Norway: A wolf at the door
C.Norway: A wolf's final destination
D.Wolves: A kind of endangered species
2021-05-17更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(七)
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